Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Feb 1915, p. 1

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The Daily > ' dritish Whig YEAR ____YEAR 82 No. : 26 NEW GERMAN REGINENTS i] FLED BEFORE THE BRITISH They Wavered Be Before Malice! Guns and nd Bayonets. THE BRITISH LEAPED : FROM 7 PEI EPEFET ILE D IPE bee < DACIA AT LAST SAILS. ¥ + Galvaston, Tex, Feb, 1.-- The steamship Dacia, which + cleared for Rotterdam January 22, sailed from here at noon yesterday. She has in her hatches 11,000 bales of cotton destined for Germany, and is the vessel which may rupture relations between this country and Britain, the latter nation » having given public notice that, the vessel will be taken by Brit. ish warships. ug Tha TRENCHES IN \, BIILLIANT ATTACK. German Repulse Near Ypres Causes Great Entliusiasm -- British lenced a German Battery Which Was Shelling Soissons. ddd bd ddr dbd * Prd bP bh lbh bbb Pid bhi bib iid Pl TH 0} OF 1 Paris, Feb. 1, THE NEWS. The kaiser's fresh troops hurled into action near Ypre have been thrown back with sever losses bY the 'British. Bayonet at : tacks unnerved the new regiments, New and they retreated in disorder hree of Official despatches claimed the de- struetion of German trenches by the! allied artillery " at several points along the Aisne, and the capture of German positions west of Soissons * German reinforcement received their baptism of fire in a charge against the British positions south east of, Ypres A daylight attack was ordered. The Germans ad- vanced at the doublequick upon the _ ooo. British trenches Their lines wa Essex county councilwiviil vered under a hot machine-gun fire, the sani of 3500 per aud-they broke aud fled in disorder the National Patriotic when the British soldiers leaped from | next June. their trenches in a brilliant bayonet Lincoin county attack, raise $85.000 for the Belgi relied News of the repulse of Germans] fund- and $5,000 for the patriotic near Ypres wasreceived with greaten- | fund o& thusiasm here. For several days Proceedings ave begun to unseat the reports sald the German general staff | reve and council of Sandwich Bast was massing fresh regiments near) township, owing lo irregularities in Ypres for a mighty smash through | the election the allied lines. The ease with] Lieut.-Gen. Sir George Bryan which the first attacks were repulsed | don, who served to: inspired confidence. an officer of the dead. He was (3 p. m. off have i condensed Items By Telegraph Apo From Exchanges, York realty man murdered his family and killed himself. steamer Dacia left Galveston for erdam with her carg cates of Italian neutr: att wcked py republican agit Rowe, Srmgent jo of cotton. lity tors were in measures. ate adept «dl to eradicate smallpox the Six Nations Reserve, pear Drantiord live federal government has modified the regulations as to sepuration al lowanees for men enlisting active being on fox contri- month tc Fund --untii hute council decided to Mil man) Stir Fusi ---- born In Allies Successful Elsewhere, The French artillery has main- tained an incessant bombardment of the German positions along the Aisne for the last twenty-four hours, Acrial scouts reported that the shelling was remarkable effective. In the Solesons region the British | gunners effectually silenced a Ger-| man battery whieh had resumed shelling Soidsons from a plateau on 22 Hon. W. J. Haona, provincial secre tary, speaking to a large audience at Broadway Tabernacle. Toronto, sai the provincial government wags clear fng 32,000 acres of land in Northern Ont to assist the unemployed. I'he old Central prison on Strachar avenue, Toronto, will be closed tha month, the new reformatory at-Guelpi and the industcial farms mn Norther Uuturio beng ready to tuke care of afl the north of. ahisns, 4 Lidoners of this. iisbibution. > A was dui At the wencluding Pa er pro ¥ ton Tare north 10 | council for Leeds and ville, © the sonconnt. of the German crown prince Y ontineed shelling the allles' trenches outside | fund, and $100 per - of Verdun, in an effort to press| Belgian relief fund closer to the forts, but its shell fire| of the present year, . has been ineffective, war lasts that long. Comparative quiet has reigned in! The Ontario government has beer the Vosges and In Alsace for the past! notified that it is tlie intention o twenty-four hours, the official de- | the federal authorities to indemnif: resolution' 'was $300 per month to adopted granting the patrioti month to the until the enu providing. the TWO RECTORIES FORMED, Bishop of Kingston to Rectors. Appoint Nev This compensation will take the 1,500,000 and buildings eommittee, and accept- battles in Poland. 