THE CHURCH PULPITS ==" streets --Sunday service, -- THE MINISTERS WHO WILL PREACH UN SUNDAY. Auanouncemients Made By the Various Denominations As to Their Sere vices--Serman Topics and Musical | 8t. Paul's Com- pray- Can- Church--Holy munion, ¥.30 a.m.; morning er, 11 o'clock. Preacher, Rey on FitzGerald, M.A' Evening pray- er, 7 o'clock. Special sermon to students. Preacher, Rev Canon | FitzGerald, M.A, | First Baptist Church---Rev Doug- las Laing, pastor, at both services. | 11 am, "Unseen Resources;" 7/ p.m, "A Great Decision Day." Bible | school, 2.45 p.m. Students, sol-| diers and strangers cordially invited «to all the services.' ~ Princess Street. Methodist Church, | corner Princéss and Albert streets - | Rev. H. E. Curry, pastor. 11 am. and 7 pam.' 'The pastor both services. Sunday school and 1 ble class, 2.45 p.m.; Epworth League, Monday, 8 p.m.; prayer meeting, Wed nesday, 8 p.m. Srock Street Hall, between Welling- | ton 'and Bagot Mtreets--Attractive gos. | pel meeting at 7 p.m: EF. -Owles and H. G. Lockett, M:A., are the speakers for the evening. Suitable sony ser- vice before and between the ad dresses. An interesting and profitabls hour may be spent there. All heart ily welcome. Union Street ~«people's church i Services, | { } i- | { Baptist Church-- The home Rev. G. A. Lowes, minister; residence, "Victory Heights," Mack street 11 aan. "Character Study of Elisha"; 8 pan. Bible school; 7 p.n., a special sage for the present crisis, on Remedy for Existing Evils." dial iwitation is extended to dents and' strangers in the city. First Church of Christ Scientist, | Johnson, between. Bagot and well- | mes- | "God's | A cor | stu- ! SAVE YOUR HAIR ! IF FALLING OUT ap Lip 11 a.m., subject "Love." JVednesday evening, testimonial meeting. Public redding-room," same address, open every aftérnoon, except Sunday, - 3 to & o'clock. All ate cordially in- vited to. the service and the read- ing room Calvary Congregational ( hugch, cor- ner Bagot and Charles strts--Rev J. Lyall, pastor, +1580 Rideau street. 11 a.m. subject, "A Military Manoeu- vie Led by Faith'; 3 pm., Sunday school and Bible classes; 7 pim., "The Insanity oi- Sin"; Monday, 8 p.m, guild meeting; Wednésday,, prayer meeting and choir practice. All are heartily welcomed. Bethel Congregational, Cor. Barrie and Johnson--"A Central Chureh." Rev. A. P. Mershon, minister, will preach at 11 am. and 7 p.m., when he church is open te everyone for Divine. service. All seats free. Vol- unteer choir with special music. An- nual meeting of the church Wednes- day 8 p.m. Christian endeavor pray- meeting Friday, 8 p.m.; young Ladies' Mission Circle, Monday at 8 mm. Sydenham Street Methodist Church Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor Ihe pas- tor will preach morning and evening. Musie by soloists and full choir. Class meeting, 945 a.m.; Junior league, 10 n.m.; Bible' school and Wesleyan Club, 2.45 'pan; senior league, Monday, 8 p.m.; prayer and praise service, Wed. nesday, 8 p.m.; intermediate league; Friday, 7.30 p.m. Students and_sol- diers specially invited. A cordial welcome to all. Queen Street Methodist Church--FRev. G. 1. Campbell, B.D., pastor. 10 am. brotherhood and class meetingy-11 a.m, family Jservice. - Bring the children with '®ou, The pastor will preach, 2456 'paw., Bible school, adalt classes, Young Men's Club; speaker, Dr. Cole- man. 7 pan, pastor will preach. Good music. ; Students, soldiers and strangers welcome. Wednesday, : Pem., 'congregational prayer service; Thursday, 10 a.m., 2 pm. and 8 p.m., District Sunday School and Ep- = OR DANDRUFF---25 CENT DANDERINE Ladies! Men! Here's the surest dandruff cu known. , Quickest, re Thin, brittle,' colorless and sCPAggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff--that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff, It robs the hair of its lustre, its.strength and its very life; 'eventually. producing a feverish- ness and jtehfng of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink; loosen ane die--then the hair falls\put fast.