A ae RJR INCORPORATED 1855 BANK or TORONTC l HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capita) go ii und» $5,000,000 $6,402,510 ra\d-up Reserved DIRECTORS: ancan Coulson, President, Ww. Gn Ge gunean Cols Jj. Henderson, 2nd Viee-P 1 Hon: ©. 8 Hyman, William Stone, John MacDoenald, Lt.-Co Gooderham, Lt.-Col. ¥. 8, Metghen, J, L. Englehart, Wm. I. rham, Vice.Pres!dent BANKERS: of Commerce ank. y & Midland Bank, Limited BANKING SERVICE, 7. } f whatever nature, t red by the Bank « Yom Banking business, of will find the 1 Bar g Ser 5 offe most satl Lor) : Long expeér'enee, ample regourpes, up-to-date equipment tensive fore rn and domes conuwetio enable the at to provide adequale facilities for all Banking transactions, Market Square - Kingston GEORGE B. MCKAY - Manage r re re tt A A 4 BUILD WITH BRICK Pave with BRICK, tile your land, but be sure your BURNT CLAY; also be sure to get them goods are of from Kingston Beck Yard. Home Goods, manufactured by home labour, are the best. KINGSTON BRICK YARD, A. NEAL, PHONE 1396 RO a ee co co cm a) ew dd EE ---------------- a ee ------ -- WANTED HOUSES TO RENT We have a number of clients between now and first of May do well to consult ws. J. K. CARROLL AGENCY JOHN DRIVER, desiring houses at different periods, Property holders wanting tenants would £8 BROCK ST. Representative, PHOXE 68 FURNITURE, MERCHANDISE, MACHINERY, OR OTHER GOODS STORED At a very reasonable rate, on the upper floor of our garage. Floor space 130 ft. x 25 ft. Call in and see us. PORRITT GARAGE CO. Limited Phone 454. 210-214 Wellington St. ee ------------------------ er ----------a-- ee | PARISIAN LADIES' TAILORING 3 W. D. Rich, Manager. 2 High Class Suits made to | Golden Lion Bork. 0 en Lion Block, ite Post Ug We have decided to place on sale as a Saturday Special the choicest assortment of chocolates ever offered to the buying public. 25c Per Pound { ea HOAG'S DRUG ~ STORE| j 2%. TRINCESS STREET, Opposite Y. M. ©. A, Shoe shine in connection, Se. Kingstog =» & SIMPSON BROTHERS, Props, | Notice of Removal KING CEORGE SHOOTING GALLERY Has removed from. Montreal Street to Ont. We are offering large quantities of turkeys, geese, ducks and fowl at speeial prices. : Lots of Strictly F resh Eggs ; +5. 3 bE Ft Anderson Bros, Furniture Sale Everything reduced 10 to : Couches, $4.50, $8.50 to Phone 448. 20. n Fasy Chairs, $6.50 to #5. "Library Tables, any finish, $6.50, 87.50 to $45.00. {3 the 'Book sections, Gunn, the best made. Bes. . {Cor Princess & Division Sts a her crocheting, aE Bt 7 shEll have THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY } Wo fg ey | Marietta Abdicates I | i { I "Old maids should be gently chlo- roformed into another and a better world." . Marietta sniffed and searched for her handkerchief while Dan moved uneasily in his chair. "I'm mighty sorry you are so op- posed to it," he said gently. "Still, I'm not your only brother. George has always said yon would be wel come to live with him." "I'll never live in the same house with George's wife," she flashed. "And, Dan, I can't for the life of me vnderstand why you went to marry at all. We have a pleasant home to- tether, you and I. What you see in that little Nora O'Hara passes my comprehension," , Dan smoked In silence. He eouldn't put inte everyday language his feel- ings for Nora. It dated far 'back to the time she was a little girl and lived next door. She used to say she would marry him when she grew up. Now she was battling ~ bravely with adversity he wanted more tham any- thing else in the world to ask her to redeem her promise. But what would become of Marietta was the problem. He cleared his threat. "I suppose it does look foolish and sentimental from your point of view, Marietta. 1 Buess we'd better let the matter drop. I shan't do anything that will make you unhappy." Dan took up a maga- zine and became abkorbed in its pages. 