FINANCIALLY STRONG British Columbia Government Will] Not Devise Land Policy. Victoria, B.C., Jan. 20.--in the; legislature Sir Richard McBride an-| nounced that the gfoveromant would aot formulate a land settlement policy, and challenged the liberals or any publi¢ body to produce a| policy which would in anywise ase sist the solving of the unomploy- ment question and make open areas) are arable land productive. At- | torney-General Bowser announced that Vancouver is to have one more | member under redistribution. Sir Richard stated that attacks] made upon the government's finay- cial position were absolutely unwar- ranted. He declared that the pr i vince had six million dollars in gold) in its vaults, and a further gum in| a sinking fund of three millions The total debt of tire province was twenty an@ a hall millions, and the per capita debt, he said, was! fully sixty-five per cent. less than when he became prime minister. Al- together, he said, the province 1% { still strong and capable of carrying tremendous burdens. COUNTRYSIDE 11DINGS WHAT WHIG RFSPONDENTS HAVE TO TELL Kews From Villages and Farm Throughout the Adjoining Coun ties ~~ Rural Events, and Move ments, Canonto Notes. Canonto, Jan. 27.----The show torm of Monday haz leit the roads in . Dad condition. David Napier is able £0 bo about again. 8. Shanks has .feturned from a business trip to Perth. Hugh Cameron lost 4 valu. able horse last week. Robert North, of Playfair, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Shanks. Mre. Wel. Lawrence nnd daughter Eva. hive returned from a trip to Kingston Fall River Wafts. Fall Kiver, Jan. 27.--The roads are in good condition now. The people are hauling hay and wood. Mrs. E. Con had the misfortune to fall and injure her hip. Rev. Mr. Crowe and Jolin Manders called on a few of the le in this locality on 'l'uesday. Mr. and Mrs. I. Dustin, Clarendon, spent a few days at E. Conroy's. ohn Conroy and Miss Mary Sargeant t Friday evening at Mr. Guigue's. Messrs. Crowe and Manders and Miss Tena Gray, at W. Palmer's At Maple Grove, Maple Lawn, Jan. 25.--B. Martin js + dll. H, Stoness and S. Alport, Syd- enham, are hauling wood from 'A. Sills' wood lot, at Bass Lake, to Sydenham. 8, Cronk and J. Lee, Sydenhain, are cutting wood at Cronk Lake. .F. Nellis and family rent Sunday ut B. Martins. Po. Va koughnett and family, at 1. Vap- koughnett's, Rosedale. Mr. and Mes. | Claude and Miss Jennie, at 11, Ser- J, Whaley, at A. Whaley's; R. Lee, gent's. Sydenham, at M. Tee's; Mrs. P. Van- ne koughnett, at S. Stephenson's; Miss Myers' Care } Flossio Kemp, at W. R. Wilson's; the oo AL Mya Ca Tus feria. | Sought Misses Fdith and Flossie Whatey, ut { Myers Cave, Jan. 26.---Tho far Be or Willi hel 'be iacd 8. Stephenson's; 'Mr. and Mrs. J. | €'s around here are busy drawing Senator ams, when he hear Whaley, at P Vankot rhnett's hay and wood. School opened on |this statement, slipped out to the se- : : g " Tuesday with Madoline Foster as | nate library and came back in a few teached. The skaters are having a | minutes with two books, one the good time as the ice is in a splen- | Century Cyclopedia and the other the did condition. A number from here | Encyclopaedia Britannica. From them attended the revival services in Har- | he quoted concerning Murat: lowe. Bruce Henderson, of Yarker,| . . , | Destined for the priest- is visiting relatives here. "Thomas | hood. . Obtained a bursary at the | also secured a vast increasing quan- Tapping nd son, - Wesley passed | College of Cahora, proceeding after- | tity of orders from Europe. through here enroute to Harlowe | ward to the University of Toulouse, | one day last week. Miss Madge | where he studied canon law. | Weese, Arden, was a week-end visit- The occasions when' the word or at Charles MacGregor's. The | "Jaughter" punctuates the records of quilting at Mrs. Joseph Perry's Sat- | senate debate are not frequent. This urday last was well attended. Miss | wos one df them.