Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Feb 1915, p. 4

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_. PAGE FOUR The British Whig » Fo bia EN ESS Published Daily sad Semil-Weexly hy THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMITED, GQ BUIEE ..ovsvnniseeess « Ra Guild Sian / n .. President ag Director ec.- Treas. Telephones: oss Office to! i Rootns Job crevasses sass tnERaay SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Dally Edition) me gear delivered iu city One year, if pald In advauce . One yoar by null to rural off Ye Jour, to United States ... Ix and three months (Bemi- Weekly Ed b il, cash are ald in advance..$1 r, to United States ....... and three months pro rats. 8. TO rata, 50 150 & a ds Attached is one of the best fob srinth.g offices (n Canads.. TORONTO REPRPS ATIVE A © Bmallpeice Church ®t. U 8 or REEBNTALIY ES ¥ew York Office 228 Fifth Ave. Frank B Nurthrup, Manager. aloago » Bronk R.: Northrup. Macager. PILING UP THE EXPENSES. Some people bdvg * wondered Major General Hughes went across the continent, on a special trip, at a time whien' he is needed so 'much at Ottawa It seems, however, that he is the only one who can deal' with the "emer " gency,' which in this case is due to party persistency and a spo fis. British Columbia has been re why by land and water, and, in view of the alleged "dangers," there has heen an extensive call out and mobilization of troops. The flurry did not: last long Al | too soun,--~too soon for the men who were on the." federal" pay sheets--the excitement passed and the. order was given. for . a . reduction .in expenses These ran into hundreds of thousands of 'dollars. "The local government ig nored the militia department, and con- tinted the 'outlay. It wasia' good thing: for the' province, in hard times, and it had to be continued. That at least was, the ruling of the Heliride government. It was proposed to. add to the expense by having" the. boun- dary lita' haowaan British Columbia and the United "States protected' by the military. The district officer com. manding reported against the proposi- tion, and 'Sir Richard McBride report. od in its favour. "It §s this kind of misrule; or reck less rule, that the minister 'of militia has gone west to investigate, The war in England, at the outset, suggested a "species of plunder, which the War Office quickly suppressed. In 'Canada friends of the government are foreing expenses upon it. They are acting with the McBride spirit and piling up the charges, whether they are agree- able to the militia department or not. And all these people do not live in British Columbia. Some of them live in Mangston, and the, charges will oe- casion some surprise when the Public Accounts Committee gets to work when t! ; House of Commons opens. - CARE OF THE INEBRIATES. The jail physician has dwelt signifi. cantly upou two matters. One is the mnall "amount of money speut in AIUgs. This may mean a scamping of medicine for the sake of economy, or it may mean: 4 merciful gaving of the unfortunate = prisoners from = the effects of thei# own imprudence. There are some people, in the public institu- tions, who glamour ior powders and pills wien they are the better with- out those things, and the jail phys- _itien may be pursuing a new course, namely, that of administering drugs ~aecording to his t. One could appreciate it the more if this were the The second point in the doctor's ro: port ia his indictment of the whiskey i He questions--as a good many others have--the wisdom of lock- ing up in a prison those who have been made sick or violent, or mad * 'through the indiscriminate use ol liquor. The jail is not .an inebriat> 'asylum. To be sure it is not. But what, asks ote, is the jail for? Noi Place of who cannot tontrol: their apn for strong drink, and who he 'come unmanageable or offensive while "under No, that should une Blag. desire for | | garded as particularly open to attack | confinement for poor fel | { Canada, in England there are LOYALTY WITH THE GERMANS, It is not a great pumishment, to be interned, which is to somewhere. One protected from the be be fed well, melemency of rather, ireated kindly when ill, vet be unhappy. | may } ! and ! Fort Henry, which | was pretty well run down, because not | repaired from time to time, as ' should have been, has been made tol for the prisoners who are j reably eomiortable ! Turkieh | tained in it. less lot; and might have heen leit at large, tor all the difference it make to the Canadian people. Erman td The Turks are a harm would Not young sare dreamy, dense, and inert. I the Germans. They are mastly life, locked money, men, vegtlesa, alert. eager ior and they do not like to be