THE STANDARD ARTICLE SOLD EVERYWHERE REFUSE SUBSTITUTES AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES FOR HIRE Phone 1177 George W. 89 Earl Street. Prince Genrer fiotel == TORONTO =ERES In Contre of Shopping and Business District. yd, 250 ROOMS 100 with Private Baths EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PLAN & Alaarte i After iliness -- overwork whenever you feel "run down," then Is the Hs Ro to take Parcitan Invabid's You will feel the beyiefit Port V or '| storm of last week. ARDEN. ; Feb. 10.--The "neck tie" social held in the hall on Monday night, was a success. 'Harry Alexander is visiting his parénts here. Mrs. Crozier has gone to Newburgh on a visit. The meeting of the gu../terly bdard was held in the church yes- terday aftérnoon, and afterwards the Ladies Aid tea at the parsonage. A goodly number were present. CANONTO. Feb, 13.--The farmers aré haul-| ing pulp and ties to the siding. Law- | rence Bros' ¢amp has closed for the | season. Mrs. Charles Davis has moved to her home in Cottage aven- ue after spending the winter with her | mother, West Ompah. Joseph Laro- que spent Synday at his home in Lammermoore. David Napier is re- covering from his recent illness. Mrs F. 8S. Jackson, "Maplehurst Farm," is ilk Mr." Umpherson through the trip last week. Mrs. Conway is the guest of her brother, James Camp- bell. MYER'S CAVE. Feb. 11.--The rbads are in very good condition after the severe snow The stage dri- ver was unable to make his usual trip to Arden on Wednesday last, on occount of the bad roads. A num- ber of men are engaged drawing wood for the mines. Charles Mac- Gregor and Willlam Young have re- turned home from Kingston. Mrs. John McCausland is spending a few days visiting friends around Yarker, Mrs. T. D. Perry, and son, Oscar, spent Sunday last at D. Weese's. Joseph Davey, of Newburgh, through here yesterday enroute to Plevna. ALLEN, WOLFE ISLAND. Feb. 13.-- Farmers are drawing pressed hay to Kingston. A num- ber from here attended the ice races at Cape Vincent, last week. The remains of the late Mrs. Joseph Mc- Donell, who died in Chicago, on Mon- day last, arrived here on Wednesday. The funeral took place from the re- passéd | village on a business| passeu | thad a small bee deguing wood this t week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert, Miller, a son.. The monthly meeti lof the Ladies' Aid Society wa held { at the home of Mrs. Selstobpher | Lake, ' on ay, F y ded {with gbout twenty-fiwe present. The regular business 'meeting was held, ai- ter which tea 'was served and a pleasant evening was spent. On Sun- | day. evening, January 3lst, duri the service in the: Methodist church, a R-| thirty 'new members joined: the rig | after which the sacrament of the {Lord's Supper was administered by | Bev: Mr. Stewart. | CATARAQUL | Feb. 11---Miss Jessie Nicol is vit | siting friends in Montreal. A pum- | ber from here went out to Elgin- | burg on Wednesday evening and as- | sisted at a patriotic concert. W, J. Merriman. has sold his farm to Mr. | Sharpe, of Mount Chesney. Mr. Mer- |riman has purthased from W. | Gordon the property at Latimer to { which Mr. Gordon has recently mov- ed. Worden Edwards left to-day on the hockey excursion for Montreal. H, Purcell has gone back to Saskat- chewan. * Mrs. Purcell. will follow later in the spring. J. Baker had a horse severely hurt by being kicked during the night in the stable. Mr. and Mrs. Brebner, Kingston, were visitors in the village this week. Br K. Purdy made a short trip to Tor- onto last week. Many of the resi- dents are filling their ice houses. . R. Curran bas been confined to his home by a severe cold. Mrs. E. Ely, hase gone to the city to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. F. Pringle. Mrs. Ide and children, ac- companied by her sister, Miss Evelyn Kiser, has returned to her home in Watertown. N.Y. Leeds LONG POINT. Feb. 8.