re INCORPORATED Tue 55. BANK or TORONIC | HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, $35,000,000 Pald-up Capital $6,402,510 Henerved Funds DIRECTORS: Duncan Coulson, WwW. G »sident Hon. €: Gooderham, Gooderham, Vice-Pr slid Lt.-Col A L. FE A InaFE, Wea, I. Gear New m ty & Midland Bank, Limited. YOUR BANKING SERVICE. Ail who have Banking busine whatever natu t act the nodern Bauki ott red by the Bank Ro Farsat 0 most satisfactory. London, rvice ample tensive fore Fn and dom : to provide adequate faciitt & transactions, Market Square Kingston GEORGE B. McKAY - Manag up-to-date equipment inaction ble the Ban £ r all Baunkin BUILD WITH BRICK | Pave with BRICK, tile your land, BURNT ULAY; also be sure to get but be sure your goods are of them from Kingston Brick Yard, . Home Goods, manufactured by. home labour, are the best, KINGSTON BRICK YARD, A. NEAL, PHONE 1396 WANTED HOUSES TO RENT We have a number of clients between now and first of May do well to consult us. J. K. CARROLL AGENCY JOHN DRIVER, Representative. fdestring houses at different periods, 48 BROCK 8T- me INCIDENTS OF THE IC or J Property holders wanting tenants would J NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INV] INTEREST | Happenings in the City and Viginisy What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Insist on White Rose flour. | Kead the second section for local, | telegraphic and Poeral news, Luere was no session of the po- lice court on Friday morning. "Pure Castile Soap," 'at Gibson's. Willian Swaine, piubo tuner. Urders received at McAuley's. 'Phone B64. "Buy Cough Syrup," at 'sibson's Red CUsoss Drug Sto Lt.-Col. Ba. Re "and Major J. E. de Hertel, of Perth, came to the city on Thursday night. Plumbing, Tinsmitning and Heat- be prompt attention. Ed. Halligan, 110 Queen street, Phone 1509. "Buy Cough Syrups," at Gibson's ited Cross Drug Store. A. Ransin, M.P.P., returned to the city, on Thursday, after several days in Toronto on the good roads issues, "Castile soap," son's, . ms8 Stella Strong has returned to Westport to resume her studies after spending the week-end at her home at Maberly. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at Mc- Auley's book store. "Pure Castile Soap," at Gibson's. The Queen's Journal says: James T. Sutherland, manager of the Fron- tenacs, is after two of Queen's pro- mising intermediates. "Pure gum rubber hot water tles," at Gibson's Red Cross Store. The finance committee of the Board of Education held a meeting on Wednesday night to arrange for printing required. "Pure Castile Soap," at Gibson's. ('onsul-General Yada was the guest oi W, F. Nickle, M.P., while in the city. He visited the Royal Military | College to-day, and was greatly in terested in it. Red 25¢. bers, at Gib- bot- Drug at Gibson's "Thermometers," Cross Drug Store. Word has been received that Col. Carleton, along with Col. Crowe, are in London, Eng., awaiting army as signments. Col. Carletan has been visiting relatives in the meantime. « | Latest S88-note player piano rolls on sale at C..W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess street. FURNITURE, MERCHANDISE, MACHINERY, OR OTHER GOODS STORED At a very reasonable rate, on the upper floor of our garage. Floor space 130 ft. x 25 ft. Call in and see us. PORRITT GARAGE CO, Limited Phone 454. 210-214 Wellington St. A GOOD RECORD ! The year 1014 han been a banner yenr for the Mutual Life of Can. nda, having written the largest business in its history. This success is due very Iargely 10 the ecellent settlements to Polleyholders In the veiley of profits and the fact that it is a purely mutual company, being eved of pa " Vadurn any of its enrnings to Steck aturday Ni ght, fn its financinl review, says he Mut Life Insurance Company in Ci ol ay Just Inet that "nie weeured wader gonakiions of sueh for the of Thowe contemplating insurance will save money by ra thelr ap. n lon with this excellent company. S.ROUGHTO 00 Brock St, Kingston. Office Phone, 9 810; Res, 501. Harry Sharpe, Special Phone oo or GOL. AL: AGENT. : Agent, FIRE, , LIVE, SICKNESS, : Al Ch