Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Feb 1915, p. 9

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BE Che Baily A et 5 YEAR 82 NO. 31 A ------------------ - THE MAN of |. WATCH... The National Anthem seems to be replacing the doxology at the close 1 = | Ross, | wounded | must A ---- LADY ROSS CANADIAN FUND Will Each ¢ 'anadian G Give 230. Cents to Cause, Lady Ross, wife of Sir Charles has undertaken a work for soldiers in France which She has motor appeal to everyone. taken over to France four ! | ambulances to help in conveying the | | wounded from the front to the hospi- of church buriness meetings in King-; ston, According to the official report, passed by the clerical censor, the Lampman notices that a Kingston | church meeting the other "broke tip" with, the singing of the | doxology. What caused the row | over the singing of that ancient! praise? The county council started 6ff be economical, the Lampman by appointing each and every mem- ber, eighteen in all, to make deput: tion trips to Torento. Apparently all trades and profes- | sions look alike to the dear old] Frontenac council, which fixes salaries of the jail surgeon and the high 'constable at the same figire-- viz. $200 The Germans, the Lanmipman night EB een | 0d with the administratioh '| fund, 2s { France to do the work, and thus ey- the | { thinks, might show themsélves to be | at least human by changing the title. of thelr "Song of Hate," to "A Song of Trugt." RM & The police commissioners had bet- ter behave or they will find themsel- ves out of thelr jobs, if Councilman Nickle gets after them. -- » It appears fo the Lampman that the mayor had an object in asking the town councilmen to leave their "smoking" at home. Some of them would no doubt want to get back to it, instead of wearying awa' in the council room, The bad prisoners who threaten to kill are brought to Portsmouth to try their gkill on its keepers, who seem to be made stand the prison banging for the whole Dominion. Does the department of justice think the Portsmouth guards have wooden heads? . The old man Truax, who bas just died at Bay- City, Mich., aged 57 years, was not born. to. be hanged, although he was close to the rope when incarcerated in Fort Henry in '38. He was only. rebelling against rotien government, ; and deserved "dn in 8 eh about bird | of the. of B more. He knows of one old lady Who mixes pepper with the Bread so as to make the] birdies warm i Li ~THE TOWN WATCHMAN. A a 1" ons, Baby's Own Tablets are a good medicine for little ones. They are guaranteed hy a gevernment analyst to be absolutely free from .tho opiates and narcotics in so'ealled "soothing" mixtures. They cannot possibly do harm--tbey always do good. Once a mother has given them to her little ones will use no other medicine. them Mrs. Jos. i ange, Que., says : lg saved my little one's life when he. was suffering from Rams and 1 Rs; not be oo pthout, them 'ablets are sold by me- dicine dealers or by mail at ec. a box from The Dy. Williams' Medicine Co., Rroakvillp,, Ont. mr For the first ing of the the Bankers' M Sine a compariso n Of the of 187 envio EN cha 00h, 'or on the ex- dur- = " mr of £68,690, Tr osht. | ind "is| Frankfurt, Is dead, He fetired from psé, good pec- from the back: | tals. She has flso organized a band | of women workers who meet af.the| #tations along the route the trains| carrying the wounded, and who re- dress wounds, give hot bovril or milk and render such other aid as can he given at the moment. Already many lives have been say- | od, and misery and suffering greafly | pasened. In the hope of enlarging her work | Lady Ross has given it a definite] | name, and is appealing for further | funds to supplement those being ex-| pended by herself and her hushand.' | There will be no expenses connect- | of the| as she is going herself tof ery cent contributed will go direct to the relief of the soldiers. Any sum, large or small, will be gratefully ac- cepted. All contributions may be for- warded to Mizz Mabel Gildersleeve, 45 Gore street, Kingston. Thies work is especially warthy of | support, as, in spite of the magnifi- | | cont and untiring efforts of the regu- | lar army and Red Cross SUrEEONS | and nurses, such great numbers of wounded come constantly from. the front that it is quite impossible. 