utile the. -~ NEWS GAT Frontenac | GLENDOWER. Feb. 6. --T. Babcock is drawing timber to his home. The snow storm blocked the roads so much that people had to shovel the roads. Biram Hoppins is visiting James Willson. Mrs. J. Timmerman is visiting her daughter in Godfrey. A surveyor from Kingston was doing some work for Biram Hoppins. MURVALE Mr. and Mrs, Nelsou Boyce returned home from visiting in New York city for some time. Murvale junior hockey team defeated Harrowsmith junior team last Saturday, on Murvale rink, by 9 to 0. Murvale seniors were beaten by Yarker by the score of 35 to 3. Mrs. David Murton has returned home from visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. Irish, Yarker. Percy Henderson and Miss Edyth Shillington, Sydenham high school, spent Sunday at home. George Jackson, who has been very ill for some' time, is convalescent. Ar thur Cowdy spent Sunday with friends at Sydenham. Feb. have fries 5. KEPLER. Feb. 8.--The Kepler auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society "held its monthly meeting at the par- sonage at Elginburg "on Monday. Mrs. A. Orser is visiting friends in Sydenham. Robert Lyons and fami- ly spent Sunday at Henry Lindsay's. T. J. Garrett and family, were re- cent visitors at Erastus W. Horn- ing's. Miss Eyeline Donnell is very fil. Mrs. Rosevear Is at Ross Wart- man's. Miss Helen Wartman has returned. tp her. school after being stormed, .stayed-at her home for a few days. Herbert Lawson and wife are at T. F. Lawrence's, Sydenham. Mrs. Sigsworth has returned home after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Manuel Orser, who was Il. Alfred Kavener and wife are at T. J. Garrett's. GLENBURNIE. Feb. 8. The recent storm block: ed the ioads for three days. The rural mail carrier was unable to make his trips. The young people Pom- posing a driving party, enjoyed them- selves at W. Cashman's on Thursday night. R. Orr is improving from a severe cold Mr. Appleton called on friends during the past week. Charles Cashman has the material on the ground for a new residence. Our school is progressing favorably un- of Mins Coulter. The friends of Mrs. C. Keyos, are pleased to hear she Is improving. ~ «Miss Alice Murphy is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. P. Kelly, The young people | are looking forward to a wedding in; the near future. Mrs. M. Fowler and Miss Kathleen Cushman have re- turned homte after a mouth's visit with their sister, Mrs. G. Marr, Uti- ca, N.Y, { WAGARVILLE Feb. 8.-- Traffic has been resuni- €d after the recent storm which blocked the roads and made it im- possible for the rural mail courier to make his daily trips. J. Jack. son is hauling slab wood to Parham. School is progressing favorably un- der the able management of Edward Armstrong. R. Wagar is doing a rushing business with his wood saw- ing outfit, The party at Mrs . HB. McCumber's was much enjoyed. Jackson's saw mill will soon be run- ning Tull time, which will be appre- ciated by the , unemployed, Earl Howes; of. gston Business Col- Jege,. under the. paren tal roof recently. Mrs. William Me- Camber has returned home after visiting relatives at Sydenham. Wil liam McCumber, Jr., who has been ill is 'much improved. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ira Smith of Long Lake, at | H. Smith's; Tip Wagar at Fiftu Lake; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cousins. at McLean, 1 3 ner 4 (: 2 Feb. 8.