Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Feb 1915, p. 7

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a -------------- i THe BANK or TORO HEAD © Pald-up Capital . Resgrved Funds . . President, Henderson, 2 illlam Stone, 8. Duncan Coulson, Hon, C 8. Hyma Gooderham, Li.-C yy WW ul. F. Melghen, J. INCORPORATED NTC 1855 .- Gooderham, Vigg-President ce- President. MacDonald, Lt lelart, Wm, BANKERS: New York-sNational Bank Chicago } london, Eng. london Clty YOUR BANKING All who have Banking business, tr will find the modern Banking Service offered by the Bank of Toronto most satisfactory. s Long exper'ence, ample tensive fore #n and domestic Market Square A Man With a Message To the Farmer ! Prof. Day says that Beecher Machett, of Peterboro, increased the production of his land by underdraining by $206.66 per acre. Write Prof. Day for Bulletin 174, and BRICK YARD for your tile. / J A.NEAL, Kingston Brick Yard, Phone 1396 9 Lots For Sale First National Bank. resources, of Commerce. Midland Bank, Limited. SERVICE, of whatever nature, up-to-date equipment, connections emable the Bank of Torouto to provide adequate facilities for all Banking transactions. eome to We have nine lots on Johnson St. that for $2000, These lots have a frontage of This is less than $7.00 per foot-frontage. 'J, K. CARROLL AGENCY ston GEORG B. McEAY - Manage r the KINGSTON Col. A. E. I. Gear. to transact and ex- will sell wo It. cach. 56 BROCK "NOTICE Having decided to stay at my present place of busi- ness, all orders placed now for monuments to be erected in the spring will have my best attention. J. E. MULLEN Cor, Princess and Clergy Streets. * JOHN DRIVER, Representative, Phone 68, © Storage Dry, storage of any deseription right in the heart of the city. We have spacé for thirty automo- biles and trucks, machinery and heavy hardware, Very low rental until the 1st of April, PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited Telephone 454 - . 210-214 Wellington' St. | Phone No. 1417. Lassa enLARRLLLARLL, CHOCOLATE SALE | SATURDAYS ONLY One pound box assorted chocolate Bon-Bons, ! strictly fresh, for 25¢ ICE CREAM bulk or bricks MARBLE HALL Phone 980. 238 Princess St. ) Finnan Haddies Kippered Herings Dominion Fish Co. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. "Baby's Foods," at Gibson's Cross Drug Store. There was no schedule curling match played on Monday. illiamn ' Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's. "Phone 864. Prof. Morrison is to address the Canadian Club of Ingersoll on March Sth, ! rf. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at Me- Auley"s book store. Brockville well water, analyzed by Dr. W. T. Connell, is declared to be very polluted. ""l'urkish Bath Soap," at tibson's. One drunk appeared in police Red fined two dollars and costs. "Fresh Baby Foods" at Gibson's. Plumbing, Tinsmithing and Heat- ing; prompt attention. Ed. Halliggn, 110 Queen street. Phone 1509. There was a very small market dn Tuesday morning, with no change in jirices from those of Saturday. "Buy Mecca Ointment," at Gib- n 8. Dr. Ed®ards, M. P., will reply. to A. K. McLean, the opposition finan- cial"eritic, when the budget debate is resumed on Thursday. "Buy Mecca Ointment," son's. Dr. Coleman spent several days In Ottawa this last week and spoke before various organizations on educational themes. "Kodak films," al Gibson's. Plumbing, tinsmithing and heat- ing, jobbing promptly attended to. W. C. Bennett, 191 Princess street. Phone, 1033. "Buy Listerine" at Gibson's. Flavelle, who played right defense for the Lindsay junior O. H. A. team on Monday night is a brother of Lieut, Flavelle of the 21%t Battalion. "Pure Castile Soap," at Gibson's. Bishop Bidwell will conduct a paro- chial mission at Trinity Church, be- ginning Pulm Sunday evening, March 25th, and ending on Good Friday evening, April 2nd. "Buy Listerine" at Gibson's. Bernard Burns, who broke his leg about a month ago and was takea | to the Hotel Dieu, was able to be removed to his home at 169 Victoria! street on Tuesday morning in James Reid's ambulance. "Buy Listerine" at Gibson's. On Monday afternoon the five weeks' | old infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Char- | les Carr, died at his parents' resi dence, 21 Elgin street. On Tuesday afternoon the fymepal of the child | wns held to Lataragy. i "Buy Cough S¥rups" at Gibson's. | At Watertown N.Y., Bdward H.