THE STORY Of How E. L. Marshall of Shreveport, La., Was Cured of a Stomach Trouble That Kept Him Out of Work for Months. Shreveport, La. -- "1 had a bad stomach trouble for'years and became so weak I could hardly walk or do any work. My appetite was very poor, then my food would not digest, [bloated and Was very weak and nervous, and it seemed impossible to get any relief. I was 50 bad I could not work for months at atime. | tried too many remedies to name, but without help. | saw Vinol advertised and tried it; ard soon noticed an improvement, I continued its use and. now my stomach trouble is com- pletely cured. I am a well man enjoy- ng perfect health and have gained in weight." --B, 1. MARSHALL, Shreve- port, La. The recovery of Mr. Mar¢hall was due to the combined action of the medi. ! | Montreal.) cinal tissue building elements of the .> re extract of cod's divers, aided by the Me. and Mrs. F. Cuthbert Gum blood Qaking and strength Creating | mer, Union stréet, entertained at the Piportion of tonie iron, contained in first: of 'a sepies of musicales in aid inol, which seldom fails to strengthen | 1 110 Bal ish fund, on Saturday ev- asd tore up the tired, over-taxed and |J hr hel 8 bp tu 1 ' , ¢ s ) faxened nerves of the stomach and by about thirty guests. Those wo remove the trouble, so kindly lent' their assistance to- Geo. W. Mahood, druggist, King-{ ward the énjoyment oi the evening stan, Ont. wero Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson, Mrs, John aes Herbert Wood, Miss Carrie Waldron, Nisa Phyllis Buight, Flo, Norma lelgmann and Mr. O. F. Telgmann. REAL ESTATE "mn Insurance, Etc Only best and safest companies represented, Wh & Son. Real Estate nsurance. Phone 424. Brock St, Among those present at the Skating Club on Saturday .eveming were Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Sweezy, Mr. anc Mrs. Williaw Steacy, Mrs. F. DB. M. Hammond, Misses Upham (Boston), Mildred: Jones, Marian Les- lie, M. and - 8. Anglin, Eva Richard- son, Mubel Richardson, M. Dawson, lgsgie Smith, Margot Fraser, Isobel Fraser, Lillie . Murry, belle Wald- ron, Charlie Short, Edith . Goodwin, Dorothy Goodwin, Grace Mclelland, Agnes Johnston, Doris Kent, Kaih- leen Carruthers, Professor Manley l'aker, Professor Laynge, ahd Messrs, Percy Lyman, Frnest Gildersleeve, 1 . McGill, Gordon. Smith, Arthur Dal- Bartlett Dalton, Stanley Cun- A. W. Browne, Ringwood, H. Roberts, Urquhart, Goodwin, Douglas Anglin Bob Richardson, . Ross apd Ian Jelly son, viagham, Macauley, Meikle, W, tOttawa), Livingston Mrs. Arthur Ellis, King street, entertgimed #t an interesting bridge of three tables on Monday after- noon. The rooms were bright with pink carnations and Miss Alda Ni- olle assisted the hostess with tea. The prizes were won by Mrs, D. G. Laidlaw, Mrs, Robert Fraser and Mra. H. Price. Hammond, King 8t.,, a small luncheoh party yesterday when her guests included her visitor, Miss Betty Upham, New York, Mrs. E. L. Fortt, Mrs. Herbert ilyan and Miss Hilda Kent. She aleo entertained informally at "tes this al: ternoon. \ ~~ * * . . The Kingston chapter of the gra- duate Nurses' association are enter- taining at tea in the Nurses' Home to-morrow afternoon after the lee: ture by Dean Starr, which takes place in the Empire wing. Mrs. Douglas was hostess at Sneezi ou be bothered ng ing, flowing nose and eyes, and stuffed-up head, when Dover's I Cald Breakers sive you instant Bar king What is worse than a backing cought? One dose of Hickey's cured snd healed nt once, Keep n in the house Always, Splendid § for croup or whooping cough. Ji Without doubt the biggest selling cough mixture sold In Kingston J to-duy. | {Save Doctor's Bills} Preparations of this kind kept J} in the house will save you muny J dollars in doctors' bills. At Best's The Popular Drug Store. Open Sunday. . Mrs. G. 8S. Bowerbank will not be able to receive on the coming Fri- day, but will on the following Fri- fay. : . . -. - x Miss Louise Shallow and Miss Mar- garet Shallow, Montreal, who are Mrs. Noble Steacy's guests, will re- turn to their home on Friday. Mrs. Steacy entertained informally at tea early this week in their honor. - - . Mrs. Spencer Henderson, (former- ly Miss Maybelle McMillan), receiv ad for the first time since her mar- riage to-day, with her husband's, mother, Mrs. L. L. Henderson, 581 Lansdowne avenue, Westmount. y a . Mrs. P. E. Prideaux was hostess at an informal bridgé, on Mondav after- noon, when the guest of honor was Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes, Ottawa. . * . A number of informal teas have been given this week in honor of Miss Margaret Macfarlane, Montreal, who is Miss Florence Elliott's guest. The anoual junior year dance at Queen's University, will be held in Grant Hall on Friday, February 12th. » » . Mrs. C. C. Bennett entertained at tea on Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. W. St. Plerre Hughes. * * * Sale At Jenkins' | [tonto to visit her son in the 21st Mr. aud Mrs! William Hope, of Mon- treal, spent a day or two in King: ston this week on their way to To- ronto. Miss