'Marietta went on with her erochet- ing as she brooded over her griev- ances. Dan would renounce his plans for a wife if she disapproved, and it was right that he should. His sal- ary wasn't ehough to support both of them. Moreover, Dan had lived to be 40 and more pretty comfortably with- out a wife. Nobody ever thought of such a thing as she or Dan getting married. It was neither just nor right in Dan to ask her to go out in the world as a wage earner. Besides, there was nothing she could do. To be sure, she crocheted dollfes, but that only brought in ® little pin money, If she went to live with George and his domineering wife it would mean giving up the home where she was mistress, her friends, her church, her clubs, and societies --all that constituted her life. Dan was mistaken if he thought it wonid make him happy to marry a girl like that queer Nora O'Hara. \ They sat in comfortable silence until. bedtime, Dan rose and put away his pipe, opened the front door for Tim, the little Scotch terrior, and deposited the milk bottles on the front: steps. Marietta straightened the chaigg in her prim fashion, laid the magazine on the table, locked the 'windows, laid away her work in a fancy bag, and turned out tlie read- ing lamp. "Good nizht, Dan," she from the top of the stairs. '" 'Night," he answered abhsently. In the merning at the breakfast table Marietta chattered in her usuai fashion, "I'm going for my walk this morning, Dan. I'm going to walk downtown and back. I think I've lost several pounds since I began to take regular exercige." Dan smiled at his roly poly sister. Her superabundance of flesh was Marietta's oross. "I'll be late to din- ner," he. remarked. "Made an ap- pointment with an oculist. My eyes Ce guess I must need glas- ses." Marr'etta nodded. "All right," she said, 'You aren't eating much breakfast, seems to me." Dan made no answer. All day Mari- etta felt worried and uncomfortable. He had no better appetite for his dinner, although Marietta took pains to have things he liked. He threw himself wearily in his easy chair, put back his head and closed his eyes. Marietta was alarmed. "Look here Dan," she said. "I met Mrs. Waite to-day. She had just been to see Nora. I'm going to.ask you a ques- tion. Probably if will make you angry, but I think I have a right to know. Have you ever proposed to Nowa?" Startled at the blunt way of put- ting it, Dan opened his eyes ' and moved uneasily. As he perceived the troubled, affectionate expression of his sister's face, he repressed his ir- rigable impulggtn 5 that would hurt her feelings, and replied in a kind tone: "Since you ask me, Marietta, I'll tell the truth, I have never asked Nora to marry me in so many words." "Why haven't you, Dan?" she ur- ged. "On account of my objections?" "Not entirely, Marietta. Please don't distress yourself. I'm mot go- ing to marry her." "Did you know she had been sick, and she's going abroad with her aunt?" called been trying to up ©0! to tell you Something. That pri fays if I don't give = office work and lve out doors. 1 shall #ooh 'be "Oh, 1 "Ol iy Aye. Rog the it, but it Will be hard for give up . ths Cy sad your "Yes, 1 know it. Marietta; T've | GRAND mu TONIGHT" fx, amen Daily 2.30, Evening 7.30 MAX FIGMAN in "WHAT'S HIS NAME" FAMOUS PLAYERS FILMS, 5 REELS Feature Vaudeville Acts MUTUAL FILM 2 REEL DRAMA KEYSTONE COMEDY --ONE REEL New Programme Monday and Thursday rrices Mat. 10c, any seat, Evening, 10c¢: reserved Sc extra. ---- Lipton's Tea No Advance "IN PRICE 30c, 40c, 50¢, 60c, T5¢ : and i $1.00 per 1b, CHAMPIONSHIP Hockey Match McGill II. Vs. Queen's II. Monday, Feb. 1st Adwinston 'She Heserved malt 3%: ox. tra. Students' hockey tiekets good for this game. A NEW CEREAL Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal This is not only a Amal but is tasty as well. It raleinat versal cereal or made In pan-cakes. sess: 10 ota 25 ets. FENW] HENDRY & co, (Distributors) . would, then Marietta herself would keep boarders. She knew she could make a success of it. She brooded ( over the problem of how to bring Nora and Dan together with no re- sult. Mrs. Waite said Nora was go- ing to New York on Sunday. Sunday morning Marietta