* . little Dander- g Her hb %¢ . | S.ROUGH ine to-night--now---any surely save your hair, Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine frem any drug store or toflet counter, and after the.first ap- plication your hair will take on that life, lustre and luxuriance which is 80_ beautiful. It will become wavy and fluffy and, have "the appearance of abundance; an incomparable gloss and softness, but what. . will please you most will be after just a few weeks' use, when you will actually see a lot of fine, downy. hair--new hair--growing all over the scalp. time---will Charm Ceylon Tea BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED 30 To 60c Per Lb. | huge Unfon Jack. t company, ' A dod N 0 Brock St. Kingston. Ofice Phone, 5 sing Cop gmt 3 : Res, S68. i Fl 8 ' "and Will be a ean to worth Lea vited, . St. James' Church, corner and Arch streets--All seats free. Rev. I. W. Savary, B.A, rector, the Rec- tory, - 152 Batrie stteet. Septuages- ima Sunday. 11 a.m., Morni Pray- er and Litany, preacher, the ishop of Kingston. 3 p.m., Sunday sehool 7 pam., Evening Prayer and sermon, coutinuing series om St. Peter, "A Lesson in Forgiveness." Cooke s° Presbyterian Church, street--Rev. J. W. minister; residence, avenue. The minister will conduct both services. 11 a.m., "The Trials of Life"; 7 p.m., "Cleansing the Tem- ple"; 3 p.m., Sunday hors and Bible classes; midweek meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Students, soldiers and stran. gers cordially invited to all services. St. George's Cathedral--The Dean of Ontario, Bishop's Court. Rev. Sy- denhawm Lindsay, 23 Johnson street. Rev. Crozier Magee, 25 Johnson street. Septuagesima. S a.m., Hgqly Communion; 11 a.m., matins, Preach- er, the Dean. Subject, "A Wonder- ful Conversion." 3 p.m. Sunday school and Bible class; 4 p.m, Moly Baptisin. 7 par., evensong, preacher, Bishop, of Kingston. Brock Street Methodist i urch, cor. ner of Brock and Montreal streets-- Rev. Jolin Webster, pastor; residence. 242 Jobnson street; 'phone 704. 10 a.m., €lass meeting; 11 a.m. preacher, the "pastor; 3 p.m. Bible school, brotherhood and ladies' Bible classes; 7 p.m. preacher, the pastor; Monday, 8 p.m. Epworth League; Wednesday, 8 p.m.,- mid-week service. Strangers, students and soldiers welcome, Chalmers, Presbyterian, Bavrie and Farl streets--Rev. M. Macgillivray, D:D., minister. Services 1 11 a.m. "The Strangest Charactar in a Strange Book. and His Message For Our Time"; 7 p.m. "The Law' of Reply in Everything in Heaven gnd Earth, and What Happens When Jesus Meets Us." Sunday soil and Bible class, 3 p.m.. Annusl concre- gational meeting, Wednesday evening. Students and strangers cordially in- vited to all the .ervices. First Congregational, corner Johu- son and Wellington streets--Rev. E. LeRoy Rice, B.A. pastor; residence, 281 Alired street; 'phone 1068. The pastor will preach at both services. 11 a.m. subject, "The War and sions"; 7 'p.m. subject, "Mary Ma lene, a Study in Redemption," tinuation of the series of sermons art. Angus Orr will. sing at the evening service. Students and. sol- diers are very cordially invited to' worship with us.' Sittings are free. County Jail Still Asylum For Inebriates "A year ago I mage the statement before you that the SER lait was ad inebriate asylum." Tt is still too much of an inebriate asylum. There are 100 many drunken wen there." Tlius spoke Dr. I. @. Bogart to the Frontenac council on Friday evening, when presenting his report for the past 'year on jail conditions. "The law of our province licenses the sale of liquor, and then you send mien to jail for drinking it in excéss," Dr. Bogart . said. "You should keep drunkards in some oth- er place till they are sobered, and then send them out again. There is on¢ man in the county jail now