Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Feb 1915, p. 1

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----AR 82 NO. 20 MAKE VIOLENT T0 TAKE Germans, Reinforced, Active From Coast to Arras. THEY ARE PREPARING FOR ANOTHER ONSLAUGHT BRITISH POSITIONS, Petween Labassce and Bethune Allied Shells Worked Havoc in Ranks of German Regiment Cone voying Supply Trains. Paris, Feb. 4.--Reinforced Ger- man armies are making violent at- tempts to take the offensive and 'force | back the allied lines from the coast to Arras. Heavy cannonading around Nieu port was reported in to-day's offic ul despatches. German gunners re- sumed dropping shells across the Bri tish lines into Furnes + Sear Notre Dame Lorette the Ger- man Infantry made an unsuccessful smash agalnst the allles trenches ai- ter several! hours of artillery duell ing. British gumners maintain the ad-| vantage in the region between Arraf| and Bethune, 'WesL of Labastee the German artillery has been particu larly active. | A pecouts reported | that the Germans are preparing for| another onslaught on British posi-| tions between Labasgee and Pu thune. Allies shells worked havoc in the | ranks of a German regiment convoy- | ing supply and ammunition trains in the Woevre region. The Ger- mans at this point temporarily aban- douned their train. movements. A thaw has set in in the Vosges region. Mountain streams have heen converted into rushing torrenis | of water, and floods threaten to | hinder operations, The money order business between Canada and France is now being re- sumed, exchange being on a sufficiantly stable basis to warrant this. I. Nalkerion will offer rec power any fastory nontracts asians war paterials ---- to to ON | the | was réported | wood, ATTEN THE OFFENSIVE AN AUSTRALIAN VICTORY Turks Defeated On Caravan Route Near Suez. Cairo, FEgypt, Feb, troops were victorious tachment of Turkish soldiers in a skirmish near Nachl, on the caravan route) between Suez and Il Akaba, on Monday might, according to advices received here yesterday. The Turks are said to have retreat- ed, leaving thirty dead and wounded on the field. This fight was the Australians' bap- tism of fire, and they acquitted them- selves with great credit. The Australian forces are considerable strength, 4,~-Australian over a de- of ex- now a second GERMANS CLAIM A VICTORY Over the French Between Verdun And Rheims, Berlin, (via wireless), The defeat of the French German infantry charge, Massiges, midway fivd Rheims, wa cial statement thiz afterncon The war office Feb. in a daring north of between Verdun laimed in an off) the war office for officially confirmed reports that German troops are reinforcing the Austrians in the Car- pathinans. Further progress of Gen. Von Mackensen's drive toward Warsaw from the Bolinmow Tegion Directum I. So i For $45,000 New York, Feb. 4.--Directum I. 1,58, the world's el pacer, was sold yesterday by James Batler, to M. E., Sturges, of this city, ai a price said not to be from £45,000, Dirce- tum 1. shipped from Kirk- , 10 Poughkeepsie, N.Y., to join the training stable of Thomas W. Murphy, grand circuit driver, who will prepare him for racing and ox- hibition purposes the coming sea- son iar will be Del Major ISndsay, Canadian Engincers was thrown from his horse and re ceived. injuries that will prevent his departure with the fore. He will join the. division in France in about three weeks. The oufhrenk of 'spinal meningiti augue Lue Conadipns at Satay is iow under complete control SSIAN AVIATORS RAINED ~ BOMBS ON GER GERMAN bos All Poland, From A -- to Battleground. Russians Captured North of the Vistula. Petrograd, Feb. 4.~All Poland, from Warsaw 'wekt to the Prussian frontier, furious German attacks along the is now a Bloody battleground, Official despatches today réporied Bzura. Sanguinary fighting preceded | the capt by* the Russians of | Skempe, north of the Vistula. South-west of Warsaw, the stars] aviators rained bombs, with deadly | i effect, upom German concentration | camps, "I'he Germans ably reinforced," have been consider | was the official ad: BY BRI London, Feb.\ 4.--~The Cos mr rate corres- , pondent of the Daily News telegraphs: wean attack was made at daylight Wedusadag,f on our eastern front. It was ly i, The enemy | Jost ory" Ylsonrt. and wounded and throy o wounded ir losses On Tuesday might the Turks at- | eros the canal near Tous- | r allowed to bring | to the bank aud | . Then we attacked fled in disorder, aban- | r material. Some of | Hate drowned in the 4 a] tel X¢ soum. start them, ; Hh doning the Tm * caunal.'