Marjorie Ci il, Emily street, who left on Saturday for New York, spent a few days in Montregl en route. Mies "Chrissie Wright and Misa Vio- let Britton have returned to Ganano- Macnaughton | aT ps hr TR a ean rd Spe ternoon at the home of Miss Cath- # erive Fairlie, Brock street. Stanley Waldron will leave next week for Winnipeg to join regiment. . od . Miss Marjorie Low, Ottawa, who has been visiting Miss Bussie Robert- son, Unies street; is mow the guest of Miss Gh Low, Brock street. Mise ary - Sullivan, King. street, leit, on Monday, for Toronto. . Max. Duff, of the Capadian Bank &f Commerce, Sherbrooke, has been trans- ferred to" the Winmpeg branch. Before leaving to take over his mew duties he will spend a short time in Kingston, the guest of his parents, Colonel and Mrs. R. II. Duff, Prificess street. Miss early his Marjorie - Hopkirk, Frontenac street, and Miss Alice Moore, Union street, who were visiting Mrs. B. W, Fraser, in Ottawa, returned home on Monday. - . ® Carlos Kirkgaarde is spending/a fow days in town from Cordova. Mrs. William # Harty, Stuart street, who has been in New York, returned home to-day. Keith Robertson, Alfred 'street; turned from Ottawa on Monday. George Macdonald, of Montreal, spent the week-end with Mrs. Ruttan, Barriefield. Miss Maude Chalmers, Miss Ruth Campbell, and Miss Mona Osborne, Queen's, have returned from Ottawa, where they spent the week-end. Miss" Marjorie Duff, Guelph, is |ex- pected in town to-morrow, to visit Mies Jean Duli, Princess street. Mra. W. St. Pierre: Hughes, who has been the guest of Mrs. R. lL. wea, King street,. is now, visiting. Mrs, Hurry Tandy, hing street. Miss Craistine White, University avenue, left on Saturday, to visit Mrs. Beck; in Montreal, \ | Miss Dora Cook, Briarfield House, is visiting friends in Ottawa, | + = = res | Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Steacy Barrie street, will leave for New York the end of the week. | Mrs. W. W. Chipman who has "been the guest of Mrs. C. E. Tay- lor, Johnson strect, left on Monday for Brockville, where she will visit friends for a short time before go- ing on to New York. Miss Isobel Macausland, Toronto 1s expected in town early next week ito visit Miss Isabelle Waldron, King | street, | Captain Sills, of the 21st Battali- on, and Mrs, Sills will go up to Belleville on Friday for a few days. Miss Marjorie Pense, West street, will go. to Montreal to-morrow to visit Mrs, Maitland Hannaford. * Mrs. Lorne Gardiner, who has been Mrs. R. D. Sutherland's guest, on West street, left on Sunday, for Brockville, to spend a few days be- fore returning to Ottawa. Later she' will sail from Halifax to enter La Toque Military Hospital in France. Jack Smythe of the Bank of Commerce who transferred from Toronto treal spent the week-end the guest of Miss Bessie West street. Mrs. W. R. Givens and her play- ers, Mrs. Constantine and Miss Phyllis Knight aren charge of the Curling Clua tea this afternoon. . Canadian has been to Mon- in town Smythe, Miss Millie Ferris who has been spending some time in Bound Brook with her sister, Mrs. J. Fisher, is expected home to-day. ' J. Morgan Shaw returned to To- ronto on Monday after spending the week-end with the Misses Shaw, Clergy street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Craig, Al- bert street, are expected home from Deseronto to-day. Mrs. Bush, Salt Lake City, is the 'wuest of her sister, Mrs. A. E. Ross, Sydenham street. Mrs. "Jack" Bromley and her littls son, "Jack," feft for Herbert, Sask., after spending a couple of months with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Merrick, Wil- liam street PROBS, Fair to-night and on Thursday. Not much change in temperature. ree ' TO COMPLETE PATRIOTISM AND *e- PRODUCTION SCHEME, The Objects Sought--Needs And Pos- sibilities of Position To Be Brought Home To' Farmers. Toronto, Feb. 3.--The following official announcement has been issu- ed: The great need of increased ag- ticultural production this year, and methods of meeting that need, will ve presented to the farmers of Can- ada in a series of display advertise- ments in newspapers circulating among farmers, This educational advertising campaign will be condue- ted by the Dominion department of agriculture, under. the direction of the Hon. Martin Burrell, as a com- plement of the "Patriotism and pro- duction' conferences of farmers that are being held throughout Canada under the auspices. of the depart- ment, Upwards of 300. newspapers throughout Canada will' be used in the advertising campaign, which will commence next week, In the ad- vertisements in newspapers which have a provincial or national circul- ation the emphasis will be upon the great need ol increased production, while the advertisements in the news papers with a local ecireulation will in addition direct attention to the lo- cal opportunities for increased agri- cultural production. The directing of attention through thé educational advertisements to the great need of increased agricul- tural production will stimulate at- .endance at the "Patriotism and