Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jan 1915, p. 3

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pl GVERCOATS Kingston Cem ALBERT QUINN MET ent Products | We make CEMENT BLOCKS, SILLS. LIN] TELS, PIER BLOCKS, BRICK, VASES, And every thing in cement. dah work a specialty, OFFICE 177 WBLLINGTON BT. | Works, Cor. Charles and Patpick Sts. Wood's The Great Fwnglish Remedy. Tonés and invigorates the whole | Derviusey ystem, makes new Blood | cine, Cwres Nervous Debilit Mental a, Brain Worry, oss of Energy, Palpilation of the | nly Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six | for$s One wil please, six will Sure, Sold by ali |" druggists or'mailed in plain pkg. ont weipt of rice. F.0 mphlet a tod (rie. THE WOOD | MEDICINE CO. TORONTO, ONT, (Formerly Wine +) | ° { Don' t Forget} That Best's | Short Stop ||. Still Cures All Coughs That Comes Its Way and | _Sells for the Same Old Price 15c. At Best's The Popular Drug Store. Open Sunday. A urfef examination will reveal to our expert know- ledge whether you are suf- fering from Eye Strain We've glasses to relieve the strain and restore strength to tightened nerves. No charge for tion; no strain purse for glasses. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 226 Princess Street. 3 Doors Above the Opera House examina * on your January Sale At Jenkins' at $15, Worth $2, $2 and $24.00 Your oie of Can-] ada's Best Coats The newest est materials : The advanced styles All Coats must be much dearer next year; it cannot be avoided, so that the man who buys now saves All other lines money uary Prices. EP. JENKINS tenm ol { along, pirom the whiffletree, | Mi, {| listless game, lon the covered rink on Wednesday {night by {| Tpronto {| far, although they often attempted {| one only to lose the puck toa Fron {| tenac. player. Hed lat Pea THROWN FROM HIS SLEIGH » DEATH: versa-| Accident at the Comer of Princess and Bagot Streets--- Cutter Caught in Frog of the Street Railway at the streets | night, | A shocking aceident ogocurred corner of Princesa and Bagot tabout 11.30 o'clock Wednesday when Albert Quinn, thirty years of , was thrown from the sleigh in sich he, was driving, receiving in- juries causing concussion of the brdin, and resulting in his death at seven o'clock Thursday morning. Mr. Quinn, who was only married about -a year ago, and who Tived on the Pittsburg Road, was d#ving a fiery horses up Princess The animals were gofg at a swift rate when a runner oi the cutter caught into the frog of the street railway track, where the Bagot treet ear turns off Princess. The pace at* which the animals were bounding and the sudden jerk, caused the runner to become wedged firmly. The horses snapped the traces loose and ran away. Instead of allowing them to, go free, Quinn held on and dragged over the dashbomd and thrust: head- long on to the hard snow. His skull was badly injured, and he was render- ed unconscious. was St "VARSITY WENT DOWN THE TT FRONTENACS BY | 8 GOALS TO 3. BF YORE a Listless Senior O.H.A. Game | On W ednesday Night --The W ine ners Did Not Try To Exert | Themselves. | With Frontenacs playing only ai they defeated Varsity a score of 8 to 3 and the boys worked their heads off to get those three goals. The jce was in good condition and the crowd of good size The game was marked by very pretty combination plays on the part of the local team at times, but the 'Toronto players never seemed to be able to use a combination very The Frontenacs exert- themselves only at times, and although they were not able to score will, their work when they did any was always effective. The To- ronto players were the better back" checkers, but the locals skated them off their feet. After a combination Smith scor- ed Varsity's first goal of the game on a close shot. Millan made a very sensational rush down the ice but | fell just before he was _able to | score. On a. three man combina- | tion of Derry, Milland and Reid, "Shawnee" Reid made the first Frontenac tally. A minute later, through an opening in the forward line, Stanton came down the ice and scored their second. The second period had gone on- ly three minutes before Smith again, commenced' scoring. The pace bes came a little faster, and three minutes later Millan scored on a pass from Derry, and three minutes after again:scored on a scrimmage near:the goal. The third period opened with the Toronto players working harder than ever to make a score, but they were. never effective' against the Frontenacs' defense. Dafoe put the rubber past Couke in a scrimmage, and the puck seemed to leave the locals. The puck was played in the Toronto district for a number of minutes before the locals started to count. Millan scored twice with- in the two remaining minutes of game. Derry got two with Ii trouble. The two best forward men on the Varsity forward line were