FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE J Frontenac of TA BATH ROAD. 'Feb. 1. =There is u scarcity of hay in this vicinity. Mr. Green is get- tig his' iceshouse filled. M. Hughson bas sold bis farm; as he anticipates ! mo to Boissevain, Manitoba. J. Ww. is drawing cinders from the ¢#ity. A number irom hers at téhded the Bath rdec:, Viditors : Mrs. Somethum Bridge and Miss Sarak | Bridge, at » Hyland' 5 Migs Ide ia fogs was the guest of | Mise' Lottie Hyland. BREWER'S » MILLIS, Jan. 30~James Kelly and Mise Tis. ze Smith were quietly marvied on Tuecday morniug, in St. Barnaby's Chureh. A number of the young peo: gh attendéd the party at J, Hesmey's. e Sisters of Charity, House of Tro: | videnice, hingston, made their anual visit last week. Missed Olive and Lena Todd have returned home after visiting itiends in Brockville, Mrs, James Keys has recovered from her recedit illness. 'lhe government cor peuters ore repairing the locks. Mrs. Robert Milne and children, Kingston, org'at James Milne's. WILBUR Feb. 1.4 quiet' wedding took place here on Wedhesda; vening, Jan, 27th, 'when Mrs. Isabella Me: Murtry was united iA marriage to Alfred J. Miller, of Arden, by Rev, Mri W. Ferguson of MoDonald's Corners. Miss Annie Thurston was bridesmaid, while James MecPher- son nesited the groom. 4 redeplivn wid held on Friday evening at the hore of the biide wiiere the you i pecple spent an, emjoyable évenld Miss Jessie Ji spent - Suns day at Hill View fatm. Miss Mag- rie White has gone to Calabogie to work, Mrs. . C. Boyd: returned ie me on Saturday after spending a uple of weeks with her daughter orth Bay. James KE. Boyd spent id nday at his Home here. Leeds OUTLRY, Feb. 1.--There has been great traf: fie on Charleston lake wines . the Tadhg stow has. fallen. Everybody is §éiting! up wodd, A number . from inte sttended the reception held at B. Leedeér's, Melntosh: Mills, in hoger of Mr and Mes. C. E arrived on x Sunday 'to spend a Tow drools; rat Mrs. M. Fodey's. John nde s trip to Charleston on MOREWOOD Fob: 2.~~Malin Barrington is seri- 111. Mise Panscy Martin. left irddy for Kingston. Mies Lo- 1a fulison was a_ week-end visitor her cousin, Miss Helen Hagger- gi Hill eX od Mra. J. Mar. . Moore and Mrs. Steinberg i, the concert at Hill on Friday night. Mr. and Fesiet and have gone to ussell. , and Mrs, Waite Loughrige were at home to t Sty of their friends last Wad. | H ear evening, the océasion being the ba of' their inf daugh- © Home of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- Seline has been brightened by the pre- of a baby boy.. Mys. Cochrane, ussel is enjoying a visit vith he: her dnapiier, Mrs. C, Yorke. Mr. and sn Barriagton, Russel, and Mr. a nr? Thom hak Hamilton, /Chester- recent and re. Smith were re- Si visitors at t he of their daughter, Mes. L. ¥, Winches- HR A number rot ds Suthered lat Wediieitiy evening and spent a + | iDg to death. VCR TReeeT * While eating hie dia: | ter a piece oF potato became lodged in his throat. Dr. MeDougell, of Dus- sell, was hastily summoned, and re moved the offending sabstamce. A: B, Alsen made a flylng visit to Winchester ont Sunday. Sacra- { mental service Will be absérved in the | Methodist, Church next Sunday morn- ng MALLORYTOWN, | Jan, 26--A box sbcial was held i the Sunday school rooms on Tuesday, | evening, and was well attended. The |i | proceeds ampunted to $10.75. & home |'guard bas been organized at Mallory- | town with about thirty-five members, | On Saturday evening about that num- | ber. practised with the Mallorytown | members In the Odd