Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Feb 1915, p. 5

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QUEEN'S MAY VISIT NEW YORK | IN SNOWDRIFT ON THE WAY TO FOR COLLECTION AND REMOVAL|IN THE BRITISH ARMY wox| AND BOSTON. | FORT HENRY. by OF GARBAGE. THEIR NICKNAMES | City Hockey League Matches Begin | It Had a. Supply of Water--Team | it Will Remain In Force Unill May|Do You Know That Forty-Second To-Night--Collegiates Are Putting | Took Seven Hours to Come to The 1st--City Will Pay $90 a Week Highlanders; I Official Name of In Lots of Practice. City For Food, : For the Collection. Black Watch? '--* The "Nanny i Goats," angene ; wade to| The storm played havoc with the] A new garbage collection and ro benrraasements may Le Bid New | supplying of water and food to the moval agreement has 'been madesby Some of the most famous of the York and play the St. Nicholas team | guards and prisoners at Fort Henry. | the City Council with Nicholson and | British regiments now battling in on the. 20th of February and at |One of the sleighs that draw the | glljott, who asked to be relieved of| France and Belgium are far better Boston on the 22nd. The team will | water fo the fort in a large tank gut }the terms of their old contract ow-| known througiout Great Britain, and likely play here om tlre 19th. There | 3talled in a huge drift of SOW alljng to the loss they sustained by] to the world at large, by their nick- will 'be a meeting of the Queen's | the foot of the bill, and four Jeants having to slaughter all their pigs. | names than by their official titles, Athletic Committee on - Wednesda, | Were Xnable, I move It teh 2 all A special meeting of the council was says thé New York Times. Their of. afternoon to consider the matter | 2mpt was Jae Val ae Sleiz Y Bh held on Tuesday evening, when the] yicial titles in many instances, in. Dr. R. Mills, an ex-Queen's man, | in the drift although the water-has| pinance Committee presented the deed, would convey nothing to the lays goal for the St. Nicholas am. | been tiken out. terms of a new agreement to extend average person. : » . = FEF re eo FE Ego mt Spe Si ABERNETHY'S Curling Matches ' left here aboat nine o'clock Tuesdny Hastors will Jrovide four Yelticles; for instance, have heard .of the + rid morning, nd ach 2 -~ j four horses, four men an our ac Ta sa i . The scheduled curling matches 0.1, pu) "apr tour o'clock in the after: boys, and Mr. Elliott will supervise| ack Watch; comparatively few Tuesday resulted: noon. The relief guard reached the | the collection. Sel oF 'this «| have heard of the Forty-second - > 4. B. Walkem, 12; H. T. wallace, | po about 9.30 Tuesday morning service, the Ah 3s Rout Highlanders; yet the names are of "C EAR | HE TRACK" 11, al Kelvey, | ih the old guard did not reach the | week. ' The city has the right fo|lhe same regiment. This famed L ,T- Slater, 13; R. J. McKelvey, | oity until Tate in We afternoon. cancel 'the agreement on two weeks boy fhe Sides of all Hisuland ir : : : 11, ; The road was blocke: y huge ce! s, ge 3 e from" its 2 - T. M. Asselstine, 18; W. B. Dal drifts some over six feet high and Botjte. contractors will, éontinue| tartan. When the regiment was ' OF ODD SIZES, SMALL LOTS, ETC. ton, 11. : TA driving was next to impossible. The } their bond of $500 in force, but|frst formed it was used chiefly to J. & Asyeldtite, 15: i a Billo, 4 prisoners did not worry as much as | when the agreement is ended on of | SuDPress sedition fn Scotland, to en- S. 8. Corbett, : od s : * y the guards did over the weather, as before May 1st, the bound will he re-| force the disarming act, and to dis- 10. 