up, that is those who have and are.in a position to enjoy life. They are nationalists in the true sense of the word, and on the oeea- sion of the kaiser"s birthday, - had a upon his breast a little bit of bon, representing the colours of How they procured the is a matter of no conse The' fact that they possessed exhibited empire. de- coration quence, them, other nationalities a great Igsson. One's love these colours, and feaches the representatives of of country. is a great thing, and this desire to exhibit it, to symbolize it in some way, is a German character istie which is very of the people. muck to the credit Ihe average Britisher, (gnd this in cludes our awn countrymen), is very but he to extol conscious of his nationality, think or magnify it. dofs not iL necessary It it he were a trifle tife would nol be amiss more demonstra- The loyalty of the German effervescent Ti not some- thing that is given 16 periodical dis plays. It is, on the contrary, seme thing that lingers with him, like an aroma, all the while. It is, there- fore, an inheritance worth possessing 18 noi IT) EDITORIAL NOTES The Allies have notified the United States that the purchase by the interned German ships will be re- garded it of as a breach of international Now 'let the deal go on, let there be no whimpering abouty Inter, law. and it The public revennes oi the United States are running behind many mil- ions. But the pork barrel, involving an expenditure of filly odd millions "on harhours and 'rivers,' goes on. Rivers of corruption and harbours of safety in a national. slection ! , i What was the great act of legisla- tion nt the recent' 'sessions of the County Counvil, "what great act - of strategy growing out oi the fencing hotween the north and south? It is usually exploited at the warden's din- ner, but not a word was heard. These trips from Fagland, to the rear. of the battle limes, by. ladies, guests of officers, who have no. time for entertainment, will now be dis continued. General Jofire has found a' way of expressing his disapproval. The one experience of Mrs. Asquith will Be enough. The Toronto University is pressing its demands for larger provincial aid on the loeal government, and this at a time when the government cannot pay the public their and rural schools usual grants: The . university will have to cut its garments accord- ing to its cloth. It will have to eco nomize. St. Andrew's Church, in Windsor, paid $2444 on an organ which a German manufacturer hag_made and canfiot deliv ' pi treat the contract #s a scrap of pa- per. because it cannot without los- ing its handsome deposit. It is get- ing what it deserves for going ont of Canada for an instrument. Bulldozing the * New York wgess.! The attempt of the , Gierman element to terrorize the papers, to scare them into a change of tone on the War, will not ' succeed. 'Some papers in America have heen susceptible to Ger: man influence and peshaps German in New York and will not he. The New York editors are not a loi of pol- troons. -------- Public Opinion | Amuse The Hens. Montreal Mail. anys A try will amusement. prices might help, Ba ae eal You Mute to tiie ol po piano manufacturers. Their are both square and w t, ' Se T¢ Appears. Ki Toronto Glabe. TN itchener is gratified a a summer resort has heen an inspiration, Change. Plan. Hamilton Herald. While there is ei to the tin 'com one er re Bn son ) confined the | de | They | SO 4 procession, each one wearing proudly! rib- the corruption, but they are not published the THE DAILY BR 'agents ont here luring the idle work- are away A Mix In Dates. i Montreal Iferald Ihe financiers are now predicting the oud of the war hy May. That is ly the date sev by Lord Kitchener commencement. We « wonder hich is right ? ox An Artful Lot Oswego T : Some people are goicg to all the latices now because Lent is soon com ing, and after it comes they gill keep dancing because they need the recrea- tion ---------- It Has Always Been So. Detroit I ree Press A western jufy has brought in a (verdict that a railroad wreck was "ay act of God." There seems everywhere ito be a growing tendency + to blame criminal earelessness on the Deit, § Twenty-five Years Ago | Kingston Events C. H. Finkle was appointed schasl { trustee for Newburgh. \ large number of ice {out on: thé harbor to-day Work will commence 'works wharf. Portsmouth council elected J Moare and P. Fitzgerald as auditors, and George Mooney and [dward Burke as assessors. hohts were on the wniep & TWO NEW COMPANIES --i To Manufacture In Berlin and Chat- ham, Ont. Ottawa, Feb. 1.