Fellows Hall, | and An Tuesday evening the practice {18 In the village hall. The public | installation of the Odd Fellows of | Mallorytown Lodge No. 245 was well Attended; about 150 being present. | The anniversary services of Mallory- | town Methodist chiirch are to bg held { On Sunday. A masqueradewastohave taken place on Sajurday evening, but | because of the snow storm, it was | postponed. On Saturday, theré is to be a hockey match between Rock- port and Mallorytown. The Sunday | Sehaor Institute, of Brockville, dis- triet, Is te Be held in Mallorytown MathodMtt chuten next Wook. Mum Lou Nowleén {8 & patient at the Brock ville hospital anffering from appeh- dicitis. Mrs. Ira Miller 4s under the care of Dr. Judson LYN. Feb. 1.--Robert Littlejohn, Bleh- hein, is visiting his sister, Mrs. H. Diekoy. Homer Tennant, Brockyille, i last week with friends in 'this Me. Laadon, Ivy Lea, spemt at Mpa. Cathagine. Ten- i of Mrs. E. A. Cumming. Mrs flson, Osk Loaf, is. visiting Mrs. Archibald Green. Rev. D. M. Mac- Eeod spent a few days of last week in Montreal. The many friends -of Percy Gazdiner: will be sorry to Jedrn that he is seriously ill. A la number fom this village * atten ee the funeral of the late Sheldon Brown at Brockville, on Juessy. The fun- eral was- conducted by the A.0.UW., of Tyn. Mise Bessie Ferguson, Mal lorytown, was the guest of Mrs. Ro- bert Tennant oh' Saturday. The. Oddfellows held a successful "At Home" on Pridlay night. Mw | aod Mrs. John Gardiner, Brockville, were guests of Percy Gardiner on Sunday. Miss:\Wosie Taylor's many friends wilk be pleased to learn that she has improved so much. that she expects: to return, home this week. CHARLESTON. «Babs 1.~The: entertaiometit in aid of the' Red, Cross Society, on the evan- ing of Jan. 220d, at the school house, WES 0 Success; and brought out a full house. The dradfa,, "My Awful | Aunt," was the chief attraction. 7 Those playing the dillerent roles were: Flossie Heffernan, as "Carzie Bén { ton"! ie Katie Halliday, as "Alice Haz. | elton"; Mrs. M. J, Kavanagh, 'Mrs. ' Hazelton'; William Green, "Pete,"" the gogie servant; Bennie Slack, Astliur | Wallace; Lawrence Hazelton"; Bennie Heflernan, "Dave"; Roy Heffernan and" John Ward, po- licemen, and Florence, Heffernan, Aunt | Matilda Johnson, "that awful aung.* A dislogue;, "Going * to a, Home," auld much merriment. Those taking pani were : William, Hef- fernan, 'the aged fa~ Jher; William Green, the Irishman; Yarey, Webster, Henry Kiskr; Katis 3 allicay, Mrs. John Hatfield; Flossie Mrs. Villian, Hatfield; Livy Slack, Joins He id. Thete wis a; rt dialague, Praotical Joke," shen which . Mion }Jadhin, Je Jennie. Palmer ud gilbert Songs by Howard Pattee rw Grant. and Lawrence Botsiord were loudly encored. A tab. of Bi om men " wlihiths and ne Cost tional Anthe Mr, i t, by hoe a 08! w Ee Re hr le the. a Tot uit SE : fh Pom i! ago, Miss: ipa Rout Boyne, is visiting ; Won, * v th uant's. . Lane, Toronto, is the Feb. 3.~Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Cameron are visiting their son, Robert Cams eron, of all's Mills. The skatmg proved a desided sucoess and the boys are hard at hockey MR Eas iness trip to Sharbot ni week. A. H. Cray Lavant Station John Lister has gote to enlist with the third con tingent at Perth. Mp2. T. a, Deachman aud da ge, J Reba, ave visiting friends in Miss Le- na Gray and Mi rg Armstrong i ation over the . remaining for a of amen ave tak- a good roads and ate gelling ond dlr oh wood, Miss Margret Rewillpsvigited friends in the Village last: wool, i» Rumor says