| : £4 FEBRUARY 17, 1915 A ; ; terans had made in order to be able fo present the colors to. the battery, Ee SO AS ABERNETHY 'S | 10 THE MEDICAL STUDENTS GO- ING OVERSEAS. Dr. Edward Ryan Entertained Them AS FINE Addresses in Connection Wi Presentation of Colors. MAJOR REIRDON HOPES " TO BRING THE COLORS UNSULLIED, BACK ® Battery Not Permitted To Carry Flag | On Field, Bat Esteemed It a Great Honor To Be Presented With One, | With most impressive ceremony in! the armouries on Tuesday 'afternocn, the 22nd Battery, which 1s leaving in the near future for the front, was i presented with the king's colors by Mayor Sutherland om behalf of the! Kingston Veteran's association. There was a large crowd of citizens on the balcony and over 1,000 sol diers in the building. The 22nd! STOMACH SOUR STOP Battery, under Major Reirdon, oc- cupied the south end, and the 21st' Battalion under Lieut-Col. W. 8S. Hughes, accupied the nerth end.' About forty members of the Veter- an's Association were present. The Royal Military college was represent-' ed by Lieut-Col, Perreau, acting, commandant. | The 21st Battalion pipers and bugle bands and the R.C.H.A., band furnished music during the cere- | mony. The colors were escorted by an armed escort and the veterans, from the College Book store to the arm- ouries' where they were consecrated by Bishop Bidwell, Dean Starr and Capt. the Rev. W. E, Kidd. Mayor Sutherland in making/ the | presentation spoke a few words con- gratulating the men of the battery upon their conduct while in the city, and while the citizens were sorry to lose them, they were sure that King- ston would be honorably represent- ed at the front by such a fine bat- tery. Dr. J. G. Evans, secretary of the INDIGESTION, GAS, HEARTBUAN---PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN - Don't suffer! Regulate your upset stomach in five minutes, | 8 Do some foods you eat hit back-- laste good, but work badly; ferment into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. and Mrs. Dyspeptic,< jot this down: Pape's Diapepsin digests everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset you. No difference how badly your stomach is disordered, you get hap- py relief in five minutes, but what pleases you most is that it strength- ens and regulates your stomach so You can eat your favorite foods with- \ out fear. Most remedies give you "relief sometimes---they are slow, but N Llie NO-EG Manufacturing Co. N TG arranged to give dwayi100,900 coples of \_ Walker's celebrated 20-page colored book en- Ntitled "Our Empire Army," with which they win Present a coupon muney to every househ They are doing this to familiarize the women of Canada with the nourishing and saving qualities of NO.EG, which is only equalled by the New-laid Egg. VL N : gerning after." Tell 'your friends This is a C10 and id UB - book 'and euclose 4 pucking, ete Army," and address No-Eg - 00 Roselawn Avenue Mark yo acturing Co., not sure. Diapepsin is quick, posi- tive. and puis your stomach in a healthy condition so the misery won't come 'back. You feel different as soon as Pape's Diapepsin comes in contact with the stomach--distress just vanishes-- your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belching, no eructations of undi- gested food, your head clears aud you feel fine. Put an end to stomach trouble by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from in- digestion, dyspepsia, or any stomach disorder. of Toronto, worth older 1%¢ in real AU Ii send fur the ts to' cover postige, envelope "Empire - . Toronto } FOI LADIES i --Dorenwend's T: Switches, Braids, COMINGTO KINGSTON | swmple stock of the Tatoos hairs \ A goods fashions for ladies, and Aroupeey and wigs for bald men, : The Hotel Randolph ON Thursday, Feb, 25th - Senin ormation by overcoming ev ~defect of your own hair will ssist you to appear at best, No Pompadours, Wavelets, etc., of the fidest workmanship, You are invited to in- will make you GENTLEMEN ! ARE YOU BALD ? A Dorenwend Art Hair-toupce $50, for Daim nl, FEFRPELILPPPR IIR ER EFF EL FFP IR LIE HF 0 4s # { but the result was worth the eflort. {| He wished the battery Godspeed on {and was sure that the reports of itd { work on the firing line would be a credit to Major Reirdon, the other officers of the battery and the men. In reply to the two preceding speakers, Major Reirdon said that it was a pleasure to have the honor to command such a fine body of men; and in the name of the battery he expressed appreciation of the monor that was being done by the veterans in presenting the colors. He would do his best while in command of the battery to be a credit to the city and bring the colors "home without a mark against them. Col. T.D.R. Hemming said that al- though it was against military regu- lations for a battery to carry a flag on the field, the honor of being pres- ented with one was a great honor to the 22nd Battery, but that honor was deserved as while in the city the men had shown themselves to be a fine body and a credit to the 3rd division. Lieut.