oo Cg «We have not prevented neutral ships from trading di-| Shc ; ; We have allowed German Out of the Proceeds of Her lavest YEAR 82 NO, 39 'Essayed Offensive Between Stelice and Ypres Caual---Only Place Where Infantry Engage- ments Have Place Since Sunday. The Allies Artillery is Being Used All Along tie Wester Line to Silence and Dismount Big German Guns---Generally Speaking Situation is Satisfactory to the Allies. Paris, Feb. 16.--(3 pan. official)---That the British troops who have been essaying the offensive between Stelice and the Ypres Canal have sueceeded in recaptur- ing two lines of outlying trenches, previously taken from them by, the Germans in a series of assaults, was admit- ted to-day. : ; It) was stated at the war office thAt at this point has taken plade-the only infan ry engagements since Sunday Elsewhere along the entire battle front, the exchanges are confined to the artillery. The previous reports of not- able successes by the allies' artillery in silencing the five of Germans at several points, notably in the Sotain and Argonne regions, are confirmed. It is statedithat the allies" artillery is being-ised all along the entire line to silence and dismount the big Ger- man guns. Generally speaking, the situation is declared to be satisfactory. or A a at tN a Ag a i a a tt a tt Nt, ALLIES THREATEN T0 STOP ALL SHIPS FOR GERMANY Londouy Feb. 16,--1n a statement to the House. of Commons yesterday Winston "by the 'nlies to prevent the importation of fo neutral ships to Germany. "Phe task lying before us is both anxious and grave," Myr. Churehill said. "We are now to be the object of war- | BRITAIN-CAN FINANCE fare never before practiced by a civilized power. So far we have not attempted to stop the importation of food. reetly with German ports. exports in neutral ships to pass unchallenged. 'But the time is near when the enjoyment of these immunities by a state which as 'a matter of deliberate policy has placed herself outside of international obliga- tions must be reconsidered. A further declaration on the part of the allied governments will be made. which will have the effect of applying for the first fime the full force of naval pressure on the enemy. "It must not be supposed that because the extraordinarily good a reply eanont be made. doubt will be incurred, be done." A HUGE BRITISH ARMY HAS LANDED IN FRANCE Paris, Feb. 16.~ Visitors returning from Etaples, sear Boulogne, report cities of Koglish soldiers * with a population of 300,000 to 600,000 Bei: tishers. This vast attack is] Losses no but I believe no vital injury ean are. regiments from Malta, Can. Now that it is known that the Fng- lish army iY roe French h, 20d} Bo wi 0), at "man wonderment Ypredsed a % A the latter part .of last month. «The Germans were searching hy of ten to twenty big English army been training for Jae and i 8 out of France [' rest of Kitchener's | ) are expected to te within the next 3 'arrival of papers vet. is the not THE BRITISH RECAPTURE | TWO LINES OF TRENCHES » tish Wh KINGSTON ONTAR(O. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1915 Cr ! LIBERALS HELD CAUCUS To Discuss Questions With Regard To the Tarift, ) Ottawa, Feb. 16.--The liberals held their first caucus this morning and discussed at length various features of the sessional programme. The main topic was the question of tarifi as raised by the .new announcements iin the budget last Thursday. The de- {bate on the budget will be resumed {ext Thursday. The liberals appear ito be determined that criticism shall be offered where @riticism is merited. {The tariff bill in its' various phases { raises 'various topics for serious de- {bate, and it is expected that many (of the 'differences' which have existed {between the two parties will be re (vived during the discussion. A BOOT INVESTIGATION {TO BE INVESTIGATED BY HOUSE i OF COMMONS, i | Premier Borden Admitted That He { Agreed It Was In the Public In- {crest That There Should be An Inquiry. i Ottawa, Feb. 16.