Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Feb 1915, p. 3

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Miss Lucy Waddell, Mise Gwendoline Waddell: Miss Ethel Kent and Mies Sybil Kirkpatrick were instrumental in arranging a charity bridge on y ay alterooon, at the home of Mrs. John Waddell, Earl street, when the splendid smn of $50 was realized for the Red Cross Fund. 'These en- ergetic young workers also sold home- made dainties during the afternoon Bridge was played at fifteen tables The prizes, which were won by Mrs. P. E. Prideaux, Mrs. H. W. Noles and Miss Helen Fraser, were very kindly donated hy Mrs. R. E. Kent. The uests- included Mry. J. M. Campbell, Mrs, Herbert Woad (Vangguver), Miss Mabel Dalton, Miss Letlice Tandy, Miss Kathleen Carruthers, Miss lsa- belle Waldron, Miss Isobel Macaus land (Toromto), Miss Mowat, Mrs. D. Phelan, Mrs. Alexander Macphail, Miss A. Fowler, Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, Mrs. George Mahood, Mrs. Robert Fraser, re. UJ. Warwick, Miss 'Phyllis Knight, Misa Eva Richardson, Miss Susie Anglin, Miss Thompson, Miss Jessie Smith, Mrs. Nedham, Mrs. Staflord Kirkpatrick, © Mrs. James Rigney, Mrs. Dawson, Miss Doris Kent, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Narah Macnee, Mrs. CG. 5. Bower bank, Mrs. J, B. Carrethiers; Miss Norton-Taylor, Mrs. Dotiglas Young, Mrs. James Cappon, Mrs. Harry Tan. dy, Mrs. James Hamilton, Miss Helen Viaser, Mra. P. E Prideaux, Mrs. Hal loway Waddell, Mrs, Walter Macnee, Miss Macdonnell, Mre. 'I. 1. R. Hem- ming, Mrs. G, M. Giles, Mrs. D. M. Fraser, Mrs. H. W. Nelles, Miss Mar To Have Perpetually Wavy, Curling Hair Perpetually wavy. curling hair is now within the means of every woman to possess. © All one need do is to get a few ounces of plain MHaquid silmerine at any drug store and apply a littlé of it otcasfonally. - This is vemarkably fective--even in damp weather --in pro- ducing a beautiful curliness and satiny gloss which bear no evidence of arti- ficial making. It is neithrer sticky or greasy, and YO will not streak, stain or injure hair or scalp in the least After one trial, the scorching, hair- destroying curling iron will never more be ured. The Lest way to apply the sil- mering is with a clean tooth brush, drawing this through the hair 'from root to tip. If this is done before re- tiring; a look into the mirror in the morning will afford a most agreeable surprise. | Kid Gloves Can be so easily cleaned that sending them to the cleans er (is unnecessary. You can clean ef- 10 PAIRS pe » fr Sey my § with one jar of our Kid Glove Cleaning Paste, and all we charge you is ? 25 CENTS 'It will remove all quickly and easily. At Best's THE POPULAR DRUG STORE OPEN SUNDAYS stains == Suit Case Flokence Cunni g- ham, Mrs. R. D. Sutherland, Miss Bes- | via Smythe, Mrs. Hamsord Hora, Mrs, | Richard Hooper, Mrs. Hugh Macphe: json, Mrs. John Macgillivray, Carrie Waldron, Mrs. Iva Martin, } Miss Alice Macnee, Miss Cartwright, { Mrs. E. H. Pense, Mrs' Hubert Ryan, Miss Eleanor Phelan, Mics Lillie Mut » A Mr. and Mrs. John L. Whiting, 52 Clergy street, received for the fir: time on Monday and Tuesday of this week whep over three hundred call- ers welcomed this charming hostess | to Kingston. Her sister, Mrs. Spen- cer H. Over, Providefice, Rhode Is- land, received with her. The brid: was gowned in 4 brocaded mahog any colered chiffon velvet and wore orchids ard lily of the valley. The house looked most attractive with its open fires and quantities of 411 the spring flowers, In the tea room the many guests were well looked after by Mrs. Arthur. Cunningham, Mrs. W. F. Nickle and Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, niece of the bride, who poured tea and coffee and were is- sisted by many pretty girls, among whom were, Miss Jessie Smith, Miss Margaret Cunningham, Miss Mildréd Jones, Miss Marian 'Redden, Miss Christine Cochrane, and Miss Mamie Garrett. The tea table looked love- ¢¥ With quantities of pink roses, #milax and shaded effects. Mrs. Whiting will receive