AND AUTOMOBILE IN. Wanted--A G Store in ree | rocery . dential part of the city. Apply to J. O. HUTTON, 18 Market Square, | Kingston, Ons. : = 3 sale as'a Saturday Special 3 Su sot hag a January Furniture Sale the buying public, SAY O A | We have decided to yplace on | chocolates ever - offered > c Per Pound Everything reduced 10 to HOAG'S DRUG , Se Thursday night was about one of the epldost Kingston bas witnessed 'this winter. The official register of Prof. A, P, Knight showed the lowest temperature was seventeen degrees be- low zero. "How cold is it?' Buy a thermo- meter at Gibson's Red Cros Drug Store and find out. | The university service Sunday morning will be conducted by Prof. John MacNaughton, of McGill Uni- versity. Prof. . MacNaughton was formerly a professor at Queen's in both arts 'and theological faculties. PITH OF THE NEWS. Condensed Items By Telegraph And From Exchanges. George Lane whs nominated by the liberal convention for the new federal riding of Bow River. Japan has announced that in the present negotiaton China's territori- al integrity will be respected. Hotelmen of Toronto claim th few soldiers from exhibition ca patronize the bars, while B. Spence, secretary of the Ontario AL liance, claims that there is much drunkenness among the troops. Lt.<Col. Charles W. F. Gorrell of Ottawa, bas Deen gazetted com- manding officer of the Duchess of Connaught Canadian Red Cross hospital, established on the Waldorf Astor' estate, Cliveden, Taplow. Mrs. Grant Wilder's four months old son was Smothered by being wrapped in a heavy blanket while she and her mother were driving in- to Tilbury from Tilhury East. When An Icebmig Collapses One of the main dangers in the proximity of an iceberg is its un- | known extent beneath the water. It is told that the passengers of a steamboat on the Newfoundland coast successfully importuned the captain to approach an iceberg for close 1a at' ap Oi Peon ficiently distant for safety some movement in the water or natural decay acted upon the berg, and it split apart. Instantly it began to readjust its balance. The tremen- dous masses beneath thé water steadily rose as the pieces swung ov- er and one Fide gsiending g ledge-came up boat. "What shall we porn inquired a tourist. | "Get down on your knees," was the terse reply of the captain. But the Ont. | BTeat wavé from the tumibling ice Ont. | wept down on the boat and washed it to safely. The of an iceberg spreads ae to great distances. It may be' too far distant 'to wa craft itself, jut the wave it will & his Titgast tS immediate neig February Wide on New York, Jan. 29.--As Canadian "Library Tables, any finish, $6.50, $7.50 to $45.00. Book Sections, Gunn, the shares cannot be ffom German names during the war. and dividends cannot, during the same time, be paid on Auth eer] cates, the Germans "troub- 16 in realizing cash © New York for their CPR rs. : uch shares are offered at fifteen TONIGHT" 3" and Lan Daily 2.30, Evening 7.30 MARGUERITE CLARK in "WILD. FLOWER" Feature Vaudeville A FAMOUS PLAYERS FILMS, 4 REELS MUTUAL FILM 2 REEL DRAMA KEYSTONE COMEDY--Twe Reels New Programme Mowday and Thursday Prices Mat, 10¢, any sest. Evening, 10c; reserved 5c extra. Lipton's Tea No Advance IN PRICE * 30c, 40c, 50¢, 60c, 75¢ and : hs per 1b. Mrs. 'W, Mcllroy and mmily wish to thank their many kind "friends, "who have bestowed their I ae and as- sistance, during their sad bereavement. Championship Hockey Match JR. OH A, Belleville vs. K. C. 1. On Friday, Jan. 29 Game called at 8.15 pan. sharp Admisgion 35c; reserved seals 25¢ extra. Seats on sale at the rink Thursday, 10 a.m Cataraqui Bridge Cataraqui Bridge will be closed to traffic Mon- day morning and will remain closed during reconstruetion of tem- porary bridge. The road across the ice starts from thé foot of Bar- rack Street. a -- Just Amived Tailoring Announce the their latest spring and sum- mer styles: These wender- ful creations have never been shown here before. It will pay vou to wisit our tailoring establishment and look over our special line of "We oft special pri e offer a ce