'Admitting that Germany has an-epormous number . " Tabriz Taken B INGS TON ONTARIO, MOK DAY, Troops Compare Favorably, Feb. 1. sent Rotterdam, British troops to the armies of -the ed rin Frauee is Havre corresp :... Notlerdam "The an -How | as reinforcethents allies, are land- described by + the | ndent of the Nieuwe | Courant. i landing, altogether Over Taking Fy. of Warship by Germany. INCIDENT _ 1S VIEWED he says, "i admirable 3 enfer the various while the North and the English Channel are tected by torpedo bodts ers and a fer "The .tran done vay. En- | Orinous transport Freuch ports, Sen all pro- and destroy rapid cruisers. & PAS DECLARATION OF /ANTAGON- follow each "othe 2 ISM TO GREECE, at short intervals. As a ship sw -------- inte its . place the soldiers stand First Line Troops and Reserves Be. ready 15 march. "The wagons for the ing Mobilized--Grecce May Join division are ready to be loaded, Am 8 is > i 4 ple space has been reserved the Servia in Resksting and quays for the landing but no more German Attacks. men are landed than the railw cau carry at a time. "As soon as a ship i moves on at onee to in the harbor, and is new transport with regularity, "The efficiency of, organization ia) . well illustrated by the fact (hat mL Shu. French hurhor mo fewer. than {yoni tien of ail Test He bon: twenty-eight transports dis {and reserve is in progress, and it is charged within (wenty-four hours I rent gossip that Greece will join "It has been erted that this Servia in "resisting further attacks aewly-formed army 'is inferior to. thes |}. Austrian or German forces 4 first, but nothing ean be seen of such | "Austrian and German citizens inferiority. The corps compare favor- '| wving Greece by al ably with the f line stroops of the north > i best Furopean arany. They comprise voung and well-disciplined men in the | . prime of life." WOULD TRY THEM AS "PIRATES" ermans Captured For Tor- pedoing Merchant Vessels | Should be Hanged. sports oh Austrian ays { It is understood 8 wvernmeni dread she | point | has taken over {nought Salamis, unde; construction at Germany i The aifair has caused guite as iun here, and in ua © Ident is viewed as a virtu: 1 de- of antagonism to Gj empt anol folle almost her ved by Stetti clocks a, vork ens ome were are trains going HOT ATTACK MADE. On Hon. Mackenzie: King By Leader. York, Feb. 1.--W, lL. . Mac- King, former minister of lab or under the Laurier administra tion, recently employed by the 2 kefelloy Foundation Lo "investi gate industrial unrest in the Unitec Sates, was hotly attacked by John . Lawson, a member of the Boarc = the United Mine Workers o | America before the Federal Com { on on Industrial Relations. Speaking of the Rockefeller "Mil lion Dollar Investigation," as it is London, Feb. 1.--A demand that | called, Mr. Lawson said: aptains of German war vessels Te- 'Who is the man. chosen to con ponsible for the torpedoing of mer. | duct this willion dollar investiga hant vessels and for bombardment tion into industrial unrest? One if count gities be tried as "pirates," | Mackenzie King, an alien, whos nd not. dered prisoners of war, contribution to the industrial prob a5 made phe London Globe. to. lem is a law that preseribes a jai tay, sentence for the worker who dare: "The sinking of vessels carrying | | to lay down his tools." wn-combatants without notice tere piracy," the Globe declared. "The persons guilty 'are not en-| itled to the privileges of prisoners | f war if captured. Yet Located, "We have one pirate in our santa] Wesloy Johnston, ped ihe | Aho captaip. of the. Bluecher. Let 30008. eh ndhaie, i Jbeginuing by 'trying him Y*8I% whe or murder of helpless. women and 90y'c ivsue of . hildren at Searborough." . | appeared and d of gince, Captain Erdmann was picked up bave not yet beon located, "A Whig iy British boats after the Bluecher "Porter called upon Mrs. Johnston vas sunk in the North Sea naval en- 8t her home, 27 Stephen streey, 'agement on January 24¢h and was °° Monday afternoon, aud she tole anded at Leith, Scotland. He ig him that on Jan. 6th her husband 10% a prisongpiol war at Edinburgh. {nd son left home, the former stating that he was going to Collins Bay to ee Big ARMIES "work for Thomas Fairfield, farmer, ai that place. Tt sceins that some | trouble kad been experienced in keep ling the missing boy at school, © and Ne of New Russian Of fensive is Aimed at Ger: man Seaport. | the authorities had given Mr. John jibe a Xepiitinnd. Becoming diseourag Petrograd, Feb. 1.