--The Canada Ga- Zeite contains notice of the incor- | poration of the Kaufmann Rubber Company, Limited, a million dellar company with headquarters at Der- lin, Ont. The company propases to carry on a wholesale and retail business as importers, exporters, and manufacturers of all varieties of rubbér goods. Another incorporation which is sign of an industrial revival is ibe Chatham Packing Company, Limi- ted, capitalization $400,000, head quarters at Chatham. The - cor peny proposes to handle all kind of dairy and food products ane 30 to manufacture and deal in Int cotton, sced oil, soap and cheess SPLENDID AID. Werkers, Pittshurgh, Pa., Feb. 1. More than £300,000 was paid "to aged and infirn Tormey employees in the steel indus- iry during "1914, according to ihe fourth annual report of the United Sintes "Steel and Carnegie fund, just made public. The total disbursement for "the year ia $511,967.90, an in. crease' of $89,152.76 over 193. The fund was started 'on Jan. lst, 1011, since which time there has heen a io. tal distribution of - pensions, to retir- ed employees of the steel corporation amounting to $1,375,021.33. IAPS DENY DEMANDING CHINESE TERRITORY Integrity of Republic Guaranteed by Treaty With Great Britain, Says Minister. _ Pekin, Feb. 1.--The Japanese min- ister to China, M. Hicki, was ques- tioned Saturday concerning the polit- ical demands made by Japan upon China following the occupation by Japanese troops of the Kiau-Chau territory, and which are now under discussion between the two countries. He denied that Japan had demand- ed the cession of any territory of China. He explained that his gov- ernment was pledged by its alliance with Great Britain to maintain the territorial integrity of China, and he said furthér, 'that the demands mde by Japan did not interfere in any way with the rights enjoved by other na- tions, SEVENTY CASUALTIES | Reported In Princess *o Far Satishury Plain, Eng., Feb: 1. -- Pats Regiment wi -{ mouth in jail. S---- £500,000 In Pensions For Aged Steel | BOY BURGLAR IN COURT | WILL BE SENERICK TO THE IN: PUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Admitted Breaking Into Second. Hand Store and Stealing Articles-- Magistrate Anxious That He Should Make Good. Just +a but charged with burglary, it seemed a pity to the youngster betore the wagistrate on Monday morning. le wus ar rested "a" week 'ago, on: a charge of theft irom a second-hand store, and was remanded. He was a ward of the industrial School, but violated his parole. ' Some time ago the second hand store was robbed, of jewellery apd various articles. The lads ar rest was. brought about when he en- deavored to sell n watch to. a sal' dier. it was found' that the watch was one stolen from the second-hand store. The boy wag, locked up, and, alter being cross-examined, admitted that he had broken into the store and stolen many things. Afier commiit- ting the theft he said he hid the booty in the fair grounds, but that it had been. stolen from its 'hiding place. i After giving. the case every considac- ation, the magistrate decided to send the boy back to the Industrial School, and in disposing of fhe case he ve the accused some good sound ad, ica. "UL could have sent vou to prison," said the magistrate, "but that is the last resort. | am hoping that you | will make some effort to make good. You are just a mere boy. You have everything in life before: you aud it [does seem a great pity that you should rain it at the very start. Yon {know that the way you have heen { conducting vourseli will but lead von 'to one place. | There was another pitiable sight in the court, that of a woman, arrested on a charge of.dPunkenness, pleading for a chance to leave the city * *I'll leave the city on the noon train ii you will give me the chance," she said, and tears rolled down her | 'heeks as sha made her plea. However, her case was out of the ordinary. It was her second appear: ance before the court in a very shori time, and the magistrate could not verlook it. A fine of 35 and costa vas imposed, with the opgion of one { Apother drunk was fined 210 and | ay CITIZENS ARE INVITED To. Contribute To Colors For The Overseas Units. \ movement has been started the Veterans' 'Association of this city to present the 2Ist Battalion and 22nd Battery with a set of colors be- fore leaving for the front.\ As the approximate cost of these flags will be. $700 to. $800 the citizens are in- vited to contribute liberally towards the project. Canvassers are now at work with the authorized subseription list, but-as it will be impossible to cover all who will desire to contribute a subscription list has been opened at the College Book Store.. Subseripfions may be 'phoned to 919, and collectors will call as ""soén as possible: - All swhseriptions will be. acknowledged through the : daily press. - 1t° has heen suggested that subscriptions iw taken in the public-achools to enable the school children to share in the 'project. { As the ceremonies in connection {with the blessing and presentation oi the colors are of a most impressive character it is being. urged on the merchants to make the doy a big mid-winter holiday, with excursions from Brockville and Belleville and in- termediate points. 