2 4 "| they. had no out-door work to do. turned to.them. The agreement was|Perse unauthorized assemblies. A spe- any. 00 rgains er Ww. R. Sills, 18; W. H. Worm There are no Turks in the fort|yatified by the council, and it was|cial tartan from which all bright col- e with, 7. » | now afd the Germans spent their signed on Wednesday. ors were eliminated was designed R. N. F. Macfarlane, 17; J F time in the work-shop or playing In attendance at the meeting for regimental use, and this fact foc TTT ut A po ---- i Auer -- Macdonald, 7. musical instruments or cards. -------- were: Mayor Sutherland and Alds. | gether with the police nature of the iat . - 4 Bews, Clugston, Fair, Kent, Litthn,|duties of early days, led to the name N'S TAN "BOOTS 3.45 SALE OF 0 'S $5. c Collegiates Practising IQ | McCann, Newman. O'Connor, Petsrs. | Black Wa ton. OB any Sr me SALE OF WOME : 3 WOMEN'S $5.00 CALF The Collegiates are practising fo | Nickle, and Wright. many parts of the world, have the Button, lace and Bluchers, specials at | AND PATENT BLUCHERS buttons their next game at every opportun- | : -- St soldiers of the Black Watch upheld i rest being taken in ory . .25, $2.75, $3.45. the toan by boll tho public and the [THREE OF "SENIOR HOCKEY the glory of this great regiment. $2.25, $2.5, BACKING UP ARGUMENTS. ES ---- a students was shown by the large TEAM ARE RESTING number who watched the players have a work-out after the skating on | Ag They Were Pretty Well Used Up Svasday night oy the syvered Fink In the Games With Ottawa Aber. There were fourteen players o ) Cr ice. There are several fast mer deena and McGill. that Collegiates can call upon if Arts '17 strengthened its hold on they are required and who are al [the first place of the Arts Hockey most as good as the players of the | League, on Tuesday, when it decisive- team. ly defeated arts "15 Ly a score of 6 to 0. . and plain lace boots. How Scots Greys Got the Name. ! 3 The Scots Greys, as famous in the abbals of cavalry as is the. Bick [$2.60 SALE OF WOMEN'S PATENT, rs mam Wateh in infantry records, began| KID AND CALF BLUCHERS. | $1.98 SALE OF . WOMEN'S PATENT Arguments addressed to Can- adians in favor of buying goods made in Canada would be as much use as trying to haul a load with a rope made of sand, if the goods themselves were not the best proof of the argu- ment, It is a melancholy waste of language and printer's ink to drool out all sorts of lofty and intangible reasons for spending, mopey that way, if there is not the quality and the their career as the Royal North Bri- i tish Dragoons. In 1742 the regi-| -- ret ------------ bud - EVENING SHOES, mént was landed: in the Low Coun- ¥ : tries, On their disembarkation, the eb in Stadtholder, seeing that they were $2,00 Sale of without mounts, "ordered his own Men's Boots $2.49 Sal f guards to turn over their grey char- jeg pte " . €.0 gers to the Seotehmen. And thelr "Tv ' y Scots Greys, with gray mounts, they Men's Boots have since been, although they held| $3.85 Sale of the official name of the Royal North ' British Dragoons down to the time of Men 8 $6.00 Tan Boots City Hockey League Arts Hockey League standing. Phe City Hockey Leagte initia Won. Lost, Draw. Pts. games are scheduled for to-night. A 7 . . iN v 0 4 double header 1s billed in whic) |- dren 0 1 1 Portsmouth, the champions of last v Ma 1 1 1 immediate and ultimate value year, will clash with Vietorjas. The iy i vee 1 0 0 in the goods themsklves to back second game will be contested b; 4+ up the language. ' : Iroquois and Bankers, two 'other |" The First hockey team held its fist | #* There is no doubt about the senior, aggregiations. Three. ex | work-out on Tuesday" since its game value of Canadian goods. "All O.H.A. players are on the Ifoquois with Ottawa, and all the players, they need is the test of use. line up. These are H. Nicholson, R | with the