Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Feb 1915, p. 6

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TEMPTING BRIBES MADE AS WELL AS WARM THREATS Kaiser Would Lure Italy ino | 1 a War Pact. 1 CONCESSIONS MADE PROVINCE OF TRENT OFFERED-- CHANGE BASTERN BOUNDARY. "Treat Italy Worse Than England if Not Friendly to Us," Says Von { | : its forces from the eastern field THE DAILY BRITISH | RAGER TO MEET GERMANS. Serbs Feel Flattered Kaiser's Troops Being Sent. ! Rome, Feb. 16.-- Prince George of Serbia, who has been iu Italy recov- ering frond wounds that have oblig- {ed him fo use crutches, sald today- { during the course of an interview on | the war, that he was convinced that { Austria, after the lesson it had re- | ceived, would wait for some time be- | fore resuming hostilities against Ser- bia. He pointed out also that climatie and geographical conditions were against Austria at the présent mo- ment and that it could not with- of the war. Prince George expressed the be- lief that the war would surely end in the triumph of the allies, but'admit- ted that this would require enormous sacrifices, especially of men. Already the Serbian army had given a mag- Buelow=--Proposals Made to Ital. a | nificent example of heroism, endur- fan Government. Rome, Feb. 16.~The Idea Nazion- ale, published in the interests of the nationalist party, to-day publishes a forecast of German proposals to Italy which reads as follows : Before the end of February Prince Voi Buelow, German anhassador to Italy, will present to the Italian gov- érnment a concrete proposal for Ital ian participation in tne war on . the v. PARK side of Germany. This consists of the Russian finance minister, who says | osssation by Austria of the province | that the alMes markets are closed fo of Trent and the reclification of the | Fermany forever, ! Eastern Italian frontier by the addi- tion of a strip of land going as far as the Isonzo river, In addition Ger many will pledge herself to conclude a new treaty with Italy which will afford protection to Haly's Mediter- ranean interests, "In exchange Italy is to take part | lighting was proceeding beyond the | at otite in the war. She will occupy | 3uez Canal, excellent opportunity | Tunis and help Turkey | drive the 'bhas been afforded to note the atii-| British from Egypt, which will re. : tudé of the Egyptian population to- turn under the dominion of the sul- [ward the Germanized Turkish em- | tan of Turkey. In addilion the Ital- | pire and toward England. Cairo 1s ian fleet will attack the Anglo-French |the city of tell-tales and in its naval forces in the Mediterranean," [bazaars rumors start easily ani! Continuing, the Idea Nazionale says {Jourish with extraordinary rapidity. | that Prince Von Buelow, referring to {It was in this soll that the Germans Trieste, made this statement : | endeavored, ag all the world now | "I. is imposailile lo give Triaste to | KMOWs, to plant the seeds of intrigue, | Italy because this seaport is the hing | hobing to reap a harvest of .disioy-| not of Austria, but of Germany." | alty and rebellion. ; At the conclusion of one of the cons During recent events it has been | versations with the Italian states. men Prince Von Buelow, according to this newspaper, made use of this 3 phtase : "Fither Italy will be friend [the Turks had crossed the Al ly towards us, or we will treat her [gC and Ismaliz s . Suez alla, the ive pop . worse than we are treating Fng- | ative popula- | land." CONMTIONS IN TRIESTE Sympathy With Italy Often Means . Death. * CAN'T PANIC BAZARRLAND. Populace Have Faith In Britain, Egyptian Perfect pensive their Through efforts rumors have were been. | | mained abselutely quiet, not: giving | Lhe authorities a moment's anxiety. The people were convinéed that the official communiques told them the truth as to the situation, and they thoroughly believed that the Turks suffered "a severe defeat and that Egypt was absolutély safe from the inyaders. : The polity of England in dealing fairly and openly with the people in contradistinction te the duplicity and muddle of the Turkish rulers has yielded excellent results in - trans quility and perfect order has had in- evitable 'but satisfactory reward, The Egyptian press continues to express deep satisfaction that Egypt is so efficiently protested by England and that this enables the new sultan and government to devote: ac- tention even during the great world crisis to problems of domestic im- portance tol the Nileland, Berne, Feb. 16.