--There was no service in the Methodist church on Sunday, owing to the i meeting at Elgin- burg. Hugh MeUracken has leased ilham Emmons' farm and will move purchased t Curl lost a valu- fh £ 4 Thy Rose | Victory for the PERRET TERE church. Mrs. E. E. Gallagher, Sy- Hughes, Portland, visited the latter's denham, was calling on friends on| sister, Mrs. D. Youmans. ' Mr. and Saturday afternoon. Mrs. John Clow | Mrs. Calvin Shorts have returned is spending a few days in the city, | from Bancroit and taken up residence thiwrweek. . " in the- Walker house, on the boun- dary. W. Shorts attended 'his fath- er's funeral at Dead Creek last week. A pumber of the friends oi Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam McKnight spent a pleas- ant evening in their home last Fri day. Miss Isobell Cronk was a week- end guest of Miss Mab! Cox. ' Mr. and Mrs. Perey Grey visited friends at Tichborne. Miss Dell Pringle and 8. Hunter, Arden, were at Alexander Crozier's on Sunday last. Miss Mi nerva MeUrimmon is spending a few days with Mrs. William Cowdy. Mrs. J. W. Laidlaw leaves on Tuesday for ber home in Winnipeg. Sacraments$ service 'was held in the Methodist church on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Drown, superintendent of the mission, oflici- ing. 'The 'quarterly board and La- ies" Aid held their meetings on Sat. urday. The officers were re-elected. William McKnight is visiting friends : SYDENHAM Feb. 8.--The heavy snow storm on Tuesdny and Wednesday caused the ed and no mail could be brought in evening till Thursday. service was held last Methodist church, and 'was largely at- tended. Rev. Mr, Tripp was present at the morning and evening services, Next Sunday, Rev. F. Tripp will go to Perth Road to conduct quarterly service there, while the Perth Road minister will take ch of the two services here. Next riday evening the pupils " of the high school will hold their annual "At Home" in the assembly hall of the school. The many friends of Mr. Dier are glad to see him around again, after ing con- im aguas, Comat Hg, [el yf Sant ep visitors are: 1. Skorey, of Yarker, | one to Kingston to take Sidney Bab- with his parents, Rev. Mr. and Mrs, | 20k, an old man without a home, to Shorey; Miss L. Abbott, of Keplar, | the, Howe for ihe Aged. John God- called on friends on Saturday; Miss | rey, Rabeet Drew and RB. T. beverly Gillie, 'of Kingston, has returned homé | attended an Orange meeting at Vero- after visiting -her sister. Mrs, {Dr.) | ba last week. The executive of the Sargent. : { EL.C.E. held a business meeting at i . L. Price's" on Thursday evening. PLEVNA, L William Cowdy is out with his saw- ing outfit. Miss Grace Godirey has Feb. 6.-Owing to the héavy snow- returned from visiting friends at God- storm on Tuesday last, the mails | rey. Tumbering is being carried on were a day late. The settlers are | Quite extensively, in spite of the poor taking our timber for the Chandeler | Outlook. The wood yard is being and Jones company. J. Flake has 4 rapidly filled up. the contract of taking out wood for the school. A number of young peo- | ple of the village attended the party at J. Ohlman's on Friday evening. from Monday The quarterly Sunday in the COLLINS BAY. Feb. 8.--Collins Bay was visited by number of the 'farmers are hauling , one of the worst snow storms in ties to Lavant. Mrs. M. Davy, also | years. ~The snow was piled'up ten Mr. and Mrs. W. McKinnon, of Fern-| feet in some places in the roads, mak leigh, were guests at, W. Davy's on | ing it impossible' for anyone to get Friday. Mrs. E. F. Card called on | through. The skating has also Mrs. Ira Wood on Friday afternoon. | been stop) for a time. Mr. Pickard Miss M. Tate was the guest of Mrs. |and family have moved here from A. Card one day recently. Prayer | Hamilton. He has rented" the roller meeting was held at Ira Wood's on | mill Tron A. W. Rankin. Miss Me Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S.8ay has moved to her new home, Baldwin and family were the guests | lately purchased. George Saunder- of Mr. and Mrs. W. Davy on Sunday | cock received the sad news of his last. Mr. and Mrs. J! Lloyd gavea | brother's death, near Montreal, Hg birthday dinner on Saturday last for | was brakesman on the G.T.R. and Mrs. Clement. Mrs, ¥. Mallory call | tell of a car, being instantly killed. ed on Mrs. C. McNeil one day recent- | fle lived in Brockville and leaves a fy. Miss Mary Clement has returned | vife and two sows. Mr. and Mrs to her home at Ardoch, after spend- | Saundercock and Miss Edith left mg a couple of weeks with ber aunt, | Monday noon for Brockville to at- Mrs. A. Card. A jolly load from th tend the funeral. Limt. A. A. Fin Sage Spent Saturday at J). {lay is attending military sehbol. camp. { Mrs. W. Britt was called to the hed- ---- | side of her mother, 'Mrs. W. Tait, ka: Kingston, who is very low. Her ve : HOLLEFORD. | covery is hoped fr Collins Bay Feb. 3.