Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1915, p. 5

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BOARD OF EDUCATION GIVES PERMISSION FOR THIS TO ~ BE DONE. Reports of Various Committees Pre. sented at the Board Meeting on Thursday Night--What the Audi. tor's Report Showed. Kingston soldiers who go to the front will have the privilege of reud- ing honie mews, In other words, the men will be provided with scrap books containing newspaper clip- pings prepared by the teachers and school children. This was arranged for at a meet lug of the Board of Education on Thursday night, when the following recommendation of the management committee 'was passed: "That permission be given for the making of weekly . serap books ,of home Hews for the Kingston soldiers oyersews, these books to be prepared by teachers and pupils in the differ- ent 'schools, "under 'the guddanee of rules to be prepared at a meeting of principals, It being understood that the. class hours shall not be. trenched upon for the work; and that manila paper to the value of $10 be provided for the purpose." The meeting for the most part was given over fo the receiving of reports, and routine business. © The members of the board had the pleasure of ex- tending a welcome to the new mem- ber, George B. McKay, who, since the last, meeting, was honored by "being elected -- trustee - for Sydenham ward by acclamation, succeeding J. H. Bir. kett, who resigned. The chairman, James Craig, ' pre- sided at the meeting, and the other members present were F. R.- Anglin, Dr. G. W. Bell, P. B. Chown, George B. Mackay, Isaac Cohen, J. G. EI- lott, W. 'H. Godwin, James R. Hen- derson, Prof. A, Laird, Allan Lem: mon, Robert Meek, H. F. Metcalf, F. Monk, T. W. Mills, W. J. Renton ahd W. A. Sawyers | ; The Auditor's Report. The board was provided with a Statement from A. H. Muir, city auditor, for thé year 1914, ' °° 1 The statement for the Collegiate; Institute showed - that ' the receipts agounted to' $60,624.23, and : disbursements, $60,517.91," lea a ba $106.32. - : +The the - publi at $96, pis 798.14 and disbursements -at $9 33043, leaving a 'deficit of § 3» oBeT4: the t' for manual' traftuing amount- Ret 10g to $308.75, avd that of hiouss,| deliver drold science, amounting to $187.25" italing Jide. aa been Rgeived and there were. still two ts 10 ¢ one 'of $1,000 for the sthool and $350 for the cade: corps The ----. cut the . deficit oe Boer sacuived an applicatic from. BE. M. -English, for a positior sgxaminer: at the ehtrance examp . a8 The city clerk : wrote, réferriis to Mayor Sutherland's ingugural ad dress, asking that the pre | sent their estimates as soon as pos sible. The board will @o so. be ¢ model "+ Reports Of Committees; The following reconimendations ¢ the management committee wer: a : "That the following supplies, ask ed for: by the 'principal of Victork school, be procured at an estimated cost of $125: Four relief maps, 1% wall maps, one 12-inch globe, on pair of seales, 10 copies of ay abridged dictionary, one sand tabi and fiften copies of the Publi - pay "That Miss: Hentig be appointet assistant p al of Victoria schoch elie to receive an allowance of $10) ber annum for this service; an that she be the duty o looki when 'outside the classroom, an such: other duties as may be arrang 'ed in fon ice with the principa. A. Stuart, reported to you smi he hh | a ' x 0 . :- '{ the women's classes after the girls of the schoo | * if (Year as follows, the {having 'been supplied ers concerned: Household Secience--Two visits, one of "about an hour," and the sec- ond' "for a few minutes at the close {of the cookery class." | Maoyal Training--One visit, - ar- | riving "a few minutes past nine" and | staying "until 11.30 p.m. and per- | haps a few minutes later." hat dustless chalk be provided {for use in the public schools and { Collegiate Institute as soon as the | present supply of "ordinary crayoms {1s exhausted." The additional ex- | pense is estimated at $30 per year. | That Mr. Greenless, principal _of { Frontenac school 'be appointed En- | trance examiner for the year 1915. | As the public sehool salary sched- information ule is indefinite with regard to fix- also {ing dates of increases, your com | mitte recommends that salary in- | creases be made in January or | tember of each year, and that teach- | ers, in order to get sajd increases; | must 'begin permanent work before | Easter or Nov. 1st respectively, | These recommendations of | property committee were adopted: "That the plaster blackboards im {the various schools be improved, { Where necessary in order that pupils {In the primary classes can be pro- | vided with more blackboard work iw | accordance with the regulations of | the 'department.' ' | "Phat eighteen kindergarten chairs be procured for. the primary | clags in Sydenham school and twelve | for the sime grade in Rideau school. | A request for these chairs was. for: warded bY the management commit: tee. 8 : 3 "That your committe he empow: {ered. to provide. means for .the re. ; moval of 'the snow from time to 'time | trom the street walks around the | Colleglate Institute and Vietoris |school. These walks surround sr entire 'block. 