FE 1855 BANK or TORONTC | HEAD OFFICE, Pald-up Capital Reserved 1'nads DIREC TORS: i 2nd Vice. Melghen, TORONTO, $5,000,000 $6,402,510 yderham, Vice-President lent BANKERS: y Satlonal Bank. ondon City 1 Commerce, & Midland Pank, LMm!itsa. You R BANKING SERVICE. Ba z busir Market Square GEORGE B. McKAY - Manag BURNT CLAY The World's Best Building Material Let us talk BRICK with yon. Either sand stock wire cut or the celebrated Only 10% difference between a frame house and a Let us figure with you. A.NEAL, Kingston Brick Yard, Phone 1396 Milton Pressed Brick. fireproof brick house. 1058, lee offered by whatever nature the Bank to-dat uipment Bank Kingston WANTED HO USES TO RENT We have a number of clients 'between now and first of May do well to consult us. desi J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 48 BROOK ST. JOHN DRIVER, Representative, | FURNITURE, MERCHANDISE, MACHINERY, OR OTHER GOODS STORED At a very reasonable rate, on the upper floor of our garage. Floor space 130 ft. x 25 ft. Call in and see us. PORRITT GARAGE CO, Limited Phone 454. -- Severe Winter Weather Is always a trying time to those who suffer from weak lungs, or are sus. ceptible to coughs or colds, Wampole's Cod Liv- er Oil Preparation Is a good lung tissue builder, and ca nbe relied upon for coughs and colds. Large bottles, $1.00, HOAG'S DRUG STORE "Oasis Y. 4. O. 4 . rURNITUR SALE Largest and best stock to select from, saving from 15 to 25%. RY ] * See our line of dining room furnitare. Tea Tables, Tea Curates, Card Tables _ all reduced. Omt. | 210-214 Wellington 8t. INSURANCE Real Estate Investments J. 0. HUTTON 18 Market St. PARISIAN LADIES' TAILORING . D. Rich, Manager, == KAISER HAD HIS WSH| C INCORPORATED er Di: ring hounsés at different periods, | Property holders wanting tenants would | 5 Tr BAVARIANS MET BRITISH BUT ed: RRENDERE D | The Emperor Had Expressed Hope That Bavarians Would Meet the English Just Oncee More. Copenhagen, Feb. 4.--A Berlin re- port states that the kaiser recently sjted Doeberitz concentration camp. All the : prisoners were | wi 1 Hie the kaiser held religious ser- iv The kaiser also seat ljuperial ic haucellor von Bethmann<Holiweg to {the exmp at Rupprecht, . Bavaria. | The upperial chancellor had a long | conversation with the generals and | stayed two days. Von Bethmann- Hollweg then visited the headquar- ters of the stafl of the Bavarian ar+ my and inspected the artillery posi- tions. He reported that he brought messages from the kaiser, wio hop- €d4 that the Bavarians would meet the English just onde more. The kaiser was previously reported to bdve #aid to the commander of the Bavarian army corps: "I should like the English to meet the Bavari- ans Just jonge." afterwards he had his for naws was received of the occupation of Leffinghe and , Belgium, and the report » encounter stated that an en- tire Bavarian battalion refused to fight and surrendered. SE y--. { i | | war division 4 The ap- e is regarded distinet nor for the Canadians MONEY ORERS TO FRANCE All Restrictions Also Removed With i I Colonies. Ottawa, Feb. 4. --<By direction of the postmaster-general, the money order business between ( anada and France 15 now being resumed, exchs ange being on a sudliciently stable basis to war- rant this. All special restrictions "money orders issued on the United Kingtlom, 'and on all countries and offices foreavhich the British Postal Department acts as intermediary, and | on all colonies = with has direct money order exchange, also, until further notice, regards' have been remov- High Clas Buia made to Golden Lion Block, Opposite Post Office. Notice of Removal ! KING CEORGE SHOOTING GALLERY | Has removed from Montreal Street to 261, PRIVESS STREET. Shoe shine in co SIMPSON BROTHERS, FO OR I DINNER; Anderson Bros," Cor Princess & E Division Su Phone 458 BIR RICHARD CRAWFORD. Who has taken up his duties as com- mercial Attache of the British ambagsa- or at Washimgtom Sir ichard wil don: largely with the situations arising from the #ifect of the war on the com- Merelad relations between Britain o meth Prussian Casualtics. London, Feb. 4.