Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Jan 1915, p. 14

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a ong ---- PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1915. | : 1 THE TREY OHI ART _ See The Motion Pictures Of This Story At The WHOLE FAMILY IDEAL THEATRE On Mondays And Tuesdays | USES THEM Judith bad somehow escaped being | -- like a hunted hare, aud without the . precipitated over the eaves of the Ths Last Warning. Full Flight. least warning came upon Barcus sud shale roof roused him and gave him In the chill, violet-shadoved dusk| ™Oh, what can it wean?" Rose whis | Judith, dismounted, bending nerve enough to resume the climb. of that clear evening, a chap fallen | pered brokealy, clinging to her lover's over bis oycle and tinkering with its It Was irue, when he found courage motor car crept sluggishly into the | arm. "Surety you don't think . . .! motor to look and see for himself; she lay little mountain town of Mesquite at Surely, it must be accidental. . For one horripllating instant colli within three yards 'of the brink su- the heels of two mutinous mules, driv- | Surely it can't mean--" gion seemed unavoidable. Barcus and toiled along an obscure trail that fol- pine, her face uplifted to the sun, un- : en by a chauffeur who steered with |.. "I'm afraid it does" Alan Law re- | Judith and the motorcycle occupied lowed the windings of the little river, | stirring; she. dared not stir; a single one hand while the cther flourished'| sponded gravely, -eyeing the front of | most of the width of the moad; there until a branch struck into the main . a crackling whiplash over the backs | the Mountain house. "Our luck holds i was litle ngom between them and the stream and so discovered to them yet of its sole motive power consintently--that"s all. It wouldn't | declivity, less between (hem and tuo another trail leading into the west. Its one passenger, a cripple as balp-{ be us if we didn't piek out the one [Mforest. To try to pass them on tiie warg canyon. lesa as the car itself, huddled in a| place where Marrophat and Jimmy | later side wopld be only to dash his Then. again slowly and painfully corner of the rear seat, saluted Mes: | chose to stop over night. Fortunate- | brains out agalist the trees: while 10 they plodded on following blindly an- quite with a snarl. Though he was in! ly, it's early; I doubt they're up. | make the attempt on the outside wou other trail blazed by Fates as blind as sore need of such rude comforts as | With half a show we ought to be able | be to risk leaving the road altogetiicr they, * the town stood prepared to afford him, to find some way of putting 'a good | and dashing off into space Above them, on the road they had his demeanor toward it was that of distance between us and this town Aud it wes impossible to stop th: abandoned, the crimson racer doubled one who suffers an indignity rather before they waken Tom!" |cycle--~s0 brief was all his warni back to the point where it had passed than begs accommodation. But Mr. Barcus was already at his | In desperation Alan chose the out Judith and Barcus; its occupants de- And now, as the car crawled to a | elbow, in thorough sympathy with [of the road; and for space of scended, explored, and came present- pause before the Mountain house-- | Alan's interpretation 'of the signifi. | single heartbeat thought that he mis ist 1¥ upon the trail of the fugitives. Mesquito's one caravauserai--and | cance to be attached to the card that | possibly make it, but with the nest Bloodhounds could not have set- Mesquite itself, to the last flea-bitten | trembled In Rose's hand.. realized that he would not--seeinz th tied down upon a scent with more hound, gathered round to view this "Sharp's the word!" he agreed. | front wheel swing off ever the lip of good will and eagerness than Mr. Mar- wonder, Mr. Trine's indignation and | "And there's a motor ear over there, | tie slope. rophat and his faithful aide. chagrin distilled worde of poisonous | in front of the placksmith's. Prob} At this he acted sharpl The sun was high and blazing above {mport. ably we can hire her--"' sheer inatinet. As the the canyon when the pursuit came Far from resenting this, Mesquite, "Trine's car!" Alan ejaculated. 