1 by : } THE LATE PD. D. ROGERS. i The Faneral Took Place On Monday Moming. 3 The funeral of the late D. D. Rog- ers, who died suddenly while return- ing to his home in Pitteburg, on Thursday night, was held at ten' o' clock Monday morning, to Cataraqui cemetery. Service was held at the deceased's late residence by Rev. =. J. M. Compton, pastor of St. An- drew's Church, of which the late Mr. Rogers was a devoted member, A large gathering oi friends and / ac- yuaintances was present at_the obse quies." The pall-bearers were George Stewart, John Sibhit, James Milton Ak. Raa wanting. anything done inthe caPpbi- wood l'oors of all kinds, will receive 40 Queen Stieet Overshoes And Rubbers OVERCOATS Bibbys De 4 ? Overshoes And Rubbers Etat emeend " ecials Society Brand Overcoats Chinchilla cloth, new shawl collar, belted back; blue, grey or brown; regular $20, $22.50 garments Sizes 35 to 39, real classy garments, absolutely new, for ............ . .. i MASTER PIECE $15.00 & OF TAILOR ART. Boys' Overcoat Special Sizes 29 to 33, $7.50 and $8.00 garments for Two way collar ulsters in the fashionable fabrics and colorings. Men's Shoe Sale Starts to-day. Any of our celebrated $5.00 and $5.50 shoes for Bartety Braud CLOTHES $4.00 Bench made by such makers at Just Wright Shoe and the Hartt Shoe Co. All sizes. Ottery Overshoes And Rubbers A. I dl 78, 80 & 82- Princess Street AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES | FOR HIRE | ad Phone 1177" George W. Boyd, | FHERABION 125 NESS, DISCHARGES MARKED WORD 'THERAPION' IS ON BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENUINE PACKETS. Thomas Copley. Telephone 987: Drop a card to 13 Pine streef wien ery line. Estimates given wn all kinda f repa.rs and new work; also hard- All orders prompt attention. #®uop raw faresssssssaceassesesnss, Marble Hall FRESH BON BONS, HOME. MADE CANDY, ICE CREAM BRICKS Special with fenit made to order George Masoud, Phone 980, 238 Princess St. Pats, has been killed in action, and thére is another casualty list of wounded and sick. To date there have been seventy casualties in the regiment. ---- 'Worse Than A Spy. Montreal Herald. ~ At Winn the other day four hun- { dred men. c training for war ser {ice arose as one man and protested | by militia department. Ther, {was proof of their | complaint. that the officer of the mess I sent it all away and substituted (Cheese. "In Winviveg it is stated that i government let the contract for { feeding the men to a political sup- caterer for four teen cents, making a profit of eleven cents on every 'meal with which every man in the 17th and 18th Batteries, the Army Service Corps and the Medi i cal Corps was 'served--a profit t- ring to over $430 i ¥ ein the quality of the food sup. _'Thrussell Rev. 8. J. M. Compton, bn Sunday morning, referred to the death of the Inte Mr. Rogers, and exprossed regret over the . loss of such a prominent man to the community. + Kor Belgian Relief, A coneert in aid. of the Belgian Relief Fund was held in the school room of School Seetion No. 6, Wolfe Island, by the scholars, and $40 was realized. Those taking part werg Nr. and Mrs, M. Wiggins, Mr. Mrs, Thomas White, Miss A. Rogers, Misses A. McCradey, A. Thrussell, E. Kemp, M. Kane, I. Doyle, M. Me- Donald, and the Messrs, Wilmur, Al dan and John Keyes, E. Rogers, Percy Hannaford, Barl Kemp, Janies ,L.Doyle and Adrian Grant. | Lloyd Doyle contributed some gra- : pkaphone selections. ) ' The Winnipeg I ine of W. E. Jresighation as Hudoon 4 Hay past four tied in Bearman Proceeds held | a a us roia.at seliost section Ne The Joliotring subscriptions Wolfe Boviignt 19m Overshoes And Rubbers reer ene Kingston ibbys | Our Big Amul Re Leer Shoe Sale ay; eb. Ist 20% Off All Shoes In Stock, Except Military Boots, om i, - The best shoes in the city at 20% discount, hesides many lthes of odds and euds at 30 t6 30% aff, J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. "~The Home of Good Shoes.' rains | Bargains ! = Let. Everyone Have a Flashlight 3 : pion Bash, Rhee re NL and Bleyele ne- coming in, . Fier burning No. § dry cell wold for $2.50, to clear owt at $1.50 with mer First come gets best choice. They won't last long nt these prices. NTL CTT Oo NTL n Lose A LLIN i va GOLD 111 i © al: 5219

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