éxceplion of Whyte, Godard Spending the first ten dollars. Boyer and J. Stewart. : and Rappelle, were out. These three or so specifically for goods niade - men were pretty well used up after in this country may seem like O.H.A. Senior Series 5 Joke heir Ottawa game and the game with an, experiment at first. The ex- Toronto News. the seconds on Monday night. The periment scon becomes a. cer- *'The senior 'series of the O.H.A. team showed up in fine form and a tainty, the certainty a habit, and is a joke in some respects," remark- | practice with all present will be held the habi¢ a great and lasting oll a prominent "officer . of the. big | n Wednesday night, The wanage- economy ® Furthermore, it is a amateur body the other day. "It is | ment realizes that it bas a hard game habit once formed hard to nothing more" or less than a Toron- ahead with Varsity on Friday night. break. And inasmuch as there to institution. 'Kiugston is the only -- fa is DO sane Canadian manufac. outside' team répresented in the first The 'melbers of the Dramatic Club turer likely to ask people to division, and 'Jimmy' Sutherland de- | will meet Jat 'the howe of Dr. and serves all kindy of credit for sticking | Mrs. MacNeil on Wednesday evening, to his guns, considering the odds |'when George Bernard Shaw's play, against him.' The state of 'alairs | "Pygmalion," will be read. Jould he easily Somediod, Bowever, g Th noual -m _-- of the Queen's the O.1L.A. would take the bu y e annual 'meeting pular 'custom, the ect je the horus and compel some © of the Harrier. Club will be held Wednesday bp, ar Bustin piri strong intensity. clubs A nn fyenng. " w wee on age bet in assured" fact, i owe senior ranks. icton, sterhoro, EMU td y "es / a Belleville and Kingston iu the east, At the FHL A hjeung oh Weduis. : PE hte 50 Pe and Stratford, Berlin, Hamilton and | day night, be Fished W113 delaver.an + value in the goods. , Foodon in the west, poly easily sup- address on Men th. {port senior teams. If they were in The Medical Coneursus will meet on 3 | Bg it, would muke the dories worth Wednesday evening. Many summonses fire was voller alt Sey ot rile - wholesale prices. Wate. have been issued. » \ + Ia . This view is entertained by more of scarlet couts, into the masses = of You cannot conceive a Next to Opera House, than one lover of the game. As nrat- charging Russlun horsemen, until fin- { the marvelous BAR- Phone 640, : ters stand at present Toronto has a PLAYED WH MATCHES : = ally the attack was abandoned des- 0 monopoly of the howors in the sen- anythin: SEPP PP PPL REE E Pree the Crimean war. . : peg AYE $4.50 Sale of Men's. he Colds G A $0 hi ive oy laurels on a ie Shoe Polish, 5¢ tin. $6.00 Tan and Black Winter Calf Boots elds get er t,o. 2 TR name from Cold- stream, in Berwickshire. In 1660 . Sedat Saini Gen. Monk marched: to London to aid| = -- : rr a GEER in securing a free parliament apd the restoration of the Stuarts, bringing with him his own regiment of infan- ' " try from Coldstream. The regiment Cc { ne ® al legend has it that when the troops : met Charles at Blackheath the Monk . : regiment kept some of the disaffected soldiers of other units from mutiny, and the king, and learning whence the regiment had' come, #ddreseed them as "My Coldetream Guards," ' FEF FP EVES r ebb care to break it on his own ac- count, it follows that whew bay- ing Canadian goods has become : ! break it, and no Canadian who 3 ; 0ST ETERYBODY LIKES CANDY has formed the habit that will 4! o¢ Pame stuck. OurClearing Sale 7 -- on Ay : Balaclava's "Thin Red Line." - 3 iy "The Thin Red Line of England," Of pra ienanety especially if it is first class : Turs i IF Jou will patrouise us for ' a . Ha : Your confectionery you will get a yr > Wie Dest ob ble