during the sea- son on the first Thursday in the month, «we Lady Bordeh, Mrs, 8. Hughes, Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes, the Lussian consul-general, the Belgian consul general, and 'the French consul-geno- ial, all of Ottawa, have accepted the invitation of .the Veterans' Associa- tion to be present next week's carnival. atl vdenham alres will on Thursday afternoon, and not again this sfaszon. v - . est, . Mrs. L. 1 receive Mrs avenue, Feb. University on "Friday, Nina Sherman, 313 will 19th. not receive ... ' Miss Jessie Nicol, Cataraqui, has gone to Montreal! this 'week to visit Mrs. T. Clarence Chown Mrs. 'D. Stewart Robertson, Syden- ham street, who, has 'been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Molson, Montreal, is expected 'home on Friday. Mrs. George Webster, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. George Mahood, Gore street. Later, she will go to Montreal to visit her daughter, Mrs. Somerville, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Newlands, who have been with Mrl and Mrs, William Newlands, Bagot street, for some time, left to-day for their home in Vietoria, D.C. » » - » Mrs. R. J. McKelvey and Miss Ger- trude McKelvey, Bagot street, went to Montreal to-day to visit Mrs. Gil- bert Johnston. Royden Birch, 'Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. 5. Birch, Bagot street, for the week-end. Robinson, Mrs. Herbert returped from Montreal Bagot street, to- Se; , is visit r » Brook street. s. Charles Livingston, Barrie | street, left to-day for Toronto. Miss Edith Davidson, B.A., of the Athens High School staff, spent the week-end at her home on University avenue. Miss Addie Sutherland, Brock Street, left on Monday for the north, to visit friends. Henry Polson, Buffalo, spent a'few days in town last week, the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis. Mrs. McBeatty, Mobile, Alabama, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Armstrong, Earl street. Charles Wilkins spent the week- end in Trenton, the guest of his par- ents, Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Wilkins. John Longman{ of the 43rd Bat- talion, is taking a short course in the R. 8S. A. » - - * Mr. Cassels and Miss Isobel Cas- sels; Toronto, spent the week-eird in town with Gordon Cassels, of the 2nd Battery. Mrs. Keene Hemming went up to Toronto on Monday for a short visit with friends. Douglas Ellis, Ottawa, spent the week-end in town the guest of his mother, Mrs, W. 8. Ellis, Albert street. Miss Kathleen Daly, Albert street, will entertain the Reading Club on : LST OF | ray and Miss Winnifred Claxton. | - * 1 b | vury extensive, and o large number of FOR PRESENTATION OF COLORS TO 21ST BATTALION. At the Armouries Next Monday Even- ing--The Veterans to Parade With Armed Escort For the Colors, I'he invitation list to' the ceremony ol presenting the colors to the 21st Battalion, Canadism Expeditionary | Force, on Monday evening next, is prominent people have acoepted the invitation to be present. lavitations were extended to. the following : Sic R. L. and Lady Borden, Major-Gen- eral Hughes and militia staff, Bir Wil frid Laurier; the consul general of the allies, the adjutantggntral, Col. Hem: ming and the officers of the stall of the third. contingent; Col. Ogilvie and the officers of the R.C.IHLA., Capt. Ringwood and the ollicers of the R.S. A., officers of the: local departmental corps; Lieut.-Col. Petrean, command- ant of the Royal Military College, and the officers of the college staff; Major Dawson and. the officers of the Mth Regiment, I' W.0.R.; Major Lea- therland, Major Stroud awd the offi- cers of the 4th Hussars; Lisut.