---Parliament will appoint a special committee to inves- | tigate the charges that inferior boots | were supplicd to certain units in the For the Usa Only of Civilians, UNITED STATES a -- LAST EDITION INSITS ON RIGHT TO SHIP FOOD n Gm, | SITUATION 1S' SERIOUS FOR AMERICAN COMMERCE IF MINES ARE PLANTED. By Germany Around British Isles-- German Offer to Spare Brigish | Ships it Food Cargoes uiven Safe | Passage Likely To Be Rejected. Wasbington, Feb. 16.--With only three days remaining before the Ger- } man admiralty proposes to carry in- to effect its proclamation ordering at submarine campaign on enemy mer- chant ships, developments in the dip- | lomatic situation moved rapidly yes- | terday through the medium of the United States government, custodian KIPLING SPEAKS FOR RECRUITS, telegram was sent fo the d gone to the frent, cept Ygeht Club in banquet assem led" tender our sympathy severed and our congratulations for Ww. + Churchill; first menvers ot vie lord of the admiralty, intimated that further action would Club are Overseas. and twenty por licke 'next summer to sail the club the chancellor of the exchequer the House could finunee the war for five out of the proceeds of her' investments abroad. for about two or threo vers something to spare. although prodigionsly rich = in Position. Standing' at the right is Rud Ist, addressing a meeting held at ihe recruits for the London. districs, EE NIN or oo TENDER SYMPATHY 10 KINGSTON CLUB A Feeling Telegram Received From- Yachtsmen of Watertown, N.Y. Al the annual banguet of the Cres. | 'eent Ya¢ht Club, of Watertown, N.Y., Monday night, tle following commo- ore of the Kingston Yacht Club: "So many of your boys having we of the Cres- for ties manhbod displayed. Réeves." Airgady twenty per cent of Kingston (signed), Geo. the Yacht Sin te Sher enough yachtsmen around WAR FOR FIVE YEARS ments Abroad Says Loyd George. Loltlan, Feb. 16.--Great Britain, told yesterday! Years of Commons, Frante was able to do so with yard Aipling, tambus English novel. Mansion House, London, to raise THE LICENSE FEES | ~~ 10 BE INCREASED | Theatres to Pay Much More -~-Pool Room Fees Not tet Fed | The civic finances committee is wresi- { ling with the budget, which may be bresented to the City Council on the Ist of March, earlier than. usual. An cliott is being made to keep the tax rate down, and the.. committee may succeed in making an additional mill sutlice. It is preparing. a schedule of ficensé increases, but this js not yet completed. Theatres are to pay according to their seating capipgity. The license fee « of the Grand and the Griffin houses will be raised from $30 to about. $200, 'The i will | ors, bu , cabmen, carters, liveries, etc., will be be rais- ¢d. The committee has. not yet fixed a new rate for pool rooms. If ig also suggested that the Queen's shat- ing rink should pay -a license, 'being a business proposition. SPINAL MENINGITIS Has Broken Out at Toronto's tary Camp. Toronto, Feb. 16.--Two cases of spinal meningitis were discovered at the exhibition . camp, where five thousand of the second contingent troops are training. The patients belong to the 19th Regiment, and are both Toronto men. The double company to which they belonged, consisting of 240 men, were marel- Mili- Russia, he said, tural xesources, was in a different The chancellor said that Russia had increased her productivity from | "PTeAding of the disease is thirty to forty pressing the sale bad had special cing her purchases abroad, same' thing had applied to France. per cent. by sup- of vodka. Russia difficulties in finan- and "the «+ COMFOR1S ARE ASKED For .the First Canadian Contingent ed out of camp this morning, bag and baggage, and are now congrega- ted in buildings belonging to the | Central Prison. They will he kapt [there tll all danger .of further over. in great anxiety men lest the oul- their departure i the meantime there is | among the other | break may delay { for the front.® | ORPHANS" HOME GIRL SCALDED | While Washing Dishes--Remos ed to ! General Hospital, In EF | Sarah Hancock, : Ottawa, Fob. '16.