Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Feb 1915, p. 6

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Ne EF os i IT IS SUPERB! is still the favorite sr Trade mark of quality umbia Grafonola's and records © MADE.IN.CANADA POR HIRE Phone 1177 89 Earl Street. AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES George W. Boyd fo) D 24 HO IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF HER IRON MINES. Prospective Tariff Imposition Will Not Be Sufficient To Place Iron-- Mining On a Profitable Basis. Toronto, Feb. 15.--Omntario faces a far greater handicap tham lack of tariff in the development of her iron mines, and this handicap is to great that the prospective tariff imposition of the Dominion government will not be sufficient to enable her to place her iron-mining on a profitable basis, to the exclusion of United States ore. At least, that is the pro- fessed opinion of geologists and min- ing men in the employ of the Ontar- fo government who have had oppor- tunity to study the situation. The present situation finds only two large iron mines in operation in the province, these being the Helen mine on Michipicoten Island and the Moose Mountain mine at Sellwooaq. There are plenty of furnaces and smelters in Ontario to handle all the iron ore which can be mined loca'ty for many years to come. There are smelters at Sault Ste. Marie, Mid- land, Hamilton, Deseronto, and Port- Arthur. The most of the sme'ting done at these places, however, is on ore shipped in from. the United States. Very little of the manufae- tured pig irom comes here from the States, as the duty makes it more profitable to send in the raw product. YANKEE CAPTAIN'S IDEA. About Strength Of German Positions In Belgium. New York, Feb, 15.--That it will require four allies to one German to dislodge the latter from their forti- fied positions in France and Belgium, is the opinion of Captain F. B. Ne:- son, First U. 8. Infantry, who re- turned Saturday from Germany, via the steamer Nieuw Amsterdam from | Rotterdam. Although bound by the orders of the war department not to discuss the military situation in any way that would violate the strictest neutrality, Captain Nelson made it plain that the very great strength of the German entrenched positions made a ratio of four to one a simple one in the purely military standpoint, and he refused to express.any opin- fon as to whether the allies would have the needed men. ' Captain Nelson brought the latest figures of casualties in the German army. He stated that up to January 31st, the losses had totaled 953,207 In killed, wounded and missing, NEW DASH FOR WARSAW. ---- German Emperor Covets City To Get New War Vote. London, Feb. 15.--Emperor Wil- lam received Field Marshal Von Hin- denburg on the eastern battlefront on Friday, and it was docided to make a renewed dash for Warsaw next week, according to a despatch from Amsterdam to the Exchange Telegraph company, The German emperor, the message adds, Is =ald to be anxious that the Polish capital be taken before the 'next meeting of the reichstag in order to induce the houze to vote a new war loan without opposition. The radical element of the reich- stag is declared to have become restive under the demands for war loans and war credits, and it is be- lieved by the kaiser and his advis- ers that only a sweeping victory will prevent their uttering their opposi- tion -on the floor of the legislative assembly. GUARD OF HONOR. Of Overseas Troops For Opening Of Legislature. Toronto, Feb. 15.---~When the legi- slattire opens on Tuesday next, there will be witnessed for the first time in Ontario's history the participation of Canadian troops, who are upon the footing -of war. The general custom has been to have escort for the lieutenant-govermor and the guard of honor from the regulars, but this year the soldiers will be from the second contingent. The escort, fifty strong, will te from the Royal Canadian Dragoons under Liga. B. A) The guard of nor aod AND CASTOR OM * California Syrup of Figs." Look back at your childhood days. Remember the "dose" mother insisted ou--castor oil, - calomel, ecathurtics, How you hated them, how you fought against taking them. ey With our children 'it's different. Mothers, who elinig to the old . form of physic simply don't realize what they do. The children's revolt is well-founded. Their tender little "in. sides" are injured by 'them. If your child's stomach, liver - and bowels need cleansing, give only de licious "fCalifornia = Syrup of igs." Its action is positive, but gentle, Millions of mothers keep this harm- less ""frwit laxative" handy; they know. children love to take it; that it never fails to clean the liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach, and that a teaspoonful given to-day saves a sick child to-mormpw. : Ask your druggist for a 30e. bot- tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for ba ies, children of all ages and for grown- ups plainly on each hottle, Beware of counterfeits sold here. See that it is made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt. WAR TAXES TO BE LEVIED. crease Revenue, Toronto, Feb, 15.