08d altogether he risked a broken within rifle shot of the chase. pipe in mouth, hands in pockets, ad- | swinging round and recognizing the|knee by releasing bis grasp of th A spiteful shot roused the quar- mired and applauded, and rather re- | automobile at a glance. "Then he's | bandlebars and straightening out his fet frem a pause of lethargic dismay sented the change that befell when leg and. driving it down foreid!s here, as well!" due to tardy appreciation of the fact two other strangers (whose earlier ap- "Looks like against the roadbed. The effect of this that they had penetrated witiessly al pearance in town had helped mak- | "But so much was to lift him bodily from the sad. most lo the end of a blind alley. that one day memorable beyond ak = naturally take dle: the machine shot from beneath A basty council of war armed Alan others in Mesquite's history) charged | hands, and I'll him like some strange projectile with Judith's revolver and posted him out of the Mountain house and inter | hurled from. the bore of a great beliind a howlder commanding the ap- be, accorded her, and quickly, and that the sacrifice it should demand would be complete. Now prayers are sometimes an- swered when the boon craved is good for the soul. , , Slowly and painfully these four CHAPTER XLVI. Tbe rocing car was barely oul of sight when sprang from the sheltering trees and, Judith at Lis heels. pelted headlong down the siope to the spot where the others had vun- ished To find them not only practically unscathed affected ioral soul almost to tears Bat when cengratulations had been mutually exchanged, there fell an awkward pause. The eves of the four sought another's ruefully, air quick with tae uanitered but in exarable inguiry: What next? In the outcome, it was Mr. Barcus who advanced the suggestion which was adopted--though this was its re ception more through Jack of a better thau for any. actual appeal intrinsic in the proposition z "When we brake down, I saw," he ventured, with a backward jerk of his thumb to indicate the road, "a can- yor branching off from this one about a quarter of a mille over yonder. If it's all the same to rou people, we might itroil round that way and see what its natural attractions may be--if any. But it's sure a mighty poor sort of a canyon that doesn't lead anywhere---- and nothing eould possibly be more fatiguing to eur merdorial and rest less tempers than to squat down here and fold our hands in onr laps and vait for something to turn up--and auy way we can't be worse off than we are--aud- lemme Young And Oi Health po "Fruit-a-tvas" In Splendid Jarcus alive hn thai one cach the lie 4. W, HAMMOND Eso. SCOTLAND, ONT, Aug, 25th, 1913 *'Froit-a-tives" are. the only pill manufactured, to my way of thinking. They work completely, no iping whatever, and one is enty re any ordinary person at a dose. My wife wasa martyr to Constipation, We tried everything on the calendar without satisfaction, and spent large sums of money until we happened on *"PFruit. a-tives", I cannot say too much in their favor. : We have used them in the family for about two years and we would not use anything else as long as we can get "Fruitea-tives', Their action is mild, and no distress and upon left th cycle it," Barcus admitted. the better. We'll just the darn' thing off his bet a dollar there isn't another car within a radius of fifty gun; ripted the elder devil with cries of gredéting avd jubilation. The leader of these answered tof the name of Marrophat; his companion Was a person named Jimmy. Mes- quite acquired this information through paying close attention to the substance of their communications with the ¢ripple. More than this, how- | ever, it learned little. Something aeemed to have been accomplished by the two, something that was highly gratifying to Seneca Trine: for he was chuckling almost mirthfully when lifted from the car and carried into the hotel. What passed between the trio after they * disappeared behind that bed- chamber door Mesquite could by no means guess. But that a celébration of some sort Wiis In progress was evi- denced by {He frequency with which Marrophat"dhd Jimmy called on the bar for more ligwid refreshment. And toward midnight one belated Mesquito pated in' the street outside the Mowmitaln House for one last curi- ous stare. at.the Hghted windows of Mr. Trine's quarters. ~~ Ho saw, cléarly silhouetted against the slow "of, the window, the Mepliistophélean: profile of 'Sencen Trine, distorted with a grimace of the cruclest joy' that ever heart of man coneelved. He saw Marrophat ap. preach his waster with a drunken swagger apd a epesch which, though indistinguishable to the unseen au- ditor, unquestionably afforded both of _Ahe other meh ample excuse for ec . Static glee. Toward its conclusion Mr. Marrophat apparently capped the peak of