'The caretakers will look .. after the walks on grounds." A recommendation oi committee, regarding {salary to caretakers at Col stitute and Victoria - school, withdrawn, also one from the finance corumittee regarding the insurance! and inspection of boilers. On motion of Trustees Chown amd Bell, Major Gillespie was given pow- er to have a gate erected in: the basement - at Vietoria school, the 'shooting gallery is 'invuse, 1 {same to meet the approval' of the property committee, ~~ 2 * On the' recommendation of Trustee Elliott, Trustee McKay was placed on thy commereial "advisory commmities, the the property m ate In- were in place of Trustee FHiott. The ter'is' a member © of 'the ma : ow tice. : rag Rates Elicts, acting for ' the management committee, reported thet ; hud Landn ale. fox opening 'of the addition. at. Victor sehool "on al oon - of Feb. 26th, when citizens .would have ap opportunity of inspecting "the 20-5 o'slosk. "At 2.45, th St in be adbemivléd in the «Pool, where addresses will "* 1 by Mayor Sutherland, Prin ord 'and : Robert Meek. The board voted $10 to cover some me cesfary "expenses in' connection with On' motion of* Trustee Meck, the pro- perty committee, with the - assistanee of the secrefary' aid * architect, J be to prepare. a report - ng the work on" the - Collegiate 1p Nistoria. solioo] additions, cost of the 'same, and' other information whicly'. he as afrustie 'desires. = ~ 3 Principal | Sliter: i that' Tn pector ot had recently made an imsppetion of the industriel classes wd was well pleased with the way they 'were conducted. = Mr. Shifter hug i ir report on the attendance at but "some of the men's classes have. bien podrly { at: attended. : : 3 Messin » Reports Of Officers. The report of Principal Sliter "on he attendance at the Collegiate for January showed' 467 pupils the, roll, with an average 13." This on attendance ment was i by the teach. gr the ieo where and Be I" The executive inspected er's; 347 King GRAND OPERA HOUSE Another Fine Vaudeville Performance : For Week-Enc. Last evening an elaborate gramme 'was put on at ville en t at the Grand Qp- era House. Mlle. Silverado, in { ftrapese act, is in a class by herself. The work she Sie out on the tra- pese, on a rope and on the ound, sho agility and adept- ness which was remarkable. Her act . both trapese and yeontor- tion work, was loudly appla z Hunter and Chapell are: high-class comedians and made a t in their feature of "The Follien "Good clean : comedy and "original wit the gudience in. roars of laughter throughout the act. . 1 do not make an. attempt - at singi ; they really "Sing, especially Ch, , with a clear tenor voice, applause with his impersonation of Lillian Lorraive in ¢ her new , 'Ballin' the Jack." . He equally well, TH Bers, the River S| vy Put on "The Race T) in their own movies, and wi yr assistance of. a trained rooster. they "80 Sang several other, songs in re. sponse to repeated encores. The - pictures, ** 'he an episode in electricity, and the co- medy reel, "The Black Hand," were wel received. The gem was: the mag- nificent five-regl Photo-play of Mary Pickiord in "'Bebind the Scenes," por- traying the career of this noted - ist from her first rehearsal GIL her final" abandonment of the footlights. Mary Pickford was. pictured in the Star role of SDolly : Lane,' triumius_ she achieved are viv sented. Pro- the vaude idly pre- The 'same Programme will be pre sented 'at' matinee and evening for the balance of the week, au. oh ONE HALF OF FAY -- Must Be Paid to Dependents of Over. seas Expeditionary Forces. An orderinscouncil which * has been passed, and which comes into effect on April, '1015, has to do with the allowance to ts of the men enlisted with the first and second contingents. The committee of the privy. countil has before it a rt ho the gh einig minister of militia, stating that many ie Foldiers "o the first "contingent, Shee, deport Are in receipt of the separation al- lowance; have mot aSsighed 'any pay to these latter, and that _the \ triotic 'fund committee "compldined that the Jattiotie fund 'was being very heavily drawn upon to support hese families dnd that further, shat this draw would be 'heavier when the additional troops, would be ready sent away. ' : The committee of the pa- triotic fund * recommended the gov- rmment_to issue an opder requiring all non-commissioned ' officers and men whose dependents 'are in" receipt of the 'eparation "allowance, to = 'contribute' one-half: of 'their pay' to those de- dents. Such. -an 'order bag heen issued 'and reddy as follows : earned "That one-half* of the' pay hy non-commissioned lier nen who are members of the overseas expeditionary. fy : vhose fess upon' the objection of Aon-conitigsiondd or * mab the government, sees Git, in: view of the special "faets or circumstances of any 'ase, to pay. the full amount to the flon-commidsioned officer or man whom the pay is earned." ----iut-------- Letter Fiom J. McDermott. A letter received hy J. McDermott, 289 Johnston street, his ¥ho is with the mechanical fransport oH the first Canadian = co » tates that the {roaps. expected to eave for the continent on January 19th, .the letter. being written on the {7th at