went to Sunday school, but eame home with- out staying for ehurch, As she opened the door she saw Nora stand { ing in the hall. Dan, looking very ; stern, was evidently saying farewell. "Oh, Miss Marietta," Nora ex- claimed. "I just ram over to say { 806d-by to you and Dan. I'm going at 3 o'clock this afternoon." Marietta glanced from one to the other. "Nora," she said brusquely, "If you think Dan is letting you go without asking you to marry him be- cause I've been opposed to his get- | ting married, I'm going to tell you plainly that you're mistaken." "Stop right there, Marietta," Den spoke sharply. "I won't do it," Marietta answered "T did make a fuss at first, but I see it differéntly now, Dan's eyes have in the country." Nora turned white and then red as a rose. Dan fled into the adjoining room. "Then I'll never leave him in the world!" Nora cried passionately. "The steamer can sail without me. I know the dearest little farm that can be bought for next to nothing. If Dan cares--"" But Marietta had gently pushed her through the opening between the curtains into Dan's outstretched arms. She turned away with a long drawn sigh of relief. Blinking away the tears, she thought, "there seems to be some use for old maids after an." ft AY LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. ent---- . Seeking Redress For Grievances. Sharbot Lake, Feb. 1.~(To the Edi- tor): "May 1, through your columns, call the attention of the public . to an open letter. which, on behalf of the righteously indignant citizens of this township of Oso, I' have addressed to | the railway commissioners. It is ! isda, eit ie upon our com- munity at large, and wanton injus- tices i upon cerfain innocent faithful employees of the C.P.R. com- pany \ {ha « For forty 'years =the township of 50, not to mention others, has en- f Prosperity which on of the tatit i f i » ik gr CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES| First ingertion, 1c a word." Each con- -- ------------------------------------------------------ t AN ADVT OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, Tedden's - SS = I AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- | Ad oe NG GIRL TO ASSIST IN 6G A GOOD SMART MAN FOR GENERAL 82 A DAY ABLEBODIED MEN, GOOD EYESIGHT, PEREER EPR PEEP PE ERE bh Pid + given ouf. He's got to resign and live! WM: NEWLANDS & sox, ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START SE ee one arm, ha lost his other whist | in the faithtul discharge of his duties. | | y LOST FOR SALE. secutive insertion thereaffer, haif- | A BLACK WOOL SHAWL WITH PUR- cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 2c; three tnsertions, | six, $1; one mont ante -------------- Soe: n he JONE BOX COOFFEE, CONTAINING HELP WANTED } twelve one pound tins, on January { 21st, between Kingston and Wil. on. Finder ploase. leave at Division and Alfred Sts please leave at Whig office, or phone KK. N, under this head, costs 26c for one Wilton night, or 50¢ for three. ! ACK AND TAN DEER four white paws, white tail, nose and breast. Finder not- | ify R, Duncan, 20 York St, phoue | 1838. Anyone harboring same after Na | this notice will be prosecuted ING, BETWEEN HOUN nD, vaut. - References, Apply Mrs H. | B. Mills, 96 Bagot St, cor. West i be recom- | Chi {ON SUNDAY ! Rideau St. and Queen St watch fob locket, with three links on one side and initials T.W.M., on other side Finder please ro- turn to Whig office and receive reward. work. Must Xppiy 164 Darrie St <ral hou mended, work. Must be séber -and trious. "Apply © Hotel Ontario St. indus- Prontenae, SALARY FOR INTELL. gent marnried or single woman for work around home or lberal re- muneration for spare time, Mrs a Davidson, Brantford FOUND, a-------- A PURSE--OWNER MAY HAVE SAME by proving property and paying for advertisement. 18 Alma St. city. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no Janvassing. Send for Particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. TO LET TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, nee 26c., three times, 50c. for firemen and brakemen; good wages, experience unnecessary, Promotion to engineer or conduc- tor. $150-$200, _State age, neceg- sary. Railway, care British Whig: ---- ---------------------------------------- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, (ETC, clean and dry. MoCann, 8& Brock Street. TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING room, furnished. Apply to fos Btuart St DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, Mc- Cann's Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock St, + TWO SALFPSWOMEN WANTED With drygoods experience. Apply to John Laidlaw Son, or D, G. law, 149 Earl St. after 7.30 p, hb heb pbb WANTED GENRRAL- GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up Into up- to-date sults. Prices and workman- Php guaranteed to please. Press. ng and repairing done 'on shortest notice, 0) 1 Brock street, Garage POSITION WANTED, A CAPABLE MIDDLEAGED WOMAN des"res position as housekeeper in a quiet Christian home. Elderly couple Betorred Write Box 303, Whig office. STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, GOOD AT '© blacksmithing or carpentering, do- sires position. Would accept any kind. of remunerative job. Good refererices, Apply in first instance to Box §16¥. care Whig office. PERSONAL, LADIES' HAIR WORK, SWITCHES, ete, made from combings. First. class work. Mail orders promptly attended to, Miss A' Babeook, $50 Brock Bt. Drop me a card for ROOMS OVER 53 PRINCESS STREET, Immediate possession. Apply 65 Princess Street. OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM- bers. Apply to Cunningham & Mudie, 79 Clarence Bt, STORAGE WOR FURNITURE, OLEAN, dry, alry rooms; your own lock and the key. Frost's City Storage, 3299 mas Calloway, Queen St. Phone 526b, near Bibby's TWO HOUSES ON CHATHAM STREET, every convenience; each house suit. able for two parties; rent $10.00 per month each. Phone 1473. DENTAL A. BE. KNAPP, BA, LDS, D DS, RE. moved io 268 Princess Street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 150 WHEL. lington St. (over Carnoveky's). Phone 346. DR. ©. ©, NASH, DENTIST! DR. T. B. Renton, assistant. 133 Princess Street. Phone 735, 8. BH. SIMPSON, L.DS., DD, DENT. ist, corner Princess an Bagot Streets. Entrance on Bagot Street. MUSIC. PROF. CHAS, R. HARRISON, TEACH. er of plano, Special attention to ra pment tor Fpl i toons an. ngements ons, ap- ply at 240 Montreal Street, ap prices. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHNARKS Bon ova skin er es removed permanently, withoul scar; 80 years' experience. Dr. El- mer J. Nose, Throat end Skin. Speciailst, 25% Bagot St. ~ BUSINESS NOTICES JOSEPH MUSE 4 CHESTNUT ST. HAS opencd up A quarry on Stephon Bt. Cut, building and reugh stone are Jupiiieq promphly at reasonable rices, CATERING WE CATER TO PAR BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, banquets, et" also rent dishes, table linens and DANCING. sliverare, Hambrook. R a oi Redd, 30 Unfon Street. F. © | miss PLOSSIE HU N, AUTHORIZED Runtrack, 178 Alfred Street » "to téach by PrnoN. AL H. Norman, ones 843 or 303, chairman Standardization Commit- tee appointed to standardize the ARCHITECT modern dances, Dayton, Oho, June, 1914. Fox-Tro¢, Hesltatfon and Can- ARCHI. ter ' Waltzes and One-Step, etc. tects, 'ete. Offices, 258 Bagot &t, Phone 120. Phone 61. & SON. ARCHITROTS, MER. Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets, Drop a card. MEDICAL 0. A. COON, M.D.O.M, (FORMERLY OF Elgin). Surgery, 93 Wellington St. Phone 846, STUART M. POLSON, M.A former house surgeon €, ear, Nose, an New York. ce, 132 Wellington, $Pposite post office. Office hours, 338 am, 2.4 pm, 7-8 p.m. Phone BUSINESS CHANCES M.D.C.M., anhattan. throat hospital, @ mall order business ar hofe; nn canvassing; e your own boss nd for free hooklet: tellr how Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. m. Rhone $78, den closing of these stations, is the | peremptory dismissal without notice QUAI of a time-honored employee of the k. | & P. and CPR. This man has