--A private, message from Theste says the situation there is daily becoming serious. Anyone manifesting the slightest 'sympathy with Italy is ishmedistely charged with high treason and death sentences are a daily occurrence. The new government just appointed is obliged to have all official docu- ments oountersi by two afficers in general stall, ope being German, the other Austrian. a ---------------------- John T. Vosper's Death. Campbellford, Ont, Feb. 16.--The Jeach Serred here Friday ot dol T. oper, for thirty-one rs editor and tor of the Cambbellford Herald. late Mr. Yosper was born in Fagland, but had lived in Canada from childhood." In 1873 he founded thé Herald and remained proprietor until 1904, when he sold the business G. A. Kingston. The deceased who was of the Methodist persuasion, wis an ardent temperance worker. He was tax collector in Camphelliord for several years. » J. B. E. Letellier one of thé Qua- bee harbor commissioners, claimed $10,000 from the Montreal Star, for an alleged slanderous report. $100 ARés was granted. Justice Archibald was sworn in Sat- ay ag chief justice of the supreme 'court of and is succeeded on : the bench ty ¥. 8 Maclennan, K.C., en ts ---- To Speak At Queen's. Thomas Adams, distinguished town planning expert, will address the Political Science Club of Queen's, next Thursday | afternoon, -at five o'clock in the large English rbom, New Arts Building. Mr. Adams was for four and a half years one of the chief officials of the Local Gov ernment Board of Great Britain. He is at. present attached to the Caom- mission of Conservation, Ottawa. Town Planning, his theme, is a sub- jeet in whichg alk citizens are deep- Jy interested. - A -------------- The naval service gives warning . of mine-awesping operations off Canadian ports, TPE PRRPEP SPR P IRN Cairo, Feb. 16.--During the past | week or two, and particularly when | [clearly shown how fruitless and ex. | ¥ Britain, + spread | SEES IEESSESPE204 04404400 {through the bazaars last week that | * | ance and self-sacrifice. "The news that German troops | will be sent to help the Austrians against Serbia," sald Prince George, "fills my country and fellow soldiers with pride, as they are anxious to be { measured against those who consider | themselves the first troops of Europe. { If the central entpires thought that such news would cause depression in | Serbia they are much mistaken; in- | stead, Serbia is extremely flattered." PEASE 0 DSI E I S000 * NOT BEFORE MARCH 15th. Ottawa, Feb. 16.--It is hardly probable that the new stamp takes, except those upon wines, will come into effect before March 15th, as it will be some time before the revenue bill passes through all its stages in the two houses. In the mean. time postage rates are precise. Iy the same as before. The gov ermment will give ample notice of the date upon which the new taxation measure will come in- to effect. War stamps will be prepared meanwhile and no doubt the banks will arrange to furnish books of cheques, the war stamp embossed. thereon, + following the custom in Great PREP R PPR P TEP YI PII EFI Peer WARRANTS OF SIX MILLIONS, | tion refused to be movgd, but re-| Only About Two and A Half Millions Spent, Mostly To Help Albertans, Ottawa, Feb. 16.