--Collier's. Florence Benny spent Sunday at! Thomas Delyea's. William Head, | Cloyne, spent Sunday at C. Mae" [Yd ENN" watt > 7... Trainloads are arriving daily in all markets, and California never sent better fruit, If you want luscious oranges, heavy with healthful juice, telephone your grocer or fruit dealer now. Don't say from the Orange Groves of Sunny California-- These Big, Delicious, Firm, Tendet- w Meated Seedless Navels handy fruit dishes between meals, and in salads and desserts. Sunkist Lemons Like the Sunkist Orange, the Sun- kist Lemon is the finest of its kind. It is julcy, tart, full-flavored, practi seedless, and the cleanest, took ing lemon to serve with fish, meats and tea. - Use the juice in place of vinegar. Learn the 85 other ways to employ Sunkist Lemons. (3) DONE FOR THE BUILDING TRADE. The picture shows a sign erect od at Southgate, Eng., on some build. ing ground. The new buildings are to have bomb-proof cellars, likely, in anticipation of a visit from the Ger mans. 8 ~ | Canadian Gazette. ~~ W. L. Griffith, the secretary to the Laughter. aE office of the high commissioner shows Senator Williams is not only onme|that during the past few weeks the of the ablest philosophers in the se-| orders plaged with Canadian manu- nate, in his lighter moments he ful-| facturers have amounted to between { fills the function of a gadfiy--and|$25 and $30 millions. They cover does it with a most acceptable com-| army clothing, boots, harness; blan- bination of grace and force. The kets, lumber, field kitchens--indeed other day Senator J. Ham. Lewis of | most of the articles necessary for Ilifois was debating the immigra- | complete field equipment, and 'are tion bill, Senator Lewis' speeches are | being provided with a dispatch and occasionally like lis clothes and his| thoroughness which strikingly illus- manner--highly ornamental. Oh this | trate Canadian resources in men, ma- occasion he adorned "his argument terial and. craftsmanship." - The | with a statement that Murat, the | French and Russian Armies, as well {famous French cavalry leader who as the British army authorities, have become King of Naples, was ~ | ordered epuipment from Canada. | a waiter in a restaurant. . who | Boots, for instance, have been porder- could not read the tickets which were {ed by the hundred thousand pairs, the meal|and are being shipped across the At- lantic in great quantities. Under the compact made between the British, French and Russian armies, as well the British Dominions have been gi- ven a preference over other countries in respect of these orders, though, of course, the United States, by rea- son of its greater productive ability and capacity for quick delivery, has Buying Canadian Goods. Pherson were interred on Friday Zealand, in the Methodist cemetery. Gerald Allen spent Sunday at 1. Garrett's. Mr. Patterson, of Boling: brook, was in this district buying cattle this week. Tonald Garrett spent Sunday under the paréntal roof. Miss J. Voulten, who bas been holi- daying at home for a month, leaves for Torento to-day. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. J. Acheson and, daughter, Mabel; Mrs. G. Garrett, sr., at R l0- bert Armstrong's; Miss Myrtle Drew and Miss Violet at merely "oranges" or "lemons"-- say "Sunkist," for that name marks a standard of quality that is unsur- . passed in any other product. Serve oranges at breakfast, in Garrett, at DD. J. Dood's; Mrs. Voulten' and Master to him with gives full informa- tion about our pre- mium plan under which ~t You oan excha Sunkist A wrappers for Wan, Rogers & Soe guaranteed Alivarsts he 108 King S0- Ear wre Chir onan Sunkist Oranges & Lemons 'On sale at A.Amodeo and Co. nese Bongard's Post Office Closed. Bongard's, Jan. 27.