i superyise the play of Oriental ehild- Tren. = " In Kansas seventeen per éent. .of the women are married, tourteen per cept. separated, diverced or widows | and 69 per cent. are unmarried girls. Mayor Blithank of Prockton, Mass. has felected as his secretary, Mrs. Edith M. Blanchard, a former news. | paper 'woman and prominent maga- | | zine writer Fifty-four women have received! | medals and reward for heromsn: from the Carnegie Hero Fund com ) mission during the last ten yo { Mrs. Mary 8. Smith of C . H {| Pa. just admitted to practice in the : Nut and Cheese Balls, | supréme. court of l'ennsylvasia, is Grate cheeée to the amount of ha the first woman in that state to be so! 2 pint, add half a pint of coarsely honored. ground nut meats and moisten with Miss Amma EB. Logan, recently cp. | €00king wine to a consistency that pointed aszisiant superintendent of, ¢a be moulded. Form into small Telephone exchanzes 2 'Kansas! the public schools in Cincinnati is thet balls and gerve as an edible garnish employ 1,182 women | rst woman to receive sich an ap-, for green saljds : In Alaska women have full suff | polntment fo thai city. i >. iy rage without epposition : | Mrs. Althea FP. Grimsby of Spring- | Miss Maude! Bland, who is ' the Denver women arc forming home eld, H1., has been appointed deputy! Chop twelve oysters, add half of guest of her sister, Mrs. Harold Fugh- | "4 *¢hool clubs in the churches, | sheriff of S&ngamon county, the first a small erisp lettuce, elght chopped Mon- | Nearly 106,000 Women and child | woman (0 AIF the office in the history | olives and half a pint of mayonnaise ren are employed in the tobacco fac- i of the county. | dressing, Place on cubes of bread { tories of the United States Providing the Now Jersey State and serve at dnce J. B. Pease, Mra. Herbert Robinson, | J. A. Allan, barrister, Regina, wae Dr. Isabel Bradlay will most likely | podaration ar Women's clubs raises : Mrs. Herbert Dawson, Miss Lilian | the guest of his cousin, Mrs George | Décome 4 member of the Akron (0.) Keat, "Mrs. Wineh, Miss Nellis | A- Macdonald, Alired street, for vard of health. : Creighton; Mrs. 'BE. H. Young, Miss Weekend. Corsets worn by the women on the | Marton Lesalie, Miss Kathleen Daley, | Wong) fitace Matka¥, a guest al r---- of Malayasia ara made of tele- rer. | "The Regldence" this week, retirned | graph wires, Miss Allen Rogers, Miss Millie Fer- | FIN RAM Louis women. Babe ris, Miss Mianle Gordon, Miss Syb-| 10 Smith's Falls Saturday. : ! f formed a league with the object of | 4 natean delegation to visit Germany | half pound of walnut meats cut into bald Hamilton, Miss. i. Cartwright, Mrs. Freeman returned to. Inver- ! y ) Miss famiten iai Miss A. Fairlie, | 8Ty on Wednesday While in town cleaning up fhat city of rats. i to inquire into the treatment of | pieces. Mix and cook for éne hour, In New York a woman is not fore- | Frenth and British prisonére. {| and pour into jelly glasses or emall Mins Jean Craig, Miss Beasie Sander. | he was the guest of Mrs. A Hughes, | som, Mrs. George MeKay, Mrs, W. A. | Frontenac street, [7d to take her husband's name if she Miss Bffle Loader is assistant ser- | Jars Mitchell, Mrs, B, Davis, . |, Miss Maud Brownlee came to town | doen't sare to. geant-atearms of the Kaneas senate! ve LP | from Madoc to attend Queen's dance It is sald that a woman is at the and it is the first time that a woman | . " : i io | 12st night, | head of the German secret service in has held ruch 4 position in the legis. | bay ally Aan. fide bok given Miss Agnes Richardson, University |iha eastern war zene lature of that i pos ber of his friends on Friday night avenue, is giving a little pe ople's | school teachers in Milwaiikee and Miss Helen Dalton, prominent the Patty afterwards foturning fo his valentine party this afternoon. j ios Angeles are limited to one year's among the young woman amateur home on's West. st, where Mrs, Su- Frank Ryan returned to-day fro nj absence for motherhood. athletes of 'New York city, not