| Bennett has formed a co-partnership | with Francis M. Hugo, for the prac- tice of law and will take charge of the firm's business while Secretar; 'of State Hugo is absent. "Pure Castile Soap," at Gibson's. The friends of Mrs. William Bor-, land, 87 Pine street, will be glad to hear that she was removed to her | home on Monday afternoon after he- ing in the general hospital for three weeks, having undergone a serious operation. Mrs, Borland's husband is with the Canadians now in France. ll eens. SO! at. QGib- Canon PFitzGerald's Lecture, At an open meeting of St. Johnls Anglican Young People's Association, | Portsmouth, on Monday evening, an interesting address upon "The War in Belgium," was given by Canon W. F. FitzGerald, whose opinion as to the results of the war was that there would .be a deepening of among tke nations. e speaker thought that . Canada would derive | much benefit from the war. A collection was taken up in aid of the Belginm Relief Fund, and $26.75 was raised. _A hearty vote of thanks was ten- dered to Canon FitzGerald, on mo- tion of James Halliday and James Jealts, president of St. John's AY. A. "Pure Castile. Soap," at Gibson's. Opportunity for Increased Pay for Artillery Pay for All Ranks, TT Ar tifloerS. Clothing y Ser of the Sorvico | r sg EA SE 3 G7 A : 'ourt on Tuesday morning, and was ivitual lite at TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1915. TOMGHT ™ yen And Evening Daily 2.30. Evening 7.90 FAMOUS PLAYERS FILMS, 5 REELS "The Man From Home' Feature Vaudeville Acts MUTUAL FILM 2 REEL DRAMA KEYSTONE COMEDY ONE REEL New me Monday Thursiay Prices Mat. 10¢, any Evening, 10c; reserved 5¢ exira. | KING CEORGE SHOOTING GALLERY Has removed. from Montreal Street to 281 PRINCESS STREET Come along and get your hand in. Shoe shine in connection, Se. SIMPSON BROTHERS, Props. A NEW CEREAL Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal This is not only a medicinal cereal But is tasty as well. It is delicious as o cereal or made in pancakes, | sesreeses 10 ota. FENWICK, HENDRY « Oo, (Distributors) | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First In lc a word, Each con- secutive lhacrtion thereafter, half. cent a word. Minimum charge for | -- one lmmertion, 33e; three imsertions, Bbc: six, $1; one month, $2. TO LET FOR SALE. TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS. Once 25¢., three times, 50c. STORAGE FOR FURNITUR clean and dry. McCann, § Street. ETC, Brock PHESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. Cosy 'little. Once, 26c; three times, bbc; one week, $1.00. JEESE FEATHERS, APPLY TO MRS, Goldman, 387 Div'sion St. HELP WANTED. AN ADVT OF 25 WORDS under this head. costs 2 night, or Sdc tor three. "RL for one TWO MAIDS. APPLY TO KINGSTON General Hospital COMPETENT HOUSEMMD, MUST BE experienced. Apply 59 Gore St SERVANT. NO Apply In the . Chowan, 36 A GOOD GENERAL washing or ironing. evenings to Mrs. Frontenac St GENERAL SERVANT, MUST BE Goon cook, immediately; references re- quired. Mrs. McCann, 26 Welling- ton St A GOOD SMART GIRL, ACCUSTOMED to running sewing machine. Apply to Kingston Mattress Factory, Prins cess Street. ACTIVE QUEENS STUDENT FOR summer position. Good salary to live man. The 4. L Nichols Co. Ltd, Toronto, Ontario. MERIT IS THE BEST SALESMAN, Easy for a man or woman to clear $100 a, month. Address Canadian Mercantile Co, 187 Wellington St. A RELIABLE HELPER FOR CHEESE and buiter factory, for season 1915, either married or single man, Sea- son of nine months. Apply Box 215, Whig office. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no eanvassin Send.for particulars, cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. ABLEBODIED MEN, GOOD EYESIGHT, for firemen and brakemen; good wages, experience unnecessary. Premotion to engineer or condue- tor $1560-3200. State age, neces- sary. Railway, care British Whig SITUATION VACANT. Fi30 FOR SIXTY DAYS KASY WORK. Write for coatvact. Bradicy Jarret won. Brantford, POSITION WANTED. SAWNILL WAS BURNED S. ANGLIN & CO, SUFFERED a | LOSS TUESDAY, AFTERNOON. --_-- Blaze Likely Originated From Spon. taneond Combustion--The Damage Will Amount te $15,000. At 12.45 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, | fire broke out in the saw null of = Angln & Cow factory, Vdestroying the