that this C.P.Isr ded cleging . all stations north of "Share Lake, whioki will minke" things vese « inconvenient for the people oat this line, Thomas Easton got" is - hand badly injured dvii"and is unable to work. Mis iin | Elliott is wisiting Mrs. John Pile % PEON RO ROAD, Feb: 2%, Slirelcombe is doin rushing Business with his saw. i. Mrs. Barton Hardy in rocovering from her recont illness William Wallace is convalescent. Miller, who has been visiting 'friehds Here for the past wo weeks, hae returned to his wai Mr and Coulter, 'who have been visiting Yes. Wilniug 1; have returned west, "Wy. an P. Buck are at J. 8. Robetis. Mr. and Mre. John Ronshorn are renewing uaintances in this vicinity, Mrs. Caldwell are at J. HW. Roberts'. Miss Lillie Guth: je was at home for the week-end. iss rediman was the guest » Th Ruby "Back one day vecent- id Mrs. A. MeFadden are Tie pegple conga congtatuliile the stage a, béoek, upon his new apnvey ance, aid is a decided im: 'Wonsment, and eo , makes the trip tow I a asant ome. A ow pastry attended the dnverary on Friday wight. Miss Dasiing is visiting at Ihverary. Ne, te. James Valier, K thn, Taited friends oe here recently. Bert. and family, Wilmur, visit red at" 'William "Fonis'. The Misses y Crawford, Crozier and Buck fe . Mes, Join Raymond: 8. | { Pon and nght Jer, g urg, wee" visiting' friends here. Prince Edward - | bas hr Ear AE eT who or, Mrs. Brysse, far a ety returned hottie on Jhiday aga Mr. Hamly, whe bad a brfihen ~ éry store here, has moved the bal- ance of his stoek Lack to Picton, as Lyman Smith has given up the busi- ness here: Mis. Shourie's 'At Home" last waek wae very largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Morden viait-' ed Mrs. Morden's sister, Mrs. Hor- ace Colliver, East Lake, on Sunday last. Mr& Richard Thompson {se confined te thé hess through iN- ness, E. McMahon in still confined to the house. Mr. Whithey, of Belle ville, is the guest of his Brother, on Narrow street. A new constable Bas bheén install ed in this village in the pérsos of Mr. Tinklepiw, who ¥ alto janitors of the pr ges welioot. Mr. and Mrs. Lyhan Sint and son, were extestained at My. and Mrs. John Strikers' Hallowell, oi Sunday. Mrs. Lavihe S86 phir, Besxid, are spending & couple months with her do%, Johw. i Uncle Sars domain. i lh Leno & Addigton STELLA. Feb. 2.--VFarmers have taken advan- tage of the good driving on the ice, having done considerable drawing this L last week. LO.L., No. 1832, held 'its og in Victoria Hall on Friday A large number attended. Bene otchestra, King- ston, prov d tng ig. The annual meeting ol ievholders of the Amberst Island 1 utug] Fire Insurance company Was in the Village Hall hall on Mowing, 25th: Reeve D. Ca hey, JE rr: 4 the session of the Jounell 'at: Napanee last week. ¢ od prio were realived at Norman p's stietion dale of arm stock and' implements, held on Thurs- day last, ite a umber from here attended thy horet: races st Bath on J. Tugwell took a drove of eaifly to town on Sat: urday, for fpannt, G. T. Howard, Emerald, bo a his mother's iarm on bay fore, Tatty vacated! Mrs. H. Go- WELLINGTON, Feb. 1,--L, R. Shourds was in Tor onto last hack: thors. Spring is Mor -- Toronto, i enige orrow, 8 i le county; renew} atqueinta Mrs. Intwing da. weq . house through iftness br. 3 3 | Broad left for Brookfield to attend { the funeral of his father. Dr. Me- | Clennan Jett for Colborne, on Friday last, to attend the funeral of his niece, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith entertalhed company on Monday evs | ening, Mr. and Mrs: Lyman Smita | bave moved up on his farm, at Pleas | ait Bay. Miss Glenn, of Toronto, WAS a guest at the Hotel Alexandra, } on Tuesday, Mi se ohas Lloyd is 11 'at' her rec, 8 phen Leavens wishes to { nls jr friends for {heir sympathy 'and kindness shown him during Ul hls Wife's sickness and after her deat Mr. oh: ol Buffalo, manager of the 'Sand Wanss Brick industry Wwhs In town last week. The annual trotting race wag not very largely at- tended owing to the severe cold wea- ther. Race No. 1, was won by Mr. 