A FAMILY RE FEN FOR MANY YEARS | Used "Fruita tins" With The Best of Results, A the next time, GEORGE MEXAY Ese. KIpPEN, ONT. June 17th, 1983, * 1 have been using *Fruit-a-tive 4s a family remedy for many years. They are the best medicine I have ever tried, Fruita-tives" do me the most gotd~they fever gripe and their action is pleasant. "LL haye used them for Indigestion and Coubtipation with the bestresults, and 1 heartily recommend them to anyonie similarly afflicted, Jucpt tones lave left mecompletes ly and Igive 'Fruit.a-tiv * full credit for all this, A micer pill a man cannot fake " CEQRGE MCRAY The enormous demand for ' Fruit-a- tives" is steadily increasing, dueto the fect that this wonderful fruit medicine gives pmempt relief in all cases of Indigestion, Comgtipation, Sour Stomach, Rheumat , Chronie, Headaches, and Neuralgia, and ail Kidney and Bladder Troubles, 80c « hoz, 6 for $2.50, trial « Sold by all dealers or sent on rece 2 aro] price hy Feit#etives Limited, Ottawa, sone mn, ng CHOCOLATE SALE | SATURDAYS ONLY One pound box assorted chocolate Bon-Bons; strictly fresh, for 25¢" ICE CREAM In bulk or bricks MARBLE HALL , Phone 080. 238 Frincens Se war xo aul of all oleh But i nk Pohuiivos Sails Compe d Restored *Bleveén- years ogo I went to the Victoria Hoepital, Motitreal, suffering with a growth.. The doctors suid it was a tumor and: could death nous it would sause instant Fhe found my Organs wpe Sffectads-ana said I could not live more the condition 1 wae in. Saw your adver | commenced nh Pinthan hE , He yay: ---- Pride zaeth before a fall and this fall . ------ It's a poor foot rule that measure both ways, + won't The grain, speculator is singing "In this wheat, buy and buy.' ------ Unfortunately the average man seems to think the time to say no ls -- Good Reason. tood on the bridge at midnight, And the moonlight view. was grand But that wasn't why he didn't move on It was all he could do to siand. One Way. lalthie--1 sites you Kies Jack, and ma says you houldn't kiss a feller till you're engaged. Sise-Well, 1 got engaged--let. him Made In U. S. A. Managing Editor--Great snakes! I ean't make head or.tail of this Petro« grad cable. Ask our Russian corres. pondent to step here a moment, ~-- Philadelphia Public Ledger. Distinctly Bush-League, "Majolica pitcher brings $650 sale,* regds Mrs. Fan, "Hub!" sneered Mr. Fan. "He can't be much of a player."--Buffalo Express. The Forte. Madge~~Why do you prefer Wag- | ner? Marjoric----Because he comovset} about the only kind of music one can ! hear above the conversation. --Judge. At Palm Beach, "How do you like your Clara?" "Oh, Aine! The rooms are small and dark, and the food is badly cook ed; but the gossip is excellent -- Judge. hotel, ---------- j Hints in Statesmanship, Don't deal in woe or selfishness, Most folks have a supply or wares lke these, and "Is what they want to buy. riulness So deal in joy and truthfulness, Put on a smiling phiz And. you'll preserve your youthful- ness, And do a lot of biz. . --Kansas City Journal. dd Ld ---- i 1 The Invariable Loser. you ever Play cards for mo- Tove bt 1 never got it" as the politi- Nothing is so uncertain minds of au certaith class of clans, Preferred the Earthquake. A fond mother in Valparaiso, hear- ing that an earthquake was coming, sent her boys.to a friend in the ' country 'so that they might the dinger. In a few days' time she received & 'note from .the friend, saying: "Take your boys awiy and | send along the sarihquane, " The 'Wika F Fool, "Dead men toll no tales" wpa be, "not," replied the "But BSS are i nnati Hasire. "Olt deur; 1 "What an a obsetry- Fool, awful ' was @ (urtle." Jddea! Why Transe Mosel Shania "Two wutos, on you at omit: Journal. Ask, "tne BRP of "The man who is fu keeping in 5 ent never § irve p promises to' go in to : with some kiss me, then broke tie engagement. kh, {rhe irl inher tobe out. hd 0 rag 0 Slesp a Hight" you. do not PEE inthe morn. | Retigwed wed 'héalth can one ni [I discovered, Thess Pils. aotn- Al ARE naw, rich, red Blood; hay |. bring hin "10 