* torday, SURPRISED | Prussian Frontier, a Ho -< iskion mission. fom the general stali to- i ast of Warsaw, in the region of Goumin and Borzhymow, south of the | Bzura, a heavy artillery fire continues day afd night. stubborn hand-to-hand fighting continued at all hours, both sides suf fering severe losses. Goumin is stil held by our forces, though the enemy is making desperate attacks in that region." Victory for the Russians, north oi the Vistula, aroused enthusiasm hers TISH AND FLED Another Cairo despaich locates the scene of this encounter on the tanal as near Jamalia, on Lake . Timsah. { The British had six men wounded. The engagement occurred during o sandstorm, bint the shooting by the | Tika, both with rifle and arillery, was The opinion still prevails in Yon- don that the Turks will not to cross the desert with a large force, and that the present pine { pricka were arranged only to com- | pel the British a inptond winter Saraiva for of May-: and he taken to drawing eard, and would work in] ell Lith the special sales in the slo The. mayor would bave fee-races oft the bathor, sports for members of} the overseas. battalion, and the pre- sentation of colors to the overseas! {units by some mident man. "If the marthants KINGSTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 asi tish Whig 1915 Er ---- BE -- LOSS OF LIFE IN ITALIAN EARTHQUAKE Ruins in Avezzano, Iialy. werly the main street of Avezzano. lortyseight people perished. Of the only a small traction escaped. The dank of Rome in Avezzano showing The upper picture shows what was fors © Sa ERR RR FIFTH SESSION of the Twelfth Parliament Opens at 0 Ottawa. THE FORECASTS MADE AS TO LENGTH OF SESSION VARIED. | 1 ARE A Few Predict That it Will Break up Tu a Row And That a General Elec- tion Will Follow. Ottawa, Feb. 4.--The = fiith session of the tavelith parliament opened at three -o'clock this afternoon. Weather conditions were ideal. "Lha sun shone brightly. Naturally the people took adyantage of the perfect day to come 'oud in lagge numbers. Promptly at three o'clock, to' t of booming gu The arrow indicates a shop In which entire population of some 10,000 lower picture shows the ruins of the searchers for gold. Sw pen 8) | OF WOMEN fhat is Wat K Kipling Calls "th Germans. BARD IS STUPIFIED AT GERMANY'S SIFNLE Is Confident. of Resukt--Has Pérfect Faith in the "Incompetent Democe racies" Defeating the "Perfect Mao chine, " Lg NCOMPREH EN- CIVELIZATION." Paris, Féb. 4.~--The Temps prints two letters from Rudyard Kipling to & French friend, The first. is dated Oct. 25th, 'and the other Jan. 1st. THe first letter rofers to the grati- tying unity between the French and English and tnere is an expression of sonfldence that the new British arm. | io are likely to prove Germans Piy of a war cor:unt, ite this, iacumnetent even halt- democracies machine, all of "whose details minutely provided, but which maine a machine." 'Mr. Kipling refuses to accept the prévalling British view that the war will last three years, saying: '4 can- re. more. fire. than there is fuel to sup- ply it. Besides, I ask how long tis Germans will resist when the strus gle i8 on their territory. Their mii'- i eatiops against the civilian ie are simply so marked by 'of sadism that 1 hardly see fe resiting roughish treatment in own homes.. The style of the'r neéwcpapers-¢onfirms this It i& not the way of a Sptaien people {0 express ideas." The second letter contains n euri- ous reference to the effect of the cen Mr, Kipling says: "Remember that the press is a stimulant of which our two peoples ¢ted the habit. There- the government suppress- * the effect wssian prohibition of vodka. 'a' stimulus. fanatics in neutral newspapers as a Kard under treatment--viz., eat cologne or spirts of wine at a store Natirally. it does not e as to the new English. . After complimenting the res tut the letter on fhe amiable : As wo English say, 'we are ng from stitch' Fing at, a better than i eal do better than a great, perfect | are | not believe it, because it would ean | was comparable |' We read .in-| de march { through a 3eriey of halls philogophi- | cally edie sig for the purpose of { sell-adoration. "The Arabs used to offer the choice between Islam -and the sabre. The Germans have only the sabre for eons Lodise Guards, .g ait his new stafi aides, 1 idee: 'up to parliament buildings, where they wi bs roceived by a detachment of the Gov- Seb Goutal 's Foot Guards, Thy suards their whole philosophy. ~ As you say | gn oe Dr ition Thee ilorms, | it iv the problem of'a mad dag. I