--Three great tussiau armies are now advancing ed over being unable to secure work he hastily decided to leave for Collin: Bay. Alter taking his sccond son { Bruce, to school, he and his other bo: | started out to walk to the above | destination. 'The two were seen wali pon the strongly fortified German | eaport of Koenigsberg. Develop-| nent of a new offensive south of the ailroad leading from Instérburg to he East Prussian: capital is ind! ated in despatches, ing along Division and Princes: streets that same morning, but since Moving along a line southwest of | nsterberg, a Ruesian force, whose | regence in Fast Prussia had not | wen recorded in ofticial statements, 8 attempting to cross the Angerap Liv han h [0 march on Thsterburg from the iouth and then move westward along! No the Germans have nof yet' he railroad to Koenigsherg. tacked Kingston, but people wha Bombardment of the bridge-head {happened to be om King street, near it 'Darkehmen was in progress 10-| the Whig office, early on Monday al lay, and despatches to the war of-|ternoon, had un idea that there was ice' asserted the shell-fire was ef-|something doing. Considerable "fir 'ective. © "A second Russian army, ing was going on, but when an in moving westward upon Koenigsberg. ! vestigation was méde it was found m a line north-east of Insterburg, that a boy with a toy pistol - was lontinues its successful advaiite be- | responsible for all the noise, 'The yond Pilkallen, whose occupation was | youngster was well supplied with am- sthctally confirmed by the war of- {munition and was having a big time. ~ Market ilhian Labor on nzine js! ARE § STILL | MISSING. Wesley Johnston And His Son No their whereabouts Mrs. Johnston has been kept unde great suspense by the disappearance | and is in poor cizeumstances. Whethe Mrs. Johnston's husband and son ar | alive is not known. BOY WITH Piston x 2] Creited a Stir on King Street Munda = Xitsrhoon, at- form of a cash donation. Whenever a turnkey at Ottawa joil is given a new suit, the equip- ment shall not be considered com- Paris, Feb. T--The Army Bulle- ed by the county council on Satur tin, in commenting upon the Ger- day. man army losses, assests that from August 2nd until the beginning of 500.000 wounded would be able to, 'The Bishop of Kingston states that return to the firing line, the bulle- the rectory of Merrickville and Bur- tin says that the definite loss there- ritt's Rapids has been separated and fore may be estimated at nearly 1,- cach place will become ao separate rec- of men in reserve, bul these reser- ves are already been drawn upon! and ere not fneximustible. even in-| corporating the cinsses of the younz- By R sia dispensed with in times of perce. | 0 Sai d ) Germany's appeals, it is added, will | n ur a be tnable to furnish actually over! Er 2,000,000 men. The more Ger-| Pelgograd, Feb -L~Tabriz has been many forms new units the more will | --was_offi- she diminish the Semeral value of cially announced here to-day. Russian i led in a Paris despatch Saturday. It Former Canadian Missing. indicates that the Russians have se- London, Feb. 1.~-Ampng the cured the upper hand in fighting the missing. in a casualty list just made Turks in Persia, , a the sultan's public is 'Major Arthur €. Morrison plans for an Egyptian 'invasion will Bell, member of parliament for the likely to be much influenced thereby. tel asserted to-day. the families of the two Buffalo duci Spatehey > + hunters who were shot off Fort Erie plete unless an extra pair of pasts s jueluded. - This was made the sub December the German army lost ap- proximately 2,000,000 men, and BOL AGL es Merb iL siren est men, from 17 to 20 years of age, and those 'between 20 and 40 her army and hasten the' moment Tryon entered the city Saturday af- when there will be an end to her ternoon. Honiton division of Deyonshire, Ma- jor Morrison-Bell was er aide- | Col. John Wallace Carson, To Mont real, sailed Saturday from. New York by Canadian soldiers somé time ago