the eyes, and the o ple others they can do, for You if. given a di tion, cod 0 2 or feel confident from potiency that they will renew their ane : eb Wa on. "A Hh has a TH he a "What do they mean by 'the horns |, Toe ays punctual wip =O NOT 3 worny about the "danger in going to' Egypt or 'the Riveria this year--tike a trip in Canada. Tt will do vou good and dw Canada good. » * aroks of 04 have Teit that tlére is something per- sonally craditable dhout : a trip to Europe--rarely hays wé comméemied our friends when they have rimination and. patriotis ¢nough to "see Canada first," THe Cancdign who talks familiarly of London, Mote and Vienna has been looked upen with a certafh #6 by Nis Belg bose who have nét been abroad Etropean travel bas brought distinction t6 the ts The Canidias who talks tet 4 Moutreal and Vancouver hes gained 1 dietigigtion, but,--a repwtacion as a stone.' But now that Europe id'tiosed Canadians wh habitually winter slong the Me dit srraneap will visit our own great résorts-- mah oT 1h 4 fifst tie. They are (ha peo le who, [+ (vaveling shrosd, have made that the thing ta do. Thuy are the people who, by traveling in Canada, will mak. Cavadian trips the fashion in travel shown disc ~ TVD : hallig forthe Already tae railroads féel the diversion of fray el fram Burepe to this cottutry. They are feeling it jw tHe form of requests fqr resort literature, whish' they are giving out in far greater quanti: {ies than ever befor, Thus it is known that the peti who have been AXpRtMatés 4s far gz travel is concerned. have made their money here and spent it abroad ara planning to sde their own country now. Many of them will be amazed dt what they will #8 Rere--and their amazement will heip rid us, ¢ a people, of our great délusion regarding the attractiveness 'of Europe and the commonness of Canada. hoy will miss the rains of Etrope. They will mise' ome of the tidvness a: ard finish of Furcnns TEN NAINA, DEADLY ANAEMIA ¢ d on We 0 of Every! no ---- It is an upfortiate. fact that nine women and girls. Gt of vary ten are afllicted with "annefiia~ which means' | bloodlessnesa--in one form. of: another, , the swife, the mother and the matron. bf middle age all know ifs miseries. To he anaemic means to be pallid, with: dark marks under 'tho' eyes, You gre breathless after Zhght, exertion, You feel warn, y all day You ave who 13 " Livefpool, Feb. the: voyage. company : replied : the enemy soribe,"' 5 Fhe. da t . Behl make, Sovond. tating pa aft, for the day's Labels almost consumption. -oht Aired thio the nse af Dr, Williams' Pink He most reliable hlobd snrichs ing ah re a: oad an: to ] woof ith 1 0 They iterally saved: thousands . of women and gtowing 'girls from the grave, and what they have done for fair trial. Hets is the proof. . Mrs, Wm. man, Watbous, Shigk. \s BOYS ; "I havo used Dr. Williams' Pink Hilla with wonderful redults, I suffered for fipuards of two. years with anaemia | in_n severe form, and was dovtoring gz | All the: time with no. benefit. 1 was so weak could senrcoly wirtk. 1 "suffer ed from overs headaches and at tires hou that were: almost vin- so | lioney comb'? wige nil anes women and girls my own GX~ Tijese pills dre sold by all nwditisi | ar six, hoses, 4 teats? 'bat they "wit sea Clad: ahi ad magnificence CUNARD LINE'S 'POLICY. A Statement to Which the Compan; | Fully Subscribes. 12.-An who 'desired: to take passage Cunard steamer which is to sail for New York on Saturdgy, asked company - whether he would 'have the eatession of the 'American flag dur An official of "Your statement. that it is for 'a: British ship to fly the erican flag ii, .the presence of a marine is. suspected; as' a notice to that there are Americ shoard, 12 "one which - wo fully, sub 'oohuony : 'would give joo infor 7k | iedtion; "however, as to ita intentions t of the ee Ad n. ETC ible : What is it, Willie ? do / Is a sweet tooth a footh from a gall a interviews ons ao been credited to Cant such as never before has met their eyes. ' { They will sec Seores of mountains thats dwar | all but a peak or