--The first official Bl WTA 2 * {announcement that the Canadian con- @ Among the 'lately arrived English tingent was in France was made this » accompanied by a reques morning t from Sir George Perley that all kinds of comlorts be sent quickly for the mien. . Queen's Notes. beth W. Conklin, travel of the Student Vol- t, will be at Queen's Mis El It is worthy of note that bony oo staff is composed entirely fof 's graduates. = A. BE. O'Neill; B.A. "12, is 4 men '| ber of the teaching staff of tiie Lind. say Collegiate Institute. h | Wednesday is a holiday 3 X s: a | Sry was taken to the General Hos- utes belore three o'clock the guber- pital on Monday might suffering from two badly. scalded forearms. The litjle girl was washing (hé sup- per dishes at the Orphans Home, of wiiich she was an inmite, and by ac- cident she spilled the boiling water over her band and rms. On Tues- day the little girl was resting easy itp -------- Kingston Has Rn tit. a) No Membe teaching moderns in Swift Current 0 em T rior the first i i m Japanese authorities have Yokahama, Japan, Feb. 16.--The| frou Japan of four Xray examinatiohs by the British ox rubber in bales of # United States. °° cotton in |i t service, being overseas oh te Canis Ay. oversas 1 vanadian (overseas contingent. Fol- { lowing the suggesti 8 y { Ee Wis susse eK oy Bir Vird Count Vou Bernstorff, the German | [Tose when the house met yesterday | 8Mmbassador, delivered a note to the | afternoon. to state that he agreed | United States, which was promptly { that it was in the public interest, as 'ransmitted to Great Britain well as due to various manufacturers | Which Germany offered tn recede who had supplied thege articles tol from her plan of destroying enemy the government, that the whole mat- | Merchant ships if restrictions placed ter should ne referred to a special | by: the allies on shipments of condi- committee of seven members to in- | !ional contraband and fovdstuffs des- vestigate and report their findings. | tined to the civilian population of j Prémier Borden asked Sir Wilfrid | Germany were removed. Otherwise, { to name three of the seven members | the note announced, Germany pro- {from the liberal side of the house. |PO%€s to put into effect the original The committee will probably be for- proclamation, adding also the strew- ! mally appointéd by. the house on|lDE of mines in waters surrounding | resolution to-day. Great Britain and Ireland. | According to. an answer gives by Major-General Sam Hughes in reply {to E. M. Macdonald (Pictou) the (cost "of maintaining the » militia | called out ou active service in British Columbia sinee August 15th last has totalled to date $1,435,000. In Au- | sust 1,102. troops were under arms {in the province, in September 2,728, In December this number was re- j duced to 2,460, and for the month of | January the average number on ac- | tive service was 2,065. Ambassador Gerard, and is supple- { According to. an avswer. given b mental to the German fo hee {the finapce minister in Teles 4 UID oh the subject of the # ern. "ta W. Kyte of Richmond, the. NOW war zones. ment has igsned. inion ° of the diplomatic interests of the var- | lous belligerents, ! Merchant Ships Armed. Alleged arming of British mer- chant vessels is given by the German government as ground for attacking enemy merchant ships without search or previous visit, regarding merchant raft hereafter as in the catagory of warships.' The ambassador's communication Was sent from Berlin before the re- cent American note was delivered by At-the same time that the German the extent of § ambassador war broke out, in amount. authorized by* this amount $10,000,000 {ssued without the necessary sod deposit in order te meet obligatiohs of 'Can- ada on loans and expenditures as they 'matured. The million dol- lars was advanced to the Canadian | Northern railway company on seeur- ity of the company's four per cent. debenture stock guaranteed by the ! dominion under the legislation of last year to an amount of $12,500, 000. Six million dollars was ad- , vanced to the Grand Trunk Pacifie | company on security of $7,500,00¢ | of the company's four per cent. bonds guaranteed by the dominion last year. | . ONTARIO. LEGISLATURE ! OPENED ITS FIRST WAR YEAR ish foreign office. | SESSION TUESDAY AFTERNOON. ory an oles. | . Serious Situation Develops. { There Was 4 Fall Stato OUNIONY we] C1 sides it is admitted that the Eighteen Guas. Boomed as Lieu. developments of the last few days tenant-Governor Arrived #t Legis-{ resent a most serious situation for { lative Buildings. American commerce. Administra- tion officials think that even though « Toronto, Feb. 16.