-Col. Perrenu said that some of the honor that had been given to the battery should be shared with the Royal Military college, as two graduates, Lieuts. Macaulay and Cas- sells, were officers of the battery. He appreciated the honor of being ask- ed to speak at this presentation, as it gave him an opportunity te wish the battery Godspeed on its way. Lieut.-Col. W. S. Hughes, said that he hoped to be in the same bri- gade as the 22nd Battery when it got to the other side as he would con- sider it an honor to have such a splendid battery as part of tne bri- gade with the 21st Battalion. After three months here, the officers of the battalion and the battery , had be- come great friends, and the members of the battalion would miss the 22nd Battery very much. He was sure that their work overseas would be a credit to not only Kingston but the Dominion. i | i WAR BULLETINS. In a special report on Tues. day Gem, French declares. the British have made further progress along the banks of the Labassee Canal. Confirmation was made at Paris on Tuesday that the Brit- Ish took a valuable strategic position near Ypres on Sunday 'French describes the Pats as a magnificent set of men who did gallant work 'im the tremches. In his official report, Sir John Princess Forty British and French aeroplanes attacked German po- sitions in Belgium - doing - seri. ous damage 'to fortifications and submarine bases. Tlie German offensive on Brit. become fur. Britain has declined all Ger- man offefs. of compromise in operations, and de- clares now is the time to speed- ily end the war. The French have captured two miles of trenghes in the Champaigne "district and made many prisoners. FPEPR RIP ER RPP LPR P EPP 0RD AUSTRIANS LOSE HEART And Large Numbers Surrender In Carpathians. Petrograd, Feb. 17.--The diflicul- ties of the Germans are increasing daily, notwithstanding their appar- ent progress in East Prussia. Al- though large masses of Germans have betn sent to strengthen the Austri- ans in the Carpathians, only two un- important passes are held by them on' the southern mountains, while the north-western portion of the range Is in Russian hands. It is impossible "under existing circum. stances for a considerable body of the enemy's fi to get through. Ev- ery day of delay \ spells 'disaster to the Germans, who are firmly held in th hb eh EE ERR RT RRR RRR ER SE Hthe Carpathian disteict. The Austrians, losing heart, are surrending in large numbers. in the early days of the cauipaign at- tempts were made to minimize a sim- ilar circumstances by . the that the prisoners "disaffected were vs possessing no pro-German sen- timent, but now the priseners - ing in are 'mostly members of Mag- yar regiments. © : ef gn thing Like Panic : ' 17.--~There was in O'Reilly Hall--A Fine Menu and Excellent Addresses Delivered. Dr. Edward Ryan entertained ihe fourth-year students of Queen's Medi- cal College and the nine men of the third year who yo with the overseas contingent, at Rockwood Hospital ou Tuesday evening. The company com- prised about sixty persons. O'Rielly Hall looked charming with its wealth of flowers and its splendidly spread tables. Arbuckle's orchestra furnish- ed excellent popular music during the progress of the courses, 'of which there were six. Rockwood's chef ex- celled himself and the service was splendid. Among the guests were Drincipal Gordon, Dean J. C. Connell, Drs, Etherington, W. T. Connell, Gibson, Hanley; Messrs. G. XY. Chown, W. T. Minnes, J. I. Hanley, J. G. Elliott; Dr. R. W. Bruce Smith; Inspector W. W. Dunlop, Togpnto; Dr. Engli Hamilton; Dr. ung Messrs. Hodgins, - Gr the Rockwood staff. Fourth year students--J. H. Box; W. J. B. Brown, G. B. Burwell, = W. ark, G. 8S. Cronk, E." J: de Beau- pre, F. W. Diamond, J. H. Fisher, N. M. Grace, A. G. Howison, H. lL. Jar- man, D. Maciarlane, K. L. Mackin. non, H. McKenzie, K. L. Millan, H. G. Murray, J. F. Ryan, J. 5. Stew- art, 0. Van Luven, E. F. G. Ward, J. V. Williams; .and the remainder of the men of the year. Third year" students--J. 