-Col. Farguion and officers of the 47th Regiment; oflieers of the 5th Field Battery; officers of the 38th, 30th Jattalions, and Sth Mounted Rifles, CE.F. Mayor Sutherland and the civie ofli- cials, Principal Gordon and the staff of Queen's University, the members of the Board of Fducation. Daughters of the Empire, ladies of the Red Cross. Society, St. John's Ambulance . Society, Soldiers' Wives' League, local cleigy, merchants, citi zens, press, wives of officers, French Canadian Fducational Association, Regiopolis College, legal and. medical profession and all of the subscribers to colors, as well as the wives of ofl cers-now at front and wives of veter ans, together with the oflicers and friends of the . local C.E.F. from points outside of the city. All oli cers and soldiers invited have been asked to wear their uniform The Kingston Veterans' Association will parade at the City Council Cham- ber at seven o'clock, together with the armed escort to be furnished hy thie ={4th Regiment, and will. march with the escort and the colors to be presented to' the 21st Battalion, to the armouries. All veterans having medals will wear them, and all mem- bers will wear the colors of the asso- ciation. Commandant F. Ilngledew will be in command. 4 Lhe order of the parade will be as follows : Veterans of the Crimea, vet- erans of the Indian mutiny; veterans of the Fenian raid, veterans of Zulu campaign, Ubfna, ete; veterans ol Ebyptian campaigns; veterans of Punitive Expeditions, India: veterans of North-West Rebellion and Red Riv- er Expedition, veterans of South Af- rica and ex-service veterans, The color-bearers wiil "be the Uri mean Veterans and Indian Mutiny Vet erans. JPITMALIMTIIY Seg RELIEF SHIPS, HALT ! +> -- * Washington, Feb. 17.----Re. 4 lief ships which enter the new German war zome, surrounding Britain, will be as liable to at- tack and destruction as if they were British war craft or Brit. ish merchantmen according to the German embassy officials here to-day. PEPE PEIP PETE herbed PEEILEESLPEOLL DFS E EPRI THE MILITARY GYMKANA. Events To Be Contested Next Tues. day and Wednesday. The programme of events in the military gymkana, open to all sol diers on active service, next Tuesday, is as follaws : . 100 yards race; tug-o'-war between Nos. 1 and 2 companies 'of the 2lst Battalion, twelve men from each com- pany; obstacle race, bavoneting the kaiser, quarter mile race, Victoria Cross race, fifty yards; tug o'-war, En- gineers ve. lth Regiment; half mile rate, potato race, wrestling on horse back: tog-o'-war, Nos. 3 and 4 com- panies of the 21st Battalion; sack rave; tug:o'-war between I.UH.A. and the Army Service Corps, and, finally, a one nile foot race. The (programme for Wednesday §s : Tug-o"-war between the winners of Tuesday events Nos. 1 and 7, 220 pares AN : £ A ht NTI ATION | Gananoque Ss 22. PROBS. Pair and cold to-night and on Thursday. Feb. 17.--A¢ the Anglican parish honse last evening, the members of the A.Y.P.A, scored a decided -suc« cess in their Shrove Tuesday can- cert, one of the leading features of which was a laughable short play, entitled "Untangling Tony." The organized young ladies Bible clags of Grate Sunday School held an "at home" 'in the lecture room vesterday afternoon and The proceeds are in aid of the Joenl Red Cross funds. Under the management of the lo- cal branch of the Women's Chris tian Temperance Union, a Frances Willard memorial cervite was held noon. Joseph Calvert, Mian street left this morning for Galt to. accept a situation there. Mrs. William Lynn, of Sunbury, is the guest of her fath- er, William Salter, Garden street. VICTORY BEFORE PEACE. Decision Of German Socialists At Private Meeting. London, Feb. 17.--A despatch to the Exchange Telegraph company from Amsterdam says. that at a pri- vate nieeting of German socialists it was decided in view of the sacrifices already made by the laboring class, not to support any peéace moveihent until the Germans are victorious on one front or thé other. The lead ers of the party were instructed to uphold this stand in the Reichstag. Collections are being taken up in the German armies in the east and the west, the correspondent says, to purchase another cruiser Emden. IN MISERY AT MEAL TIME Indigestion Can be Cured by the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. H your digestion is weak you can- not derive proper nourishment from your food. The pain and