Kf me La PAGE EIG 13 After Inventory Sale We offer, twenty-three only Boys' Natty Overcoats Values $4.00 to $7.50, fit boys 4 to 8 years. FISHER IS BRITAINS TOUGHEST OLD SEA DOG! Also twelve only . Boys' Overcoats, Velvet Collars Values $6.00 to $9.00, fit boys 11 to 14 years Your Choice for $2.98 Boys' Suis 35 Suits, two and three piece, straight trousers, fit. boys 11 to.16 years Half Price $2.75 $6.50 for $3.00 $7.00 {or $5.50 for $6.00 for Come at, once--they won't last long. All Sales for Cash. Livingston's 75.79 Brock St., Kingston A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk. Reformed---He Has By Herbert Gorey ' London, Jan. 22. --Lord Charles | Beresford discussed the sinking of {the Formidable the other day. He #i¢ that this magnificent wars had been sacrificed by the stupidity? | the English admiralty He de- i | | | | ared that she should not have been tracted ln submarine-infested waiter sithout an escort. of destroyers 10} gerd her, | Mayhe he was right. Maybe he i a8 Wrong, In apy event, it is an- other proof of the great gulf that is fixed between Beresford and "Jacky" | Fisher, the first sea lord. They never did agree on anything. There is probably ne topic in this world- there is no mall, modest, inconspic- | uous part of any toplec--on which these two zZreat men cannot disagree. {i is pot merely because they detest ach other, They cannot think a- like, And yet bath men have been of tremendous value to the British fravy. 7 Here is just a saniple of the Beres- ford-Fisher inability to harmonize. Beresford believes that submarines will uliimaiely drive the dreadnought {rem the seas, They will at least rreatly Hmit the effective field of the greater ships, he holds. He pub- lished @ letter to that effect last spring, over which a tremendous howdy-do was raiged. Fisher doesn't think that way at all. - More than {that-----porhips because Beresford fa- vors submarines--TFisher thinks they WALDRON'S . are iohuman, hellish and unforgiv- able contrivances, Shortly after he liad retired. to what might have been a life of ease, If ease were possible to him, he niade his position known. "If there ever is wn war,' said he, "and I am in a position of responsi- bility, and my ships are attacked by a submarine, and we: capture {he THE 1 DAILY BRIE He Boies Only i Efficiency For For the Navy, Which He, of Active Service. _ | in accordance with his conception of (dave of time to prepare. #83 Be Le A 8 wile, _FHURSDAY FEBRUARY 4 1915. Fisher, "on i dav I've ordeged, Ill have vou towed there " One of the isiowly Wh every navy the right to loot. Fisher never did believe in it. When Alexandria was captured he issued hia orders, buat they were widely disregarded by | Alexandrians. ashore, and a handy wall ana cartridge put an end to the dissipation. Then Fisher +that Fnglish 'officers had been en- Seen Fifty Years gagéd in the iorbidden pastime 1 { "I'l court-martial every iman of vou,"" he swore. The Liberals : Are to Probe | War Contracts Ottawa, Feb. 4--The' liberals denily are preparing fo probe into the militia contracts this session. J. MH. Sinclair, of Guysborough, has al comcexned 5 native discovered When you have to wring a chicken's neck you wring it. You don't stop | half "way and tell 'the chicken you ! hope Jou are not. inconveaiencing | (pim, Idon't believe in fighting with intervals for refreshmeni." | He Reformed Navy. Fisher enforced the polfey oy i whieh the strength of (he Bri.ish | navy was Lrought from the Maditer- iranean. Since then §6 per. cent. of {ready given notice of a hali dozen Britain's sea strength has b=ea questions, all bearing on the militia avi | !'massed in the North Sea, just where. department, and the government's | i was needed when the test came, cofidyct of the war. One question The ships of the first line were buit!will take a whole squad of clerks {naval needs. He doesn't like sib It is possible the marines and torpedoes--but for o!t for a special commiliee to _inguire | | of hig yardarm promises he developed into the militia contracts. The gov- | { submarines in his navy. He was the ernment «will probably insist that all | {first of the greal men to favor o'l|probing is done in the regular man- fuel. He chopped many of the aiis- ner. { tocratic strings which had hampered en -------------- { his predecessors. He instituted a INCIDENTS OF THE DAY {new pian of naval education, by nl { whieh) the budding officers were | NeWsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Our trained together for four years. Then | Busy Reporters | | and only then, were they turned in-} R. H. Toye is in Taronto. t» special lines. He planned the! Col. T. D. 1. Hemming is in Ot-\ nucleus erews by which the naval re-'tawa. ! f rrve heeame valuable, He' found; Local dealers