who practically lives there. As soon as he gets out he becomes drunk, and: is sent back over 'and over again." gue Convention. I'ublic in- - x Union Srock Mcentosh, MA, 318 University gdas in BABY'S TABLETS. Baby's battles for health can easily won jf the mother will - con- stantly keep. at hand the means of aidivg her little. ones when the eter: oncy may arise. . Baby's Own Tab. ots should be found in every home where there 'are small children. The Tablets 'are a gentle but thorough laxative. They break up colds; relieve croup; prevent comstipation; cure in- digestion; promote sleep, and, in fact, cure all the minor ills of little ones. They are sold by all medicine deal Dy m at «00, Sram.) pe we : lima" Wedjeing Rony lta ville, Ont. FLAGS TO BE PRESENTED To the 21st, Overseas Battalion Will Cost $700 . The Kingston Veterans' Agsacia- tion has ordered two flags that will 'be presented (0 the 21st Battalion as s00n as they arrive. * One is the col- ors of the battalion and the other a be silk and of 'splepdid- wor) emanship, : the citizens who are contributing towards them, and (o i battalion. Commandant. Ingledew and a prominent merchant tn the armouries or the éricket field, and will be a ceremony of great a' don © Both flags are of |. . i RAISES THE SALARY OF mig) COUNTY CONSTABLE. Di. I. G. Bogart Reports About the « dail=-- The Men's 'Cells Should Be Enlarged---Appropriations Made. The Frontenae Council held its Friday afternoon session with the aid of gas lamps, as the evening shades were falling when the coun- cillors gathered round their horse- shoe in the Red Chamber of the court bouse. The members were busy alll day doing committee work. It might be mentioned that the lights in the council chamber are little better thidh coal oil lamps. They look as if they were put there fifty years ago or more, when the gas works was first established in King- ston. Councillor Halliday, chairman, of the Property Committee, proposes te light the chamber by electricity before next session. The Friday afternoon session open- £d with a report from High County Constable John Purdy, whe told of increased. duties, and asked for a fif- ty-dollar increase, making his salary $200. The high constable stated that last year he paid out $100 in expenses out.of his own pécket to earn his $150. He claimed that he saved the county much = money by getting rid of tramps, not by arrest, but by making them step along live- 1y to the next municipality. The report of Constable Purdy stated that he had attended several fairs in the 'county last year and found that the law against gambling was strictly enforced. He spent about fifty-one . duys attending at places where he considered hls ser- vices might be required. On niot'on of Councillors Foley and Wensley, -ghe "high constable's ealary was fixed at $200. Dr. I. G. Bogart reported 231 en- tered the jail during 1914, There were no contagious diseases. The physician -made 168 frips in 'the year to see patients ---- seeing one to five prisoners each time. Dr. Bogart spoke highly of the geod work of jailer C. H. Corbetf and Sheriff Daw- son in the interests of the prisoners. There had been no deaths during the Yyear--in fact there had béen no deaths in the jail during the six years he was jail physician. Four pri- soners were removed to hospital for treatment. 