--The Daily SovteSondeng in. Gopenlmgen "The fifteenth German casualty list | was issued to-day, giving the names tof 1,572 casualties. ive more ! Prussian casualty lists have been is- sted, containing the names of 23,158 men , wounded or missing, bring- {ing the. total of 137 lists to 926, - Mail tele- 1 f OT 1 ---------------------- Sandfield Uppleby, daughter the k Uan- Jd ge ade Goi, died in Sep- Grau Trunk' ik Railwsy system. teal 3 CoE fons. Bie Tis; 1914, of mustered | which Canada | abi vene SEER 3 FAMOUS Fray , 4 REELS "The Making Of Bobby Burmit." Feature Vaudeville Acts MUTTAL FILM 2 REEL DRAMA EYSTONE COMEDY ONE REEL KE New P Monday and Thursday' trices Mat. 10c, any seal. Evening, 10c; reserved 5c extra e---------- Lipton's Tea No Advance IN PRICE 30c, 40c, 50¢, 60¢, 75¢ oh $1.00 per Ib, VERED RINK--CHAMPIONSHIP HOCKEY MATCH Toronto vs. Queen's Friday, Feb. 5th Game ealled at 8,15 p.m. sharp.. | Admission, ladies, 28e: gents, Boe; re- | merved seats on sale httaday at Dam, Telephone 1 Seats mot called for before 8 Pa will be sold. "A NEW CEREAL | Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal { _ This is not only a medicinal ecreal | but In tasty as well. If iy delicious as » cereal or made In Eameckes. 'rinl size , .. teguinr size At Your Family Grocers FENWICK, HENDRY & C0. -- Distributors.) | Annual | Meeting, The annual meeting of citizens for the purpose of electing by subsecrib- ers a Board of Directors for the Kingston Home for Aged, Friendless and Infirm Persons for the year 1915, will be held in the City Council Chamber on the afternoon of Mon- | day, 8th inst, at four o'clock. | Friends of the Home are cordially invited to attemd. JOHN MACDONALD, Secretary. BETHEL CRURCH LOS:S| <= ITS PASTOR, REY, A. P. MERSHON, va NERS SUNDAY, 5 fbr sak Annuad Meeting of the Congregation Held On Wednesday Evening -- Resohition bf Appreciation Passed. The annual méeting of Bethel Congregational church was held oa | Wednesday night, and the officers for the year were elected The devétional exercises were in charge of the pastor, Rev. A. P. Mershon, who took the chair while the general business was transacted. After the reading of the secretary's minutes by F, J. Wilson, acting sec- retary, a satisfactory report was re- celved 'from A. Kennedy, treasurer, showing all bills of the year paid anda balance on hand. Encourag- ing reports were also received from the following organizations: Missi- cons and benevolences, Sunday School, primary department, Young . Men's Athletic Club, Ladié¢s' Ald So- ciety, Missionary Society, Yeung Ladies' Mission Circle, CC. E. So- ciety; C. I. Missionary Commission, and séveral Sunday School organiz- ed classes. Al these reports indica- ted a successful year and the united treasuries of the Church amounted to over $400. The pastor in giving his annual report expressed his regrets that the | | | i 1 | 1 w f € same @&vangelistic efforts that had been conducted in other years! | Ww. MoCubiagh, of should have been a united effort of 'staff, has been | | Sergt. Birkett. and his feeling. was that there evangelism throughout the city, es- Decialy when so wiany strangers {thin our gates. i "The