Of G 1,500.0 ject of a recommendation of the jail * since that time there have been the Without doubt, says the Bulletin, matter of appointments « of rectors. years of age whose serviccs were resources. The above was unofficially announce de-camp to the of Minto, gov- | ornor-geporat of , and served | by the Lusitania to resume his duties in the Canadian *ontingent in Svs iin connection with the Canadian Over- Africa. i seus Expeditionary Force. OF PARLIAMENT S rr Ottawa, Feb. J~The akan wh beers ot the commons and senate have commenced to arrive in the subital in in considerable the opeui on Thursday. It is that - debate on the will be pro- ceeded with Lg The mov- or will he W. Canadian tween Sir Robert Bosden and 3 Sie wil 34, Satted she rms of ara ue | , remarked : ARRIVING IN OTTAWA oy jee last night. The atmy of the north --Cleric W jon, was to-day engaged with the enemy who is also a constable! happened to it the northern outskirts of Tilsit.' |cowe along, and he at once put an . wd to the shdoting by confiscating the pistol. There is a by-law pro- hibiting the firing off of thess pistols on the street. % CABMAN AIDED ENEMY To Leave Canada, and May Get Tuto HIS AMBITION. Kaiser Hopes To Keep Allies Ou Own Soik Berlin, via The Hague and london, Feb. Ie & il stay on hostile ter- ritory until the enemy is vanquished," wos the assertion of Emperor William @ personally conferring the Irom Uross on a German soldier, according to a printed report printéd by a Cologne newspaper. He's A Nut-Eater. Franklin k. Be United secretary of t interior, never eats cooked food at noon. d the lunch hour - Se The Hungarian who was driven. . to Wolle Island bre Jol cab driver, 2d whe, managed to crass the ber- before being | broach to the city of high tresson. ag should be: caseful about those they drive across the line. In. this ease a Pent, of 3 EY, a feav- 33 al war was in "the ing Canada. ove Yor Sw, : "I have just: been noticing squirrels eh in the park by White T eat little on aly | all the day Tall pchsesaion Se re rE a FEBRUARY UNLOADED IN -¥RANCE Precision And Eficiency the Aim -- - GREECE p . 'poudent then not a word has been heard as tc 1. 195 a PROVISION FOR NEWLY WEDS. Separation Allowance in Case of Mar. riages of Volunteers, Uttawa, Feb, 1.--Arrangements have been made for the gr utiling of separa tion allowances in causes of the mar riage of volunteers after enlistment Hitherto application in such cases hnve been refused on the ground that marriages aller en. af no contemplated wher listment we the act was passed, the allowance bo ing to provide for families of mar ried men who bad enlisted as sach, t prevent want or the placing of tee heavy a buiden upon the patriotic fnpd. The government has now take into consideration the fact that these applications have been from mom wh, had, before enlistment, given a pro mise to. marry, and an order-in-coun vil has heen pa i providing tha: "permission to marry be granted pro vided the application has the recom iméndation of the oflicer commanding the scorps 'in which" the gman is serving and that marriage takes place withis twenty days.after the publication o this order, and thf, ns regards v op vlications of this kind from men en listing herealter, permission be grant od only to those who apply at th timie of enlistment, and "hat if not married within twenty days thereaf ter, the permission be cancelled." Warming To Roumania. Loudon, Feb. 1.--Three or ions of the Bavarian army rived in the region of Bauat, Hungary, according to the Ms ail 5 Bue 'hares pondent, "This is regarded here," the adds, "as not only ree to Servia but a warning to mania." 'FFORTS OF POPE COME TO NOUGH! \l the Warring Nations Re fused to Exchange lava- lid Prisoners. -- Rome, Feb. 1.