for the first ten orders. A small deposit will secure your spring suit. Our Specials ~arrival = of iE TT | 2s CONDENSED ADVERTISING ad First insertion, le a word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, half cent a word. Minimum charge for one imsertion, 2Je; three lusertions, S0c; mix, $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED re ------------------------------------------ AN ADVT OF 35 WORDS OR LESS, Ar this head, costs 26c for ome night, or 30e for three. AT ONCE, T DISH WASHERS. APPLY Hotel Frontenac. TWO EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESSES | at "Rockwood Hospital. Apply to} C. C. Hodgins, Bursar. rete AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER | vant. References. Apply Mrs. B. Mills, 96 Bagot St, cor. West. | A MIDDLEBAGED WOMAN TO HELP | -with housework In return for home, Small wages. Apply Box 702, office. WANTED, AGENTS, GENTLEMAN wm lady, for good selling line; cit 30d commission. Box 128, Wiis | of ce. 4 WANTED, AT ONCE, GENERAL SER- vant. Must have references and experience. Good wages. Queen's Hotel, Napanee. #2 A DAY SALARY FOR gent married or single work around home or muneratio for spare Davids 3 AN INTELL | woman for liberal re- time. Mrs. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding, for newspapers; Bo CAs BY assing. | 8end for Pp Ia a cate, 3,969 Loe port, A. Y. s Syndl- | IMMEDIATELY, A plumbing and stg ment, A youn years' experience ferred Must tt and be good salesman. Apply in | own handwriting, McKelvey & | Birch, 6% and 71 Brock St, King-| ston, Ont. WANTED GENFRAL TO BUY A SECONDHAND BABY CAR. riage. Must be in good condition. Apply Box 72, Whig office. FURNISHED RESIDENCE FOR JULY and August, near the water; nine | rooms; by an American. Apply tc J. 8. R. McCann, 82 Brock St, GENTLEMEN TO NG THEIR cloth and have it Ril up Into up- to-date suits. Prices and workman- Ship guaranteed to please. Press. ne and repairin done on the oriest notice. Thomas Salloways Brock street, near ol rage POSITION WANTED. STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, AT blacksmithing or carpentering. de~ sires position. Would accept an hd of Femunerst, Fi Good Ty nth: ply in firgt Instance to Box 7, ge Whig office. ante LADIES' HAIR WORK, ete, made from combings. iets class work. Mail orders promptly attended to. Miss A. Babcook, 350 Brock St. Drop me a card for prices. ; MOLES, WARTS, BIRTOMARKS 350 M] siowihs and skin Blemish anent wit afar: 5 years' ex arients. hh Sar Lavice, Ba Nose, Throat and km Bagot St "Spectaiisi, PROFESSIONAL. | MARGARI DUNNETT, SPIRELLA ere, at your service. Front and back laced corsets, corset waists, blouse extenders, brassier- es, children's walsts, all made to |oN TW { : (pr LOST £ BOX COFFEE, CONTAINING | wuond tins, on January « Kingston and Wii- Finder please juave at Jas, Redden's or phone K. > Wilton, . Storms,' TO LET TRY. ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, | Once 25c., three times, §0¢. | STorAGE FOR FURNITUR clean and dry. McCann, re Brock | Street. %. {TWO BEDROOMS 'AND ONE SITTING room, furnished. Apply to 13% Stuart St. ROOMS OVER 53 PRINCESS STREET, Immediate possession. Apply §& Princess €treet. {Tw i | FOR SALE. rHESE EFFECTIV Ye ADVIS, cose Hila, Once, 35¢c; three times, week, §1.00., E FEATHERS. APPLY TO MRS, Solaman, 87 Div'sion St VE PLYMOUTH ROCK ullets and yearling hens. Apply n the evening te 432 Clergy St 12 SECONDHAND WINI 'wi mu » §i08 1 door with & , 3 pla oors. Apply to sh Coulson, King street west 1 IVE Roe Rie ¥ A. H Kingston, | TREnALS months o Oorang ex Ross, 214 Oat, IFFICE DES! in. high in PITON_ PLPRY, Champ! 4 AT $15. LONG, 11 SIX FEET ah 3-2 in. high CHAM- jorriun ES IN. CLARENCE ST. / Apply to Cunningham Mudie, 73 Clarénce St, Whig | DWELLINGS, Fi RNISHED AXD UN. la LARGE VARIETY Me 82 te. Estate Agency, furnished: s'ores, offices, Cann's Real Brock St. STORAGE FOIL FURNITURE, CLEAN, | dary, airy room ir own lock and kK Frost's « Storage, ren St Phone -526b, ve convenience; each house suite able for two parties: rent $10.00 per month each. Phone 147 DENTAL A. BE. KNAPP, BA, LDS, D DS, RE.