suywhere, di een i ~ ie CP yo d Aone pure wi " ¥ . i UR hile r att in way erly belongs to the Argyll and Suther Affords you the oppor- : 4 - up in poor of quality onr pricey land Highlanders, in commemeration . f Mavi . hiel 4 » re 48 fow as ou will pny toe of their remarkable repulse of the|ll tunity o ving high : erlor enndy elven here, Hower of the Russian cavalry at Bal- |W class furs at less than i SAKELL'S, has long lived in song and story, 'the name belug applied generally to Bris ish field forces. i} is-declared by ex. perts, however, thet the name prop: PPEFPPPFIP PLP EPSP r red PEL PRE Ee i | | i en : : ! - wren | Pite the comparatively slight numeri- GAINS we are offering, for series, and will have until A move CITY W AS PRACTICALLY TIED | 0a) strength of' the British, and space will not per- is made in the direction suggested. | CHILDREN CAUSED FIRE ON P" ON TUESDAY, The "Fighting Fifteenth," are the : The intermediate series was formed TUESDAY AFTERNOON. i \ S-- Fifteehth King's Hussars. They won mit us to quote prices, originally for the benefit of the small- ¥ a = [It Was The Worst Storm. In Many | heir title in 1794 in Flanders against 80 we invite you to come -------- = wm or towns, and was intended for Firemen Were Given Thrée Runs Years--The Restaurants Were the|the French revolutionary troops. / | . ae During the Blinding Snow Storm 'Business Places That Profited. Tliey were serving with the Aussi. examine and compare. ou an et company, and 400 old for junior ~euvy Bouds -- Hai fd On The "Te =o favs, and in operations near Landrec-, Every line of Manufac- : players not fast enough for senior ranks. At one time there were only "The storm kitig 'cértainly bud lies they were ordered to rescue the $e 3 The tie 4 i: ie two senior teams in Toronto, but Horses. fiend" grip ou Kingston ou Tues- Fuperor of Austria who had been tured Furs 1» included The best villus in the « ity with the erection of the Arcos every | Thy firemen. have certainly been | day. - cut off from. the main army. Two in this Sale in groceries and meats at club worth while, und some that were ' iven a tuste of the stormy weathw. | 'there have buen storws and storius, | sqiadrons of the Fifteenth, with a ies' Far ] i ) 1 io Grocery Furniture al not, took a Hing at the "big gates." fhe viembers were called A nd but old citizens are of 'the one opin- | few Austrian hussars, the whole i Ladies' ¥ ur and Fur Bee INtigi ucery and The result is that pow, instead of a lyin. on Tuesday, during the blinding [iou, and that 'is that the storm: of | body not numbering more than 3008 lined Coats, Neck Piece Meat Market. Lo dozen senior yous from all Pets "of {any storm, and up until Tuesday Tucsday was the worst experienced. {men, found themselves through a es and Muffs, in all the \ NOW ON the province ing. in the running |, ihe hud responded to five calls. | here in many years. Le mistake, facing an eitire French ar- a New for die Toberteon Cup, there is only Ouing to the Bears condition of the | And wlien it comes to "lieing up" [my corps. They atiacked part of the popular furs. C. H.' PICKERING jo Dur New SPukicun Linoleum one from the outside. In the iuter- |. 14s it was a most trying test for ja city, the storm king reigns = su- corps so fiercely' that: the French en's Fur-lined Coats Grocery: snd Web Beaten an othy médiate series there are teams plenty 416 horses. | On Tuesday nfternoon |preme. The storm appeared to have thought themselves opposed 'by a C kin C ¢ Sl igh fast, enough to hold. their. own. with ln call received was for a run. out its hand in everything. Steam and-|great . force. .The 'hussars rode oonskin Coats, elg 490 Princess St. Phone 530 apy of the senior organizations. King street west, and this was -an | élecyric railways had 'to give way to | through the outposts, charged the ar- Robes, ete. ; | : (a unusually long distance for the horsey | the eléments, meetings bad to be | {illery, killed 1,200 men, and' took 3 pit School Teacher's Predicament. to make in such stormy weather, Postponed and - business was ut a |ihjee guns. The emperor was res- A teacher in o tity school met with| At 3.50 o'clock Tuesday °* afternoon | standstill fin many lines. Citizens | cued, He later decorated the offi- rather an embarrassing . experience on | 8 telephone message summoned : Aboowot the | who were forced to face the . storm ers, of (he regiment. = ] he ) tf ah a 4 oe i pik 4 AeSobooh-bedey OIC Tete: TTT Coie, | Biber Tos -cOWs wr] E Tre : & Living some distance away, she decid- | King streey west, vecupiod hy srs, | will. go down ipto history as ove of Pe od 'that tho best' way to G i travel was [(Vapl.) GWyer. Hero a defective stove | the, most disagreenble ever experienc. "Dic Hard, My Men, Die Hard!" Mal of Furs i 5 { je 8 eee y over 'the sfGw, using a pair of suow- | thimble used for a stovepipe gave' fel. Many. citifens had their ears | The "Die-Hards" are the Fifty-gev- shoes. About rp Se the Be som trouble, setting five to the |nipped by Jack Frost, while others fon Foot, the Duke of Cambridge's it way td climb a very high [beams between the first and se Tak their, nose and cheeks' frost - bit- | own, Middlesex Regiment. At Albu- drift, end, coming . down the other [eond floor. The house is owned © by 3 : era in 3811 the regiment found it- --- tT side, one of the snowshoes caught, | Miss Brophy. The damage will not And besides all this there were many |yeif pressed by a great force. "Die . -- £5 thiowing her face-downtards in the | be very heavy. discomforts. With the street . ruil hn. P ; ; k 'hard, my men, die bard!" was the show. The first person who happened | Children playing with matches caus- | way line blocked, it was no pleasure cry of Col. Inglis. to bis troops. Backs along was one of . her ils, who | ed the second fire of the aijgtnoon, for - citizens to- have. to: tiudge to a wall, the soldiers did die hard. helped' her out of her undignified which occurred at the home of Mrs. | Lhrough snow 'knee deep. any who | here were 140 survivors out of 570 : The. i McKane, at 2304 Wellington street. | ventured out.in. the ymorning did "hot who began the fight, the dead includ- The alarm was sent in at 8.48 o'clack. | make a trip in the afternoon. The | jue Inglis. At: Inkerman, where the The bedding and mattress were des | drivers of delivery: rigs had the Lime | regiment was almost wiped out. Capt trayed, also sa pair of curtaing Jos. | of their lives. trying: to make their {lov ty CGF RF IPED SL CORE eph Gratton is the owner of the Jounly. Milkiney SHR ora al * hours | Lomember. Albuera!" . And the re '$ simber _of them wore sermbouod, ght | i bread : ; os th and unable to 'get to the city. a ; 3 . a Rpt d: ] : | And Carpet Squares included in our « nn . to { } r la} . < . oa : Fe 4 ¥ de task, Some, of salle © of their raseality, but | - =a | V8 '} | Big Sale. Everything new und bright. ar imposible SHATESd tle" thr (rom one of "ri a Rubbs | JAMES REID Thier ; TIT mele | { y Personal (XTX EXY An Awful Fool, | or That ip waged argue of. A h progress of all things that the predent generation had made Sway again. ; LA is time two elderly yokels had a it as their usual early niomn-| ing zg Pp. TRE = & '"Yes) tis u wonderful age." one was saying. "Do youskuow, John; that we ourselves are 'muuch woor clever than our faithers 'ahd that | they, = Shes, Sura, were wiser than 2.1 their fait Mog ory "ag 3 "This was a bard: nut fur John to jerack. His. digestion of

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