--Pope Benediet's {forts to bring about an agreemen etween the warring powers to ex hange invalid prisoners have com: 0 naught, the vatican diplomats re worted to-day. All nations to whom His Holines: ddressed pleas replied that eve: bough invalid or badly woundec risoners might not recover "suffic antly to return to the fighting line aey might rev eal important military four divi- have ar southern Daily t corres corres- men Rou v ni WILL OPEN EN TO-MORROW, | Jouvention to Protest Against C. M. © B. A. Rates. The convention of the members of he C.M.B.A., called to protest agdins the recent raise in the rates, will be held in Kingston on Tuesday. It is expected' that » large number 6 the délegates will arrive in the city to-night. from various points in Can ada. The session will be held in For esters' Hall, corner of Princess ane dontreal streets. In addition te the rates; other i ortant matters will be discussed, sonnection with the grand council he ral work, and the standing of the or .anization. A special committee was appointed to mest all the trains and to welcom: he visitors, and to escort them t¢ the hotels. The convention will be one of th most important ever held by the C.M 3A. and it is expec that many wominent Canadians will attend, in Juding several prominent clergymen. . J. Foy, K.C,, of Perth, is expected to take the chair. The Germans "Are Longing For Peace London, Feb. 1.--The' Exchange fetegraph's Copenhagen correspon lent to-day wired tha the reported engthy discussions of peace terms n German newspapers indicates hat Germany is longing for peace." 'He quoted tire | Neudeutschiand as|® 'aylng that the German people will 'emand. the right to discuss peace * erms before negotiations are opened! "he Tageblatt, an influential Berlin aper, intimates that free discussions if peace terms should net be delayed oo long, nc: an attempt be made to Jrohibit syeh discussion, he wired, The Presbyterians of all it Westminster Church. An nd olen of natives in N assn- but the British had jt tl control. . for the allowance: | Smith's Falls are to build a new church and i f . acking _---- LAST EDITION GERMAN SUBMARINE RAID ON BRITISH five Vessels Become the Prey : + of Torpedoes. JERMANY HAS FLEET ¥ MARINES FOR ATTACKING Jritain's Overseas Commerce--Three Steamers Sunk In the Irish Sea | And Two In the English Channel. British sunk by Saturday points in the lish Channel. caused intense pecially in British The first. announ- | success the sub the following offi- 1ed by the French London, derchant serman ad Feh, 1.--Five steamers wore submarines diring Sunday at various ) Sea and the Eng .agse exploits have icitement," es aipping circles -ement of the daarines was in al statement ainister of ma Reports last torigs "told by els that two nd the 31, 4C¢ks on Saturday "The British steamer as been sunk by erinan submarine el learia also was ame locality .ritish steamer sen Cruachen "Hitherto the aching a Sunde) sailor submar 1 and the ves- the the « at' any ra | Tokomaru a torpedo from a! The British ves- | torpedoed in the | In the Irish Sea the Linda Blanche and were torpedoed Cernians, before at- merchant vessel, always llowed the crews sufficient time to mbark in the ship's boats That ustdm hes now been a bandoned, as 3 shewn by the bombardment of be Admiral Gautheume, which wes tied with Belgian women and hildren refugees. The German ma- ine has decided to violate system- tically .and.. deliberately interna- fonal law." The new raid brings the informa- on from Freneh naval experts that | «ermany has a fleet. of eighteen | owerful submarines capable of at-| Great Britain's overseas | ommerce, Each craft has a radiust £,2,600 miles, while g radius of oi y £4,000 niiles §§ necessary to en- orce Admiral Von Tirpitz's threat | 0 ghase British comniercial ships ram their home seas. | | EIGHTEEN POWERFUl+ SUB- s | ed. {fully { end countrymen, de merce, {of tha dead next diture, ed and maimed would drive the aw- MERCHANTMEN JTPEIIIINI III MITTIN RATES ARE RAISED, Liverpool, Eng. The Underwriters here to-day + raised the mate of insurance on + coastwise shipping from five to # + twenty shillings per 100 ¢ + pounds, as the result of German + + submarine raid off Fleetwood. 3 PEELE ESR authorities here to-night ordered {all boat services between Belfast, Liverpool and Manchester suspend- cdl SIR GEORGE FOSTER SPEAKS IN MONTREAL When the Maimed Are Brought Home We Will Grasp the Awful Truth, (Feb. 1.