large building confiimng the planing aud sawing ; hs BSW, 03, the mica assortment room. This! building, according' to Mr. Angling | statement, was valled at 315,000 and was partly covered by insurance. | I'he origin of the fire is mot known, but it is thought that spontaneous | combustion started®it from a pile of saw dust collected underneata, the | saw mill. The blaze was first noticed by Saniuel Anglin. | A telephone eal was sent into "both!'fire stations, and | five streams of hoss were shortly play- ing upon the roaring furnace of flames. However, 'the flames had gained such headway that the whole building was, in a short tinie, a mass of burning embres. The heat from it was terrine, and the water and steampipes were twisted and warbed into all shapes. The intense heat had to cause the drying de- partment to take fire, but Chief' Arm- strong and his men soon checked this and prevented the fire from spreading to the adjacent. buildings. The fire was econlined "io the one building, and much praise must be given the firefighters for the splendid | work they rendered. Many of the callmen turned in and assisted. The 1.08 pm. GT.R. train could not make its way to the outer sta- tion, on account of the hose lying across the tracks. As a of getting there in time, several automo- biles and sleighs 'were chartered the company to transfer some forty passengers. Juvenile Hockey League. re executive of the Juvenile City ockey League met Monday | evening and threshed out thrée protests. The 'BY STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, GOOD AT blacksmithing or carpentering, de: sires position. Would secept any kind of remunerative job. ' Good references. Apply In first instance to Box 1167, care Whig office. WANTED GENKRAL et ee BY MAY 1ST, THREE UNFURNISHED rooms; central 'locality preferred Apply Box 15, Whig office MAY 18ST, TO RENT HOUSE, 8 OR 9 rooms, modern conveniences, good locality. Please give full particulars and state rent, lo Bex ig ee, * GENTLEMEN TO RING THEM cloth and have it made up int. up- to-date suits. Prices and workian- ship guaranteed to please. Press- Ing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway mn aoek street," near Bibby's Arage MEDICAL. A. COON, M. Elgin). Phone STUART M. POLSON, MA. M.D.C.M, former house surgeon Manhattan Eve, ear. nose and throat hospital New York. fice, 132 Wellington, opposite pest office. OfMice hours, 32 am, 2-4 pm, 7-8 p.m. Phone 1717, LB.C.M,, (FORMERLY OF aoqraery, 93 Wellington St MISS FLOSSIE HUDON, i~ teach by Prof. Frank IH. rman, chairman Standardization Commit- tee appointed to standardize the modern dances, Dayton, Ohio, June 1914, Fox-Trot, Hesitation and Can. ter Waltze and One-Step, ete Phone 120. 3 ; Press Syndil- | TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING room, furnished. Apply to 188 Stuart . ---- ------------------------------ DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES. Me- Cann"s Real Estate Agency, $2 Brock. St. : OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers. Apply to Cunningham Mudie, 79 Clarence St. , ROOM FOR ONE'OR TWO, WITH on without board, near Princess St. Apply Box 152, Whig office. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock and Key. Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen St. Phone 526b. FURNISHED ROOM, veniénces, suitable couple or two single Apply 28 Colborne St DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, D DS, RE. moved to 258 Princess Street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 130 WEL. lington St. (over Carnovsky's). Phone 346, DR. C. C, NAS DENTIST; DR. T. B, Renton, assistant, 133 Princess Street. Phone 735. H./SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, DENT. t. corner Princess and Bagot streets, Entrance on Bagot Street. BUSINESS CHANCES i -- 5% -- a ------ ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN STAR? a mall order business at home: no canvassing; be your own boss Send for free booklet: tells how 2.969 Lockport, NY CATERING N OON. for married gentlemen Ss. Heacock, Wedding breakfasts, banquets, ete also rent dishes, table linens and sliverare. Reid and Hambrook M. P. Rel, 30 Unlon Street. F. CG Hambrook, 176 Alfred Stree Phones 443 or 303. ARCHITECT WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCH]. tects, ete. Offices, 358 Bagot St Phone- 61. POWER & SON, ARCHITROTS, MER- chants' Bank _ Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. Prop 8 card PROFFSSIONAL. SPIRELLA CORSETIERE SERVICE Latest ' models in. corsets, corset waists, blouse extenders, children's walsts and accessories. Appoint. ments made to sult fence Margaret Wellington St your conven- Dunnett, 280 Phone 878. Music, ' ii sp - PROF, CHAS, R. HARRISON, TEACR- er of piano. to beginners. ar- rangements for pupils' lessons, ap- ply at 240 Montreal Street. FINANCIAL FRONEENAD LOAN AND 1 ar. ment lety: Incerporate resident, Colonel Henry R. Smith oney Issued on city and farw Properties, municipal and count debentures; mortgages purchased: deposits received and Interest al lowed. 8. C. McGill Manager, 8% Clarence street. AVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Insurance Gompany. Avallable Assets $61,187,215. n addition tc which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Habllity of city prope~ty, insur at on' possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business g rates m Strange & Strange Agents. Phone 325. GLORY * WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, THREE BEARDY COLIAE PLPS. A ly Samuel Anderson. Malt House {ing St AIREDALE BITCH PUPPY, FIV months Se, by Champion Rockle, Oorang ex Pure Maid. §15, A H. Rass, 214 Willham St, Kingston, nt, UPRIGHT WALL SHOWUASE, Th NTS, awnings, fishing tackle, ete Ev. erything must be sold by July lst. Leaving city. Frank W. Cooke, 39 Clarence St JFFICE DESK, SIX FERT LON in. high In front and 66 1-2 In, at back. top shelf, British Whig A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND & number of first-class heat} al low prices; also a big stock of Pars niture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess St. Phone 1600. \ LARGE NUMBER OF BIOYCLES also Dunlop tires, at $2.00. All orders promptly attended to for carpet cleaning and laying. George Muller, 373 King St, HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL UA ords, and other cook stoves, Que. c's, pues and square heaters, all these In first clas shape; Win close them out at yorl small pro fits. Turk's 'Phone, 708 $1030 FRAME HOUSE, CHERRY §T. A snap for a quick buyer. $1830 BRICK VENEER HOUSE, ON Patrick St. 6 rooms, rom HOUSES ON YORK 8§T. sioee 0 3 HOUSES T0 RENT. GEO. A. BATE- man, real estate 'and Insurance, 87 Clarence St; Kingston 1 igd Three frangrland one lightly used. Apply office. $1500 A FOUR ROOM FRAME COT. e, modern, on_Albert St ° VENEER on CoHingwpod Si SOLID BRICK, STONE FOUN. dation, modern 9 room dwelling, on Johnson St. TWO LOTS ON EARL ST, 44 X 165, 140 or particulars and one 33 x hy apply to A. F. Bond, 26 Frontenac St. Phone 743; FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. SALE OR EXCHANGE--BEAUTIFUL home with income, Colorado. Twen- ty-five acres. Orchard. alfalfa, small fruit, poultry, modern bungalow, adjoining town, must sell, com- plete deseription. Mr=_ Phoebe Potts, Grand Junction, Colo. Pebdb bbb bbb bbb bbb bbb bit Pd TELEGRAPHY, i Civil Service, Shorfhiand, Type & writing, Bookkeeping, anking and General Improve Day and Night Classes, Head aamited, » ' 4 end © neen Streef. mode "0, Bn. © : Co A. I. CUUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 70 Clar- ence St, Kingston. =n BUSINESS NOTICES. JOSEPH BUSE, 4 CHESTNUT ST., AS opened up a quarry on Stephen St Cut, building and rough stone are supplied promptly and reasonable prices, PERSONAL. LADIES' HAIR WO! HES, etc, made from combings. First- class work. Mail orders promptly attended to. Miss Babcook, 360 Brock Bt. Drop me a card for prices. UPHOISTERING. W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, ne. | pairing. and . carpet work; and mattress renovating, Drop a card | oF call 218 t Street i [QUALITY HAY A MOLES, WAR IRTHEMARKS d all oy a Ta skin blemish es removed permanently, withouy scar; 3 years' ex Hente. S er Speciaiisi, 288 t and Hagol BE 2 Uses For ~ Split Pea Coal For RECIPE BOOK E | ve al e | world, and of wot The recipes whi oe hid le ; a Batuiday will help. ou us ord ar the best hotal chiefs in the nn who h saving- paste them book, $5.00 per For the range with larger coal. . Ask to see it. JAMES SWIFT & CO the furnace in mild weather, ton.' Sardines. Place order day before wanted to get prompt deliv- yy : Dr. El.

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