I rr----------. ---- The Daily British Whig THE MAX . WATCH... "Where there is no vision the peo ple perish,". So Bet to work vou dreamers of things as they ought to be attention was chiefly upon the little group of shilormen who tramped af- ter the riflemen last Monday in the cortege which wended its way through Kingston streets to the ce- | metery marked by thé tall and an-| cient palm trees far beyond the town It was on the deep that Col Strange loved to be rather than on a parade ground, and it will be w'th the sailor men that he will be most missed and mourned. i --THE TOWN WATCHMAN | | ALMOST EVERY ONE Even sinners are permitted to pray 50 the Lampman does not why the Kingston editors should net Almost Lr eryone--man, woman and Write prayerful articles for Satyr. hild--needs a tonic at Sometime. ft days. is often said that a mun is lazy be- cause he takes little or ho interest in his work; but the truth is he is not well. "He needs a tonic. . The sams is true of a woman who Joes not hus- tle over her home work, but only feels « fit to be in bed. She is mot merdly tired, but ill. A dull pain in the head | or back, poor appetite, loss of strength with low spirits and loss of iuterest in life show that you need a tonic to brace up the merves and give new lease of life. The proof is when the right tonic is taken all trouble quickly disappears., Fhe tonie--the only tomic--for weak ailing men, women and children is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which speedily bring back abundant health, strepgth and energy. They have done 'this in thousands and thousands of cases as ? Utilities " . d » . 9 is proved by the following. Mr. Ed. | Commission. have themselves heen A. Owen, Burdett, Alta.. says: "Soaked" to a certain extent with re- vai go my health wa gard to increased light bills, the con- = Xuaut two. sears sgn healt or l SUMers may rest assured 'that the system seemed to he rub dow and | a son will deal very carefully: the doetor seemed puzzled at my cons | ibis dition. F, had no appetite, exertion -- would Teave 'me breathless, and ¥ was gh 3 p e i b 1emse ve # medicine T took did me no good and 1 Biform at the opening of parlia- was steadily growing weaker My | ment in order that there should be mother urged me to try Dr. Williams' | a gold-braid show, the Lampman | pik Pills, and before 1 had token | thinks that the high constable of y gi 1] like a | x them very long 1 began to feel like a | Frontenac should be sent for as be | ow man and continuing their uso 1 | has a uniform that would dazzle the! was restored to complete health. 1 Ottawa fry, The high coustable now recommend them to all run down | adds dignity to the county council | in health as they are the best medi- meetings, and with his presence and | oine 1 know oi." { the flag floating over the court house Sold by all medicine dealers or by { dome, the council sits without fear f mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for of a German invasion. | 82.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medi- | cine (o., Brockville, Ont. er If the power of the pulpit in mould ing the minds of men is above that . of the press, and if things are «0 bad im Kingston, the Lampméan submits that the pulpit has net much to brag about, The Lauipman eannot ay that it 18 a very high ambition to merely reach the position of warden of the County of Frontenac. Some men have reached it by being forced into it rather than by desire, while oth. ers got there by hook or crook, 7 he Present warden got it by acclamation and through populdrity, ability and honesty, you =n the | & ong -| As the members of the oh i a i 4 The Lampman has not Jeard one protest agalust the increase in tiie price of bread, people realizing that | the bakers were entitled to more | money for a loaf of the staff of life, | t Seeks To Buy Another Ship. ! k New York, Jan, 30.--1It is reported | that E. N. Breitung, owner of the Da- " The ground for the raising of the! cia, is now negotiating for the pur- 1 price is that the "laborer is worthy | chase of the liner Seguranea, to use of his hire." | 8 a cotton carrier. This, be expeets, | may solve the Dacia problgin, © Ol sions of NEEDS A TONIC :- 2, money tically every Coluwgbia. orders from also wanted headquir Log on | of attack from Germans, either by seq | or by land from across boundary, had comparatively that | ed. and | dominion electors, | keep the wolf from the door. Th bilizing of all the in the province at under arms | the district officer commanding to call off at least part of the troops was, given the provincial authorities, it is under- obeyed. | ilar nature sent out from militia head: | tawa that some of the German scares on the coast were neeved 'with a view to impressing on roll. has been wiped out and there is no KINGSTON. ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 19015 DISOBEYED THE ORDER OF THE FEDERAL AUTHORITIES TO DEMOBILIZE. [why British Columbia Militia Is on! Active Pay--Method of Meeting Unemployed Situation In the Pro. vince, Ottawa, Jan. 30,~One of the = mis. Major-General Sam Hughes Paeilic const, i thi out to the turning week, to endeavor whether Was necessary so much of the dominion's continuing to keep under active vice basis prac- unit in British called out op wa on the request of al General Hughes find out why the or- sent out from mi itia for the demobiliza coast troops had ! iter the seares was it in Arms oh an Set militia The Ott il government shoctly ont werp p to lers repeatedly here Pacific not been carried out the Auvericay subsid Fhe troors have now received an rggregate of hundreds of thousands of lollars of active service pay from the treasor In addition to the panicky feeling, there was also a large amount o; un employment in British Columbia, and Premier McBride ied to know who wanted was Very much wor to do with his assistance to mo: militia regiments the expense of the ominion offered a ready solution for his greblemn. After the men had been for two or three weeks, scare had subsided; or- oul rom Ollawa to what tit the ers were first seu and expense. The order British Columbia, but top npecessary in tood, intervened, and it was not Subsequent orders of a sim- unrters here were likewise ignored, Were Scares Manufactured ? It ix hinted in official circles in Ot- delibera tely engi- he government here | the necessity of eeping every militiaman in . British 'olumbia on duty and on the pay So far these efforts have been uccessiul, and at the present time, hough the German fleet on the Pacific nemy in sight, there are more men n gare and guard duty in, Brit- whence he is re-4 ! Slavonia, 'from Austrian sources also say; cou- SOUTHERN SLAVES CRY. "Down With The Germans," Depand Peate. Geneva, Jan. 30.--The order of the Austro-Hungarian government for the mobilization of last line of reserves has brought about a seri- ous rising among the southern Slavs 'according to uncensored despatches! reaching here from Austrian somur- | ces The clergy, these - advices say, headed the movement of resistapee, which began Sunday morning a bach, 35 miles northeast of Trieste. | After the sermon by a Slavonian | priest the erowd is reported to have i left the cathedral shouting 'Down with the war!" "Down with the Germans!" The rioters attacked the gendarmes, and after shots were fired the cavalry was / calied = out ard charged the crowd. During the disturbanee the fect's "palace was burned and furniture and pictures, which thrown out of the windows, trampled to pieces At Agram, capital of Croatia and! bodies of students tore down the webilization notices, and it is reported that a Hungarian ofti- cial, a student and a child were killed in the rioting that followed. There. was rioting also at Karl stadt, Croatih, where the mobilization no- tices" were destroyed. At Susak, * near Flume, the armory of the Hun- garian Landwelir is said to have been plundered, An rcoormous crowd, these advices And | Pre- its | were | vere | | ctutrated at Oprina and then de- ended on Trieste and joined wmani- stants, there All the boards on which the official notices of mobili- zation which the official notices of mobilization were posted were (e- and in the flight which fol- th marines two of the riot- re reported to have been kill- Late despatches state that ricting continues 'and that general apprehension is felt as to the out- come. Serious trouble is also reported in Transylvania, where. Count Bethilen, it is stated, has or | dered that all persons refusing to subinit to the décied of the authori-+ ties shall be shot. : A VETERAN SAILOR the Was Drowned at Prescott After Forty and net balance thal at the end of March. last year the liabilities of tio provinee totall- ed $25,845,029 and ners, Limited, wili not be FINANCIAL MATTERS. Come To Canada To Regain Trade | Lost Through War. Sherbrooke, Jan. - 29.-- The German-American industry to estad-; lsh a plant in Canada sihee the w ri to start operations in this! first! i This concern, the Julius Kayser | company, of New York, fs one of the the United re mills in iargest of its kind in States, has a dozen or tralia, and an im- It is rated very high! Germany and Au commands a very mense output financially, and large, high-class remunerative trade. The company manufactures silk products, such as gloves, nhdergar-! ments, ete. Its trade with tie Brit- ish colonies and South America exceedingly large. Since the war started up, however; none of these markets have been available and the Canadian plant is put up to satisfy the demand in those countrie New President Elected. Montreal, Jan. 28.