--Next Sunday a special] was made lively Sunday evening, when service will be conducted by the Rev. ! C. Wheeler's horse ran away, "badly Mr. Humphrey, the occasion being | breaking. the cutter. If wo caught the anniversary of the dedication of | nenr Kingston. -- Miss F. Tosses spent the Holleford, Methodist church. The | Sunday 'at home. Miss Denelda Bor- skuling rink is in good shape, and | trim is spending a few weeks with patronized every evening by a large | friends at Sunbwry. Mrs. Amey, number of young people, A wee | Ca With her daughter, Mrs. girl has come to stay at the home of |. 8S. Veumans. Mrs. A. Tait spent S. Martin. . A gloom was cast over a few dave in Toronto recently. Miss the neighborhood, when the death of Mollie Fairfield spent the last two W. Dowker was afimounced. Mr; weeks in Toronto. Mrs. J. Brash Dowker was a former resident here. | has retutned after a pleasant visit The death occurred at Boissevain; ! with her' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Manitoba. T. Freeman and ton are Keyes, Wolfe Island. doing quite a business with his gaso- line outfit, sawing wood among the : LOMBARDY. Feb. 8.--M. Dooher is suffering farmers. J. Deline is moving in one of G.'T, Babcock's houses. James 0. Reilly, of Sydenham, spent the week-end under the parental. roof, Miss Andrews, who for a number of years, made her home at G. T. Bap- cock's has gone to Rosedale, Mrs. John Redmond has returned to her home at Kepler, after spending a £ is broken wrist. 'Mrs. R. Sin. not, who had the misfortune ia fall and break her hip, is not re- covering very fast. Mrs. Robert Ténulat is a patient in Smith's Halls Nospital. Mrs. C. McLean is able fo be around again. E. Omara ds recovering. . Much . sympathy is. t for Mys. T. Toohey, who with Hour e | | Ww. ~ week at her son's, A. J. Redmond's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vanleuven spent Sunday with friends at Wilmer. A few days ago, the Martin brothers received the sad intelligence of the death of their sister, Mrs. W. Sead- ing, Adams N. Y. Miss Amanda ughters and one son, are tients in Saint Francis hospit- mith's Falls, suffering. from fa. |The death occurred on day morning of Emily, youngest ighter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Coutts, eau Ferry. Death was due to "Walker wit leave soon to enter the A as fever and pneumonia. Miss fi millin ry business with her sig hep Mr oulter, of Toronto. I all al, Coutts was to be married in two 'weeks. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed- to his house at Bath Road. SUNBURY. STH Feb. 6.--Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church of this place met on the 20th ult., at thé home of Mrs. Albert Webb. Notwithstan at the time, a large gathering ? members--somge of then accompanis - ed by their husbands--was in at- tendance. A pleasant afternoon was spent and in the evening between forty ad fifty sat dow to a boun- teous supper prepared by the hos tess and her daughters. After tea, a pleasant time was spent in music; Singing and games for a couple of urs. x : On the 24th ult, the Sunburst school hockey team went to Ida: Hi team of that place, Reumond is hauling wood pn Sd 3 DELTA. Feb. '8.---Miss Mary Bolton has n visiting friends in Iroquois the week. The v carnival, which was have been on the 6th, had to be on account of the thaw. . 'A. Russell spent the last in Kingston and | resulting formeér by § On the 31st wit, the return was on the : resulting in & viet OVER NEAR COUNTIES tory arrangements can be made. Seeley's Bay team is in the lead so far in the league games. C. Hartley has started his saw mill running, and 'is getting a large num- ber of logs to cut. WASHBURN'S CORNERS. Feb. 6.