. CASES. OF PRISONERS NOW IN FORT HENRY ATTRACT ATTENTION. Two Germatis Travelling Through Canada Were Arvested--The Gov: sriment To Be Asked t5 Release Them, THE 3 4 xD GIVEN A THIRD 1 S------r-- iia, NOTORIOUS LADY PICKPOCKET OF STEALING HORSE IN POLICE IN TROUBLE AGAIN. COURT CASE Jessie Thompson, Aged Fifty Years, And Afterwards Adked the Court to Sesiténced at Toronto to Thres Pardon Him and the Magistrate Years in Portsmouth Penitentiary Contented--Man On the List Got --Aeccused Has Quite a Record. Liquor At a Loeal Hotel, il Jessie Thompson, 2 notorious' When Alexznder pick<pockat who has lived ini Toron- voung man, stood u to for many years, and who has al- ers' dock at the police court, on Wed-. resdy served two terms. In the Ports. nesday morning, be was charged with mouth pefiitentiary, 18 coming back the theft of a horke, and ihe com- to the prison for a third term she plainant in the case was his mother havigg been semténced on ' Tuesday The accused explained<to the "rourt by 'Magistraté Denison to three that he had no intenfion whatever years. She was caught in the act of of stealing the horse, but that he Saaasvoring fo aha 3 pocketbook Sad merely taken it out for a drive rom a woman. lu referring to to do a little business ? arrest of the woman, the Toromto "Hyg you do. not live Star save; Incea tar ied the magistrate pits heen-face "No, I do not," was the reply about ity years i age, a sapect | Se Magistrate asked the mother ii, ably ssed, + she wis to press the charge. looks to be a Kindly, marronly sort "No," she ivy Sy prin of a person, aud nothing whatever j... him pardoned this time." ke Sr oftcogricied Bick-pocket he ease was accordingly dismiss: mouth pépitentiary are already to = y her credit, besides numbers of small- er convictions, among which 4s one t ; for attempting to pick pockets at of ihe fast, Anal he is (on, the the horse shdw in the armories, It ness. 'the bartender wed Dim was in such company that tHe wo- Afterwards. wer p Big tip man worked best. had served a.men on the list The There is a new feather in Ser- bartender immediately busy geant Mackie's cap. Last Tuesday a Ww Re ately aa oo the sergeant, who seldom leaves ae It iy J oun op Up wath headquarters, was crossing the cor- 'I result. that he was Served ner of Queen and Bay streets op W'th 8 Laman wo. appear. in the | his way to lunch. Standing among 'pure. e Sharge was dated for the crowd awaiting the cars, the Satyary 30th and when arraigued the sergsant gpied Mrs. Thompson. Next Accused pleaded guilty. : : to her was a lady in a sealskin coat. | The magistrate imposed a fine of The elderly Mrs. Thompson kept 210 and costs, 'with the option of one crowding her way, as any elderly |month in jail. and nervous lady would do. Tr | 'Sergeant Mackie sidled up close, Garbage Incinerator. 2.0 waited 'his moment, and suddenly| Mayor Sutherland and B. Blackhall, pinned the dear old lady's arms to) *PPointed by the Board of Health to ber sides. She fought and strug- TSpOsL Spon se Sieation gia garbage led. The crow 2 hock me: ie y. WN or al tne next 8 wd was shocked at meeting of the board. It is under-} this treatment. But Sergeant Mac kie extracted from her pocket the [®t0od that they have a scheme that should work" very satisfactorily. purse belonging \to thé lady fn the sealskin coat. "Mp8. Thompson put up a fight in the Women's Court. But she took her séutence calmly. The lady in the Bealskin coat was Mrs, Elizabeth Bowman." MiKAY FURS Cut Prices On ALL Special | 21st Battalion and Queen's Engineers Pennants and Pillows 21st Batt. Pennants, made of thie finest wool in silk, showing the correct erest of the Battalion. 21st Batt. Pillows, 2 hand sewn. ' Queen's Engineers' Pennants, with the crest handsomely The ¢dees of two German prison- ers who were confined to Btanley Barracks, Toronto, but were trans- terred to Fort Henry, Kingston, on Budday, bave attracted attention One is that of a man named Rosteck, whose home is in Berlin, Germany, and the other prisoner is named Jonés, a Bolivian rancher, who was born in Russie of German parentage. Both men were arrested at Niagara Falls, when they were travelling Lah . Our Fur Factory Still through Canada. Running Full Capacity! Rosteck was in Chicago. He was John McKay Kingston. Williamson, | p in the prison- felt, exquisitely hand sewn Made in two sizes. 