serv. eight years without the breath of = a | neg, hig or the dead of winter. ' Furthermore, he has only - be more unjust in ¥ den remembers | THESE ple border, on Princess St. between | Finder | | AEESE FEATHERS. APPLY TO MRS, © | AmEDALE Jas. | Storms, | { | top A { British Whig o chureh, | 4 A $1950 BRICK VENEER EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COsT little." Once, 25¢; three times, 60¢} one week, $1.00. Kdman, 387 Div'sion St. RITCH_ PUPPY, FIVE months old, by Champion Rockle; Oorang ex Pure Maid, $15. A. H, Ross, 214 William St, Kingston, Ont, on ti ¢ | JFFICE DESK, SIX FEET LONG, 11 » of | in. bigh In front and 56 1-2 in. high at back. Three drawersand one Sughtly used. Apply ce. |A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND | a number of first-class heaters at | low prices; also a big stock of fur« { niture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess £t, Phone 1600. 4 'A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES | also Dunlop tires, at $2.00. All orders promptly attended to for carpet cleaning and laying. George Muller, 873 King St. |ROUND AND SQUARE TIMBER AT | bargain prices Jery suitable for wharves or barns. Also several strong sleighs The Calvin Come. pany, Limited, Garden Island. Teles | phone No. 546 | HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL OXe« | fords, and other cook stoves, Qu bec's, pugs and square heaters, these In first class shape; loge them out at very small { fit Turk's 'Phone, 708 snap for a quick buyer. . Hous, ON Patrick 8t, ¢ pons yma, y {FOUR HOUSES ON YORK ST. $1000 | to $2000, . ' {HOUSES TO RENT. GEO. A. BATE man, real estate and insurance, 67 | Clarence St, Kingston. = FRAME HOUSE, CHERRY ST. | Kingston Business College Lim Head of Queen Street. Rates 440 HF. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TWO LOTS IN TOWNSHIP OF CULAR. endon, County of Frontenac, con- taining 130 acres. Forty acres of clearance and balance well wood- ed and suitable for lumbering. Would exchange same for house and lot in city. Apply to Frank Deni, 14 John 8t., City. FINANCIAL LOAN AND INVEST. ment Spclety; incorporated, 1363; Jfenidont, Colonel Henry R. Smith, oney issued on city and farm Rronerties, municipal and count bentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and Interest ale lowed. 8. C. MoGlll Manager, 87 yy a, re! Da eo Vv, abi 61,187,215. In addition to e policyholders axe for ty the unlimited: Mability of roperty, insured at lowest le rates. Before renewin, IRL pusiness 86 rom range an, . Phone 30 oo Fire which securi ofty poss! old or rates Agents. LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. ters and solicitors, Law office, 70 Clarence Bt. Kingston. UPHOLSTENING Ww, J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, a mattress rendsvating. Drop a ca or call 216 Bagot iroot PROFESSIONAL. - ms -- MARGARET DUNNETT, SPIRELLA corsetlere, at your gorvice, Iront and back . laced corkets, corset waists, blouse extenders, brassjers , Children's waists, all made to order. "Appointments mado. 250 Wellington St. Off 12.2 p, ce hours, i "EEE Stove Coal ed these two companies for thirty: | | ; n ove a er ge To "K regular furnace size; good for all kinds of weather and a little Better than the larger size (egg coal) in mild weather. rr a load sereened to-morrow EEETIETte-- roundings. Flowering plants must have a wanny location until in bloom, then they must be placed in the light without sun. Latest Fashions In Ohfldren's Clothés . Ng¢ver so tiny a frock do we find days; nor so diminutive a cont, But. that betwaen Tie bate and its Emre the moss Ton, raids the mo- - ment. For the clothes of the well dressed child reflect in every particus the style trend of the senson- plitied, they are, of ecomrse, but harmingly Initiative. For the ions are pretty. Ong realizes just pretty when ome sees them in form. minus many of their up extravaganees. The full th its quality bewit : new neckline with the tu p rounded shoulder, ws wider and if i HH g : i i if : 3 z : 4 § wm