distress you suffer is a protest from your stomach that it is unable to do its work. It is then that you lose all appetite, have dull headaches, acute pains in the chest .and abdomen, heartburn and other distressing symptoms. You cantiot cure indigestion hy the use of laxgrives, mand pyre usighsted foods only make the stomach more sluggish. Indigestion ean only be cured by giving tone to and strength- ening they nerves that control stomach. Dr. Williams' Pink have cured indigestion times. out number, because they purily enrich the blood. In this way they improve the appetite, dispel the tor ments of indigestion and enable © you to derive benefit from the food you take. The following is proof of these statements. Mys. George Brien, Great Shemogue, : few years with a fever that left me suffering from nervous stomach trouble. 1 ap- parently got over it, but the trouble could not have been wholly eradicat- ed, as sharing the summer of 1912 1 was taken down with it again. 1 took many medicines, and was attend. ed by two different doctors, but in- stead of getting well seemed to be growing worse, I could not eat without suffering the most intense pains; eben a drink of milk seemed to upset me. I slept poorly and at last dreaded to see night come. In this condition; I saw in a newspaper the story of a woman who had simi- larly suffered and was cured through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1 decided to try the Pills and found by the time T had taken three boxes that they were helping me. T tinued using the until I had taken eight boxes, When i trouble had disappeared, a hava thunk Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla" Tor restoring my health after 1 had practically given up hope of ever be- ing well again. Ie. Williams' «Pink Pills are sold hy all medicine dedlers or will he sent by mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the De. Wiliams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. with and Tha "1 £ . Ce re - nt The Misses Flavelle, Lindsay, were in town early in the week, the guests of their brother, Stuart Flavelle, of the 21st Battalion 3 Mies Hilda Hague, University av- enue, und Miss Marjorie Duff have returned from Montreal. Jean Taylor, Johnson street, went up to Napanee on Mrs Mrs. C. E. Taylor and liftle Miss Ww Tuesday to Visit Rov. ! yareh-davk; marching raced mile, the contestants wearing Oliver equipment of thirty-five. pounds in weight; obstacle race; subalterns race, 220 yards; tug-oswat between. the win- ners of events Nos. 11 and 11 of Fiaekday's events; ins' race of 100 yards, bayonetlighting race, men's race of 3 tipo at, a fifty yi Shortly after five o'clock on, Tues- a met rs gy Gordon, 189 as met by . di h <3 Sydenham stedet, ho tell ou -the edrotus 1h 0 y. © ich the lady's head em was heard in the church parlor yesterday after-: evening. | §! New Spring Merchandise § A Few of the Novelties Are Black and White Suitings, French and English Garbardines, Exclusive Broad cloth Suiting, Achillies Silk Suiting (the latest Paris hit), Novelty Greys in Serge and Tweeds, Laurin Silk Suit. ings, French Novelty Silks, for dress and trimming use. Crepe De Chene, Taffeta, Faille, Messaline, Satin Duch- esse, Poplin, etc, etc., shown in the season's newest shadings as Sand, Putty, Belgian Blue, Kitchen- er Brown, Navy 'Blue, Russian Green and Dreadnought Grey. Black and Black and White effects are to be widely popular. We invite your inspection. con- ted KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE TRY OUR Carbon lamps ............... from 15c each and up | ten Lamps ......... 35¢ each and u Gas NR SI ng EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL 7h H.W.Newman Electric Co 79 Prizicess Strest Specials Home-Made Sau- sage, 3 ls. for fresh Pork, Pie Meat, 2 lbs. for The Wm. Davies Co. ca ceanns | Charm Ceylon Tea BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED 30 To 60c Per Lb. .90c to NT re om Faas NRE n a ts labs ssa AAA. a8 y - res amet

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