Dafoe and Wilson, and: they developed speed and effective stick-handling only at inte Catto "PRY twin on vie" fense. For the locals, Millan and Reid were the two steadiest players of the for- wards, although the four displayed flashes of good hockey at times. Brouse played 'good combination with the othebs.' Derry, although he play- ed well at the last, did not exert himsell to play his usual game. Oraw- ford, when he was on the forward 'line, played splendidly, but he not check back well as might ox | tle i Stanton played a ective game. Of the J , soa kyap- ers the local man is tithes he was very in he ov i head, which can not be suid of the Toronto man when he was in. En The line-up : Frontenacs--Cooke, ford and Stanton, goal; Craw- I pected when b Pe. was. on the Jofonth. | with 41 Tracks. Ww. dolph Northmore, 'bell boy at the Ran- Hotel, and a couple of men nearhy, carried the injured man into that hotel, and hurriedly got Dr. R. Hanley. The doctor immediately had 8S. Corbett's ambulance remove the dying man to the Hotel Dieu. All aight doctors worked?over Mr, Quinn to try and restore him.4o conscious- ness. Oneé he uttered a few wopds, but from that time until seven o'clock Thursday morning he gradually sank. The circumstances surrounding the death are very sad. As mentioped before the late Mr. Quin was mar- ried only a vear dgo, and, his wife now lies in the Hotel Dieu in a dying condition, having for two months been seriously ill. Deceased's mother has 'been an invalid cheamatismn for the past few years. The late Mr. Quinn was a farmer, having owned a valuable farm situ- ated an the Pittsburg Road. In re- ligion the deceased was a Roman Ua- tholie and 'a member of St, Mary's Cathedral 8. No inquest' was- deemed necessary by Dr. Mundell, A A A AAAS AA AANA tl prise they Liable to spring will be to make it a close score. With the | way the Collegintes have started intd | {iho game, the Belleville bunch stands a very small elfance of doing any- thing desperate, - The game will cer- | tainly be interesting enough as it is | the only chance Belleville has for outside homors this year, and the Frontehacs will" iso be out of it--if i the visitors lose. coroner. are i + * VERY HEAVY LOSSES. + FY + Paris, Jan. 28, (3 p. m. of- # ficial)=~The German losses in 4 the last three days of the fight- # ing in Flanders and France to- + tal at least 20,000, so the + French war office claimed to- + day. * PEP Plb br rh bib bbe didi bbd THE LATEST TIDINGS PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM. Cee Pe error The Whig's Daily Condensation of the News Of the World From Tele- graph Service and Newspaper Ex- Changes. Charles I. Panet, secretary of the militia department, Ottawa, has heen ' made an honorary lisutenant-coionel. Rev. William A. Sunday has been invited to New York for an evange- listic campaign such .as he is now con- ducting in Philadéiphia. Provisional President Roque Gonzales Garza, Mexico, arranged to authorize a loan of fiiteen million pesos to p the expenses of war and of the pocit \cation of the country. N. F. Hagel, K.C., Winnipeg, died, Wednesday, after a long illness, aged sixty-eighte lorn in Oxford county, he was called to the Ontario bar in IR73. He practiced in British Colum- bia and the Yukon. The latest casualty in the Canadian Expeditionary Force is the death on January 26th of Pte. Charles R. Mac- Kenzie, 15th Battalion, at No. 1 Ca- nadiaf , General Field Hospital, Neth- eravon, from broncho-pneumonia The fleet of German limers ted up at their docks in Hoboken; N.J., bles somed out, on Wednesday, man and American flags and with red, white and black bunting in ob 'day. One of Barrie's known residents ipd, oldest and host Tuesday, in the SS senior 'judge of 'the county of Simcoo. He was dighty years of age and ratir ed from the bench three years ago, af- ter thirty years of service. Two companies of the Toronto Uni- versity Officers' Training €o will hold a march to Hamilton d reve in the very near future, according to atrangements which have been made. The tramp is expected to occupy three das. total immigration to Canada in 1014 was 168,633, as compared 8,838.4 --a-decreass of 250,215. The nuttbér of immigrants from Great Britain was 49.831 as compared with 156,984 in M18, from United States 68,609, as compared Fi with 115,751. Clothing Co. from i with Ger- | servance of Emperor William's birth.' at a WAR BULLETINS. The Australian-Indian force # has checked the Turks' advance # on the Suez Canal, and is for- cing its retreat. 