pastor's statistical report, cov- ering the four yeazs of his ministry, showed a # pre ond a in membership. When Toles me (5 Th" crc ths oi el y-nine on ti during his ministry _-- and \ that number | has nearly doubled. In receiving the pastor's report, Teaglution voicing 'the hearty a ation of the congregation for the $Plendid pastoral services rendered by | Be caleion, And sitvete vgiot hat he could not see Fit to re-consider hi resignation, was passed, and Cand. | - hy Pre py - ot th fous ir ox Sxpttstad o + of the members of the Ladies } whe A letter. from 'the estate of the late Mills was received, containing |W. F i- | ax ponses. Kingston considers L of _-- BRI TSH WEIS, HUB BDAY, .F! | [ok THE PEOPLE'S FORUM 9 oo 3g First n, secutive lusertion thereafter, half. eent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 25¢; three insertions, S50e; six, $1; one month, $2. HELE WAN kb AN ADVT OF 25 WORDS OR LESS under this head, costs 35c for one _ might, or 60¢ tor three. this bern thm ae prabmiasinebestos MESSENGERS Ww ANTED "AT G. N., Ww. 1esegrapa Uo. apply $t ou ce AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY Sara: Jao Blonthly corresponding wap WH no Saavasang. Send | Tor pagticulars, Seni cate, 3,969 Lockport, ------ soma. {BILLY SUNDAY'S Mmssace "AND methody. atrfaol v3 aevivg Quarter million ones 5 Thrill- ing book. Everybody orders. Make six to ten dollars daily. Sample book free on promise to eanvass Bible House, Brantford. WANTED UENKRAL SMALL FURNISHED DWELLING IN central location, or furnished rooms with board, for family, of four. Apply by letter to Dax 43, Whig Omfice. MEN OR WOWEN WHO WANT PLEA sant and profitable occupation. See our line of quick selling specialties and be conwvipged. Call, 5 to 10 a. "nadien Bepoantile Co. 187 Wellington at. GENTLEMEN 0 BRING THEIR cloth and BAve IL Mave up Mice wp to-date sults, Prices and workman. ship guaranteed to please. Press. ing and repairin done on the ¥h oriesi notice Thomas Galiway, 131 Brock street, mear Blbdby's Garage. fi POSITION WANTED. ee teem BY A YOUNG LADY AS MAID, APPLY wo bu VEalE ual 13, FIRST-CLASS CHERSL AND BUTTER- | maket weld ike position for next | ason. Married. Apply Box ig office. STEADY, RELIABLE MAN; GOOD AT blacksmithing or carpentering, de- sires position. Would accept kind .of remunerative job, references. Apply in first instance | to Box 1167, care Whig office. . PERSONAL, LADIES' HAIR WORK, SWITC TN ete, made from combings. Firste class- work Mail orders promptly attended to. Miss A. Babcook, 350 Brock 8t. Drop me a eard for prices. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, HIRTHIMARKS and all growths and skin blemish es removed permanently, without sacar; 30 years ex Hence. hf El. ter J. Ear, Throat ANG in "Bpectaiist, Bagot St. UATERING mtn ee ---------------- WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding bre kfasts, banquets, ete also rent dishes, table linens and sliverara, : {lambrook i nd MP Foi 30 Unton Street, I. ook, 76 Altrea Stren Han P ne #43 or 303. . ARCHITEOT Wh, NEWLANDS _& SON, 6cts, ete. Phones 61. ARCHI- Offices, 268 Bagot St CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES| 1k a word. Each con- | 24] any | Good | 208 | LOST A GOULD WATCH AND FOB BRTWEEN University Avenys and Grand Trunk stetion. Finder please not- ify K. B. Blake, 158 Barrie Street, City s i SUNDAY EVENING, BETWERY Rideau St. and Queen St. church, wateh fob locket, with three links on ene .side and. Initials TWA, on other side. Finder please re- turn to Whig offiea ang recelyve reward. _ | TO LET TRY ONE OF THRSE SMALL ADVTS. Ones 25¢., thr tintes, boc. STORAGE FOR FURNITUR n-and dry. McCann, Street. en t---- attest meeteeethetm TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING room, furnished. Apply to 19% Stuart St. DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, Me- Cann"s Real Estate Agency, 383 Broc . hh Ec _ ROOMS OVER 53 PRINCESS STREBT, Immediate possession. Apply 5 Prlucess Street. OFFICES IN bby ST. CHAM- . bers. v to Chnanfghan & Mudie, 7 : Parnes St. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy room; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen St. Phone 526b. TWO HOUSES ON CHATHAM STREET, every convenience; each house suit. able for two parties; rent $10.00 per month each. Phone 1473. DENTAL A. EB, KNAPP, DA, LDS, D DS, RE- | moved to 258 Princens Street. | eens AND SPARKS, 150 Wel | lington St. (over Carnoveky's).! Phone 348 C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. T. B, Renton, assistant. 133 Princess Street. Phone 735 Ss. H. SIMPSON, LDS. DDS. DENT. | ist. corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Ragot Street. | MUSIO. | DR, « HARRISON, TEACH- | Special attention to ers For terms- and ar-| cme nt for pupils' lessons, ap-| t 240 Montreal Street BUSINESS NOTICES JOSEI'Hl BUSE 4 CHESTNUT ST, HAS opened up a quarry on Stephen St Cut, building and rough stone are supplied promptly at r onable prices. MEDIOAL D, A. COON, M.D.CM, (FORMERLY OF Elgin). Surgery, $8 Wellington St Phone 846 STUART M. POLSON; M.A, M.D.OM., former house surgeon Manhattan Eye, ear, nose and throat hsplial New York Office, 132, W funston. 8 Sh ow office. oni pm, T- BUSINESS CHANCES ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail order business at home; Do canvassing: be vour own POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants' Bank _ Building, corner ock and rop a card PROFESSIONAL. SPIRELLA CORSETIERE SERVICE--- Latest modéls in corsets, eprset walsts, blouse extenders, eniliren's | waists and accessories. Appoint- | ments made to suit your conven- lence. Margaret Dunuetl, 290 Wellington 8t. Phone 878 IN MILITARY CIRCLES ---------- Officers Who Have Qualified ----- WW. MoCullagh's Appolstment The cadets of Sydenhan: high school are ordering uniforms of a dark khaki material that ought to prove well adapied for the work. The shooting fompetition for the P.. Nickle trophy will coinmmence nest week and continue until April. The miniature Ross rifle, will Ie used, 242 one each year, 3 the post office taken on the strength jof the 21st. Battalion and has heen appointed transport 7setgepnt, vice § Col. H. Duff inapeotéd Companies Thursday, Nos. Par The Telleville Ontario says: «Ths e whith will be necessitated by the mobilization of the 39th Bat- talion in fille will be very great 8 Loutside of the initial or RrepmEntOry that her 1,500 or 1,600 soldiers aro worth 835,000 ta" 100,000 per nonth to the Limestone City. At that rate Rellaville's advantage should be in the neighborhond of some #05,000 io - | 475,000 per ninth, The battalion on Thursday was wiven short route marches heotgh the city streets, as ihe wre in very bad eodition ih ater, A second course for Dursing sisters to 30, quality for mi for militia work will open inthis Rea future, In the first pry the 15th Regiment supplied officers and Wellington streets | | DANCING. | MISS FLOSSIE HUDON, AUTHORIZED Send for fres booklet: tells Now Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, NY. to teach dy Prof. Frank H Norman, chairman Standardization Commit- tee appointed to standardize the moderna dances, Dayton. Olio, June, 1914. Fox-Trot, Hesitation and Can- ter Waltnes and One-Step, ete. Phone 120. THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. OOTY