-C. R. Ho mar has been elected president 'of Cypads ian Cottons, sucee ding late vavid Morriee tho Travsvaal's 1914 Gold Output. Johannesburg, Africa, Jan. 29. The Trapsvaal's output of geld for | 1914 shows _a total of $15,000,000 | beiow the record of 1913. The | year's | preduction 8,378,000 was ounces, | { | valued al $178,000,000 : British Columbia Finances. Victoria, Jan. 29. The public ac- connts for the fiseal year 1913-14 chow an expenditure of $15,071,875 revenue $10,470 The sheet of the provinee shows 1a 08, aszets $18,617.- 516 » Poor Year For Canmers. Torgnto, Jan. 29. --Though there has been a very heivy pack prices Governor | have been low, and Montreal advices Are to thé effect that Dominlon Can- able to ORC US ROOd ua thowid¥ in the an- nual statement as that of 1913, when the net profits were $466,415 ~ C. N. R. Floats Loan. Ottawa, Jan. 29.--The C. N. R. Years Service. has secured $2,000,000 in Philadel- Jrockville, Jan. 30.--Capt. Gideon Adams,' who met his "death by drown- | ing at Prescott, was a veteran sailor of the rivers and lakes, having sail ed these waters for over: forty years. Capt. Adams came of an historic fam- ily .in Grenville | phia by the sale of thousand dollar 5 per cent. hares in an equipment | trust lease, executed by the railway, | the Fidelity delphia and the Stock countyy the early | Mann concern. Trust company of Phila- | Imperial Rolling a Mackenzie and! The money is to he company, PAGES 9 TO Is ee a EsTasunen THE rs STANDARD ANKI Kee OF CANADA | baad ths amowsopiod oe : HEAD OFFicn TORONTO | KINGSTON BRANGH, receipts for every payment and does H. E. Richardson nm M. er. not require a large « 'to begin Sf ® e depot' to THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 Capital Paid Up - $11,560,000 Reserve Funda - 13,575,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT recor mer ie ope One Dollar credited half yearly, NT pe 11 An account in the names of twe JOIN . ACCOUNTS members of a famity will be found couvenieut, lag KINGSTON BRANCH, 8 Survivor! iiay operate the account. A a Sl lB i E. E. NEWMAN, Manager. Interest i der person{or i A AP A i PA sii Annmnanas Marble Hall j YOR FRESH BON BONS, HOME. MADE CANDY, ICE "CREAM BRICKS { SE so. x Special with fruit'made to order | George Masoud, Phone 080, REAL ESTATE Insurance, Etc Only best and safest companies represented. W. h. Godwin & Son. Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 424, 430 Brock St, The Lampman does not like to | hear of a debate over at Queen's on | sueh a jee riotved That rison ish Columbia than in all the vest of the. brain pus. Agathe dn the) of. the | Ww rpishing gr members of which the troublesome days of 1812-13. | Samuel Adams was at Crysler's Farm. | He lived in the towuskip of Edwards- burg and was the bearer of despatch- active part || Tepaid in somi-aunual instalments of inl 3105,009. CC Chae ad ---- ow Debentures Sold. Belleville, Jan. 29.--The city has been fortunate in the sale of deben- | es from Kingston to Montréal on the tures considering the stato of - the day of that historic battle. He cap: | money market. Over $100,000 de- tured two American officers," bring. | bentu ® in broken lois of twenty and | ing them into camp single-handed. { thirty years have been disposed of. His only weapon was an unloaded | reat rail ay com- Tie * Publie- Utilities Dommiyion panies are furnpishi wards for their - Great wal Ret pon- boa authorized the Halifax Power bo. bre ily company to issue $750,000 of 6 per! bei a sudrds for tlite © pik cent. bonds. The company had ap: 3 Sresout: Wer. he Ho 18 an honorary colon- | British Uolumbia this work is done u in fe Faiadian mllith, will have | lied to feene $4,500,000 of the |" federal expense by the mobilized | U arsume 2 8 Of censor. i nas. militia. -- Brooklyn Union Gas in the year | It may be notied also "The late Col. Frank Strange be- | ended December 31st earned 15 4-10 | longed more to the yachismen than | ish per cent. on stock, compared with | to the military, and the Lampman's S_-- C that one Brit- ) Columbia regiment has been -abls remain om active service for sav. eral years. This is - the regiment which was called ont at the time of Te -- TTT TTT the Napaimo coal strike. Although | the. strike was over when the war | commenced, the militiamen were still Gained 30 Lbs. in Few Wee on staike duty. ow they are 'on guard duty and still drawing pay. Never Felt So Well" "== tarts Monday, Feb. Ist: 20% Off Al Shoes In Stock, Except Miltary Boots, i The twenty years debentures brought | musket, which he presented, and de--{ $05.38 and the thirty years $94.59. {manded the unconditional surrender, | v to which the Americans submitted, | and he arrived with his prisoners at i militia headquarters in tine to par- ticipate in the battle. The Grenville Adams family are of the same stock which furnished presidents for the United States. 