3 -- -> German forces attacking the # British Congo have been re- 1% pulsed with heavy loss. Lieut.. # Col Ven, Heydedreck died of # wounds after beidg captured by % the British. * -- ¥ The French regained, with % heayy loss all gronnd lost early # on Tuesday in the Craonne dis- + trict. % -- Ld Officers of the North Sea fleet i$ at Reweastic, Eng., say it was ¥ British submarines which tor. the German cruiser : Gazelle in the Baltic Sea. From Admiral Beatty's re. port it is believed the German # cruiser Kolberg was sunk in the # North Sea battle. » STE & Private James McNish and 4 Private Norman McLeod were 4 killed in action; Private Wil. # liam Thorburn died of wounds. # These are the casualties in the +4 Princess Pats announced at Ot- + tawa, : A fierce battle was fought near Soissons; Germans leaving 2 thousand dead in a small area. Lo + 'P A London proposal is to de- fer the general. elections till peace comes. A Roumanian war loan of twenty-five million dollars has # been financed in London. a FIRST IN GANANOQUE TO COME JUNDER WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT * * * * v + + + + + > ei i Samuel Baitams -- Gananoque High School. Presents Red Cross Society With $42. Jan, 28.--Mrs, Stanley ley H. Meggs held her first post- marital reception at her home on John street, irom four to six<o'clock yesterday afternoon. The drawing- room was tastefully decorated with ferns and red tulips, whie the tables were decorated with yellow tulips. Miss Sadie Gordon attended the door, the Mesdames Nellie O'Neill and A. E. Meggs assisted the hostess, Mrs. C. J. | Wilson cut the ices and Mrs. B. O. Britton poured the tea. 'The Misses Nina Middleton and Sadie Meggs served. The A.Y.P.A. of Christ Church held a very well attended open session in the parish house last eveming, when the rector, Rev. Walter Cox, gave an address on the oburgh sacraments, A Jelogution from the teachers and s of anoque Thigh School pulls on the ladies of the Red Sots Society, on Tuesday afternoon, presented them with $42, the po | of BF their recent afternoon. tea. This amount is to be devoted to the pur- chase of comforts for the Gamanoque members of the second overseas con- tingent. ord was r d here the sad death of Harry " Chidley, | the staff of the Western Hospital, Brockville, a victim of typhoid. *Chidley was a brother of Chidley, one of the members of the 3rd Battery of the lst Brigade, now on duty in England. Miss Sadie Ruttle, Arthur street, has gone to Ottawa to enter on Uivil Service work. Miss Lyla Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson, ship, has gone to Brockville to take a course training for nurse, in the general hospital. Samuel Battams is laid up from work 'on, account of injuries received recently in one of the local factories, and is one of the first here to come under the new law for Workingmen's Compensation. Quite a fair number went out to the Sand Hill Church last evening to en- joy the tea meeting. Miss Bain, of Revelstoke, is the t of Mr. amd Mre. David Bain, Pine street. Mrs. John LaSha and Mrs, Lawrence Sher- by snent yesterday in Brockville. Miss is Gananoque, aterd "Saft 04010 Bog nd sister, Miss Josie Root, spent yes "With friends. The Thousand Island' Gun Club beld a very successful shoot at its traps, yesterday afternoon. first event was a match for a box of ei- gars, between teams captained by E. P. Wright and C. A. Lewis. Thé for mer's won by 90 to 86. In thé best ort match these were the rifin, $5; F. A. Willis, Tulloch, $3; C. A. Lewis, $2. winners. :" R. M. Dunk. of Tovonto, was present and | doings. } mjoved the -- The, high price of J and RO the Uni ited ' States during year. Rose fous foi all' Thi of, thet ia. Richolds ebb eb bp SEPP EEIIEIIIIREIIIEIIIIIIIEINIIILLS - pe s town- } ¥ THURSDAY JANUARY 28, 1915. Sale Starts at9 O'clock r +n -- RL Sn Prices were never so low for quality bedding--All pure cottons, no starch or -filling. All Sales for Cash a 8-4 width, reg. 33c. To-morrow ' 44 inch, regular 35 To-morrow To-morrow 18 doz. hemmed slips in sizes 40, 42 and #4 in, reg. 20c. Sheeting 800 yds. fine quality plain white sheeting, good weight and finish. 9-4 width, reg. 38¢ : 23c To-morrow ..... Pillow Cotton 26¢ 400~vds., 42 inch circular pillow cotton, reg. 30c. Pillow Slips 13c or 2 for 23 Dollar Day Saturday--See Ad. Tomorrow STEACY'S a. om A B. C, SALMON STEAKS, 1b 18¢. The Wm. Davies Co. || Limited, Phone 597. Zeppelin Raids to be. Prevented Parts, Jan. 28. 78 --dncrossed artiv- "of the kaiser's airmen, coupled | with rumors of a' Zepplin raid on Paris, has caused the war office to announce new aerial defence plans. - Aviators will. be stationed oy pairs upon the outskirts of the ci ready to take the air to engage fuvading sky oe eurrent year eh Pd heend y : Plondin, minister 'ot ins heen ue, Ottawa, has t Tees Ribas, ne 20% Discount Sale of Beautiful Fixtures Continued Until Feb. 1st. H.W. Newman Electric Co 79 Princess Street | Big Discount Off Electric Fixtures Get your electric repairs done by us. Natisfaction © guaranteed. Puttees, Sword Knots =m iad & Walsh, oy hd Mitory Bien aR tom wy '

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