jubilation by fumbling in his | coat pocket' and bringing forth some- thing which strongly resembled a sin- gle playing card. Now when he had contrived to master his mirth, the cripple made a gosture which eloquently abolished this card, a gesture which said quite «plainly: "All that is finished. The thing has served its purpose! To hell with it!" Whereupon, with a smart jérk of his wrist, Mr. Ma it sent the card spinning and sailin@ out through the open window to lose If in the night. The watcher didn't seé it fall, and though he spent an unconscionable ~ time searching for ft in the deep dust miles! "We'll be well out of these { giddy mountains long before he finds anything to chase us with." But his confidence was demon- siratéd to be premature by the dis- covery, which rewarded the first cur- sory examination, that the car was very thoroughly out of commission. Two minutes later, however, thelr earnest inquiries elicited the fact that, although Barcus was justified in his surmise that the neighboring country was poverty-stricken in re- spect of motor cars, Mesquite itrelf boasted two motorcycles whose own- ers were not indifferent to a chance to sell them second-hand at a con- siderable advance on, tHe Tetail list price of the machines; when new. And thus ft was that, within ten minutes from Rose's discovery of that chance-flung warning in the dust, the party was again in rapid motion. His beauty sleep disturbed by the departure of the machine bearing Barcus and Judith, Seneca Trine roused on an elbow and looked out of the window Just in time to see the second motoreyele gathering momen: tum, Alan steering, Rose in the seat behind. . . Sixty seconds later a flaunting ban- ner of dust was all that remained to remind Mesquite that romance had pasted that way--that, and a reries of passionate seroams emanating from the bedchamber of - Senaca Trine, where the eripple lay posses. sed by maven devils of fnsensate rage. His screams brought attendance: but it was a matter of many precious minutes before his demands gounid be met and Marrophet and Jimmiy roused from their crapnlous slumbers in ad- joining chambers; and half an hour elapsed before the chauffeur, roused from his own well-earned rest, suc. ceeded In convincing the pair that pursuit with the motor eir was out of the question. But the devil takes care of his own: within another half hour what seemed to "be pheer, bull-headed, dumb luck brought a casual automobile to Aes- quite--a two-seated, high-power racing machine of the latest and speediest pattern, driven by two irre sponsible wayfarers who proved only too susceptible to Marrophat's offer of double the cost of the car--!. o. bh. Detroit--for its immediate surrender. The two piled out promptly enough; Marrophat and Jimmy jumped in; Trine from his bedroom window sped them on their murdérous mission with | a blast of blasphemy. ; same fraction of a second! the hillside, struck its shelving sur face a good twen.s feet from the brink and Rose crashed against hin: in the Headlong they plunged as one down "Sufficient! Mr. Law Interrupted |} roaches to the chasm. The weapon, with a bleak smile Crooking a deferential arm, Barcus offered it to Judith. "Everything 12 lovely in the fornia! ms Trine Was Lifted From the Car and Carried Into the Hotel, of the road, and flying apart tnmbled garden" he insisted---"so sweetly ro. their "gaparate ways down the re mantic. Are you game for an idle mainder 'of the drop and -into the saunter, just to while the idle hours friendly sheiter of tho underbrush. Something nearly miraculous saved them whole. away? The 'woman found spirit enough for Beyond a few scratches a wan smile as she tueked her hand and bruises and a severe shaking up, gratefully beneath his arm. they escaped unharmed. And they were picking themselves up and re- gaining their breath and re-collecting their scattered wits when, with im- petus no less terrific than their own had been, fhe pursuing motor car SWung round the bend and hurled. it- self directly at the two who remaihed upon the road above. CHAPTER XL 1X Bae. Nan A It Was a Trey of Hearts. of the roadway, he went his way in the end with curiosity unsated: Fate had | PD Ohdisturbed, u ay where it had | fallen, face upward, not a dozen feet ~ from the front door of the Mountain 'house, until another day dawned on : 1en, in the clear light of that dawn, four more. strangers straggied info Wo--two weary and haggard men, 'wo foolsorc and bedraggled women. : much the worse | en ghost, TREE? when Alan, checking his motorcycle (as it surmounted the summit of a long upgrade, looked back and dis- covered, soveral miles distant on the farflung windings of the mountain Toad. a small crimson shape that ran like a mad thing tirelessly pursued by a cloud of tawny dust like a gold A motor car, beyond all question, quality; it or might not con- | experience bad long since educated Alan in the gentle art of taking no chances. 