'PearsalVs' pacing horse, and ty see cond: by Corsll Brvant's bey gacer. } Nittiam Neil shout Monday: at Tor- Mrs, Jona: Brytnt, who was striok- en with Paralyme; is improving: to thei "I meeting confirmed. Moved, Orr- | Bpankie be appoin F Awarded Medal and Hi The very best for use in fll-health and convalescence * at World's Fair, PURE --SOUND~WHOLESOME JOHN LABATR LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA est Points in America | spent Sunday at R. - 8: Por" ov Shorey has returned ie Gig Ax | Fe) ricultural College. Mr. Woodcock and family have moved to this i hood. C, B. Brethen; Queen's, ston, has been in the hospital two weake. Severs] fiom hers wets in Kingston this week, Alew trom ere. went ic Newburgh W. i ovenitig to hedr Janis Dror edny i tone and character im Jean Bonsteel Dyer, ' Talocutionior, ronto. + Mise Sexsmith, Selby, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. F. Peters: ei, anion. Couneil met at 10.20 a: nix Mém- ts all present.. Mintes of last Gillespie, and resolved, that Rev. Dr. ted' Manager of mer Wolfe Islander, same terms and conditions as 1 14, Steamboat fccounts paid? A. MéDong 'month engineer, Jo Arthur Sudds, 20% days 44 a'day; $30.78% aes Taro i , $230; Pong EE lsundty, 3.15; George Rawley, diving, $10; ritish Whig Pub. Co., financial statement, $13.75; Jackson Press, tickets, 'oodman d Cramer, coal, $25.27; Bdward Kelly, extra help, $3. Township accounts paid: W. H. Godwin, SR on insuratice of > 37. 80; *D, hy Teg istration, $3; British Whig Publish- ing company, $14; Standard Pub- lishing company, $7; bushing road; Simcoe to $5; Thomas Greenwood, bushing iam) olfe Teiand to Kingston, $5; Don't Buy a Pig in a Bag. When you send money to a mail order house, you "Buy a pig in a poke." You may not get what you send for, as you are always asked to make "A Second Choice." If goods are damaged in transit, there ig trouble and at best, an irritat- ing delay in getting matters straightened out. our local merchant asked you to pay for an articie hefore you ever saw it, what would you . say? Yet that is what the mail order house in- sists upon. Read the advertisements, see. what you are buying, arid spend your money at home. Insurance, Etc Only best and safest companies represented. W. h. Godwin & Son. Estate and Inmrasce. Phone 480 89 Brock St E. J. COUSINS _[FURRIER i Sepairing and Remodeling s Specialty Prices Moderate rn For Sale | a--a---- or will ex for a small farm. To Rent New house, all improvements, Cm per month, antil May, 1916 ER Fos Ets 200 urns enjoyed: another rosperds year itt 1914. The LO ici BSD in $14,000,000, and the business i forée now amounts. to over $157,400,000. The increase . in: assets: of $3 than that of 1913 and : $56,103,841. $3,045,000. was greater 'brings their total up to' erating furs of in jae the sri ; oS elngin thi respect one Not only hy url 2 greater than * that of the last distribution in 1910, but 'the rate declared on policies has continuously improved since 1900. HERBERT C. COX, : ;Spveiitens and Gunéral Manage,