4 in. x 2% in., made of finest materials obtainable, Royal Canadian sewn in silk, made in Queen's colors. Two sizes. SECOND CONTINGENT POST CARDS ' A complete line of post cards, in Platine, of 21st Batt. 22nd Battery, and Queen's Engineers, | THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE | Phone 919. Open Evenings. 160 Princess St. | ES SE -------- pe ee Engineers' at-home," re: elderly , woman, | to chester to install a plant for them in @ : Fredérick Watis managed B to get a drink at the Revere Ilotel, .in spite' that he ---- Zeiss Patent Prism Binoculars ----y For officers' use on ac. tive service, { Bausch & Lomb make, also French models, | Prices reasonable, Qual- | 4 ity considered, and when it was found that he was a German he was placed under frresy, government and secure Rosteck's re- lease. Buy Cas Our February sale Is anusyal fn the ont . ost might of, . The Latest Bulletin On Ladies' and Misses' Fashions for Spring has arrived. The Pictorial Quarterly that '@ity and secured transportation over 4 railroad which runs through this country between Bridgeburg and Windsor. At Niagara Falls he i Lomd was stopped by immigrat'on officials 149:157 Brock St. . sent to Toronto and since transferred to Kingston. : é ruar The Rochester firm has, It is eta- ted, a branch in Ottawa: Through " this Source an attempt is being made to present the case to 'the Canadian Sale-Unusual Parekh on Cur fe The other man, Jones, was arrest- ret pts, | €d In the same way, He was trave:- adian- ture, Carpets, | © uals y ling from Chicago to New York on business purposes when -the officials n, don: oo e at Bridgeburg took him into custody. intend to Keep our men Busy and help | He claims to be the owner of a ranch st work in ou oa an factories, in Bolivia It is' possible that ae v1es. You ean | will secure representation at Ottawa now before | from Kingston. "NEED OF FARM HELP Immigration Inspeégor Already Has " 7, 108 Applications. The need of farm-help is being se: verely felt among the farmers even now, but in the spring things will be more embarrassing udtil relief cin be obtained. It iz well-known that there. are 4 great many out of work cuts ou. 2 0 place in {ower a y fin Shed Parlor siites, 2 covers, reg. $80. February ogany suite, reg. $110, specs suites to select from. Will Address The Nurses. Dean Btatr will address the Kings. ton Ch of 'the Graduate Nurses' Associa of Ontario, at p.m 1 in larger cities, but they do not want to go on farms. As a result, the Ontario government is co-operating with the dominion government au: thorties in an effort to secure the needed help for the farmers. At a Kingston 'Hotel Advertising n HE WOULD NOT REGISTER | ato nurses are invited to attend. Frasssssssesssssssssaasar German Hostelry. : : 1 1hur day, Feb, 4th, in the olinic room of 'the Ginahi ospital. All gradu. This book is published petitors, but a little later than its com- | _---- Smith Bros., | Jewellers Opticians When J. Clarke, inspector for Issuers of Marriage Licenses Board of Railway Commissioners : Canada, entered a Kings Taesday night to register, he sudden y dro] the Immigration Agent OG. Hunter has ; on file 103 applications from people who are anxious to take Belgian ret. ugees if they are brought here. Twenty of these people want to adopt Belgian children without regard 'to sex, and will put them in comfort able homes giving them splendid vp: portunities to go to school. The most urgent need is for female help oa the farms, Or of men with their wives who would do the farm-work. It is doubtful if any of the Belgian refugees In England will be sént.over here as King Albert is trying to xeep then together until his country is i completely recaptured, AT THE GRAND, emma The Vaudeville And Pictures Are : Winning Favor. That the programme at the Grand Opera House is pleasing, and at the same time filling a long felt need in the vaudeville and picture line is as- sured 'by the large crowds that are attending. Despite the severe wea. ther conditions of last night x large | | crowd was present. The long phote- play is a special feature and deser-] ving of mention; the film feature was Max and an all star com- of pany in "What's His Name." It is # splendid photo-play and should be seen fo be appreciated. The other pictures were good and thoroughly