will not quoie wheat | the British navy impressive, but|prices, owing to the rapid changes. more or less inefficient, and he mage The Portsmouth rueal mail carrigr | it seaworthy to the last. man d has been unable to deliver mail since | rivet. Then he tested it. The Rus-| Tuesday. « slaps had by mistake fired upon cer-| George Flemming, of Newboro, ia !ta'n British fishermen off the Dog- (spending a few days with friends "in | ger Banks. the city. "Prepa¥e for war," was the order| Rev. Father Wallace, Campbleton, | Fisher flashed to every British ship. |N.B., is visiting at the Hotel Dieu | There was a world panic for a little]for 'a few daya. while. From Constantinople to China,| Richard Clark, of the Queen's Fn- { English gaflors were drummed to!gineers, is home from Ottawa on a rauarters and the lashings thrown off | lew days leave of abgence. In the junior Y.M.C.A. hockey { the big gung. The stock markets of | the world aeied like hens in a dust (league, Leopards defeated Ponies by I bin, Speculators were ruined by the{4 to 3} and won the championship. thousand. Margin-players committed] A number of Kingston Business | suicide, There was 2 frightful outcry, | College students were entertained at which was redoubled when it was|the home of Miss Madeline Sauve on discovered that the glarm had been! Wednesday night. i a needless one. Fisher had known! On Thursday =~ morning, lacy all that time that it had been only a|Truscott, wife of 'ex-Warden John mistake by the Russians. He knew Truseolt, passed away at the resi that war was pot even faintly pos-|dence. of her son-in-law, George Aik- sible. But it Had given him thelis, Livingstone avenue. chance he wanted, to find out wheth- |. Clarence Burdick, advance agent for er his navy was ready. a bright musical show, "School "Iivery one usually knows .glitllays," is here making arrangements about a surprise order," he said,|ior this attraction at the Grand grimly. "This {jme they didn't, They Opera House on - Tuesday evening, thought It meant business." Feb. 9th. . -- ---- Stopped Looiing.. E They thought Ke wouldnt. They had {nfincnee--or. some ef them had--and influence is a great thing ip any navy Perhaps at that time it was eapecial ly great in the lritish navy. 2, If every mah woman of ti- tle in the British lsles had gone down on their koees to him, he would still have court-martialed those erring offi- bers. Looting abruptly passed from favor in the fMitish navy. ~ Je will liberals may ask | Ann | BOYS ROUNDED UP Who Stole Hockey Sticks Queen's Gymmnpsinm. Constable Samuel Arnie! rounded uy four hoys in connectlon with the theft, a few days ago, of about a doz- en hoekey sticks from Queen's Uni versity gymnasium. Two of the lads admit having entered the building and implicate the other two, who de- clare they are innocent. The boys From traditions that died | the | He sent firing parties | ball | thievish | CANADIAN MADE STOCKINGS It has been settled hy experts that Canadian made Cashmere Stockings are the best stockings at the price of any stocking made in any country on .the globe, We have proven that imported cashmere stockings after paying duty and charges are simply not in it with the best makes of Canadians at the following prices 25¢, 35¢, 39c, 49c. We admit that the finer makes rang- ing from 60c to $1 'are better in the Eng- lish makes We Have Ready for February's Selling Two Hundred Dozens 3 Pairs for $1.00 Superior to any cashmere stockimg at this price. is the new penman make, proper weight and finish, seamless and with good {Nearing qualities. All sizes from 81 to 10 inch 35¢ a pair or 3 pairs for $1.00 se ij) ae erew Of that submarine--I'll hang say that some otner boys took the A Special Offering of Hig h Class Pattern Table Cloths | M ™ Third Off Regular Prices AN Thisis a spoil purchase i ll was delayed in delivery, and consists of Odd Cloths, 2 x 2yards, 2x 2} Et and Zx 3 yards, all high class goods; | double Satin Damask, in the very new- est patterns. As there are no Napkins to match, we will clear the lot at R0ne-Third Off Regular vio I --------- AAs dA AR A SA A AA Aan 450 Cloths Now $3.00 $5.50 Cloths Now $3.50 $6. 