--The Ontario government intends to follow the example of the Dominion govern- ment and place war taxes, wherever posgible, to meet falling off .in or- dinary revenue, something over. $1, 500,000 for the year. The object of the government will be to make this war taxation fall upon the man of moderate means as lightly as possible and affect items regarded largely as luxuries, CANADIAN WOMAN CHARGED WITH : HIGH TREASON Mrs Emit Nerlich, prominent Toron- to woclety woman who with her lhus- band, a wealthy toy dealer, 1s charged with conspiracy to high treason in connection with Fiving assistance to a oung G an officer to leave Canada. r. and Mrs, Nerlich are now awaiting trial and are on ball of $150,000. CZAR TO KING GEORGE. Gift Of Cigars Enclosed, In $127,500 Gold Box. London, Feb, 15.--The Russian minister of finance, M. Bark, in the course of his visit to England, pre- sented to King George 260 cigars in @ gold box ordered in Paris a month ago at a cost sald to have been $127,- 500.. The sides of the box are half in inch in thickhess, and the top ind sides are ornamented with the flags of England, Russia, France, Belgium and Serbia, worked in precious stones The box is presumably a gift from the czar, for it is not thought that M. Bark personally would Have bought so costly a present. If cross, feverish, constipated, give 4 | department of justice, 20 dismiesed By the Ontario Government To Tn. | Soon it will be 2.600 miles long, the WHiG, OND: FIVE TIMES AS MANY WERE AP- How Present Administration Has Wielded the Axe and Used Patron. age for Its Advantage. Ottawa, Feb. 15.--A return tabs led in the commons giving statistics | the civil service sinee the present sovernment came into power throws :onsiderable light on how the axe has been wielded, and how the in- duence of patronage has been in- voked under the present athministra- tion. It also gives ome raason for the rapid rige in the cost of ordinary administration of the country during the past three years, and the neces- sity for new taxes. Although the return is not com- plete, and is dated last spring, the total number of dismissals given Is 2,115, while the appointments reached the enormous total of 10,- 676. In the agricultural depart- ment there were 45 dismissals and 579 new men engaged. In the customs, 271 dismissed and 1,649 en- gaged; in the department of Indian affairs, 135 dismissed and 295 en- gaged; in the department of iniand revenue, 73 dismissed and 291 en- gaged; in the interior department, 309 dismissed and 1,651 engaged; in the immigration department, 110 dismissed and 343 engaged; in the and 268 engaged; in the labor de- , partment, 21 dismissed and 60 en- I'gaged; in thé public works depart- | ment, 511 dismissed sand 2,002 en- gaged; in the department of state, | 20 -dismissed and 287 engaged; in | the department of railways, 363 dis- missed and 2,076 engaged; in the department of mines, 1 dismissed and 103 engaged; in the department of trade and commerce, 13 dismissen and 49 engaged; in the Royal North- west Mounted Police, 124 dismissed and 527 engaged. BREAD LINES 600 MILES LONG | | Belgian Now Has 1,500,000 People | Absolutely Destitute. New York, Feb. 15.--Lindon W. Bates, vice-president of the Commis- sion fer -relief in Belgium, summar- ized the commission's work since its inception last October, 111 days ago, at the Colony Club, and told of the destitution in Belgium to show the immensity of its task. "There are now 1,600,000 people, absolutély destitute, who receive food at bread Hnes," le said. "The men, women afd children who at this moment await the supper dole fiike a bread MMe 600 miles long, distance from New York to Salt Lake City. The 5,000,000 people in Del- gium who still' can buy supplies at all can pay only the cost price-- and their number is fast diminish- ing. To feed the destitaté requires $100,000 a day. HOW IT WORKS OUT: What a Man On a Fair Salary Will Pay. Toronto, Feb. 156.--Compilations made here by experts indicate, from the figures given by manufacturers and counting only articles which people will be sure to use, and which are affected by war tax, a man with a salary of $1,200 will find his expenses increased at tha rate of about two and three-quarters per cent. That is, he will be giv- ing of his salary $33 a year for the war budget directly, with, of course, many coppers here and there in in- direct ways. Votes For Women. Des Moines, la, Feb. 15.