only | therlatid entértained them all at sup. | YeWbureh Miss Beatrice Wisner has been ap- makes the 100-yard dash in 123% se- per: The gests included Master iy a. member of the hoard of conds, but Is a elever gymnast, swim John T i Angus MeKay, Graf acucation in Newark, N.J mer and basketball player Migs Marie B, Stocker, who has inson, Jack McKelvey, Allen Ireland has furnished the greater lho, Viehk MeMartiy, Robert number of females to the popniation been teaching school in Saint Louis bw, Tekford = Tiow, James Gow, for the 'last 84 years, has just baen | of the United States Fivd and Jod. Dennison, Hughio and granted = citizenship papers. Miss | Miss Marie Hubest of London 6x Jonglas Jack, Pdward Dolan, Billie imines about 49,600,000 feet of mov- Stocker is of German birth and came! ick, Abert Sonls, Donald to this country with her parents in ughton, Charlie. Mundell, I'rank o, Gordon. Young, -Donald © and ing pieture films every year. Ninety-five per cent. of the mati- 1866. : * Ro hr Minod Wd Beginning with the next school ' Robertede, Graft Macdonald, ¥ os, Hegioald Sawyer, Er ness audiences and 75 per cent. of the night crowd at the theaters are year a normal course will be attached f yon, rd Toews Freddi to the manual training section of the F 4 LR reddie Hao, "Doigla Suter Fred. Tor. ih ary. Hill, Fred' Brooks, How- _Gdry & Practical Some Dress Making: Lesrons "me AY " 3 YT RY -- + Dainties IN rt cl co Gi ERY age 2.) in to play. Tea was served from The Curling €lab tea, with Miss | table centred with the birthday Lettice Tandy and her rink as hos | cake, surrounded hy vellow tulips, tosses, 'was well attended on Wednes: | gel the 'smal guests included Misses | day altcruoon. The tea table was | Kitty and Jessie Torrance, Eileen bright with a brass bow! of jonquils, | Vaughan, Flo Cunningham, Ein Den and Mrs. H. Tandy poured ten. | wikon, Katherine C , Nadine Har Bridge was played at four tables ana | 8% ; Derothy Higney and Mildred geome Of the guests noticed were: | Smythe, and Masters Fegar. Donni- Mra. H. Li Ashby, Mes. D. roolan, Fem; Dilla. Rigney, Donald ads, MA. Henry Wade, Mrs. R. 3. Wat | and Taddy Kidd. Mra. Sutherland dron, Mrs. R. Fraser, Mrs. P. BE.! was assisted hy Mrs: W. HH. Prides Mré. "BR. -Halloway Waddell, | Wiss Dortie Smivilo, Mics Mrs. Morgan Gray (Cornwall), Miss | Cunningham nnd Miss Beasin Bessie Smythe, Miss Morence €un- | alogham, Miss Martha Smith, Mrs, Di M. Fraser, Mrs. E. J. Davis (New- nm ¥, Mrs. J. II, Sills (Trenton), | es, Farl street; will leave on MS, Hugh Macpherson, Mes. R. J.|day for her home in London fgoper (St: 'John, NB.) Mrs. %. | . a. i Eiels Prepared Especially For This Newspaper by Pictirial Review AROSE RED LINEN that is easier to make up than is this Gne Bear in mind that the center front -Is indicated hy large "O° perfo rations; ther turn under hem in vest at notches. Turn under front edge wt front on slot perforations, ap on west to small "o" perforations, nothhes evan and stitch. Pleat, bringing single "71 to small "eo" perforation at lower edge and tack. Close under-arm seam us notched, close shoulder sear). Gather lower edge of waist between d "T'T™ perforations. "Sew large col tr taneck edges as natched. Sew stand. ing collar to shield as natehed, adjust CTE OS So Po i Oregon has three woman casket makers, ! Philadelphia has a professional | women's club, Craig, Florence Smythe Oyster Delight. ithle (hor Suey Jam. Cut into small pieces three pounds $76,000 for maintenance for four, vers, Rutger: college has agreed tol open a wemen's department in that, of rhubarb and three oranges, with institution. rind and all, removing seeds: add Edna 'Wallace Hopper, the actress! three pounds of sugar, half a pint of has been 'appointed a member of the! water, one pound of seeded raising, CONSTRUCTION SUIDE BAF Ha A oh2a the QC Tomato Boxes, Seoop out some peeled faving the tops (0 replace as cove rs, fill with caviar mixed With the tomas to pulp, diced celery and mayonnaise dressing; or fill with