two of Europe' s. They will see | glaciers i trader and more mdgnifitent than thdse | of the Al; :--geysets, gorges, eanyons, rivers, for- | bats and [alls of sueh besuty dud in sueh profusion | that Buropeans who have offic here have wou- dered wiry we should 20 to Europe fof scenery. They will see cities' that Have 'sprang 'to im- | niense Size in a generation, stretebies of wonderful farms, representing & wealth that is searcely con- i csivable, factories that ini a few years have grown {olhe tlie wirld's industrial giants. Phey will Hee | tfiese atid any other things that Shame Cana. | dias "Tor fieir ignorance of 'Home seencs and | afl iairs, a : i Traveling in Canada is in no sense a hardship. | We have bitter trains and better hotels than the, [urépran average. Tt is hard to get out of reach of a pash-buttor--2np matter how fur afield you | go.. 'And you can always gét back--withoat seek: ing the consent of the gendarntés. Damned by a war, thé tide of travel has turned | inwend toward América. Now that it js started, the rial eharm and variety of the eonutey will He it Qewidg, "We can all ielp in his hy giving our- shlyes the opportunity fo be anthusiastic abot | Casaditn things and places--by taldrs {Hips in | Canada. ¢ ' " | The new tide will benefit all'of na in a practical | way for & great part ¢f the which our peopic have hitherto spent in Burope will now be | speal ai home. Whole cities 40d Provinces of, Kurc: have sabsisted almost entitely b on the gold of 'Autiriean Pleasure. sceXerh and health séekers. Our resorts now will get the nibtiéy that Hes form. | wiv ohne to the Varios beds and beading: nn MN AE aration. T Had the hoger to serve under Kitehener in India and Egypt and I'know the character: of the man. Years ago I asserted that sredtest. generals in my time were itobert E, Lee. and Lord Kitehener, be one' fighting for a cause hej: thought was, just, with an army im- |. poverishiod and a } back, that did not. sympathize with | T° his mithods, and. the. other criticized by. his government whén he assumed the : soveréignty of orf | edist. Kitchener. is a" soldfer firgt | and always. He knows the value if Américan on a the the right Am-' Shy the bayonet better than the thrust '| of the saber abd be knows the fleld | better than any man living, because | be has sefved in the ranks, He was and is a $oi-| "ola h 1 tiesy A Segond Kit¢honer ean wait: he can wait unfil he is ready to strike, and |. he can stand criticism, as he must Jan it, sot only &t home from his but from the polaiers -r he wy of other nations, Kitchener will never give his gupport against the Germans until every pre- | patation has been perfected in detail,' asd when that time comes wo may expect an end of the war, for when Kitchener strikes it 'Will be a stroke stand." The Motorcycle In War. A Cavalry Officer in the Tondon ! Times "writes : y Those little miotoroyeles- we, the wadps, for they it is into . action. You'wn | j oes the Digkete Fg youl | f fie | ih ut Yi a "ba | and, the two: community at his) tain in id i : ¥ Make This Work Easier for Yourself Y YO twill find that Sunlight Sodp i is the best and handiest helper for wash ing dishes you ever used. Try. Sunlight, and the hardest part of dishswashing will disappear. The work will be quic ker done, too. Of course, Sunlight is the best all-round soap you can buy--<good for dainty fabrics, ' and 'those woollen' blankets you want to keep fresh and fleecy. kind to the hand: | Sunlight Soap. Remember. it is A pd in B Burape || " Aimaslt . to' &. great movement of tho allies): Sauer Kraut ! | | Made from gbe choicest calibage. 10e x at. oF 8 qt. pail for 40e, inlitut, Steal 1211+ 5108 2x 13¢ Ih. Hoot. 2... 4 Favre aswen 80 powerful the enemy canfot with. | Soe - Mrs. Newlywed Says il "I find it so hard-to economise, But Imustdo #0 fora while." Mrs. Wiseneighbour says: *' Why not do ol own washing. It isn't hard if an Eddy sas is part of your equipment. I have a Houschof d Globe." It's a wonder- worker-Joosens the dirt so easily, and I never tear the clothes."