--Since the last session of parliament the govern- ment has had recourse to governor- general's warrants for expenditures not voted by parliament. to the amount of $6,.47,016, of whieh, however, thére has been spent but $2,540,016. Most of the expendi: dure was for the purchase of seed grain and the relief of settlers in scuthern Alberta. For this pur- pose there was authorized $2,750, 400. The amount spent has been $2,495,292, Other warrants were for the expengliture of $100,000 on the Intercolonial for the assistanee of the families of twelve fishermen drowned in fhe storm off Gloucester, N.B.,, $2,400, and for carrying out of regulations for the inspection of Ca- nadian potatoes going into the Unit- ed States "Kodak films," at Gibson's. War contragis to the value of about twenty-nine million dollars have been entered into by the militia depart- ment for the supplies for the Cana- dian forces. "Buy Cough Syrups" at Jihson's. The militia department will estab- lish a number of overséas training depots for each arm and hranch of the service, to provide reinforce- ments as required for expeditionary forces. "Buy Listerine" at Gibson's. The Hydro-Rlectric Comthission of Ontario will give Mrs, Elizabeth Me- Kenzie, Eiora, $1,800 for the death of het husband, whic fell frém a pole . and was killed. Weig t for Weight Bavaria is Despondent---Baden Takes Viaw of the. Issus, While Saxony and Wurtem- wt. bn bls ONLY PRU 3 I Paris, Feb. 16.--The Petite Paris. ien prints a long communication from a leading Dutch merchant, - A. de Smit, describing a recent business trip of twenty-five: days through Ger- many. The writer says that whereas he started with the opinion that the Teutonic power was likely to be vie- torious, he returned convinced that the allies will win and that the Ger- man cause js crumbling, Prossia alone. retains confidence, he gays. - The peopls expect to beat the Russians in February and the French before Faster, and that England will sign peace in July as a German col- ony, 3 Baden is much less confident. : The people remarked : "If. Hindenbery does not 'beat the Russians before the end of Mareh and if Calais is not taken by Easter, we can make . our wills." ' Saxony and, Wurtemberg are. dub- ' A BUSINESS MAN WILL TAKE TO FARMING. Admiral N. Shape of Violet Has Purchased Large Tract of Land in This Vicinity and Will Stock Same With Ayrshire and Holstein Cate tle. Admiral N. Sharpe, of Violet, near Napaneé, rdcently = purchased 2,000 acres of land between Chaffey's Locks and the Opinieon Club which he is going to convert into a large farm upon which he-expects to raise cattle. Upon the land which is situated in Storrington, Bedford and South Crosby townships is a water- fall having a drop of fifteen feet with force enough to furnish hydro- electric power for the farm. Mr. Sharpe is going to install a genera- tor which will Benerate electricity to all parts of the farm. There are also two houses on the property. Men are busy now erecting a saw mill wherein will be, cut sufficient timber to erect a bungalow on. a por- tion .of land which was once an is- land and which is also part of the property. In this Jr. Sharpe will reside. The property is densely wooded there being only about 400 acres of Workable land. ; Mr. Sharpe's. favorite breeds of cattle with wh ; will stock the farm are Ayrshiré and 'Holsteins. The. cream from the milk of tnese animals will be shipped to Toronto where he has contracted with a leading firm in that city for the dis- posing of same. Mr, Sharpe recently purchased miles of wire fence which will be used in enclosing part of the farm. He has also purchased a milking machine which will milk eight cows at one time. Mr. Sharpe has had a wonderful rapid. rise in life. When only a youth, (he is now about 33 years of age,) he left his home in Violet and went to Winnipeg, Man., "where he purchased a house which was par- tially finished. With the assistance of others he finished completing the house and sold it.at a handsome pro- fit. From that time on good for- tune accompanied him. He made considerable money following up this scheme and some time later opened up the first moving picture concern in Winnipeg. This, too, Was a great: success. He sold it, cleaning up. a tidy tum on the deal. He followed up the moving picture show business in numerous places {| purchasing concerns which were not || paying satisfactorily and by shrewd if business ability he converted them, if in every instance; into good paying if investments, He would then dis- {| moving, picture 3 owners attempted to hold him up, so 4 dk em-to-good adv |} one time he was proprietor of the 1 €asino. theatre at Montreal. | year hie was in Rio de Janeiro where Last be attempted to pupchase a lar 8 concern, but