interesting. In vaudeville, Miss Danza Noblittle delighted the audi Fur Sale WE en, Sour Furrier 78-80 Bruck St. Offer Good Till Thursday, Feb. 4th A detached frame dwelling, oii stone foundation, 7 rooms, cellar, good yard, and shed, on Victoria St., or $875. Three hundred and twenty. five dol- lars ¢ash, and balance on time, Who's the buyer gfe : . Mullin, u ria Pr All kinds of Real Estate, Houses to Rent, and Rents collected. Cap. Johnson and Division Sts, Phones 580 and 1456. To ats ~ It is a genuine spring | cleared. Now for the Bi publication the pen and remarked that . Bame on an Aan Bale hotel. register that contained on its containing only the most up-to-date designs and is not a re-hash of winter styles. Compare it and see . Book and any Patte 2 5 c hogany finished centrepl i arse bok Aime va he fesion Bh $e TT $36 only Whi 2% y Paim oral, reg. $1.16. g risk ere reg. 36¢, now by two tone Brussels, reg. $1.10, y of Jaskalns ike these. No o to buy, "Stop at Kai. sethol Hote!, Chicago." "I wouldnt sigh my name to that page," he said to the clerk, who ask- ed for a reason. date lines the words : Sat srsaearees Pictorial Patterns Why are we selling more than three times - dis many Pictorial Patterns as we did of our former make? Simply because the Pictorial leads the pro- ession in the matter of up-to-dateness, and is de- manded by ladies with good taste. Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store co with her singing. Alf. Camm TT Terror erro Tee and Theira as ventriloquists pleased onl TO TURN GARDEN ISLAND reseBUILDERS' SUPPLIES ese immensely. The same programme tong b are to be Ansa thi j Buy a Ton of will be Siven this Svesing. h For tot ing, and Into a Summer Resort For the Peo. Morrow evening an entire change wal lisel; be duspatehed weedly to tho plo Of Kingston. bill will be presented. overseas' boys. g Within a filteen-minute boat ride of Jai Sas th-- . TE ---- ingston, a pew summer resort will Malkig go Syeing ands, a FROSTENACS TO PLAY be open to the public this year. "H, Coal revost, Brotk street, 8 A. Calvin hag decided that, instead of ¢ 8r:at clearing sale in all his depart. dow the buildi of Chestnut Coal ments, in elothing made-te-ordef, be. will give them to the | In view of eoming ready-made clothing, and gents' fur- ingston to spend their : nishings. See the display of the 1 cold weather you will find it -a good invest- pent x Seaneeningsy There is more room for itdin your eellar than there is in our bins, and above goods in his window ail vhouses suitable for thus help us to provide marked in plait figures. v tion, or as Spence-McNeeley Nuptials, i for your late winter wants. cde preity Treddingwdrreotembired HET Daiverity ey wha -- | S.ANGLIN&CO. ag Coal and ood Yards WELLINGTON "7H. | i ~ BUILDERS !! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? 18 Baves Time. P. WALSH, Barrack Sereet, BIG BARGAINS INFINE FURS HERE ARE A FEW For Sale Gramophones, Phonographs, Graf- Columbia and Victor records, jon 'and Jumbo records, Bdlson 2 'minute retards, Blue Amberal re ootds. ' : senior Frontenac hockey team a aon, on Wednesiay, for To- ronto, 'where they wi the River sides 'to-night. The lineup will bo C. Stewart and » 8 118 Brock St suminier oceupa- anent homes, 4 ome, being close 18. Abe city ad yet quite exclusive, | ere 18 a ephone telegr } lite to the island, and, ; vice. It is not genera y known that as a library of over , ta td years azo, part.' ly by a contribution' by the jslanders and a grant by the 'government. 'WAS HOME ON FURLOUGH. Lieut. William Mackie Visited 'With as i His Parents, eT In a letter roowived by James Sfew- art, postmaster, from Rev. Dr. John . , the latter states that his son, # RE 5 Phone 200. i Bea 3 WG de Sur | I + 8,000 velomes, Hid fi The vmedical concursus will have a session to-night at 7.15 o'clock. Ie Hf ¢ it 7 his Bok- y -, about the middle of Jap. Fs. referring to his son Dr, : "He has" shot. is like a boy 1 EEE 7 £ | gt for cléantiness, whiteness, spotlessness and sanitary 'treatment of your wash ables, and This Laundry will answer the call and give you just what you want, just when you want it, and at a will please ¥ | One mile from the city | limits on the Bath road. 20 acres land with a i : 1 i 2 el 4 Bi rides Ye aa Saha ee. ------ ¥2: 5 price that ¥ it on &ive up its interests. | % :