little. Once, a three times, Sle. one week. $1.00 JRESE FEATHERS. APPLY T0 MRS, Goldman, 357 Div'sion St. AIREDALE DITCH ruvery, FIVE months old, by Champion 'Rackle Shtang o ox Pura Maid, A. Ross, William St Ont. IFFICE DESK, SIX FEET LONG, 11 in. high io front and 561 3 in. high to Shei Tir dranoriand, oft top she Slightly British Whig office. A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND & number of first-class heaters &: low Bricss; also a big stock of furs nity : "Thompson, 333 Princess St. YPhone 1600 : to a George Hs Kingston, A LARGE SUMBER OF BICYU also Dunlop tires, at $2.00 orders promptly attended carpet cleaning and laying Muller, 373 King 5 ROU ND AND =QU ARE TIMBER T bargain prices. Very suitable fou wharves or barns. Also several strong sleighs., The Calvin Com- pa Y. Limit ed, Garden Island. Tele phona No. 545. HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPLRIAL ON fords. and other cook stoves, Q dec's, Russ apd square heaters, these In first class close them out at v fits. Turk's 'Phone, shape; er small pro. pin FRAME HOUSE, CHERRY 81. ap for & quick buyer. 21950 BRICK VEN BER HOUSE, ON Patrick St, ¢-room jrovn HOUSES oN York ST. 1000 mouse TO RENT. GEO. A. BATE. an, real estate and insurance, 87 ed 8t., Kingsto on. hg } TELEGRPHY Servic, Shorthand, ig: Rauk keeping, of Queen Street. ag Phone 440. nN Meteaife. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE {Two LOTS IN TOWNSHIP OF CLAR. endan, County of Frontenac, cons taining 130 acres. Forty acres of clearance and balance well woods ed and suitable for lumbering. Would exchange same for houss ant lot in city. Apply to Frank Deni, 14 John St, City. i) FINANCIAL FRONTENAC _ LOAN AND INV - ment Soclety; Incorporated 1888; resident, Colonel Honry. R. Smith. oney issued on city and farm Rroparties, municipal and coun lebentures; mortgages purch deposits received hd interest lowed. cGlil Manager, Clarence street. LONDON AN LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & MUDIR, Al ters and solicitors. Law of Clarence Bt Kingston Hoe Te CPHOLSTENING W, J, GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, mattress renvvati Drop a an or call 218 Bagot Street Stove Coal A Tre better it is likely Li, will be seat from from Ottawa. 'The instead of Cie ty i on and \ The following officers untied promotion to the rank of Saptain at the recent examinations : Heung a. K. Wilgress, A. S. Morrison, Newcombe, - J. Sharpe, Cunningham, F Macnee and W. A. all kinds of "Dae in mild weather. : 1 bie, (15, i yndhurst, * pind tient in "the hospital for the past he a J nt the States street school. gular furnace size; good for weather and a little than the..larger size "1 Eu | (AMES SWIFT & WO Curling Matches. The rinks that. yed scheduled Susling matches o ednesday result. S. F. Kirkpatrick, 13; W. L. Goods win, 10, W..R. Sills, 21; J. W. Power, 9 H. D. Bibby, 16; J, ¥, M 13. Ww. H. W. M. Bail Gildersleeve, 13; T, Slater; 12, Mra. Money Earle, a resident Montgomery, 18; E C. of in Brockville on 'had: been 8 ering irom ui abscess, She was 6 at Croshy, thirty iwo years x or eg a daughter of Mrs. James Waterton, N.Y., George Van Santvoortd Camp, cashier of Jefferson County National Bank, Tuesday while attending a noting Hastings Rnaty Council ape nd E. G. Vandervoort, W. H, Reltighiog -- W. Wondeock as Desers Migh school frostes. One neh Keflov Dowsley, cott, was sworn in by J | Thomas Dorson 1 Smith's Fulls, with ae while loading. logs ; Pres e Rey nolds, as hoi Bg ph Sounties of of Teeds and Grenville. a a | R. wapyeer. Mision [ of traing gies, , was red in a oo aautrral ogi oa int te ¥