--Mrs. William Earl, who has been seriously ill, is decidedly better. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Joan- ston, of Athens, were Sunday visitors at C. Fry's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis visited Soperton friends recently. A. McGhee, student at Queen's, was a week-end visitor in Athens. = The Anglican congregation of Addison on Wednesday evening last honored Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Latimer with an ad- dress and presentation prior to their departure. « The driving party' te Greenbush was enjoyed by all, who thanked Mr. and Mrs. Lovern for a pleasant evening. On Saturday ev- ening a large number of people were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Realiesoy, Haid Island. Mrs.'A. E. McClean is ill'at her home in Athens. - Revival servi- ces carried on at Delta for the past few weeks closed on Friday , hight. Teams are engaged hauling wood to Delta. * Mrs. W. Stafford, of Peta, is seriously ill of pleurisy. Mrs. William Webster, of Smith's Falls, is visiting in Athens. A number from here attended the lecture in the assembly hall, Atheig, given by Prof- W. E. McNeil, of Queen's university. The niajority of the daifymen here bave succeeded in securing their sup- ply of ice. tained standard of quality, fully ripened. Prices are low. than you pay » Lanark PLUM HOLLOW. Jan. 28.--D. M. Kilborn and Sue| ~----rre Little are not improving as their friends would wish. Mrs. Edward Dowden has returned from visiting Chantry friends. Mrs. Charles Bert, Smith's Falls, is holidaying at her | will take possession at eonee and! move here. Mr. Peters intends lo- | cating in Sydenham. Mrs. M. C.| Vunn, Kingston, was in the village | for a few days last week walling on houte here, the guest of Mr. and Mre. | friends and relatives. The'bub tiw- | J. R. Wiltse. Mrs. Coleman Kilborn | per is coming in quite plentifully ! is confined to her home ill of lung] this winter. The electric lights are trouble. John Barker, of Saskat-| on again since the water in_ the riv-' chewan, has been visiting at the|er has become more plentiful. Mrs. | home of B. Barker. Elgin Freeborn has gone to Syra- | cuse to visit. Owing to the price of | flour, bread has advanced to twelve | cents a large loaf in the village. Lennox & Addington | EVERGREEN VALLEY. Feb. 9.--James Smith had a bad spell on Wednesday evening. fo trying to gain his feet he staggered and fell on the stoye, but aid was at hand and he was rescued before | | serious results happened. Clarence Smith had the luck to shoot a fine fox on Thursday. Visitors: George | Milsap at Ezra Babcock's; Jaeorge | James and Andrew Robertson at W., Hegadorn's; Misses Elgie and Ellia Robertson; guests of Miss Madeline | Hegadorn; William Smith at W.| i * LAVANT STATION Feb. 8.--Mrs. J. 8. Paul is visil- ing her daughter, Mrs: Thomas Lee. Miss Mary E., Thomas spent last week end with her cousins, Mrs. D. Crawford ana Mrs. R. Harper, Snow Road. Mrs. W. C. Boyd and daughter, Ethel, \were guests of Mr. and Mrs. -W. J. Boyd on Sunday Mrs. Robert. Sproule, Mundell's, is visiting her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. Sproule. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. MeFarlane and family, spent last week enll with the latter's bro- ther, J. R. Paul, Poland. - FRANKVILLE Feb. 8.--At the Methodist parsen- age, Frankville, on Wednesday, Jan. 20th, Rev. A. E. Hagar united in marriage, George Tackaberry, son of the late Nathaniel Tackaberry, to Miss Olla M. Connor, daughter of the late Sydney Connor. The bride Prince Edward | { esteem by residents of Frankville. left on a wedding trip to Smith's Falls and Ottawa. On their return they will reside at Addison. There was a large erowd at the hockey match here on Saturday last, The Victors, of Frankville, defeat- ed Easton Corners team bx be. ie | and Mrs. Alfred Kilborn, Plum Hol low, visited in town - on Sunday. Feb 2. DO0MIELD. - and | Meg Lestie Soper 18-10. -Broekvilie William Gough were in Toronto last iW, Yays, week attending the © Provinejal MABERLY Fairs, Association. E. B. Purtelle rt Sms TT Yang Benjamin Leavens attended the Feb. 8--The Farmers' lustitute| Holstein meeting in Toronto fast Was held in the village hall on Feb.