'The jail was a credit to the city and county, for it was always be better however, make two cells into one, so as to glye the male pri- soners more sleeping space. Treat the prisoners humanely, said the doctor, and send them out better than when they entered. ™ 3 Dr.. Bogart said that years ago, the jail drug bill rap from $100 to $300 a year. During last year, his drug bill was. $238.4iand he believed the prisoners got albithe drugs; they needed. (3: § "William Griffiths, Toughboro, and Elijah Sigsworth, of Portland, were appointed = trustees" of Sydenham high school for three years. On recomupendation of the Finance committee the following appto- priations were made until "June: Council $7,500; court house, $1,000; jall $1,500; charities, $1,000; Prints ing $300; tile, $600; miscellaneous, $1,200; roads amd bridges $1,000; good roads, $5,000; road repairs, $1,- 000; total $14,000. . The Roads and Bridges' Committee recommended that a grant of $200 be made, to repair the. boundary bridge between Miller toWwaship in Frontenac and Abinger township, in Lennex and Addington, on condition that a similar grant be. made by the latter county €eyncil. Adopted The council; 'on "recommendation of the Good Roads Ceimmittee, voted $150 to 'Ross La Rose, for injury re- ceived, providing Portland township gives $100: att - The cone! session of the council was held dn Saturday morn- ing. A resoMition Was passed, on motion of Coupcillors Franklin and Foley, expressing the 'sympathy of the council with the fam'ly. of the late D, D. Rogers in their bereave- ment. . ELAR Q pall vas ade io-the- ondet corps. of the Sydenham High School. On motion of Councillors Spankie and Kranklin, the public school in- spector was rized schoel centres at w amination are ; with necessary stationary and charge the-same to . The enunell 15th of June:at 4 p.m. clean and always sanitady. It would], Specials for SALE OF MEN' Special lot men's $5.00 tan and button boots, most all sizes, ¢lear $ Special lot men's light weight Bluchers. Just the shoe to wear under mibboers: MEN'S CHEAP RUBBERS Sizes 6 to 10 BOYS' CHEAP RUBBERS Sizes Ito5 .............. ut Sizes 11 to 13 Bia ee tt 'Shoe i « Of Furs Affords you the oppor- tunity of buying high class furs at less than wholesale prices. You cannot, conceive of the marvelous BAR- GAINS we are offering, and space will not per- mit us to quote prices, 80 we invite you to come examine and compare. Every line of Manufac- tured is included : Sale this Ladies' Fur and Fur- lined Coats, Neck Piee- es and Muffs, in all the popular furs. iit Men's Fur-linéd Coats Coonskin Coats, Sleigh FOUTS Rt rp § dhe bell of St. we Milly, hte in a Wedd ibe Bartiaby's «Church, peeled forth its fad VALUABLE ADVICE oi int" ela 8 Re » are t exienive Sik ; ™» SUFFERERS traceable ty and 5 {food is thie ref sults from [3 ne "00 Gres ake u y 30 nting. Adm! k the -- anderiy- + and consequent as - those who Bestive troubie to fet nesia (note © as other forms are un- one _ to two ag Niue a by imme. tirkg Tpuse,) from thelr the paths S TANS | Prices Moderate Friday and Saturday proffer calf Blucheis , SPECIAL SALE LADIES' TAN BOOTS All ladies" $6.00 tans AH Tadies" $5.00 tans All ladies" $4.50 tans All ladies' $1.00 tans Buttons, pla - CHILDRE eta 65¢ Abernethy's in lace and Blucher patterns N'S CORD Regular $1.25 an d$1.35; also leather leg- gins, regular $1.75 to $2.50; all to go LADIES' BROWN SPATS Regular 75¢ and $1,00. Special ~ WOMEN'S WARM SLIPPERS 15¢, 35¢, 50c. UROY LEGGINS $1.00 ALMOST EVERYBODY: LIKES CANDY ¥ posit Vays - i séspecially if iis first class If you will patronise ue for Your confectionery jou will get the best obininable aayw) N pure nnd wl me and strictly up to the Pure I" Standard, While sur confectionery is way up in point of quality our prices a2e ax low as you will pay for in- ferlor ecnundy civewhere, SAKELL'S, Next to Opera House. Phone 640, ? - Te -- ---- You CarrGet The best value in the city in groceries and meats at the Unique CGifoeery - and Meat Market. C. H. PICKERING " Grocery and Mest Dealer. tests ETT KINGSTON LETTERHEADS 2 TT IY STATEMENTS wi H WHIG Al helt kT ~ 41 Princes Bgrom a _ | With Beid High | L -------- FURRIER Our Big FURNITURE SALE! We furnish from a mansion to a cottage at wenulfacturer's prices. Pretty designs in brass bods, S-tich : continuous posts, $13.50, Leggett and rast, springs, Genuine felt mattress with Am, 1 Genuine felt wativens with luperia A chance wo wity, the latest " y and Bd - Hi = :