--Canada will not realize what the great svar in lurope nieans to her, until the maim ed and broken come back from the cared for until = the trenches, to be of their by their fellow- clared Sir George E. minister of trade and com- in an address before the Mon: treal Canadian Club. Canadians had learned something of the" meaning of the war, when {parhament wae asked for $50,000,000 for war expenses, and when train. loads of her best and bravest passed through to the front They would realize it still when the lists are published, and when, month, parliament is asked for another $100,000,000 for war oxpen- But the sight of the wound- dontreal, hives Foster, more fulness of the struggle home as thing else could The minister no- claimed that Britain had unever been a bully among the uations, her chief work having been to develop her colon He 'detailed the attempts made By Si Grey to preserve ope, and contended that' tain had deme her part to 'avert tho war, v re: "afloat ie ot an hour. This rave the crew of 'filtv-seven mem 4 | L bance to get off in the small boats. | [he crew was picked up by the traw- er Hooper and brought to Havre his afternoon. No details are avail- able concerning the torpedoing of he leavia. { Ben Croachen Shélled, Fleetwood, Feb. 1.--The German abmarine 121 on Saturday torpe ioed the North Shields steamer Ben ruachen off this port. The entire vew, numbering (wenty, was landed bere. the captain oi the steamer says he vas overtaken by the submarine yes erday morning and ordersd to leave He ship within ten minutes. Hardly ed the crew got into the boats when + torpedo. was fired, and the steamer vent down. The Ben Cruachen, which was of | 1,978 tons, and belonged to the Mor- ison Shipping Co., was on a vovage rom the Orkney Islands to Liverpool | vith a general eargo. Fleetwood is one of the ishing and shipping ports vest coast, The Stoned Graphic, with the paper erg, re 12 Lis rool. lays, pas wrec a aaa TOON WY terwards saw the Ben Cruacheén sunk. The Graphic was chased but elud- xd pursuit and reached the Mersey safely. prineipal on the passen Leinster Chased, Dublin, Feb. 1.--~The steamer Lein- ster, from Holyhead to Kingstown, reports that ghe was chased" by. a German submarine for fifleen minutes off tf Kish Light vessel, but sue. ceeded in escaping. --Kish Taght --vessel is opposite | the mouth to Dublin Bay. bef .. The Allan Line steamer Seandinav- inn, from St. John, N.B., Jan. 22nd, for Liverpool, with 500 passengers on board, learned of the raid of the vas, "snd put "into Queenstown. Al ter Femeining in Queenstown =~ for & short time the steamer proceeded for Liverpool, Boat Services Speutied Belfast, Feb. 1.---Becaute of re- ports that mor German submarines have beun'gighted in the Irish Sea, aman Liverpool aud Belfast, the OVERSEAS TROOPS HERE VE BY FEB. 20TH MAY The units for overseas service wiil in gg near future a harry leave the city for Halifax not later |D® issued to leave for Halifax. than the twentieth of this mouth, is the repert that eaine on good authors ity on Monday. pointed to this conclusion. The Several thiugs bave and the idea was never enterigined rder will It was givea out by one in author- ity on Monday, that the Zlst Battal font Will not he moved to Toronto, by thise in charge. The | City Counell, 8 pm Division Court, 9 ani, Tuésday, Band at Vietorla rink to-night. Bind at the Palace Rink to-night. gp ockey, § pm, McGill 11. v8 Queen's Faudeville, Grand Opera House, 7.50 om Soo top of page 3, right hand corner, or probabilities. CHE DAILY BRITISH WHIC fs on Sale at the Following City Stores: Bucknell's News Depot ..208 Klag ® Jlarke, J W. & Co .... 563 Princess JoMoge Book Store .... 163. Princess Coulter's Grocery ...... #08 Cullen's Grocery, Cor. Prin. § Froutgnao Hotel ........ Outerio St Gibson's Drug Store ..Market Square Lowe's Grocery ........, Portsmouth McAuley's Book Store ....95 Princess | McGalrs Cigar Store, Cor. Prin. & King | McLeod?s Grocery ... «51 Union Bt W, Medley's Drug Store, 260 Uuntversity | Poters' Grooery Blore .....» 71 Plue St. Paal's Cigar BLore .......s 18 Princess Prouse'a Drug Stores ....513 Priacess Valleau's Grocery ...... $08 Montresi a FOU EN IER. In 21st 915, ¥o Jan Mus, Altho to Mr, and a son, MARRIED, x COLEMAN--NBILSON--On Taiday Jap unary 16th, 1915, at Newn by the as cole a by the R AP, iTusied. Ar rr Marion, younger daughter of Mr. and Mra. William Neon Winnd- peg, to Arthur Leonard hy Mr. And Mrs. . man, 'Watson. Bask. third son of Wf _ DIED Do oath ae A LONGMORE--AT Campbelif. the residence of his son, vn Jan, 34h, "ph &. Longmore, of Ont, in his sixty-ninth Interment at Newburgh, on uary Ernest ir aa oF ash. ROBERT J, BE ID rons, ening Gndrriatey it Sa ae "Phone 147 for Ambule Take Notice Jos Sar pov or TRY S - Our Own Speck Blend | TEA Still sold at the old price, 35¢c lb. Thies the bost valuai. the i tas. Redden ® Co " cra a a

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