2 Though ft was his life that they t they were 'caught in though Judith might be, in Marrophat's infatuation for. view | 22 Ege § * | son; and vuder the circumstances good | reason was synonymous solely with pursuit and one of uncommon road-devouring | a1! " Sacrifice. But Tom Barcus hadn't failed to profit by the warning implicit in Alan's accident. Alan, he told himself shrewdly, would never have run his cycle at so foolhardy a pace without good rea He was therefore on the alert, quick 10 see the racing automobile §t- swung her bodily with him of harm's way, amid the bordered the inside of the Of hecessity his motorcycle suffered. "You're-the cheerfulest soul I ever met," she said demurely. "What I'm going to do without you when--if ever --we get out of this awful business, goodness only knows." "Let's talk something else," he suggested hasyly. "Unless, of "course," . she pursued with unbroken . gravity, "I marry you. ao fervently, "forfend!" "That is hardly gallant--" "1 mean--heaven forfend that you should throw yourself away!" "Humph!" she mused. "Perhaps you're right." : nA Their banter was not without a subtle object, namely, to reassure the girl who followed, supported - by her lover's arm, . In the course of the last 24 tours | Rose's jealousy of her sister's new- found friendlingss "with Al become: acutely evident. 'The least courtesy which circumstances tow aud again demanded that he show Judith or seem a boor, was enough to cloud the countenance of Alan's betrothed. Nor. indeed. was Rose altogether pathy had grown out of the trials and dad of iste suffered | women, the least able to help herself hat ee tween Alan and Judith a bond of sym- a powerful 45. had a range sufficient to numb the impetuosity of the as. Sassins and keep them under cover aud out of sight of the desperate' es- says the fugitives were making to Compass an escape, For in the shed behind an abandoned log cabin--szouvenir, no doubt, of some forgotten prospector--Barcus had un earthed a length of stout hempen rope With the aid of a rusty shovel he had backed this into two aqual lengths One of these lengths he proceeded to make fast around his own waist, then around Rose's. The other he left to be similarly employed by Alan and Judith. For it was agreed that they must climb, and while the cliff offered no problem to daunt a mountain climb. er of any pretensions, it was consid: ered best that the fugitives should be hitched up in pairs against any pos- sibility of a slip. The pairing had been determined by the fact that Barcus boasted some slight experience in mountaineering, while Rose was plainly the most exhaysted of the two in an emergency. He had worked hig cautions way. with the girl in tow, to a point mid: Way up the face of the cliff, following a long diagonal that provided the eas: fest climbing, when Alan stole back to Judith and reportgd that. on the evidence of observation aud belief, he was convinced that the pursuit had turned back---perhaps for want of am- munition, perhaps to execute some less hazardous attempt upon the lives of the fugitives. Without delay, then, he made the froe end of the rope fast around his own waist, and, following the way Bar- cus had chosen, began the ascent. Two-thirds of the climb had been accomplished, and Rose and Barcus had arrived in safety at the 'top, be fore the temptation to look down proved irresistible, Immediately beneath his heels the face of the clit was deeply hollowed out, leaving a drop of 50 feet to a shelving ledge of shale as steep as a roof, whose eaves--perhaps another fifty, feet below-jutted out over an. other fall of a hundred feet, Alan shuddered and swallowed hard before. resuming the ascent. Another 20 feet brought him to a ledge quite six feet wide, offering a broad and easy path to tbe summit. He gained this with a prayer of heart- felt reli and wag on the hain! af, 8 Tas feet when a ery of horror froni Barcus and a scream of terror from Rose, watching over the upper edge, warned him barely in time to enable hin to snatch at and grasi' a | knob of rock before Judith's weight tantened the rope between them and Jerked Alan's legs from