--Hongard's post office, which has been established her. or nearly eight years, has becn closed. Other changes have also been made. J. Sheppard and family spent Sunday last at Cressy. Miss G. McCormick has returned fron Napanee. S. A. Tobey bas sold his farm to Mr, Mil- ler, of Glenora, and will go. to Picton to reside, J. D. Bongard is. recover- ing, after a severe attack of grippe. Mra. D. T. McUormick is visiting friends in Picton. Miss Jennie Thomp- son, of Deseronto, t the week-end with Miss Ethel Hicks,-«CGerald Wright, gy ------- We Handle Sunkist Oranges & Lemons Special offer: Oranges, o--- 35¢ per peck : for a short "time. >, "sei "Soma ¥ 'J. Cullen, | or ET ere. | Alfred and Princess Phone 244. | We have a full stock of | Sunkist Oranges and Lemons Grape Fruit and Malaga Grapes. They are de- licious just now. C. H. Pickering, 490 Princess St. Phone 530 = § 240 Princess St. dé 2eted ied | ee ' HS -------------------------- Father Vaughan's Reply. Father Vaughan tells a good story of a certain minister who was preach- ing on "Perfection." 'Did you ever know anyone to be perfect 7" he ask- Se ---------- led. "Did yon ever read of any man The Airmen Killed. jor woman who was quite perfect 7" : ' nil as | Amsterdam, via London, Jan. 29.--| As hes paused and looked around ~ of Conway, was in this vicinity on Sfegar Se Percy Riag and Thomas | According to Berlin newspapers re- along his audience a pale-faced, hag- Sunday. J. D. Bongard received word from. being drowned Saturday night | ceived here a collision between two | gard-looking woman rose up in ths that his sister, Mrs. Cowen, of Usl- but the MacGregor boys tadic to | aeroplanes in flight took place last | back row and said : "Yes, from all ac- gary, is very ill, with oo hopes of re- their rescie John Curtis' baby 1g | Thursday above the flying ground at counts, my husband's first wife was covery, i bug j Johannesthal. Three airmen were | periect, ant . {killed in the crash, including two offi- i Doings At Arden, Clarendon Budget | cars, i | Arden, Jan. 27.--An "At Home" z ° : . prs wan given ab F. L. Worm | 5 (rho, J8 (H---ThomaS | Amiees To Hold Up Price. with's | last night and a most - pleas- : y . 4 | St. Catharines, Jan. 29.--~The vege- : ; on among old friends here last week, | ! ime was spent. Miss Madge and has returned west, Lieut.-Col | table dealers of Lincoln and Welland has been visiting friends at Young, of Kingston, Is at tho Fron. | counties to the number of about 300 - __ Myer's Cave. W. Jackson spent Sun- tenac Hotisé William Barr is in { held a meeting and decided not to . 4 sign contracts to grow tomatoes for at "Edgewater Cottage." Seve- . ; dy from Bone attended the Oddfel. Renfrew visiting his sons. Mrs. B thé canhers for less than thirty cents L 1) Revill and..two small sons, of Ver- | f t : Supper oud, slants ut Parham ona, are guests of Mrs. John Barr. | Per. bushel. An attempt has been last weal. a Stew n Migs Emma Young has returned to "Jealousy Proof Of Love." Holding jealousy is proof of love. Judge Logsdon, of Evansville, 1nd., refused 'a' new trial' in the 'divorce case of Andrew L. Sullivan, a prominent Sunday . school worker; ainst, his girl wife, Thelma. The husband was | & nied a. divorce. "TOMATO GROWERS FORM ; Sullivan alleged that his wife was A ; ¢ } 1 mnsavely jealous of him and insultec A tive A fatioh in Lincol And Welland. all her friends because she thei, --- made to cut-the price to twenty-five cents. x A ali- + sleighloads of the Sunday at the Cannen House, dar. A Jarge number from here ate tended the donces at AL Knight's and J. Graham's last week, Mrs. Milton Williams, who have been ill, is im- Proving. F. 5. Hunter and H. ormwith, are at Tamworth. A "toe" social is to be given at the parson- age on Thursday eveming and on Nueslay might a "neck tie" social will be held; in the hall. The Misges Greene dre at J, Gendron's, Arden- dale. Hay is very scarce in this vi- cinity. - Colebrook News. Colebrook, Jan. 26.