to_s «While he was in King- ston negotiating for the purchase of, ; lon's leading theatre he got, t to. the purchasing of the 2,000 acres of land, 3 He feels that he can make the farm. deal a i [if with. hls apparent business ability Dairymen his success is assured, in. this section. will welcome . Sharp to this district, His scheme will no doubt give an adfie. fo} petus to the dairying interest of 'deal was handled by the J. K. Car- WEIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 19 ULTIMATE VICTORY Very ious and Bavaria is quite despondent, Munich, being plunged into gloom. The people there complain that the Bavarians have been sacrificed every- where, while the Prussitns have fre- Bently been kept on fortress duty. kept army contracts for themselves, and, worst of all. the imperigl government has threatened to tax beer, : Mr. Smit brought with him restaur: ant and dining memnes showing that food was but little dearer throvghout Germany. He thinks the ¢ of famine js slight, but says the lower classes are suffering from lack of em- ployment. Soldiers are still plentiful, he adds, but equipment is lacking. He eon« cludes with the statement that he is positive that Germany is doomed a defeat before the allies' tena city. PA rt A in PP PPOed WAR BULLETINS Winston Churchill announced hat Britain had lost sixty. hree ships to date. The Bri. ish navy could terminate the Ftesmorrow but the nation 't care to so terrifically her men. British sup. are being with new fifteen inch greatest in the world. Bi PEEP EPPD PPP PP PVFPAIPPPIDPS POPPI PIS e 4 FEPRP20 020 P PRR ER NOI , has announced the German. intention of broag {mines all around Rei + § tH Ratricias hisve lost. three men killed in action and one died of wounds. Two German submarine work. hops in Belgium wrecked by tish aeroplanes. : me = an ranks | have reformed the Germans are once more i FEL Fre R TIDES 3 * FIGURES. FINE.ON TEUTONS. French Publicist Puts Possible In- demnity at $34,000,000,000, - Paris, Feb. 16.--Jean Finot, in his Revie, arrives at a total of $34,000, y. also charged that the Prussians ! J 000,000 as the final bill the allies will' have to render to Germany, Austria and 'Turkey in case the: latter are! th ities of , and Jhat the war will last' a year, . inot figures over $14,000,000,000. - as the direct expenditure of the allies ono. To already expended must be added the value of property destroyed by the invasion. This, he thinks, cannot fall below the amount expended: by the maintenance of the armies, and thus arrives at a total of To Shis ai thinks, the value of the lives lost in the conflict. Taking the French tri- bunal's valuation and supposing ten per cent. of: the full strength: of the ies to be killed, he it ould be o 000,000. He says: that if the allies age of Grape-Nu hi Nuts is meat--thé teat of ing or to eat irees Prom the pae S 0 ~ Grape-Nuts being partial Asst. 'wonderful power oF, Partially ag sturdy food is sol hy ) 3 make it a*part of their: find; and with the price meat way. up there's thie ooh here, ¢ eet. . ¥ : : : and barley--a rich, sweet, appetiz- a cream or milk. _, Al the bone-making, blood-making, musele-making values of choicest wheat combined with malted barley are afforded in this f oy amous pure food. nuts and in wax-sealed packages. roll agency, this city. tingent Overseas' Service Pay and Subsistence From Date of Enlistment ih App Msjor Dawson, Artillery Park Room Our F ebruary Discount Sale 20% To 40% Off Regular Prices 25 SOLID GOLD SIGNET RINGS FOR MEN. ALL HEAVY RINGS OF GOOD DESIGN. OUR REGULAR $5.00, $6.00 AND $7.00 RINGS. YOUR CHOICE FOR $4.00 EACH ENGRAVED FREE. 20 LARGE MARBELIZED MANTLE CLOCKS OF ARTISTIC DESIGN, CATHEDRAL GONG HALF-HOUR STRIKE, EIGHT DAY. REGULAR AT $6.00, $7.00 AND $8.00, FOR -$4.86 BACH. -ALI+ FULLY GUARANTEED. , * DIAMONDS HAVE JUMPED 10 PER CENT. THE PAST FEW DAYS, AND OUR 20%. DISCOUNT SALE ON DIAMONDS IS STILL IN FORCE, AND WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF FINE STONES IN KINGSTON. 20% To 40% Off Regular Prices For Febuary LEER] - -i "Where The lock Is On The Walk" algo All orders 'lon. Shop 2

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