smna, gave, color "to the ceremony, can 'only forsee the animal's death, ! ,gu- month of khaki. : probably from cerebral congestion." | Within the senate and the "Houses of | Commons' chambers, the scones were about the same as usually witnessed. The state dinner will be held as usu- tal, but the line has been drawn through the drawing-foom and the state ball. They have been classed as too festive fop such troubled times {and have been ruled against. Forecasts as to fe length o of | sdasion range all the way ftom two nionths to six and there are mot a | few: 'who predict that the show will | break up in a row and end in disso- {Intion and a general | The Duke of Connaug [since he last adds parliament { Canada had 'given bundant gnd con- | vincing proof of its lo to the | empire by despatching troops = to England and preparing others to go. | As to trade conditions, the Cech { from throne said that, ling the inevitable dist | result of the war, financial snd Bust: | nees cond | stability and on the whole the country | has adopted itself to new sonditibua in a very effective way. | clusion his' royalyhighness said that j+he strowl unit | anpiren his majesty's | gives firm assurance that | will be' maintained to an | and successfnl issue for Britain and { her allies. KILLED IN ACTION. News of the death of Lieut, Norman Nelles, a cadet of the Royal Military College, Kings. ton, given a Pommission in the North Hampshire Fusiliers last November, was received in a cdble message from Col. Nelles, of the Canadian expeditionary force at Salisbury. Plain. His regiment had gone into action on the 20th of December. Lieut. Nelles was one of the second year cadets of the Royal Military College given commissions in. stead of being required to pro- ceed with their third year's training, and he left for England about the end of October. His home is at Niagara, where hig mother is living, ORDERS $30,000,000 WORiH OF SHRAPNEL Canadian Firms Not Slow to Seize. Opportunities of New Industries. | 4 sr ------ Ottawa, Feb. 4.--Some {dea of the | extent to which Canadian industry is! ipo A prensed i being benefited by the war can bef Karl Ficke and Herr in | gathered from the fact that already | yi. .ooco on charges of prefer: orders have Leen placed with Can-' 4 by the French. adian firms for 18-pounder shrapnel! shells to the value of thirty million ~~~ the | } Er ol Bant are now said that | * | Beattie, Cobourg; Woods, Winnipeg -- LAST EDITION' THINDENBURG'S STRATEGY APPEARS TO BE FAILING mR Ni Forces Pressed; "Back Fur- ther Than Ever. POSITION OF ENEMY IN CENTRAL POLAND IS BECOM ING INSECURE. Through the Determined Russian Ad. vancé North Of the Vistula -- The Campaign Goes Badly for Va Hindenburg. Petrograd, Féb. 4.--With the cessful Russian advance on the sarian gide of the Carpathians, be- vind the sources of the San River, he period of elaborate reconnais- sances is over and the southern army has taken the offensive along the en- ire front from the Dukla Pass tp east of the Beskid Mountains. The Aus- trians have lost hope and are yield: ng important positions with scarcely any show of resistance. A Russian column which crossed the broad main ridge @ast of Yaslik seized a battery of six guns, with the ammunition in- tact, besides two bomb-throwing mor- tars and a quantity of machine guns, before the Austrian force could bring them into action. Detachments of the Germans jare among the prisoners taken during the advance, both in the Uszok region and in eastern Beskid. The only visible counter-demonstra- tion from the Austrian side was in- creased activity of the artillery fire along the line of Dunajetz, but all the sectional attempts at an effen- give there were destroyed in a few hours. sue- Hindenburg's Strategy Failing. Field Marshal Von Hindenburs seems to realize that the campaig of 1915 is beginning very badly fo hig strategy. His personal quarter; are established at Lengczyca, abou' 20 miles north of Lodz. He is living in a hotel, and Prince Joachim o Prussia occupies a neighboring doc tor's house. Their supplies ar brought from Kalisz, on the frontier Their position; is becoming JuSonabe nes north of the Vistula. The at any time dities the commence: ment of the presént invasion from o| Thorn, At tile beginning of Decem- ber. ' They keep an unsteady hold on Lipno, 20 miles from the Prus- dian_{rontier, and their four corps. which were recently introduced be- tween the Vistula and Mlawa, are all drawing north as a con- sequence of the continued westward pressure from the Russian arniv moving north of the Mazurian Lakes As Hindenburg abhors the disas trons - frontal -attacks on the Rugsf an entrenched positions westward of the Rawka. The Chaplains 'Going to Front With Canadian: Salisbury, Feb. 4.