--Mr. and Mys. William Mariicet entertained a number of their young friends one evening last week. Inncing and games were indulged in till 4 late hour. The Or: angemen held their annual Syste: sup- per last Friday evening. The wood: sawing machine is busy now. Edward has a large pile sawn. C. N, Garrison bought a carload of wood and has it sawed up. 'Two large Red Cross Society ovening., A la quantity of saw logs are elbug to the mill. The January thaw started the grist and saw mills running. Messrs, yoe and Salisbury, proprietors of the Wart- man Pump company, have purchased several carloads of gi logs to be sawn into pump stuff. The sporting their horses daily in William Wil: 8 recently. ; my ba age ands apt. Hille Sh her howe at Sharbot Lake. Mr. ahd Mrs. Robert Lushman and son, Jack, are visiting at Clayton, the guests of Mrs. Leishman's mothers Mrs. Mcintosh. Mr. and Mrs. D. | Dustin spent a few days at Maberly | Archibald Campbell, who | has been under Dr. Kilborn's care suffering from quinsey is convales- cent. lobert Boles spent a few few day$¥at sister's, Mrs. Mil- lar's, Maberly." Misg Edna Kirkham was the guest of her uncle, John Kirkham, Mississippi for the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Olmstead, of Mississippi, called. on Clarendon friends on Monday. Mrs. Camp- bell and son, James, spent Sunday at Mississippi: The farmers are taking advantage of the good sleigh- ing and many are hauling pulp wood to the sidings. ue Tidings From Maberly. Maberly, Jan. 27.--The members of the C.0.C.F. Lodge, No. 53, Maberly, held the annual oyster supper on Fri. day evening. The Iriends in Mabeily inv $ An n- There was choruses, the members were present. joyable evening was spent. a short programme of speeches, readings and dialogues. John Manders was in the chair. He evteuded a. welcome to the visitors and spoke on the flourishing condition of the order. AXLE three in oil sat down to a splendid supper, ter which the evening was brought to a close by the singing of the national ant i i Be coined oly . there were to ot a - HE 0 Bier i. upset off 4 fond of hay on Friday Wved quite a Bad Shaking 4p, of berly, paid too much atteatisn to er en. Sary &Practi Homé Dress Making] Lerrons cal Prepared Especially For This Newspaper . by Pictorial Review A COLD WEATHER FRIEND, . rss ha aeaRiam A J ganization for their own { They have no %ot in our labor of the i '| But where our desires are and our St. Catharines," Jan. 29.~~The evi: dent intention of the canners to cut the price paid for tomatoes from 30 cents to 25 cents per bushel this year has led the tomato growers of the Niagara district to form an or protection, to be known as "The Counties of | Lincoln and Welland Vegetable and { Fruit Growers' Association." The out ing reached the unanimous conclusion that 30c. was the mos | mum price at which tomatoes could he grown. If the price was dropped to 25c., the growers decided they must decline to plant any for fac tory purposes during the coming sea- son, Our Fallen. By Lawrence Binyon. They shall not grow old, as wo that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down ol-the sun and in on I Ce Tet IMS We will remember them. They mingle not with their laughing comrades again; They sit, no more at familiar tables of home; day-time; They sleep beyond England's foum. ~ Felt 'as a wellspring that is hidden To the innermost: heat of their own As the stars are known to the Night; As 'the "stars that shall be bright when. we are dust MN ' if marches upon the heaven As the 'stars that ave starry in the tiie of our dapkness. Belts, Leggings, Puttees, Sword Knots Crawford & Walsh, Civil and Military Tailors, * 7% Princess & Bagot St. bok pies fs All his hoe jy keeping close tab on the re is news in the advertis- Just as interesting as the other which will eliminate guess 4