under him. His feet and legs kicked the empty air. beyond the lip of the ledge, he lay face downward, clutching desper- ately the knob of rock, praying that it might not 'that might arrive in time to savf them both. The rope was cutting into his ,¥ond the shoulder of the hill. - with 'a voice vibrant with fear, not His Screams Brought Attendance. movement was calculated to set the shale bed again in motion. Painfully he realized that if, as Bar cus asserted, she had deliberately cut the rope herself, Judith had offered| up her life to spare his own. CHAPTER L. Retribution. And yet the very consciousness of the girl's danger was all the stimu laut that Alan needed to recall him to himself Once arrived with Barcus at the top of the cliff, he lost no time in setting about preparations to effect her res. cue. In this business Fortune smiled upoy him, as it were, by predisposition. A broad roadway ran along the top of the précipice, turning off at a little distance to the right, to descend the mountainside. And just beyond this turning Providence had chosen to locate the camp otabyargpiic min. ing outfit, Y 3 Alan's appearance at the top, in fact, was coincident with the arrival at that point of half a dozen excited 'miners; and he had no more than voleed bis demands than three of their number were hastening back to the camp to procure rope and more hands. Within five minutes" Alan, sgainst the protests of Rose and Barcus, was being lowered over the edge and down to the shale roof on which he land- ed at n spot far to one side of Judith, to escape all danger of sending a sec- ond landslide down upon her. Picking his way carefully down to the very brink, Alan edged along this, more than once saved a fall to death only by the rope, until he stood im. mediately below Judith. Then pausing; he instructed her carefully, tossed the end of the rope into "her hands, and when she had wound it twice round her arm, crept up to her side and helped her make it fast about her body. His signal to the miners 'that all was well educed prompt response. There was a giddy interval in which the two swung perilously beiween heaven and earth, Then they stood once more in safety. Supported by sympathetic hands he, guartet a their story, as condensed by Barcus and "breathlessly confirmed by Alan, already winning" them. enthusiastic champions. And this was very well for them. For they had no more than seated themselves and begun to appreciate what perils they had escaped, when the rumble of a motor car sounded be- a, Startled by this alarm once more into full command of his flagging fac- uvities, "Alan rose and stumbled out into the roadway, taking cognizance of such facilities for defense as the camp afforded and issuing instructions for his own safety, but for the safety of those whom he loved. * Not far from the point where the road swung from the cliff to thread the lo was in at all. Ihave recommended them to many' other people, and our whole family uses them", J. W. HAMMOND, Those who have been cured by "Fruit. a-tives" are proud and happy to teil a sick or ailing friend about these won- derful tablets made from fruit Juices, 0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 5c. Atalldealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited » Ottawa. at tp gata AALLAMAMMLLLMARAMLLAAGLRS, OUR FRESH GROUND OOF- FER AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. Try a sample order and be convinced. NOLAN'S GROCERY _ Princess St, Phone 720. Prompt Dellyery WS The Glow of Perfect Health may yet be yours ! I O matter how weakened your condition by sick- ness, overwork, mental strain or other causes, if there is no dei disease, the tonic and strengthening effect oT PURITAN VALDES PORT WINE cannot Hil to you ood. It is recognized and en roi) by leading cal wen evarywhere, It improves the appetite, bolps di tion, soothes the ves and tones up the entire sratene, bringipy back the rosy hue of heath. which in yours by ght, One Delle per bottle. Order to~day. Hx SOWARDS Keep Coal and Coal Keeps SOWARDS STAND ON FEET Mrs. Baker So Weak--Could Nat Do Her Work--Found Adrian, Michi, ~ 1 suffered terribly 'with female weakness and backache $5 action, its terrific force. of water melt. ing the mountainside away ton by ton, Toward this Barcus ran at top speed, gaining the man in charge of the noz- gle just as the car swang round the bend. 3 ? . Pausing culy loug enough 10 make certain that there could be no mis £117 AF 1} : SRESSESS. rl COULD NOT...

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