| moved to 258 Princess Street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 150 WEL- lington = St, (over Carnovsky's). Phone 346. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. ohio assistant. 133 Primers! Street. Phone 735, S. BH, SIMPSON, LDS, DDS ist, corner Princess an Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot Street. MUSIC. DR. | PROF, er of 'piano, Special baginners. For rangements for pu BUSINESS NOTICES ply at 240 Montrea JOSEPH BUSE 4 CHESTNUT ST, HAS opened up a quarry on Stephen St. Cut, building and rough stone are | subplled promptly at reasonable prices. attention to terms and ar- ils' lessons, ap- Street. DANCING, MISS FLOSSIE HUDON, AUTHORIZED to teach by Prof. Frank H. Norman, chairman Standardisation Commit. tee appointed to standardize the modern dances, Dayton, Ohio, June, 1914. Fox-Trot, Hesitation and Can- ter Waltzes and One-Step, eto. Phone 120, MEDICAL D. A. COON, M.D.C.M. (FORMERLY ( Egil ny. Rurgery, 98 Wellington St Phone oa . Eye, ear, nose, surg Theoat oanital, ew York. Office, 132 Wellington, pponits post ombe, Office JE am, 3-4 pm, 7-8 p.m. Phone "ARCHITECT 289 HOUSES ON CHATHAM STREET, DENT. | CHAS, R. HARRISON, TEACH. | at back. Thre fawersand one top shelf. She it Apply ! British Whig office. aN S AND number o ers at hea prices; aso k of fur- niture. No s The Princess St. Phone oo {A LARGE NUMBER . nICYCLES also Dunlop tires, at $1.00, Ald rs promptly attended to for carpet cleaning and laying. George Muller, 378 King St. Tm ND AND SQUARE Ti i bargain prices. Very suitable svharyes or ba¥hs Also Several strong sleighs. The Calvi pany, Limited, Garden Thang phone No HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL OA~ fords, and other cook stoves. Qua. bec"s, pugs and square heaters, all these in first class shape; will close them out at very small pro tag Turk's 'Phone, 70! Sibir FRAME HOUSE, CHERRY ST. A snap for a quick bu | g1950 BRICK VENEER Ho SE, ON Patrick St, 6 rooms FOUR Jou S ON YORK ST, $1800 to $20 | moses TO RENT, GRO, A, BATE. { man, real estate and insurance, 67 Clarence St, | \ n Com Tele- 545 | Kingston. [i | TELEGRPHY Civil Service, Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Bank. Ing and General Improvement. Day aad Night Classes, Kingston usinens College it Head of ts Street. Rates moderate. Phon 440, | H. » iil + Li | | | AVERPOO 4 ato oe FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Soclety; incorporated 1883 resident, Colonel Henry R., Bmit oney issued on city "and far properties, municipal and country debentures: mortgages purch: deposits doi vad and interest al. lowed. oGill Manager, 87 Clarence street. % GLO SAN Viielin 1 bree ry Tao WX, flea tor es x pol un oder Hability of rod low ARCHI- WM. NEWLANDS & BON, 208 Bagot Bt tects, etc. Offices. Phone 81. \ROHITROTS, MER- Building, corner Wellington streets Drop a card CATERING ATER TO ARTIES, BALLS, Wedding br. BE Lei, banquets, ete, also rent dishes, table linens and order. Appointments made. 200 Wellington oi Ofc hours, 12-2 p.| m. Phone 878, A NEW CEREAL] . Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal This is vot only a iginal Seren) tasty as well. 1t Is delicions as & | tegular sise At Your Family Grocers. FENWI HENDRY & 00. Distributors srssssessssnnavans } Queen's Athletic Committee Excursion to Ottawa | NPN, eid and _ Mam P. 2 d, 3. Toon, Street, F. Phones 8 843 or 303. 'CUNNINGHAM & iE, BARRIS. ters and solic Law office, 70 Clarence St ingston. CPHOLSTENING MUD! tors. WwW, J. GA UPHOLSTERING, RE. and carpet work, and palring mattress renayvating. Drop a card or ail i 218 Bagot Street. BUSINESS CHANCES ANYONE ANYWHERE - CAN START a mall frdor. b business a: home: Bo canvass! be your own Send for 8 ree booktet: tells re Heacock, 2,960 Lockport, N.Y. i Stove Coal A regular furnace. size; good for all lsinds of weather and a little better than the lareer size (ecg coal) i in mild weather. Order a load screened to-morrow ezmzs JAMES SWIFT & CD pee Tea BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED