THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY » | tion. by turning down the propom: DEATH OF J. N. GLIDDEN, l + 4 BB! tion at this time. ; -- } T H f a , «| He Was Largely Interested In Nickel 3 : A, Profitable Investmen.. } : | Propositions, i "I believe the expenditure would: Sudbury Star The spring season for lad- be profitable to the city," said A19.| Death care suddenly #0 J.- N | | Y . ies' tailoring has mvived, | An M i irl F if | Couper. "I'll. support the recom: Glidden, Sault Ste. Marie, & well. . . A AARLa am better prepared than ever J | y oney in ainng air a a sans. LBA us mendation of the Property commit-|knéwn former resident of Sudbury, Asana New Spring Merchan tise Arriving Daily before to give perfect satis- faction to my customers. Low. est prices obtainsble. Br B 14: | tek, because it will be a good invess| Friday, while on a business visit ound Lildings. tment." here, . "The fair grounds should be con-| Mr. Clidden left the office of Smith orved because of the invesement it|& Travets, apparently in_the best of L WINSTIN { Al represents," sald Ald. Richardson, | health, at 10 a.m., Friday, for the . . OTED DOW who spoke in faver of the expendi-|residence of J. A. Holmes, Ramsay 159 Wellington St. ture, "Is the city going to put|Road, intending after seed Mr. PHONE 003 | stonea and blocks in the way pf an iy to ately the noch t . for THE ' THE P .| association that upder adverse cir-|the Soo, where he resided. At 10.45 IRE PROPORITION ar THE PRON i cumstances has made a, success of | #:m. his lifeless body was found ly. ERTY. COMMITTEE. the fair?" asked Ald. Richardsen,|idg in the tou opposite Mr. Holmes' ' Ser who concluded by gmphasizing Ald. | residénee by Messrs. G. Linton, Owing To the Need of Husbanding Stroud's tone Tb $1,500 spent J. hbot. Coroner Dr, orig the City's Finances This Year = on the fair grounds was money bet-|and the police were notified and were Fair Will Have Fo Go On Under! ter spent than $1,500 on the break. Auickly on "the spot, but nothing water, because the fair grounds ex- |eould be dome, as death had evidently a y sil draggin, or sent i old on weeipt of price, 3 id Ci i t pamphlet. Address; th Conditions, penditure was an investment, the |been instgataneons, probably from THE COOK MEDICINE CO, The City Council will not expend council getting $500 back on a gliar- | heart failure, following an attack of TORONTO. OAT. (ruwetts Wid) | 11; money this year on making re-! ante. Besldes the expenditure |atute indigestion, mt ------------ pars 1o the fair grounds and build-| would assist the workingmen in as The body was prepared for. Buial : moose | ines. By a vote of 11 to 9 the re-| bad year, by J. (i. Henry and was sent on : the 3 | commendation of the Property Com-| Ald. Fair said that after full sow | 10.45 p.m. train far Kingston for in. a mittee to 'expend a sum. not exceed- sideration he felt himself justified tn | torment. Mra, Glidden amd Mp. and Ing, $1,600 a year for five years,|supporting the recommendation of | Mrs. J, Dresser, of the Sos, were an of which one-third is to be paid by|tha Property committes. the train and accompanied' the body . $8 the Kingston Industrial Fair Assooc- Ald. Gillespie could see no good to Ringston, i 3 lation, was voted down Monday| in spending money on a fair grounds |; The late John Newton Glidden was night. Instead, the fair association| which was a swamp hole and had & horn in Kingston, Ont, about fifty will he given the grounds free for a| poor race {rack. years ago. After leaving school four days fair in September. The ma- "As a builder, I would not sup a Kingston _ be entered , business in ; jority of the council felt that .the! gest the expenditure of $6,500 o |Cleveland, Ohio, with which firm he city's finances needed to be husband-| these old fair buildings," said Ald |#pent Several years, accepting the 10 PAIRS ed this year, Litton. 'Fer double that amount you Pit ion of oilies Ansgar, With the Ald. McCann presented the recom-| could take down these buildings and ole Ne 2 800 opper o., at Copper jij | mendatlon of the Property Commit-| erect other more substantial ones. Chit m1 "1600 e remginefl at the with one lar of our Kid Glove tea, rand council to'make the| Go to the people and ask for $20,-| "Hl until 1900, rising fo the posi- Both to ourselves and customers. We have by some act of good fortune received. our full ship- ment of novelty French suitings, dress materials and silks. These we will show for the first time to-morrow. Steacy qualities are the best the world produces and the values are unsurpassed. No advance whatever in prices! Can be fo easily cleaned that sending them to the clean. er is unnecessary. You can clean : > Aa ' tion of business manager iti Cleaning Paste, and. all we experfditule proposed. 000 to put up good buildings. ' a ger, a position charge you is "For us to spend any more mo- Ald. O'Connor pointed out that which be lt succeeded by A. P. ney on the fair grounds, Is a plece| the committees, instead of suggesting Sle oF in Aj Srwanla hetame Bb - : , a TL met 25 CENTS of folly," declared Ald. Graham. "We| extra expenditures should bring in ther: hi od Rr. : r. Glidden TERE g K if | ave been giving the grounds free of | budgets less than last year instead emoyed lo Sudbury and. ac charge and let us continue to give|of exceeding them. He moved Suited an interest in various nickel A few of the novelties are-----BLACK AND WHITE SUITINGS, re TT AS PULLING, It will remove all * stains ff | them to the fair association free of| amendment, seconded by Ald. Nick: From Sudbury he returned hi FRENC IV iChly 4 easily. Charge, but don't let us sink amy|le, that the Kingston Industrial Fair SucouLy he. raga to his ; ADCLOT quickly and easily more money there." Ald. Graham | association be given the fair grounds ok home in Kingston and engaged in AND ENGLISH GABARDINES EXCLUS E BRO 'H pointed out that the city could not! free of charge for fair days in Sep |!Miding mica, also spending some time At Best's gt afford to spend money on the fair] tember, the association to protest in Diitish Columbia in the same busi- : SUITING; ACHILLIES SILK SUITING the latest Paris hit NOVELTY le x ann . 8. In 1907 he retirned t A grounds this year, when it had to| the city against damage. Ba : ' o Sud Be 4 ow , a . ; 1 was instrumental ; he lor- face a deficit of $18,6u0 and alsoto| Ald. MeCann denfed that the bufta: | Buey anc tanental inthe lor GREYS IN SERGE AND EEDS, LAURIN SILK UITINGS, FRENCH THE POPULAR DRUG STORE pay $1,600 for repairing the break-| ings were not worth repaiMng. An |matiof of the Dominion Nick el-Copper 8 : and tri , ] 4 ORCLAR DRUG ay architect reported that. they: \webe €s., Ltd., in which he became . mang: : NOVELTY for o EPE DE CHENE T Ald, Stroud favored spending mo-| ip really good condition. Part of | 2% holding this position until tha He-Strond. Epa . mer of 1911, when he became wen. . wr ney in repairing the fair buildings the proposed expenditure would! ' be sim RO y 4 gen : "The expenditure of $1,500, on the| used in draining the grounds : f¥al manager of Hho fame ' dancern, ET FAILLE BE SATIN DUOHESSE POPLIN, ¢ ot J . In January, 1913, the Domi 2 - . fair Broynds is a better usiness The amendment of Ald. O'Connor, Nickel Co. sold" its holdings to "the the propositigsn than the expenditure ¢ arried on this division. ite: FAH ee b= oF wn seas ' San $1,600 on the breakwater declar- Yeas Mayor Sutherland and Ald Destish- American. Rickal Corporation, sho Ain A on's newest shadings as d, Putty, Belgian Blue Kitchen- od Ald. Stroud. {ition Niele. or Common." pevens | Boo, where ho was interested a vat | §f ok orown, Navy Blile, Russian Green and Dreadnought Grey. Black and Lites, Nickle, O'Connor." Peters. | vioun soncarse, © méhieen ih 8 8 Black and White effects are to be widely popular. We invite your inspection. Sell-Them, Said The Mayor. Wright, Woermwith,---11, Hardware 3 t Mayor Sutherland called Ald. O'- Nays---Alds. Bews, Couper, Clug toutiniing jutoitat ee Ba 2 : "4 | Connor to the chair while he made a| ston, Fair, MéCann, Newman, Rich: seed of a short time v RT aa #4 | lew remarks on the fair grounds|ardson, Stroud, White.--9. po oe, 80. Ho was Tee Sa = married about three years 3 : , question. He stated that the far > 0 : yi grounds would not be paid for until IN ha Miss. Sis, of Kingston, * atid has ny TN ' 1917. The original t of th I, 817. The original cost o © The deceased has a host of friends : grounds was $17,000, but they had ( : 'n this district and in the Soo . really cost the city $55,000. ananoque will sincerely regret s¢o hear of Yho "What's the remedy?" asked Ald. untimely demise. He had an ever. Lt Bh eh Mal a nth emis air. asting faith in the future of Sud. AD. pL TR RL Park in Gananoque, Feb. 18.~The firm 'of | "rv and New Ontario generally. YLE 3 avill Mitchell and Wilson, contractors and rei STYLE. Williamsville for $8,000. It would |Mi JANUARY PRIGRS. be good business to get rid of the| builders, met with a heavy loss yea- OTHERS JUST A & J | present property at a good figure, |terday alternoon when a valuable and invest in the Williamsville pro- perty. The present buildings coun be removed to the Falic property and additional ones built. Al. Kent said he would willingly support. the expenditure of $1,500 "| on. the fair grounds if this was a normal year, but it was fot, and the council had to consider esrefully the expenditure of every dollar at its dis- posal. He could not sée his way clear enough to vote for any expen. diture on the fair grounds this year. team of heavy draught horses with a sleigh load of building material = for rt LY Araction work at '"Noko+ i ah tis: gba 'Be cJolm's Island; brake. through the ice in the North Channel, near Point Plensant. There is quite a strong current there, and the ice in consequence is much thin ner than in the main channel. The team was driven by William Vallier, who escaped, but team, sleigh and load are at the bottom of the riv- er. 4 Reviewed By the Department Of La. bor At Ottawa. ' The De int of Labor's index fumber WHOIOERIE, heii ws fighes for January, standing at 138.6 as | compared with 137.3 in . and 136.5 in January, 1914. he thiet feature .in the price movement Was the rapid rise in whe and oth- er grains and in Hour. igher pri- ces and strong demand in Europe, re- | sulting in Heavy export buying on North American markets, demana' N LAMPS SAVE YOU 50% 0 "YOUR LIGHT BILL PROOF First onal Church, this of d piers CARBON LAMPS, TUNE ik 'NGSTEN LAMPS; bill was $48.50, 1914, all-year in 1912, $68.70 1 , We put in arsiant Tungsten Ald. Gardiner ~ was opposed to] The ladies of St. John's Chureh | from millers, unfavorable reports as| § Homo. M aie, bin, ia, vis 485A per : spending any money on the present | held another very fine "At Home," | i, shipments from India and Argen- <p : L) oo he ita nl ; KEELEY J M 0 D 0 grounds, which he declared were un-| in Turner's assembly hall, last even- tine, importation into Australia and : f. We Us suited for the holding of a fair. The ing. Dancing was held from 9 p.m. | New Zealand. the continuance of the p re bie -- track was poor and the general lay-|te 2 am. "he Citizens' baod or: | slostng of the Dardanelles, prevent- Sel il C > wit H i » i The ef j i | Ha OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN |out of the grounds was bad. ¢hestra was in attendance 5 | ing the export of Russian wheat, §¥ ; HW.N wman Electric 298 Princess Street. Ald. Nickle wanted to know with | forts of the ladies were érowned with speculative buying, and holding of §I " 3 ; om e . - 3 doors above the Opera House. | whom the Property Committee pro. | Success. The proceeds are in aid of | groin by farmers" were reported. as Jenkins' SRE CETTE oT ~ Suit Case Ald. MeCann replied with the Kingston Industrial Fair Assocla- tion, "But that association is not In- corporated, and cannot be held per- sonally responsible,' sald Ald. Nick. le. guarantee band satisfactory to the eity soliclior," replied Ald. Graham. 'The report means that the city will pay $5,000 on the fair grounds in five years," sald Ald. Nickle. "Has fidence to raise $2,600 itself? If the fair is to be a money-maker, let the city run it." . Ald. Wormwith added his voice m opposition to spending money on the dis aT posed to male an dgreement. St. John's Church. Word has been received here that the contemplated trip of the soldiers of the second contingent from ng- ston to Ganangque _ to-day haa been called off on account of the condi- "The association will put up aj the fair association not enough con-« tion af the bridge agross: the river it 'not being. considered safe, The twosweeks' series of spheial services planned by. Rev. Melvin Tay jlor, in Grace Church, which were to istart on Sunday next, have had to be tponéd until a week later. | The home of Mr, apd Mrs. John Kevin, Rivér street, was the scene of' a dance last: evening. Frank Wright has been appointed to represent. Gananoque Council, No. 284, RT. of T.. and Rev, Melvin Tay- {lof to représent 'Grace: Church at "the 'Dominion Alliance convention in To- Wheat rose. from $1.22 to nearly $1.50 by the end of January and was still rising. Flour rose 70c. per barrel and was still rising, while Bread advanced in several localities. thy with oats. The other principal advances were in poultry, butter and cheese, stocks being lighter, and in raw furs and raw rubber, demand be, ing better, Cattle, beef; and hogs and supplies plentiful. Rggs were downward, receipts being larger as the season advanced, except duting a brief cold period. Sugar was 2es for raw sugar and light demand, but was firmer at the- the factors fn. the rise. Manitoba $F ' : : ; some grades had. risen stil} more. | i Rolled oath also advanced in sympa-' aR 'were downward, demmfhd being Mght | again lower, on accouiit of | . Fonte. "I think Ald. Graham is penur| oii 'people of: the ously economical in raising objets, in went to the home of Mr and tion to repairing the fair grounds," yo Haesgler, near Maple @ove, for declared Ald. Newman, who added sash ard; that the city would lose nothing but |" gir GER SL turpentine, * and pulp. noon yesterday Tor.' ward movement appeared in od A Fal 'gain by making the fair. grounds! : : " Ee Hal pa, serviteabls. It would be w t. Ganabogne ; baled: i i aor : ; : pity to discourage the fair assocta- pm © T. at the anna ol Ta an, Hae Spelter, spruce ioations. 4 TE 5 A he fh forg tari ih i | deals, s ; ! 4 have arranged 10 give aw of We are closing out every dL j the Srna in le on Pa "In retail prices there was a a . Walker's celebrated 3a apiored dg case and bag at less than Wednesday and a i. After. | al advance in flour, and bread TI ee . -- - | Will prasan: Coite Army." with which they manufacturer's prices | ards be will ko ou to Harton fr |18 several cies: On the other hand a me ones to very haidsholane 1% 0" Sereda Seat, Sa Wilh her, sist, Ms, {Tua SUP caties. 11 n 55 of Chnad Wl the oUriahing and saving Gordon Tatimer, of Yatin, Out. ot the < phono: NUP 5 the lw -tura Fae hs only. equalled $6.00 for $4.75, CONSTIPATION, =. Sess Ef, |r ETE S $12.60 for $9.45, | FSi $18.80 for $13.05 jhe lb a To nto, ! i rn ANE go hk - Satis a sick, gassy, a Lh Sie = ig 10 pices in all, on sale Fri "erie! day and Saturday, 'cs regulate the . x as : rh fro wo ----------