'H. Blair, W. H. Hicks, J. F. Houston, 0. E. ken- nedy, 'S. S.-Lumb, R. R. McGregor, P. T. McHroy, R. B. McQuay, C. 3. Tennant. i The toast list was not lengthy. Ad: mirable addresses were made in which the overseas men were commended for offering their services. There were splendid prospects ahead of them, both in the matter of practise, ex- perience and travel. The older men envied them; they would have liked to have turned the clock back and join- ed the expedition. Principal Gor don, Dean Connell apd Dr. Ryan spoke thoughtiully tg the men and wished them godspeed. J The toasty were offered by Mr. Til- son, president, of the Agsculapian So ciety. They were "The King," pro. posed by Dr. Ryan, and responded to by "God Save the King"'; "The Uni- versity," proposéd hy dr. Ryan and responded to by Principal Gordon and G. Y. Chown; solo, A. W. Truesdell; "The Faculty," proposed by G. A. Henry and responded to by Dr. J. C. Connell; "Overseas Men," proposed by Dr. Etherington, and wesponded to by George Burwell; solo, Hal Murray; "The Year," proposed by br. W. T, Connell, and responded to by W. V. Edwards: "The Hest," proposed by S. H. Martin, and responded to hy Dr. Ryan. The students, in song and speech, added much to 'the 'bappiness of he occasion: « The addresses were timely, witty and, ell vered. he WORK OF NAVAL RAIDERS. British AVtors Had Fairly Profit. : able Ti Amsterdam, via London, Feb. 17. ~aThe Hawdelshiad's Sluis corres: pondent, in a despatch concerning the raid last week of 34 British avia- tots over portions of Northern Bel gium, says that at Ostend only | the sheds of the sea railway station were badly damaged and that the Hote! Terminus near the station was slight- ly damaged. The De Smet De Nayer Bridge suffered heavily and all com- 'munication with the sea station was broken. At Blankenberghe the correspon- dent says the station and the railway were totally destroyed. At Zeebrugge he adds, the central electric works and a factory were destroyed and the bridges there could not be worked owing to a lack of electricity. A Zep: pelin shed with all its contents was destroyed, the correspondent adds. MORE EVIDENCE OF BLUFF. Germans Jold Not To Expect Sud. Feb. 18th, London, b. 17.--The naval au- thorities at Berlin, according to .a Copenhagen despatch to the Ex- change Telegraph company, have in- yr pune Tormed the they should net expect a sudden Ger- man coup on the seas February 18th. the date set for the blockade, This date, it is explained, was fixed upon nentrals'tian as a moment for a con- certed blow ta shipping. "They will * 'make vou - strong," Blaud's Iron Tomic Pills, 100 for Ze. at' Gibson's 'Red Cross Drug x5, | 12 talker's mouth is oftentimes his wath ay well as most dangerous all reduced more for the purpose of warning]. This is a special small lo Sale of Women's Boudoi In Mauve, Cerise, Tango and Blue, also red, regular $1.00. This week $1.98 Special Sale of Women's Fine Boots t of some regu. lar $3.00 and $3.50 values, Clearing Sale of Ladies' Evening Shoes Kids, Patents, Suedes, Satins, Abernethy's Shoe Store Our entire stock 'being sacrificed at prices that can- not be equalled. ats from the Journal de Geneve ged details of a visit (0 Gerbe- viller; the Meuthe et Moselle town: ship of 2,000 inhabitants, where Sis: 'Sept a little group of tem hovses, sur? id that which shelters Sister Julie's wounded. : A forvished by survivors, how "the he found cutting clothes for refugees children out of German overcoats: after all,' she said, as she shaped a ~ "The best of all," i iy : BE 5 onlry en 1 : Paris, Feb. 17--<The Belair re-| lers went, lamenting the |; | disobey," the correspondent tells of J bis visit to Sister Julie, whom ald that our troops would repay the | & : ith interest, She auswer- tis 'and fresh every day He SAKELL'S, Next to Operas, House. Phone 640, WMALLALLLLLALAMBLLMAMLSAS! OUR FRESH GROUND OOP. FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. 'Try a sample order ant be convinced. NOLAN'S GROCERY pe BREE KINGSTON, ONT ATTN ENVELOPES Schnapps Watts's chi Paks Obtater Ble 61 all Hotels ard Pv #1! Corey, v a oe = -- OUR BIG CLEARING FURNITURE SALE BEDDING COMFORT ¥IRST'