---Fewer than twenty minutes were required by the lowa zenate to adopt a com- stitutional amendment resolution providing for equal suffrage. vote was 38 te 11. There was no discussion. ------------------------ Western Fire Chief Resigns. Edmonton, Feb. 15--Thomas G. department, and connected with the department for twenty years, his re- signed because of ill-health. POINTED AS DISMISSED. | 4s to dismissals and appointments in| The | Lander, ghief of the Edmonton fire | made 37. RL NR Feb, 18.--Napanee is to have a new industry in the early spring. F. P. Miller and E. Francisco are start. iiig an up-to-date creamery. The two vacant stores just east of W. H. Milling's grocery on Dundas street, are to be remodelled into a cream- ery. An ice house and large cold storage plant will be erected in the rear, and the farmers can expect the very highest price for their cream. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Holland are spending a few days in Ottawa. A sudden death occurred on Tues- day last when Mrs, Luther Hawley, North Fredericksburg, who was visit- ing her sister, Mrs, W. J. Black, New- burgh Road, Mrs. Hawley was in her usual health when Mrs, Black went to her work in the morning, and when she returned at noon she found her gister unable to speak. She had suffered a stroke of paralysis, and passed away Tuesazy morning. Deceased was sixty-one years of age, and leaves a husband and two children, a daughter near Camden East, and George Hawley, on the homestead. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon from her sister's residence and was largely attended. The ice races in the Napanee driv- ing park on Wednesday afternoon drew quite a crowd. The results were: Free for all--Jimmy Pdinter, T. A. Btewart, 1,1,1; Nellie Dilton, C. E. Loyst, 2,2,2,; Roy Alcone, W. J. Orr, 2.3.3; Time: 2.34% 2.20% 2.29Yy. 2:30 class--Little Mack, Chas. Rombough, 1.1.1; Laura Pointer, T. Saar, 2.2.2; Rusty B. Clark Watson, | 4.373; Little Edith, C. H. Hawley, { 3.4.4; Reo. K. James Fenwick, 5.5.5; Time: 2.34% 2.34% 2.26 aie ROYAL CHIEF'S SALARY CUT. ) King George Setting Example in Ec- onomy, Loudoi, Feb, 15--King Georges is setting an example of economy in war time to his subjects, much as Emperor Wilhelm is doing in Gers many. M. Cedard, the head chef, at Buckingham Palace, has agreed to accept a 50 per cent. reduction in his salary during the war. His salary was $6,250 a year. The cooking at the palace is now of the plainest character, and of a kind that might be found in any fair- ly well-to-do house. It could be performed quite efficiently by one of the assistant cooks. The average daily cost of the royal dinner prior! to the war was estimated at $4.65. The number of persbns, excluding the king and queen and members of the. royal family, who dine at the royal table is usually thre.. There were twelve assistant male cooks at the palace before the war. Of these seven enlisted, but the pre- sent staff is still far larger than is required. DROVE AVIATORS AWAY. An Unsuccessful Attack on The i King's Palace. Cettinfe, Feb. 13.--Austrian aviators an I attack upon King Nicholas' winter palace at Rieka, aceiding to despatches received here to-day. Bombs were dropped within Biot xods of the pula, at a iit king, ueen Princesses a Vor and Xenia aw o thal i [to fire | tervals, to king's {atives, will also be i from the var contingent. : Cimp---------- XJ a . res der com ute in- | of the Poel. To , y' it's food, or subsisting on. out indigestibles, tieals to balance. . Through Criticism. - Montreal, Feb. 15---The A Holden, McCready .con : , Mel company has suit for $250,000 againkt Clar: J. McCuaig. The action is one Pork ih 5 ' ¥ a Big Discount Off Electric Fixtures Get your electric repairs done by us. 'Satisfaction guaranteed. Halliday's Electric Shop Phone 9¢ | . . - - 345 King 8s. Parker's Special Prices Beef Roasts ...... 16-18¢ Round Steaks ...... 20c Ribs Beef ....... 16-18c Sirloin Steaks ..... 24c A large quantity of beef, lamb, ntutton and pork al- * ways in stock. Try our pork sausages, 15¢ per 1b, PARKER BROS. 217 Princess St. Phone 1683. Opposite Opera' House. QATAR ALE -- STOUT --- LAGER® Pure -- PALATABLE -- NUTRITIOUS --- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE axp SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION--Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, Lnarep, Lonpon, CANADA AAA AAA AY ETI AA IVIO v, B Ho Pd or YA AAAAAAR > James McParland, Agent, 330.841 King st. B ast. Our February Discount Sale 20% To 40% Off Regular Prices 25 SOLID GOLD SIGNET RINGS FOR MEN, ALL HEAVY RINGS OF GOOD DESIGN. OUR REGULAR $5.00, $6.00 AND $7.00 RINGS. YOUR CHOICE FOR $4.00 EACH hr 20 LARGE MARBELIZED MANTLE CLOCKS OF ARTISTIC DESIGN, CATHEDRAL ONC RHATACLE STRIKE Fics AY. REGUL 5.00, $7.00 AND $8.00, FOR $485 EACH. ALL FULLY A ed Bein 9 i fad

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