---The war offic now consents to eleven Canadia chaplains going to the front wit the Canadian Expeditionary Iorce They are: R. H. Steacy, Ottawa; W Silvestre, Montreal; Almond, Mon sor; McGrear, | Victoria; Moffatt, Toronto; Scott Quebec. The other Canadian chap laine will remain in England. Major 8. L. Thorne, Toronto, hat been appointed depot paymaster, and Colonel C. N. Shanly, Toronto, over- seas paymasier. The latter will open an'office at Rouen. The Canadian Highland Brigade may be attached to a British High- land Division in Flanders. The only Youpg Men's Christian Association representatives going to Frante with the force are: Pequeg- nat, Graham, H. A. Pearson and W. Forge, the two latter of Toronto. Montreal; cent birth in Canada, and the fact that a large number of firms are al- ready turning out shells at the rate! of 1,000 a week each is evidence that | Canadian manufacturers are not slow to seize new opportunities. Lhe de- sand for this class of shell is prac- tically unfimited, and it is expected that in a short time orders will be re- ceived for the larger calibres. It is. understood that the export of the finished produet has al com menced. A testing and plant will be organized, and all shells will receive a careful test before ox- portation. It is understood that this is but dollars. Thiz"industry is of very re-| A LIFER IS conditions of the war, and the de- mand for war Jnaterial 3 The attracting fo Canada of war orders for munitions of various kinds Hun- | r farther back |. Barton E ASKIN GFOR EXTRADITION Of the Officer Who Dynamited a C. P. R. Bridge. Washington, Feb. 4.-- Solicitor Cone Johnson, of the state ydepart- ment, to-day closely scrutinised the British ambassador's request for ox- radition of Werder VanHorne (or Horne) who dynamited the C. P. R. bridge atross the St. Croix river. What action he will take, he refus- ad to disclose, but it was indicated that if the request is regular Von #Aorne will be extradited, SEVEN SIKHS, TO HANG. -- Convicted of Killing Calcutta Rolice in Riot. Calcutta, Feb. 4.--The judge at Firozpur, in the Punjab, has senten- ed to death seven Sikhs who had een convicted of killing two police icials at Calcutta last October In he rleting which followed the ar- val of the steamer Komagata Maru it that port from Yanceouver. " The Hindus who mutinied at Cal- atta last year were the men who for everal months resisted the Canadian zovernment's order of deportation. The rioting at Calcutta was suppress 3d by troops who fired on the Sikhs, Russian Army Makes Process Towards Thorn New York, Feb. 41 4.~Despite London lespatches intimating that the Rus- ian advance on Koenigs! East Prussia, has been stayed, Petrograd official * despatches to-day' indicate that the Russian army is making pro. ress in the direction of Thorn, East Prussia. ' ------ The Last Chance. Tonight will be ¢he last KX to witness the fm, A the Front," at Usual adission. ~ As white 25. shaw are the 'caulifloy- * Diphtheria members of a A Regiment quartered the, armouries, Twenty have been rémoy. ~ ed to the infectious disense hort postr aster-gener the rk hon bar as a former solici- Stewart Tupper is still hi arigusly il at the Oxford nursing home, but " DAILY MEMORANDI™, Band at Palace Rink to-night Sen top of page 3, right hand corner, 'or probabilities, lu 1 at Wolfe 'sland Monday oo Vans leave the Pri yore Hotel at FfHE DAILY BRITISH WHIO [s on Sale at the The Following City Clarke, J W. & Co ..,., 253 Princess College Book Btors. Cullen's Grocery, Sor, Prin. & Alfred Frontenae Hotel «uiusy.. Ontario Bt Lowe's Grocery " ns MoGalt's Cigar Store, Cor, Priv. & King Sediors Drug Se, mn ny Peters' G rocery Store » «7 Paul's Cigar Store pb Prise Prouse's Drug Bloré .... Valleau's Grocefy ..,s.. 308 TIMMEBRMAN--In__ Ki 1st, 1915, to , Hon. Rodolphe ihe Lewtinur, al I he crormerly to tor-general. there is some imptovement. Band at covered rink to-night. "Don't forget C, M, ruary St $16 p. mi. Return a A no Bucknell's News Setren: «39% King BN. Coulter's Grocery ., Gibson's Drug Store ..Market Squary Port M 7% Grocery +. Union Bt. W, assures 18 of Montrasl- Mon » Timmerman, ston 'on Feb; Mrs. W. J, St. a son, rest. Xd USCOTT. 4th, 1915, me dence, - Geo) ston Ave, on Febru years, aoa ide of ott, ee ate: FR Funeral 'notice. Ine ESEERY 3 Bo BR ID Heres

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