10 give sufficient care to all Just think for a moment; this very work may mean relieving hours of suffer: ing or even saving the Ife of some one helonging to us. PENSION IS sPENDED- Allegations That Irish Separatist Ioader ir Disloyal. London, Feb. 6.--S8ir Edward arey, | the foreign secretary, announced in the house of commons to-day that Sir Roger Casement's pension had been suspended pending an Investigation of allegations that he was disloyal. Reports last November that sit] Roger, (he leader of thé separatist| faction in Ireland, had gone to Berlin | and conferred with the German im-] perial authorities caused a sensation, in England. A despatch from Berlin, | which was attributed to the German foreign office, said that it was Sir Roger's intention of openigg negotia- | tons between {he German govern- nt and: the anti-English party in nd, - ! FORMER MAYOR DEAD - =, formet mayor tre Frankf) * Franz Adickes, office in 1913. For many years he was the most 'prominent - mayor "in Germany, owing to his detivities: in | municipal socialism. His lagt im- portant achievement wal the éstan- ! lishment of the university of Frank- ture. Chaplain Led Bayonet Charge. Petrograd, Feb, ph other day during one of-the Russiafl -aftacks on Borjimow the front b ation, which had lost fost of its clare was led on by the regimental chéplain. He was, of course, absolutely unarmed, and was wearing an ordinary soldier's overcoat. He brought thé men back after ag galant-abayonet charge as has been made fu this tPoubled gec- tion of thé Rolish front . | cept on election {overdo the ily British Whig 1 CRITICISM IS OTTAWA | It Is Bound To Come--Things Can- ' not Be Covered. Toronto Star. It is not conceivable that in the letting of over $20,000,000 worth of | militia contracts alone during the six months of (he war there will not be found room for some eriticism, 'and considerable information will un- doubfedly be asked as to the me- thods -of leitipg such eentrgcts, the specifieations laid down, the £xjsten- en, if any, of political patronage, the qualliiy of the goods contracted for, ote, It will be generally admitied, for instance, that there is just cause for enquiry into the boot: supplied -1 by Canadian {irms to the Canadian oldiers, The public desires to know wheth-! er the fuet that British boets have heen supplied. to the first contingent was due to improper speeifications in tae Cooadixn boots, or te Loor work- manship on the part of the contrac- tors, The supplying of thousands of overshoes which were afterwards returned to the troops at Salisbury, together with the provision of 20,000 expensive deck slippers for use on the voyage over, will also constitute grounds for criticism. Fi further expected {that the i purchasing of horses for the first con- tingent will require some explana- | iion, and it is certain that consider- i {able information will be asked for {on this point. On the question also | i of fodder for the horses at Valeartier there is sald to be greunds for | ceitioisin, How far the middleman | lias entered in to enchance the prices of commoditios required will also he | | a matter for enquiry, ; It. is to he noted," however, that | such enquiries, and the resultant | erificism-ean scarcely he construed | ag opposition to the government's general program, and it is believed {hére that members on: the 'govern- j ment' s own side will figure promin- eptly in sueh discussion, 48d es- i pecially on the general admihistre- tion of the Valcartier camp, WISE AND OTHERWISE] Her Age. Howard--- How old can be? Vietor~~Old"enough to eall college men 'college boye." Judge Miss Jones Just As Good. "Have you a circulatiag library?" "No, ma'am, but I can show you some nice revolving bhookeases." | Jadge The Only "Some people," Beanfugle, "never Time. observed Colonel stay at 'home hing = Weon.an's Way Mrs. awfori--Why ask your husband's advice? Mrs. Crabshaw--I intend to, dear, just as soon as I've made my mind what 1'1} in. --Judge a de n't vou my up is A ord smtp et | | Soldiers IF CITED IN ORDERS To Get Medals It Not Other wise Honored. | Paris, Feb. 6.