00 Cloths Now $400 $150 Cloths. Now $5.00 is avery damaed man: of it from the Lvardarm." Well, there's a war and he is in a position of responsibility. One won- ders if Fisher wotld make good on {thal promife if the opportunity came, Ne He [s Not Popular. Because Fisher always had made good on premises. He is a hard man, He.is'a man of steel and steam.' © By no:stretch of the imag- ination éax he be considered a popu- lar mag ip. He is vot even lked---uot to'saf well lked. And yet & chorus of genuine thank- a fulness 'wert Mp in England and in ! the navy when if was announced that Prince Louis of Battenburg had res- igned his position as first sea lord and "Jacky", Fisher had taken his place. . Because Battenhurg was at best only a Baturalized | Briton. who ped foamy. and a job-- almost good ah perhaps, to deserve that job 'even without the mariage Unes. But "Jacky" Fisher is one of a men of all ages. more for the British vera. than any other man of years ago 'Fisher went to 3 1 for the first time as first sen lord. The British navy was then mdn will not like to read that state- | ent. They didn't like it even in 1 1904, when Fisher made it. Part of the navy us "possibly better than an . Bi soot 8 any other-navy. The der of it wae impossible. The avy hod Been run by soms-in-law, dodos, and dodderers. The admiralty a drydock in which needy re- {atives drew large salaries. Fisher : blow them up and out. He got rid of the w he * ad a8 Oa Fisher said they could | neither standing % by, th a 120 ThE England 'temptation to the enemy. nif 3 the announced plan of em tomer reer TH PJ a £34 mucous surfaces. in Onpd is not a qw uack medicine, ag presesibed br one of the best hal bad not. recur while Fisher is in power. Hard as he is,' he delights in dane- sticks out 'of their possession. It dusty, dry, snd rule ridden: English- | wall-connotted, hope-, Y In th ths the service, and Jdismisses them ying them on her navy nor defend. They were was at this time that he ssved wig reg age dd oy | war--a policy which is nga is aaisant enemy to-day. "The es-! phi is violence," said he, ! "in war is imbecility. | NOT BE CURED LE HOTON -as they ig Sou fo Sluagac, 3 hs np a i. Hall Catarrh Cure iis Naken teraaily, Hal acts direct = i Gator Ss cond Lt Is com CE a bg: i ae ned ith fers, act ot) Lah ing." When he commanded a squad. ron, he never made port that he did not .conitive some - sort of an enter- is likely the youngsters wiil be prose- cuted: The lads aftef getting into the gymnasium, smashed open rev- taimnent on board the flagship, ii eral of the lockers with a nut-crack- that were possible. He had a wider for. ' tw acquaintance among. Ppretiy women than any other seadog since Nelson. He was handy with preity. speeches, too. His blah, rugged, open-eyed face can never be considered bandsome, but it has the charm of courage and sirgightiorwardness, . Women always fiked him. The classic story told of Lord John Fisher, of Kilveratone--the iitle date: from 190%--must beyretold. He doesn't fear any one, qr reverence any ons overmuch. He especially does not he- lieve in naval alliances, or in execut- ing manoeuvres with the fleet of a friendly power, or. im any other naval thing except keeping continually on guard. So that he wasn't especially UL HY Organs asked him to "he very "pice" to Ad: ral Gervais, who was at the mo- ment visiting Portsmouth. But Fisher is woll disciplined. He looked his sov- ercign right in the eye : "Madame," said he, "if your majes: ty wishes, I'N 'Kiss him.' A Carload Of Cooking Onions, February prices, ninety . cents a bushel, a peck for a guarter or two cents a pound, at Carnovsky's. The International Qil 'company, a subsidiary of the Imperial Oil ¢om- pany, has b#én formed to take an interest in 'two British-Peruvian oil corporations, and bring crude oil from Peru to Vancouver for distribu- tion in western Canada. After a year of operation, Ren- frew's fine barless hotel has btek able, in spite of the business depression, to declare aap end of four per cent. lon 865 stock, the shareholders rant sary ey did not erect a larger building. Private Samuel Ashworth, of 196k Battalion, and Private Basil Vietor Jones, of the Army Service Corps, died of Imeumgnia at the Ex- hibition camp; Toronto. Il grades of sugar advanced -- per frutuivedwoight in and Montreal yi ay and centy in Winnipeg. May wheat sold at 2.45 p.m. Thurs. day at 157% in Winaipeg, and 164 in Health returns , for January = show that small-pox is prevalent in many parts of the province. the ten Toronto fiow He Works, twenty is "geventy-four years ' old, and has served in the navy mote than fifty years, during which time he has had but 'six months of, idleness. - He rises at five o'clock each morning, and I gets to bed when he can. Thou of his rabondinates who are subject personal v from. the old ne rise at five er ock in 'the morning and get to bed when they can. He works his men harder than any other {naval officer ever dared to. If they break, he knows they are not fit for') i Fisher from ti they stond up to it he | them by giving them It is not the way - But it has his mind. compliments Ns { Hosiery Specialists Hosiery for Children Hosiery for Women Hosiery for Men Neo 2 Buckle, $2.25 and $2. 50 Men's 3 Buckle, $3.00, Men's 6 Buckle, $4.50, Ladies' 2 Buckle, $2. 00, Ladies' 3 Buckle, $2. 50, Ladies' Button, $2.50. Also Overshoes for Girls.