crab meat mix- ed with chili sauce and mayonnaise | dressing. Replace the covers, dee orate with sprigs of parsley and serve tomatoes Miss E. Vanluven, Napanee. was an out-of-town guest at the junior vear dance in Grant Hall lest aven- ing. Mrs. Morgan Gray, who has been + Buest in town for the past week, returned to Cornwall on Thursday Mrs. M. Btuart Sutherland, who i8 Mrs. M. Suihorland's guest on Marl street; will go to Toronto fext her sister, Miss Alma Laing, before Sister, Miss Alma Laing, before iolonig Mrs, Sutherland in Hagplar, where they will reside. Mrs. Douglas Hammond, King street, left the cad of (his weak for Iragtford to visit Mr. and Mrs. 3. '1. Boll and her visitor, Mrs. Basil Morphy, returned to Toroato. * { to position, bringing larga "O° perfo. | } | ration to corresponding perforation in | > I i vast. Sew stay to lower edre, centers - a age | i fie even, small "o" perforation at anders A [Foe Fig arm seam. » ; | Close sleeve seam as notched, Close women, Miss Esther Cleveland, daughter public séhaola of Montevideo for the purpose of edueating teachers in the Carson and Hugh ET : iw ee I i : cult seam as notched, sew to long | 4 sleeve as notched. If short sleeve is of 'the late President Cleveland, ¥& ] Uke 4 p varions branches of women's work. ntdtlo: Tankard As 5 made eut oft edges of cuff on single taking up a course in nursing. } 'W ' WwW. 1 | British: women are now forming || omen 8 or d tw iL be held in Petar. Max' Maier. Deétroit, is in town, small "o" perforations and close seam. 3 Sew to sleeve, double "oo" perfora- Pennsylvania suffragists will re- tions and seams even. Sow slecve in telve a donation of $10,000 providea Tipperary clubs which will bring to- || arm-hole 'as notched, easing in any that thoy can raise $50,000. gother not' only fhe vives, mothers fullness. The Montana legislature has re- and daughters of the fighting soldiers Turn under front edge of right front fpcted the petition asking that wo- © 10 gnflors, but also the cousins, sis- gare of skirt on slot perforations. lap Ya Kebruary 18th, | the guest of his aunt, Mrs, Oborn. [Man employes of (he state - Have ters, aunts. and every woman who & 'players. will go | dorflor, Queen &treet. thaperons. wants to do something for the re- § Jodling Club here J. Ki 'Robérison has gone to Mon- eruaitz and the absent soldiers. A. Fairlie, (skip) |treal for the woek ond. 'Mrs. George Me | Frank Smythe. who will =o over- Mitehell, Mie: | sas with the 9rd Exveditionary iM Force, "will leave 'on Monda on left front gore. centers even (large When she i$ not studying a sketen ora new song, Grace Tyson, the ac Members. of the lower branch of tor | patna io the ta 1s, Miss Bes: | Ottawa to join the 38th: Battalion. | lege "ar Ais and' Sc t Siler nein. whieh is mobiligng there. university. * ' h Dean Chic costume in rose red linen trimmed with black buttons and ecru badtiste, 5 The Laat sociation m a Business divides individuals two Broad classes--the and the "negatives The first type is the person who can. She usually lands in some execu- tive Post some time, somewhere. She 18 aggressive, imaginative, and the will attempt anything. As a natural consequence, her failures ara many, because she is often not adequately equipped for her efforts. But if she falls nine times, she succeeds the tenth time, and as she is perpetually trying, her total successes usually reach an impressive numb Tr. f On the other side of the fence is the woman who can't. She will pro- bably refuse to do anything that she hasn't dene before. Sho. takes no new steps, has no initiative, lives in perpetual fear that she may do some piece of: work that is a trifle beyond her prescribed duties. She hesitates She is active and energetic only in into "positives", The color of this Trock will not shock the conservative woman's sense of tha fitness of things in the least, for it Is a delightful, warm tone. Black linen buttons and cuffs and collar of ecru batiste subdue the rose and contribute toward an exquisite