=The first war | Year of the Ontario opens assurances are given axemtaily by 0 Germany that neutral ships will no od at three o'clock this afternoon with a zone proclamation will" be to inti T° 1 date American shippers and reduce American exports. That the next step by the Unfled states may be a pronounced state- ment to Great Britain on the subject of conditional contraband was indi- cated at the state department to-day. ---------- The Russians complete text of thé British reply to the Anierican note of protest on ndu- tral shipping, dated December 28th, was received, It was laid before President Wilson, Besides giving statistics ou neutral commerce and entering a general de- nial that there had been any unwar- ranted. interference with legitimate shipments, the new note contains a statement from Great Britain that the recent government decree taking over the flour and grain supply in Germany added precautions on the part of the allies that conditional contraband might not be permitted 10 reach fhe ariied--forces of the enemy. The document constitutes a fur- ther statement of the British gov- ernment on the legal questions in-- volved. The full text will not be 'given until after the agreement for publication is reached with the Brit- natorial procession of Col. swung along the crescent of Park, and a prompt response first of eighteen guns N was a guard of honor and 8 goon escort, all in i The speech from the that an A Surprise Party. An enjoyable time was spent on a night at the home of Mr. "13. Boeuf, Sydenham 'street. when about twenty of their friends them a surerise. -The party was * [formed at 8.30 p.m. ati -eonterred with Secretary | 'Bryan and Counsellor Lansing, the SCENE OF "PHANTOM" AIR RAID The distance covered by the fire val. loons seut up by some jokers opposite Brockville, which caused great excite- ment in the Canadian capital and sur- rounding cities. Ottawa Is but 69 nites from the U. 8. boundary st Brockville, and therefore the "airship raid" was thought quite feasible. ASKS WILSON TO PLACE Embargo on Wheat To Check Rise In Bread. Washington, Feb, 16.~President Wil- son yesterday received a letter from Mayor Mitchell, of New York, urging that an embargo be upon the exportation of wheat, to check the rise in the price of bread and flour, The president has previously taken the stand that congress alone has the authority to declare Suh or em- bargo. Representative Farr, of Penn- sylvania, has a bill pending in .the House for the purpose. force what is likely to prove t most complete blockads ever tempted by bel its. It is the intention of the sh government to entirely cut : German ports from shipping, to drag for the. mines and, in all probability, to at. tempt to force #0Mi8 of the weakest of their defended harbors. mem mati. "Pure Castile Soap," at Gibson's. w-- DAILY MEMORANDUM. Band at Coverdd Kk to-night. Seo top of p a t band corner, for Probabilities oS MNS fogs vector: THE DAILY BRITISH WHIQ Is on Sale at the Following City Stores: Bucknell's. News Depot ..298 King B Clarke, J W. & Co, .... 353 Princess Soliage Book Btore .... 4 Princaty oulter's Grocery esses neess Cullen's Grocery, Cor Frio. & Alfred Frontenac Hotel «uyis... Umario Bt Gibson's Drug Store ..Market Square owe's Grocery .usyiesss Portsm 7 Tin. -- od 1s Grocer . J Unleg Bt. W. Medley's Drug Store, 250 University Paul's Cigar S100 «i... v. 16 Pris 'Prouse's Drug Sore ....313 Princess Valleav's Grocery seenss BUS Montreal : ¥ ny - : REID--At Ki 5 A 1 Hospl on Feb, iE The ir. Tin Gilbert J. da 4 : | BEATON- T9515, in her ott Mrs. Jai son of Mr, on. (Seattle, Wash, town, NY. ROBERT The Phone 377 Clas i