12 9-10 per cent. in 1913, _--. . Commercial Notes. |. Net profits of the Toronto Genersl | Trusts Corporation for the fiscal {years ending Dec. 31st were $334. { 381, 'which compares with $229,016 | IW0 in the previous year. F. W. Croll, treasurer of Armour & Co., states that the gross business j.of the company increased $25,000, omg Sefore oy Duns for "nell [gg in 1914, to $2375,000,000. ence . i i When money making is jhe prime ! ay Has Noun RR fre i ey ae: uote ® | for the Rumley company, the $30, a oe ya stand a better | 700,000 farming machinery manufac. show if as many fought for il as pL 5 fight agaInsE it. | « PF. R. traffic for the week end- 8 jed Jan. 21st totalled $1,391,000. For the 'same week last year the total ' x Jucas County, aa. a was 31,772,000 a decline of $381,000 'rank J. Cheney makes Oa ththut A report is current in Toronto that oanivt parties of tho fra iof ¥. J. J President 'Magor has returned from 'City of Toledo, County and State aforp- ---------------- Atl Be sure that all are cared for at | discount, hegides ---------- i Was Pale, Weak and Thin, and Had Nervous Headaches | The Superioriy Of the Brition i what. Dr. : by an officer on one of the German and { long range -- from eight to twelve The best shoes in the city at 20% theat- | | - Dale, thin and Telling of the loss of the German Before sin g Dr. Chase' : asve cod Fourfold, U aN F "7 | Berlig, Jan. 30.--A letter written doas for women | Sask., Writes:e"Tou' = a Manor, | crulgers describes. the naval battle in me you last spring. elk 1 the North Sea, commenting on | the ] mijes -- at which modern naval bat- I was 800n | 110¢ are fought. complaint, ol HAGh 1 cruiser, Bluecher, he says: "She myself again. Vv I was suffe weak, troublea and quently had was + -~ Ps - ot 3 yr State of Ohio, City of Toledo, | many ines of odds and ends 47 30 (6 507 off. "was shol to pleces after sustaining A engine trouble which crippled her. We oould not assist the 'Bluecher, as | MSesssasrans mamma my life. of me any more, an I am grateful for the cure. If peop! {IX trial they would certainly be cured. Everywhere people are talking dhout this great food cure, which cures in Nature's way, by supplying 'the ingredients to form new lood, and so overcome weakness and dis- case by an abundance of vitality. Dr. Chare's Nerve Food, 50c a box, ¢ for $2.50, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co, Limited, Toronto. : SELL "» nerves are vitality are the human roves, digestion is good, vou sliced ard rest well, and Sain in strength and weight. ~~ And $5.00]; all our ships, in view of the triple or fourfold superiority 6f the British, would have suffered the same fate. ber. A torpedo boat attack would ouly have resulted in greater losses." The map with an axe to grind usually wants some one to turn the stone without pay. A diplomat is one who | kuows enough not tg talk when words will not help the case. is Some Piece of Coin These Hard Times France with a very considersble are sald, nud that said firm wil pay the | q.. for the National Car Co. t um of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that| Canada is coming 10 depend more nnot be cured by the use of Hall's, and 0 rips "8 to. bef and subscribed | HW fundlighid it is understood that in oy "presence, His Sin 'day of Decem- & number of large municipal and oth- , A.D. 1886, 3 : Td: A. W. GLBASON, ef loans: are pending in New York Notary Public : and other money centres. Hall's. Catarrh Cure is taken inter. Groes earnings of the Grasd Trink nally, and acta, directly blood Sing: ad n ueou on Jus ¥. Jailway system for the third week of 5 compared January were. $795,820, with $879,948 in the corresponding pevied in 1914, a decrease of $84,- 18. . ¥ C. ls for copsti-| | 1. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO, The Home of Good Shoes. (1m sorry. Bury wk | ARE ~oY | ALLOWED Yo! Comes ime Geel tm clan | THAT OUT. TUL MARE | An AamEUL Frans on J VERE wuss ME ( YT rm ---- 1 Foun® | r 1 Cm fe madi ai rouNg EAE Tn Ra | Take 5 DR wus i el MERE 3 a Bue i . ' DO at ~ opm voy) TT -- Tr ---- " ie "Bud Fisher SRE . eit ot mnt ae" . NEE - hes'