color scheme.. To make the design requires 33% vards of S4-inch or 4 yards of 44-inch material, Three-quurters yard of black linen and the same quantity of batiste will fur. nish the trimmings, » It wonld be difficult to find a mode! front); stitch, leaving edges free above Women are now eligible to ap- on {he flodr just because Mrs, Rachel *, single large "O" perforation for opens ing. Join gorés as notched. Sew skirt to lower edge of waist over stay. cen- ty of the Col- rv, 'a Loma ; 4 ters even. bringing side seam to large seat, Corneyy | PATTY. gy 2 i Ben the #0" perforation in stay. , | prohibiting it. In the upper branch the senators' are more fortunate, as Mrs. Frances W. Munds, a senator Since serge In light tones ix to be so fashionable this year, this frock could had a resolution passed urging her colleagues to smoke, "Oo" perforations indicate center- treks, passes her Lime cutting cameos. the Arizona legislature cannot smoke 8; L. ar is for arr was in 'Montreal for| Mrs. L. Mercer is a candidate be developed to advantage fn white, ecru. sand or lava colored serge, : Pictorial Review Dress No. 6024. Sizes 32, 34. 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust. Price, 15 cents. . ¢ oe Mis, R.:J. Hodper. JB. Mrs, W. H. Macnoe, i J several days this week. mayor in Centralia, IIL, having re- Bt. | a ew Weal RB. Waldron, na Misa Mamie : » ceived the indorsement of the dry Me. and. "Mes. R. Uglow, Tarrio | toreds, . trent, are' in Toronto visiting . Miss Women have been refused their re- Marjorie Uglow, . who is attending | quest that, one of their sex be ap- Branksome Hall. pointed . t8 the Patersqn, (N.J.,) Miss Hilda Hague, University; ave- | hoard of oducdation. nue, went 14 Montreal yesterday = to Mrs, Margaret B. Laird, the wife visit Mre. Harry Hague. of a Newdrk (N.1,,) druggist, has Ew heen appointed a membér of the hoard of health in that eity. Misa FPréda Boss of Supérior, Wis., has salléd for China, whére she will ' . Fal OWS : "On Thursay aftesnodn Mrs, R. 1. Suthént Mivert Tafreet, celebrated Master Maloolen'h sist, VFN" by inviting a dogen: ot 3ib iiftle friend The Lésser Evil. "1 can give you a cold bite," said the woman, "Why not warm it up?" asked the tramp. ' "There ain't any wood sawed." "So? Weil, give it to me cold." -- New York Sun, ; lable, and she turned to her mother, "Mother," said she, "what do we "A Pertinent Question, | Little Helen wis taken to church for thé first time one Sundiy. The | gét for our money?" service was a source of wonder to! -- her, but after the alms bakin had | Mr. and Mrs. J. P. been pasted and she had put in her |anee, are enjoying a mite, her curiosity was uncontrol- | Piorida. i raion, ary & Practical Hanley, Nap- trip through fl Ww Prepared Eipecially For This Newspaper i up Bietobint Review ~~ lation Or "shorter length add has a Min 'walsi-1ine. The aldé-pléated skirt iltustrated Here iy not relle of farmer séasond; 119 &n madel for &peing ana peridfity o it diosaly A lengthwise fold side_gore (0), af: 0 the edge of the lengthwise thread. as the back gore and side gore Flomeé Dress Makin ce 4 # Ta # or ERE most a necessity in. winter. At least, they are highly desirable. Tha morn- ing appetite in cold weather demands something substantial, and it gladiy takes' this substantial dish in the f % i "mpting hit of bread. i AL He some recéipts: not new, | hut, nevertheless, good. Better, pér- haps, because they Have been tried sod found satisfying and roliable, | ------ Muffins ful of butter and a tablespoonful o- sugar, wiL a teaspoonful of salt, all beaten until very light. One cup of milk, three of sifted flour and three tablespoonfuls - of baking powder meal may be used instead of whea' flour or fwo cups of ecorfimeal an: Hustratéd, press pleats, close seatns un- derrienth. Close back Seam trom large ition to lower edge. finish above for pl t. For inverted one of four, 'Drop on well-greased '| patty pans and bake twenty minute: in a rather quick aven or bake on 3 griddle in muffin