| week. Mrs. R. C. Gorsife visited srd. In the afternoon Mr. Fergus-| her daughter, Maud, in Toronto last on, Dalmeny, spoke on cow testing|week. WwW. A. Christy and wife visit- and crop rotation, and Mr. Clarke,! eq friends . at Campbellford last V.8., of Goderich, spoke on ailments week. The ladies composing the of 'horses. Mrs. Norman, of Toron-| Home Interest Club gave a sociai to, addressed a meeting of the Wo-| evening to their husbands and a few men's Institute. In the afternoon |other friends at the honfe of Mrs. she spoke for a little time on in-| Webster Talcott on Thursday even- } on her subject of personality. Mrs. Norman is a delightful speaker and her address was much appreciated by all present. In the evéning a Joint meeting was held in the' hall, when Mr. Ferguson spoke on the method of farming; Mr. Clarke on Jrevention of tuberculosis among of cows, and Mrs. Norman on love, life and laughter. A musical and a programme rendered, after which games helped to compléte a pleasant evening. Delbert Steamberg and wife returced' from their honey- moon trip on Wednesday evening. Burton Baxter, Saskatoon, Sdsk., is visiting his father, John Baxter. SITUATION IS CRITICAL. Boumania Likely to Jump Tn Atl Any London, Feb. 12.- rania and the from California's finest groves. Don't go without them now and groom,who are held in the high | Babcock's, Broadview. i Order SUNKIST Oranges Today Big, Juicy, Sweet, Firm, Tender-Meated, Seedless Navels are Now on Sale in Abundance at All Good Dealers' Stores in Your Neighborhood The name "'Sunkist" stands for a rigidly main- Serve them at every meal, begin- ning fonight-- have Sunkist sliced for dessert. Sunkist Lemons Perfect in color--the most appdiizing garnish--best to serve-with fish, meats and tea. Juicy, tart, practically seed- less. Use the juice wherever you now use vinegar, Learn 86 wavs to eiploy Sunkist Lemons as u delicacy aud a household help. and these oranges come Picked only when Sunkist cost no more for ordinary oranges. when they are so good and good lor you. A Pott Pt ¢ LABATT'S STOUT ' The very best for use in ill-health und convalescence {iN = ~Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America 2 ET at World's Fair, 1893 3 PURE--SOUND--WHOLESOME JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA rland, Agent, 339-341 King St. Eq i E. J. COUSINS t | 221 Princess Street Repairing and Remodelling a Specialty Prices Moderate » on WwW LAR REE, ee | NIZ OT Wr p--_ Thomas Copley | Telephonb. 987 Drop a card to 13 Plug street whey wanting anything done in the carpeii- ery line. Estimates given wi all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard. | wood tloors of all kinds. All orders! will receive prompt atten*lon, Bhop 40 'Jueen Btieer | COAL "fhe kind you are look- ing for is tke kind we sell : Beranton Coal Is good - Coal and we guarantee prompt de- Ninny | France and England each produc- | ed six of the twenty mgst eminent | women in history. . i _Thege. are more {han 150.000 i i trained nurses in this country. : Winter's Chills Bring _ Out Kidney is. N Winter quickly makes you realize that there is something radi- cally wrong with' the Kidneys. There can be no doubt as to just what ismaking your back ache all the time~what causes you to urinate so often--what makes the urine so highly colored and so painful to void. ] 34 The trouble is with the Kidneys. They are weak or strained, or you may have taken cold and the cold has settled ju the Kidneys. inflammation has also extended to the bladder, which is irritated also by the excess of uric acid. ' \ ftom Kidney Trouble and tried ing to do me any v1 was all your GIN PILIN advertised and 3 hiimly relieved. It is now a gj no 1 of fhe touble". + 0c. box, for $2.30. Gin Piflsare pd Con som ales "GINO" FURRIER