Shrewton. He guid (hat they Sere very busy making the necessary areparptions, and from what he had deard the arrangements for them at © front were very complefe. He. sent two egrds in the letler, oné of ¥bich shows. three members of his anit in thelr heayy coats and winter uniform. * x i You Require lasses, Why do you keep putting off - hav ng your eyes examined? Do it sow | Offer a slight 'defect. of sight, I neglected, would become serious. in Bm. of ¥0 : eo vices of our graduate eyesight ) sialist, H. . C. Brown, bo el at $2, 83°or $3 Rod- street. . % képt | n Flows." | a Wireless Voice," and - the | jadegu IN INFERCOLLEGIATE HOCKEY GAMES IN MONTREAL. Seniors And Intermediates Will Play--Purvis Replaces Setiara) Who Is Ill in Hospital. | "A large number of students and citizens accompanied hockey teanis to Montreal on Friday | where they play McGill the return Intereollesiagy games. The loss of Goddard to The senior team will not be any excuse for a loss, as Purvis, {who will take his place, is a good iplayer. 'It was thought that Whyte 'could not be able to adcompany the jteam, owing to an attack of bron- chitis, but having side-stepped this, he will play in Montreal." The line- up will be: Staith, goal; Whyte and { Purvis, defense; Rappell, rover; Box, centre; Dobson asd Mackinnon, Wings. \ Colleglates Vas. Lindsay: The Collegiates are taking theic regular team to Lindsay, and Cap- 'tain Ferguson is comfident that they will be able to carry off the honors from the western town. The game (on Monday here will be very inter- jesting, as it means the elimination from the championsifip honors of the losers. Points count on the round. {The line-up in "Lindsay 'will be: | Walsh, goal; Carroll and. Ferguson, defense; Paul, rover; Stewart, cen- (tre; Toland and Gratton, wings. f The Collegiates had a practice an the covered rink on Thursday night {against Queen's Arts*17 class team. The 'practice showed the Collegiates to "be in splendid "orm. Hockey At R. M. C. The Royal Military College cadets although" not entered in the Inter- collegiate series, are playing inter- yean bockey, and there 1s some fast material among them. If arrange- ments can be made it is possible that an exhibition game will be put on at the military "carnival. Juvenile' Hockey Game. Last evening an interesting gamec of hockey was played on the Viet- foria rink between Shamrepcks and Black Stars, of the Sépior: Juvenile League. _The gamé resulted in a tie 2 to 2, the "ft period end. ing also a tie, 1 to! 1.- Fer ed. up well, while Belanger, Waters and McQuaid played' best for Black tars. 3-53 - i ---------- FIRE DRILL IN' SCHOOLS. r------ Report of Inspector. Stuart to Boara of Education. _At the meeting of the Board of Education on Thursday night J. Rus. sell Stuart, the inspector, presented the following report: . "As instructed, 1 present the foi- lowing 'report on the condition of fire-drill in the public schools, '* "The departmental regulation re- the losers Hearly and McCann show- § | Saturday & Monday Attractions at Abernethy's Clear-the-Track Sale. $3.75 Sale of Ladies' $5.00 Boots do Patents, tans, gun metals in button, Blucher, plain lace and faney. tops, in fact every pair of ladies' .00 shoes on sale Saturday and Monday for $1.29 40 pairs . women's kid Bluchers, 'reg. $2.00, $1.29 30 Pairs * 100 Pairs Children's lace and but- ton boots, patent, brown and kid, . Baby soft sole boots, regu § lar $1:35and $1.50 val regular 60c, now ;39¢ Bargains in Men's Footwear All All All $4.50 shoes, now Ajl $4.00 shoes, now : I MANY OTHER GOOD BARGAINS ; ; Mire-drill ig as follows: 'A: Ra] J Shall hold 'a tire. Fill e pupils shall take pare.' L. 2'Sinca. the begimn! g of the pre- sent" sehool yeer, in- September, a, at on 'was amply complied with, Judging from the Téporss Brinch, I all the schvols except Cataraqu © 'Orphauy; 'Home and Victoria School. 1 » "In somie cases the conditions oi Pract, were not such to serve the chief aim 'to be that pupHs through such drill shall be accustomed to leave the building 'promptly, in the order ar- ranged and without undue excjte- ment Even if the wiemal is given Nithout Warning and at unusual mes, "With: respect to Vietoria school, the principal reports that the pro- | ¥incial health inspector expresse i satisfaction with the result of a test given by him in thé autumn, and, that: since January 1st, in view of the occupation of the néw building, effective "practica has been had." a ---------- < wA MERCHANT'S DRIVE of tlio Attained: i Boob, 24th February, ; One of the featur®s in connection with the military carnival the wees after next is.a merchants' drive op FT vednesday the 24th, which is-to be declared a hair holiday by the mayor, It is proba- bly twenty years since the Kingston merchants held a winter Which event used to be' winter mercantile lifé Sale Of Furs Now Going On Ou entire, stock being sacrificed: at prices that can not be equalled; 8 cs 551 | 2 : billed a ke Abernethy's Shoe S Next té Opere. House, | Phoné 640, i In 7 1b. tins 341% Pringess St. -D. COUPER Phone 760. Prompt Delivery, (Uoust Sealed Oysters) oe Rvvesssevese? | Fp -- et i oon et i |

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