rings. Twin Mountain Muffins, oe Hot breads for breakfast are al ¥ la in - One egg Well beaten, a tablespoon: | flour, three quarters rn: meal, four teaspoonful baking pow- der, one half teaspoonful salt, one tablespoonful sugar, two tablespoon- fuls butter, one egg, three quarters cupful = milk, All measurements Y Ingredients into a bowl, chop 'butter in with knife, boat ege, add milk and add all to dry ingredients to make a soft dough that can be handled: add more milk if necessary; 'turn. oatq & flour- od board, toes lightly and roll out one half inch with rolling pin, cut vith round cutter, put @ piece of but- er size of a pea in centre of each 'ound; fold round in center '§o op- roiite edges meet, put onto a butter- *d baking sheet; rub the top with nik and bake in a quick oven twelve {One half graham and one half ry | to fifteen minntes. ns po Coffee Buns. Sift together two quarts of flour, « pinch of salt and a teacupful of ine granulated sugar. Make a hole 0 the middle of this, pour in onc 'int of home-made yeast and mix horoughly; then stir in one halt te .| ing an endeavor for. flaws in any new idea or plan. She is expert in finding a good reason for not doing things and why your plan is sure to fail. Honest analysis is a vital factor in business. But because thore are diff. culties or possibilities of failure in & plan is no good reason for abandon Ing it: Some of the hest work of the world has been done by people who failed repeatedly, -and with all odds against them went at jt again, never. theless. The woman who never tries because she fears faflure-- and has ample justification for her fears ~will never achieve anything; while the woman who dares eventually ar rives, even if she carries a leng his- tory of failures with her. The negative woman m 3 7 as that emin- ently fit her for success, But, as a Inatter of faet, she decries her own ability and negle¢is her potentialities, Discussing a woman's club with this] {ype of woman recently, she remark- ed: J don't see the use of such a club, The intellectual woman doesn't need it, and the unintelligent woman couldn't understand it," She dis- poses of all problems of the universe in similar fashion, 'There is a flaw in every human plan and effort which make it utterly unwerth-white-- to her, and her Utopia is the status quo. If all the mature underlings 'in business could be carefully analyzed, there is no doubt that the cause of semi-failur or complete failure in the majority of cases is simply that they are negative personaltes, They can't. They don't. They won't. Business to-day is crowded with the demand fo Improvements. reason---and a few things out of rea. Sou---is tested. If there is a fight. ing chance of an idea or a plan sue. ceeding in bettering the proGuet, or its distribution or the condition of o Big Business will try it. Everything that may possibly prove 4 step forward is worth while mak. « One failure ot a dozen failures do not affect the wits mate worth of what.you are hoping to do. On the contrary, each new fail ure may help in making a clearer and better " f criticism and is very able at picking a -- x Everything withip The NO-HG Min uacturing. £0. of Toronto, nave arranged to give away 100.000 doples of Walker's celebrated 20-page colored Mook on titled "Our Empire Army," with which they will present a _soupon warth 0c . in real money to every housiholifer They are doing this to familiarize (he women of Canada with the nourfghing and saving vanalition. of NOSEG, which is only equalled by the New-laid Fue. Pell your friends This Is a genuifie oftar. 3 send for the about it, and in (He meantime hook and : C ope Mark' your rand address wins Manufacturing Empire Co., Toronto envElope HAT a marked difference there is between the fretfnl, - y, atling infant, apd the child whose face always rs the smile and look of perfect health and content- The righ Toon. 1 : ftan How 5 fo be the of Infant Feeding, ic. provide a Pure, Com used and mended by mesibers Fr ented 37 sank fete i a hen