--Ira Bevens returned, yes- | terday, from Marble Rock, where he | has been ill at the home of his cac- ghters, Mrs. Andress. He is some- what improved. Mrs. Philips Kel- sey, who has been ill, is better. Mrs. Arthur Slack is also improving. Mrs. James Daley is quite ill. Some from here, attended the revival meetings | land Mrs. Mrs, George Green. Miss Annie Scott, Gananoque, was a ghest this week at Herbert Scott's. W. Franklin is in Athens to-day attend: ing the Uee-Keepers' convention. Mor- ley Sheffield, Athens, was guest at Jacob Warren's on Thursday. Mr. Anson Andress, . spent the week-end with . and Mrs. N. Ferguson. Newton Seatt was in' Gananoque 'on ay. Mr. and" Mrs. John Herbison are this week visiting friends at 3 N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Warren, Rockfield, visited at Jacob Warran's on Sunday. William Inkins aad family, Mallorytown, have moved here. Robert Littlejohns, Blenheim, visited friends here on Sunday Jast. WASHBURN'S CORNERS. . Feb. 12.--A number from here at- tended the sale at L. Steacy's om Tuesday. Mr. Ténant, of Almonte, visited friends heré on Monday last. Mrs. Joshua Moulton, is visiting friends at Seeley"s Bay. Mrs. W. Flood and children are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bari. | W. G. Suayme, Athens, is at-| Rev. tending the revival deanery of Leeds meeting at Lyn this week. Mr, and Mrs. R. W. McCormack, Avonhurst, Sask., were visitors in Athens re- cently. J. 8. Stinson, after spend- ing several weeks with his parents at- Athens, returns this week to re- sume his duties as manager of a bu- siness firm in Bassanoe, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Barber left for their home, at Killarney, Man. On Monday an explosion of an acetylene plant in the store of W. A, Bell, Delta, resulted in that gentleman being severely burned about his face and hands. The flames were extinguished before much damage was done to the stock or the building. Mrs. T. Barring- ton, Cutlank, Montana, and Mrs. W. Kilburn, Macklin, Sask., have re- turned to their homes after a vist with friends and relatives. Miss M. Mackey, Smith's Falls, has regained her health and expects to be able to resume her duties next week on the teaching staff of the Athens high school. Miss Pearl Stevens, Falr- field, was a visitor in Athens recent- ly. The farmers here are drawing logs, wood and lumber. Ogle Webster has leased L. Tackaberry's farm ana will take possession in the near fu- ture. ih IARI "NEWS GATHERED OVER NEAR COUNTIES | Friday trying to purchase a sultabla horse for himself and parents, but none was for sale, and there are no vatant houses to rent. Report says that the Dominion Cancers will not run their business here next season. William McQuoid is dangerously 'ill at his home. Jonas Lloyd is confin- ed in the house through illness. Mrs. Wilson, niece of Mrs. F. R. Burling- ham, and who is making her home 'with Mrs. Burlingham, is for a couple of weeks at Toronto. Dr. A. Young, of Malloville, was in towa, the guest of his father, George H. Young on Friday. Roy Fitzgerald and wife, also Mr. Greer and wile, all of N. W. T. are spending the winter at their wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Peters. Mr. Stevens, of Buffalo, president of the Sand Bank Brick company, is in town. rn. Hastings TWEED. Feb. 13.--This promises to be one of the best vears for business in the his- tory of the Hub factory. Never he: fore has timber poured in in such abundance irom all sides. The tim- ber yard is already filled to its . ut- most capacity. Messrs. James Lawrence and «Wil liam McCoy have purchased residential building sites on South Victoria street. and are preparing to build in the spring. Albert Logan is about ready to start building a brick residence on West Isic street. He has the material all upon the ground preparatory to starting. Owing to the illuess of Stéphen Kinlin, of this place, his two sous, Stephen, Trenton, and William, Ota wa University, and two daughters, sisters in the House of Providence, Kingston, arg summoned to his hed- side. E. 'I'rendo, general merchant, of Stoo, was delegate to the C.M.U, A. convention held at Kingston on Tuesday of last week. Wednes- day of last week a little boy came to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Eskpaw. A very quiet wedding was solewniz ed in St. Edmond Church, Sugar Is- land, om Wednesday last, the don: ihacting parties being Mrs. Edward Keily and J. Delors, both of Stoco, The marriage service was performed The Point of Contact. The merchant who is alive to his opportunities will keep in constant touch with his customers, and with others whom he hopes will become. his customers. He will keep them informed of the arrivals of new goods, the prevailing tastes or fashions, the latest improvements in things to eat of to wear, or to make housework easier. And the point of contact is advertising. To ad- vertise intelligently, is an evidence of progress- iveness. It is safe 'to conclude that you will re- ceive the best service and best value from the merchant who seeks your patronage by modern methods. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been tn use for over 30 ycais, has 8 bupnie the signature of and has been made under his pers soncl supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to de. ive you in this, All Counterieits, Imitations and *¢ Jr -., ? are but Experiments that trifle with and : the health ut Infants and Children--Experience Experiment. | What is CASTORIA Castoria 1s a harmless substitute for Castor Oil), sare It is pleasant. It at once, Pitan Invalid's Port Wine mvigorates the whole system builds up veserve strength and energy restores the og to a state of buoyant healch, Tt is pleas. ant to take, too, and gives permanent goric, Drops and Sosthing SHE. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Tts ago is its gnarantec. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than years it bas been in constant use for the reliof vd by Rev. Fr, Quinu, pastor of Tweed and Stoco parish. All are plessed to have James Murphy, jr., once more here and looking fine, notwithdtand- his recent slight attack of typh- The "At Home" given by the sidence of her brother, John O'Brien, St. Lawrence, on Thursday morning to St. Mary's church, Marysville, where # requiem mass was sung by Rev. Father McNeil. The remains in Athens on Sunday. Miss Bessie Johnston, Lyndhurst, spent the week-end at Richard Singleton's. Mrs Michael Foley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fodey, Nelson Fodey and Miss Norah Prince Edward PURITAN benefit fo young and Ife old alike i $i per quart bottle. The Paritan Wine Co, Toren. WESTBOUND Lv. Kingston . Torbnto ..i. . Hamilton .. . Yondon .. v Buffalo . . Detroit . . Chicago .. The International Limited -- Ne. 1 BASTBOUND Lv. Kingston .. . Ottawa . Montreal . , New York . , Portland ... « Springfield . Boston ... . Hartford ... For full LEY, Ral a weP aman Daim ear. Johnson and Ontario Sts. ad a gir Ag trai -2 govYESY %B5558858 i § F33BERS TEsizzass pREpETYY H. ge Ee ee. iaa (I CANADIAN (= YN i : : wore placed in St. Mary's vault. De- ceased 'Is @arvived by her husband and two sons, her father, four sisters and two brothers. Mrs. D. McDonald, who was al the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, for treatment, has arrived home much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. H. Esford, are visiting on Carletin Island. RAS WILLOWBANK. Feb. 12.~The farmers are ghiting fire wopd up while the snow lasts. J. Cowan and George Haig are still drawing 'stone and sand to Ganavo- on both lost valuable horses. . W. McNinch lost a cow las? week. A ood many of the people attended on vid iting his daughter, Mrs. Robert Ninch on Tuesday. Mr. Henry Jackson are spending winter with relatives ind' this tion. An enjoyable social was at Thomas Maxwell's last eek, and the large house was crowded. A tidy little sum was made. Robert Jack- son andl family will be mo to the farm early next month,. after the winter in in Gananoque. BATTERSEA . Feb. 10.--A number from here a here his mother, "Mrs. visi Sears. Nee 1 Balls, Kingston, is a Em is mother, abe Bgin, Rev. Stewart | TH PUGH OF EL Sammovs. a FRAIL 1 ms New York, A population has been reduced by about $00,000 as a _of the war and her condition presents "a situation without parallel in h , SAYS A report issued. to-night by 'Rocke- feller Foundation from its War Re- ad Sen missiny sent to tine Ferguson and William Lind: J Mien a is back | Tennant last = week Fodey visited at Arthur Slack's on Sunday. Many from here attended the hockey game played by the Lyndhurst and Seeley's Bay team in Lyndhurst on Saturday. ELGIN. Feb. 12.-~James F. Earl and bride have returned from their wedding og Toronto. Dalton Halladay, Atl spent Sunday in the village. ed E. Sullivan, Cedar Valley, was home over Sunday. Miss Stella Coon, has returned from Toronto. H. 'earson, is preparing to erect a new rn in the spring. Arthur Kolle Still continues very low. Small hopes are entertained for his recovery.. J. B. Pinkerton, Winnipeg, has return- ed to the village. Miss ' Smith, Brighton, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Oscar Hall. Miss Mary Carty, has returned from spending a short time at Westporf: In honor of her coming marriage, Miss. Ella Ruthven was tendered a miscellaneous show- er bing her of Mrs. L aApman, on the 6th inst. i JUNETOWN. Cassie and nds in Roskild senly lated bor isto pn Hanh oy Orma'. Fortune, Athens, ir - al week with hor nf here. Born, on Feb. thst fr. Mrs. Si a On | S08 ine Toro ulvaugh left > M for Toronto to Sitehd illiner "Mes. M. G. Her her | here. tht the number of woogie whe are Belgi w ave riven out of 3 lon has not y been has drawn off Fig a 15. Belgium's | 20d ny friends at the home |. WELLINGTON Feb. 12.--Mr. and Mrs. . Wille Valleau were in town on Friday. Mis. oll; {hee for Nyse who oy «gt hex mer_home here is "much better. - / all "Mrs. Doll who came over a Utica at the request of their son, owing to the illness of his wife, left for their home on Friday. A recruiting officer bas a couple or three days been in téwn looking for volunters, but as yet none have offered their services. Douglas Me- Faul has purchased a pacing flyer. The war, lecture slides. yas largeiy attended in "the little b ~ church, West Wellington. The lecture was given by Rev. Mr. Young, Friend's minister. No ice banks have form: od a ang the lake shore as yet, and d Bruin did not sée his shadow he year, the chances are that there will be very few. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Morden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hore, Picton. The Rednerville and Amel rt was well atterided on Wednesday fight, as the proceeds. went towards paying for the new church at Ameliasburg. Oc- car Benham has sold lls farm to Clifford of and bas purchased Merritt McFaul's farm. Charles Hadden, of Picton, was in town cal- ling on his . uncle, James Had- den. Mrs. William Jenkins attend ed the pe of her sister, Mrs.. in the hospital was buried at hs round, 5th conces- Richard Garrott is about after a few weeks i= ET a Teo Robert Zufeit t was in town on » army, it sage, sg Pea hockey club in the village hall last night was largely attunded. The' music was first-class. J. M. OBrim, of Erinsville, made this place a business visit last week. The Gen Theatre here is profitable . business under a of the propristor, Thos. . Hart returned home * trip west, have been sigaged in the hog" business. Pr. George Clinton, provincial health officer; will visit Tweed Wednesday, 17th inst., Sh the object in view of educating the public in the Ppreven- tion of The meeting is' to be held in the Orange hall. Lennox & Addington Flatulency, Wind Colle, all Teething THis a Diarrhea. It lates the Stomach and healthy and a ee ee: © Mother's Friend. assimilates the Food, siving The Children's Panacea--T eeNUINE CASTORIA ALways Bears the Signature of o in Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE TAL» ¥ w yO av ¥. EMERALD. Feb. 12. Emerald hockey team is practising hard for another game with Stella. J. Beaublen is moving into H. Wihiard: s house on the south shore. Mrs. R. Instant is fll. Freder- ick McMillan is spending a few days in Napanee, before returiing to his 'home in Eganville. Edward - Reid spent Sunday last the guest of Miss J. Finnigan. Miss Ida Reid is visit- ng in Kingston. Mrs. F. Henderson, J. Henderson, spent Sunday with H. Bulch, Bath, Jobn Filson return- éd home trom Kingston. where he had been under the doctor's care. is| The many friends of W. P. MeGin- ness are sorry to hear of his illness. spending a few days with friends here. Can you reach it $ 1s the telephone within reach ? 1s it within the reach of ach member of your staff? When you or your askistanits want to use the tele- «phone, do you have to walk across the room and perhps wait 'until someons who may be eng it has niihed? oh ~~ Wheh a cuStofer Wants t6 talk to you or tore meniber of your sta, can he gét you on the minute, or is the "line busy"? hh ae? Your awe to thése questions will indickte pretty accurately the status of your busifieds. >, Tie conor im lenin tle Autti [Sa -- ay. _ réuch of every man in the office ! am 'W you have a Private Brafieh Bani. in additional lime 15 Central will care or b