Pro- duction" confercnces. The adver- tisements appearing after the confer- ences will stimulute tHe farmers and townspeople to put into practical op- eration the instructions given at the conferences. The educational advertising cam- paign wiil be extremely valuable, as a means of giving the message of the need of increased agricuitural pre- duction to the nfany farmers who for various reasons' will not attend any of the conferences. The question of stimulating agri- cultural production through educa--f§ tional advertising in newspapers reaching farmers has been under the consideration of "the department of agriculture for some time. Recently, in view of the pressing need of in- creased agricultural production on account of the war, there have been several conferences on the subject between the Hon. Martin Burrell, min- ister of agriculture, the agricultur- al commissioner, and the manager of the Canadian Press Association. Af- ter careful consideration, the minis- ter of agriculture has decided to con- duct the special educational advertis-| ing campaign outlined above, with, particular relation to the conditions created by the war. The work of handling the campaign, selecting me- diums etc., has been entrusted to the advertising agency of McConnell and Ferguson. The copy is now in course | of preparation under the direction of the agricultural commissioner. GERMANY ABS HOPE. ------ Of Keeping Roumania and Italy Out Of War, New York, Feb. 3.--A special des- patch to the World from - Berlin, dated January 30th, by courier to London, says: "'Although her diplomatic agents are still working * and night to preserve Ifallan and Roumanian neutrality, the German government has abandoned all hope of keeping those two countries out of the war. Information just received by the World correspondent from a most trustworthy diplomatic source re- veals the fact that Germany ana Austria-Hungary, by a secret agr.e- ment, recently began to prohibit c» SpPPL deb E BEDI EEE IYI Ebb WAR BULLETINS. ! All Italian reserves enlisted in London have been notified to hold themselves ready to rejoin the colors on call. EET > Paris papers carry jong stor. ies of courageous fighting by the Canadians at Labassee. EE Petrograd official despatches declare. "The Russians are pro-_# gressing at all points." J er before the énd of Februar'. i : port to Italy of certain classes . of oils and other commodities nbt hith- erto barred and of which Italians] stand in need. There has been ro publicgannouncement of this mova, but the Roumanian cabinet is = be- lieved to have got wind of it, for it has held all up shipments of petrol-| ! eum to Germany and her ally. "Such action is regarded as an- other proof of the strong bond be- tween the authorities at Bucharest and Rome, and further confirmation of the story published in the Warii on January 13th that Rouwan a #nv. Italy will intervene against the kais- sty Dns Double Stans Double Stamps! Double Stamps ! INVENTORY WEEK This week should prove a most satisfact- ory one for every-thoughtful shopper HH ng \ MNO Slab - Double On all cash purchases. i Buy for present and for your future needs. This "In. ventory Week' feature means that you save a distinct 10% on any cash pur- chase at the Steacy store. Save 10% on all your purchases ! For This Week Only A DISCOUNT LAL a Discount Stamps ? I BARE STEACY'S RA i A -- Io ERR KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE. Portion 500s. | SwestPickled ~ Hocks, 7c 1b. The Wm. . Limited, Phone 597.. CON Bat $15, | Battalion. + Worth $20," $22 and $24.00 Miss § Phillipa, Tatemto. is the guest Macdonnell Your choice of Can- ada's Best Coats a of her sister, Mrs. G. M. y University avenue. The newest materials The best makes, advanced styles Mrs. Grierson, Ottawa, arrived in e must be town the end of last week to visit Mrs. W, L. Grant, University ave- much dearer next "The Reading Club 'met yesterday af- year; it cannot be avoided, ® that the Turk's invasion of Egypt is to, be abandoned. i * ie ° One thousand Bavarian soi & diers were taken prisoners by the British near Labassee. + de indi- PEPE PREPARES wr It is stated in Rome that the o GANANOQUE RED CROSS Held An "At Home and Shower" on Gananoque, Feb. 3---Although the weather conditions were . unfavorable, the ladiés of the Red Soclety : credit for successful Sie Shower" at the i ER Bie |OUR TUNGSTEN LAMPS SAVE YOU 50% OF YOUR LIGHT BILL : ? As PROOF 1 First Congregational Church, this city, paid in 1912, 8 0 for light bill, OLD CARBON LAMPS. JUNE, 1913, we put gli of TUNGSTEN LAMPS; bill was $48.50. 1014, all-yoar Lamps bill, $27.80. Church saves $35.90 per YEAR. Cost of in- stallation, $48.50. . | H.W.Newman Electric Co | Phone 441. 79 Princess Stree: YU OVS WWW eevee ew A ---------- whe ---- ------ 4 Charm Ceylon Tea BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED 30 To 60c Per: Lb, g Discount Off | Electric Fixtures Get your repdirs done by us n | tia day's Electric Shop st ry ear Likedron Rubbers 150 Saat nab Ne a hr ENR ee EE rea aA aretha Pane nae et 4 ¥ » Es ls sans inca ars s rst i a vary ES