--The chamber of de- puties yesterday adopted a bill to | confer military medals on soldiers | who have been cited in the orders of army corps or divisions, but not oth- 15 | erwise honored. It was , declared) rext | during the passage of the Bil that it | probably would be the last war me- | when dal voted. you! The decoration will. be in the form | ff-- of a cross, having a bar bearing the |W word "Citation," andl an additional | bar for each '¢ltation will bp awara- | The "ros ia wii ne hang Le al Do you think a man should divide his earnings with -his wife ? Yes--if she don't get it all first 3 Too Impatient. Suitor (waiting for the lade)-- (your dauspter coming ont winter? * Father--8he'll come out she's: good and ready and if git fresh I'll Knock ver block o i 'ornell Widow. 'Woo WORk™™ ru démure decoration | Con err uk chorus girl. "Put it in writing, | soldfers of the allted armies. Syd#ey. I'd rather Tre it down In er de Given the Iron Cross.' blagk and white, anyhow." --From Judge. Amsterdam, Feb. 6.--A despatch | " received here from Hamburg Faye | Reporting Progress. | that Emperor, William arrived at . "How is your son getting along to | Wilhelmshaven this morning. ° His { the city?" B mg 10 majesty inspected the German sub- "Fine! He's on the pool commit. | Marine U-21, going over the yesses) eo'in his club! Judge. personally. He bestowed the deco ; tion of the Iron G£oss upon the mem- | The, git] who cooked in papef bags, | hers of the submarine's crew. U.21| Where {# she now? pane Be li undergoing repairs at Wilhelshay- | We fed her fodder to the vags en following her recent exploits in! And banded her the sack. the Irish Sea. #4 =Judge) Wellesley College, a female ineti | tution, has put a ban on fudge, claim- | ing that it*interferes with the train- ing of the girl athlétes. | Minimum wdge laws for women | ! have heen ensoted In ten state, -- Official notice is given of the moval of the head office of the Swift Canadian company irom Winnipeg to Toronto. i ' Fe | { i | KINGSTON. ONTARIO, 8 ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRU. FEBRUARY a. the 6 | company, which is 1915 FINANCIAL WATTERS] 2 WILL PAY $20,000,000 DIVIDEND | IN SYOCK. Sears. Roebuck Ce. Directors Recom- mend Fifty Per Cent. Stock Divi. dend----Capitalize Surplus. Chicago, Feb.+5-~The payment of a $20,006,000 . stock dividend to the holders of the $30,000,000 cofiion stock of the big mail order tion was recommended by the diree- ; tors of Sears, Roebuck new dhares will be issued a) accumulated surplus of approzximately $23,500,000, a large part of which has | héen reinvested in the business. The directors recommend that the distribution should be made April Ist to stockholders on record March 15th. A special meeting of stook- holders was called for February 23rd to approve the board's ree d, tion and to vote on a plan to in- crease the authorized amount of the corporation's' common stock from £10,000,000 "10 $60,000,000, Value Of Canadian Peat. Toronio, Feb. 5.--~The Journal tention to the fact that an op ity exists for Canadian peat nn- to take the places oi Germany and Aus- | iria a8 producers of sulphate of am- monia, of which 1,365,000 tons wera produced: last year, worth 70,000,000, The United States and Canada im- | ported 53,000 tons of sulphate of am- monia, ¥orth $3,500,000 in 1914, 00, pan took 113,000 tons, worth £7,000, ( Of the total of 302,000 tons im: poried by eight countries, Germany and Austria supplied 120,000 toms. Many Canadian peat bogs ave rich in nitrogen, and therfore suitable for this industry, and Snguiries have already been made hy British capital- ists with a view of establishing che mical works in Canada, provided thai a sufficient supply of pest can he guaranteed. Ouaws Traction Efrnings. Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 5.--jn a state- ment given out after iis annual meeting, the Gttawa Traction com- pany (Ottawa electric railway), an- nounces gross earnings. for the year as $1,096,459. The number of pas- sengers carried was $25,321,547, an in€rease of 1,333,664 over the pre- ceding year. The amount of neat earnings and dividends is not dis. closed. The directorate was re-clect- ed with T. Ahern as prefident and Y. Soper, vicepresident, New Coal al Corporiion; Otiawa, Feb. 5.-Letto# e hoon Jue to the 1 offices in Queb @ conduct general mining 6 land take over the assets o | tish Columbia Anthracite includes '2 number of well kn Quebec men: Senator P. A. Cho. quette, Hon. N. --Garneat, of the legislative coungil of Sug 3 dik Scott, and president J. T. , of the Quebec Bank. $ Safety Razor Company. Boston, Feb. 5.--Despite the 1h- satisfactory conditions in genéral business during the past year, the { Gilette Safety Razor Company es: {ings exceeded the splendid it fof 1913; The net earnings of the three Ol | ette companies, the American, Boe {lish and Canadian, were $1,671,748, compared with $1,372,273 % 1918, {an ineréase of $299, 493, o 219 per {cent Commercial Notes. Municipal bonds sales throughout ithe United States in Ja wars 390,521,500 against mes; in io. Ottawa repoti says Cnaclas un Schwab bas bought the yickers. steel plant, which is Can vertising for 6.0 _more umpori ing expert United States, The New York *Jouraal "of Com: February V interest payments in the U States at $107.668.572, against ,964 a" year turities nF a. are es a at , against $41,570,000 Feb ploy eds, oi PE | of | the Canadian Peat Society calls at- | about | | TET PAGES 9 To 18 BAN 1 OF CANADA HEAD OFFica . TORONTO 1 i { AVINGS deposited jn this beak draw the highest carent rate of interes. Withdeawals of part or the whole amount may be made whee i i i | } | | KINGSTON BRANCH, Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds Total Assets A THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 $11,560,000 13,575,000 180,000,000 { COLLECTIONS Having 370 est Indies, this Bank Rranches throughout Canada and the possesses unrivalled facilities for handling pov hidgs with economy Gnd despatch. LONDON, ENG., OFFICE, BANK SLPS. PRINGES STRILY. €.C. KINGSTON BRANCH, KEW YORK AGENCY, CAR. WILLA 4 CEBAR STRAW E. E. NEWMAN, Manager. Sale Price -- One Thi rd Off Women' s Patent Boots In Button or Blucher, High or Low . Heel, Regular $3.00, $1.98 H. OBJECT TO INCREASE. | Grain Interest Protest Against Freight Rates. Ottawa, Feb. 6.---The Board of Railway Commissioners will hold a New to hear the complaint of the Toron- to Board of Trade and the Dominion Millers' 'Association against the pro- posed increase in freight rates on grain and grain products from points in Ontario to points in the maritime provinces. The railways will be re- quired to justify the proposed advan- ces. In connection with this, it is stated that the Grand Trunk ahd Canadian Pacific railways have recently pub- lished tariffs, which it is proposed shall {ske effect on February 16th, and wiieh generally Increase the Tate on grain and grain products about 1¢ per 100 pounds, an advance of approximately § per cent. Privates Arrested at Brockville and Returned to Camp. Brockville, Feb. 5.--Ptes. Pipes and Baker, of the 21st Battalion, mobil at Kingston, came to Brockville $57,098,783 Inst. session at Otiawa on Tuesday nex.) Capt. Silla 'were taken custody by the police, who bil the arrival of an escort to take delinquents back. The Hen say they bad no thought of , but, 'heing on a "toot," they could come here and Without leave and at the request of the notice of the officers. + | Murry WAY § KIDDING ME ABUT BEING AbsENT WELL, You canT SAY THAT To-day, HERE 11 05.

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