. -prironers and "endl THE RUSSIANS AGAIN ARE QUITE SUCCESSFUL Doing Good Se Service Nong] ee Northern Battle Line. WAR OFFICE CLAIMS FIGHTING Ox VISTULA IS CREASING IN VIOLENCE. IN- Not Much Ground Gained by Either Side----Germans Were = Repulsed With Heavy - Losses -- Bayonet Charges Made to Finally Cheek Advances, J Petrograd, Feb. 18.--Distinct suc cesses over the (Germans and Ausiro- German forces in Galicia, the Car: pathians and at isolated points along the northern battle line, are claimed by the war office to-day. It declares that the fighting on the left. bank of the Vistula in continually increas ing in violence, but that neither side has been able to gain any ground North of Niemen, where the Rus: sian forces havi taken up new posi- tions exchanges have been confined to cavalry patrol exchanges with light damage and the balance of the sue cess rested with the Russians. In Galicia, the Germans attacked in force' along the front frome Khavy to, Vykoroteh and further east hut were repulsed with heavy losses In Enbma-Studenne region another Gap- man attack was ropulsed and 1,400 three machine guns were captured. In the Carpathians, at Vyszkow Pass, the Germans have delivered a series of impetuous assaults, pushing forward in the direction of the main Rudsian positions commanding the 'pass. They were finally checked by a geries of bayonet charges, ome en- tive 'battalion heing either killed op taken prisoners. A RUNAWAY GIRL Was Returned To a Home in The | Country. A. young woman, aged years, taken in charge a few 0 hy W.-H. Wyllie, inspector the uisildren's Aid Society, was, eighteen home in the country. She ran away from "a" hope in 'the country = ons day last week. Mr, (Wyllip got. on her track, and as a result has had | hep detained ai police headquarters, On Wednesday he made arcangess ments 'for her to go to a home and sho. left via the stage route, staiing: tint: sha' wonld stay at The home and! not 'come .{o the city again. § Hn be arr hae The . 'serviee in St. Mary's cathe dral, an' Ash: Wednesday evening, con | ated of the . saying of the rsay and Tiler prayers by the cong . tion, ' by Father Hanley, and ol. lowed iy Bid a Vety instructive ser. mon by Father Hanley, based on Genesis iil,-19: "Remember; men, that 'dust thou art and into dumt thou shalt return." The benediction was then sung by Rev. Father Me Nbil, assisted by the choir: Dr. Doolittle Honored. y "Dr. P. H Doolittle, Toronto, the retiring president of the Ontario motor League, and dne of the found- ars of the old club that develapied info the present organization, was presented yesterday with a grand- father's clock hy members of the lea- gue. oo i rhs, GC. P. R. earnings for the week Pobruary 14th, 1816. were $1,634,000, a decrease of $99,000, days | for: | Thursday alternoon, sent to a good'! TAKEN TO THE "PEN." Man Whipped. Deputy Sheriff Benjamin Wattet- worth, london, Ont., brought to tha peniientiary a man named George Preston Smith, sentenced by Magis- trate Judd, {o serve two years on a charge of bigamy. Smith's story was that he thought his first wife was dead and this was the reason he got married again, hut the police found that hig story was fale; further that g child of the ac- ensed bad died through his neglect in providing for the necessaries of life. His second wife and ~second child had to be semt back to Ens land beczuse he could not provide for them. The magistrate remarked in pass- ing sentence, that he was very sorry that the statues would not allow him to have Smith whipped. WANT NO MORE OIL Put On Princess Street From AMréd To City JAmits, A petition is heing circulated among the residents of Princess street in Willigmaville asking that in fpture no asphaltic oil he put on that road. A south wind blows the . pily 'dust from the road into the people's hous- es and this is considered a 'great deal worse than dust. Another eause of complaint is that the total eost of the oil is charged to the rate- payers of that street. As this road in mostly used by the farmers and touristq, rather than the residents, the amount for the oil, it is thought, should be paid in some other way. Remembered By Soldier Friends. The Brockville Recorder says that on Wednesday morning, Osear E. Quirmbach was surprised to receive a largessized framed photo of the men of the 21st Battalion, in parade order at Kingston, Accompanying this | beautiful present was an address | signed by the Brockyille members of | the battalion who took this oppor tunity of showing their appreciation of his many thoughtful acts and kind. { nesses since the men enlisted in pre- | senting them with - cigars. and - to~ { hacea. Wedding Anniversary. At Athens, Feb. 11th, the | bration by Mr. and Mrs. | Heffernan, of the twenty-fifth' anni | versary of their marriage occurred. {There was a fine dinner party after. wards. James Cobey, om behalf of the brothers and sisters and near re- latives; read an address. At the pros ! per moment, Fred. Shea, Brockville | presented the respected couple with a handsome and valuable silver |p a9, HR was amply filled. cele- man. made a Atinsrony Is Improving Nicely. Cadet Charles Winters the. Royal Military College eadet accidentally shot while cleaning hig rifle, Tuesday evening, was reported to he doing nicely on Thursday morning, Cadet Winters is the son of Co. Winters, attached to the Army Ser- vice Corps in Bermuda. A court of inquiry. has heen forwarded to. Otta- wa dealing with the shooting and In a day or 80 the result of it will ha know. . Broke Inte St. Michael's Chapel. Alexander R. Paul aud George Kennedy broke into. the chapel of Su Michael's College, Toronto, and stole six massive brass candlesticks, oft the altar. Paul, out of penitentiary on parole, with three years yet to run, was sentenced by Col. nis on to four years in penitentiary to cover bis pardle. Kennedy was sens tenced to 90 days in jail. FOR DANDRUFF, FALLING HAIR OR ------ ' ITCHY SCALP---25 GENT DANDERINE Girls! Dirls! Save Your Hair! Make the ttul, If you care for heavy hair, that glistens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable sot. neas and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. * Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it immnre- diately dissolves every particle of dapdruff; you cannot have nice, heavy, healthy hair if you have dan- druff. This destructl destructive souxf Tab fhe hair of its lustre oy Jie, and if Bot byercome any pro- and itohing of the scalp; the alr roots fmish, loos- fast. if your hair has "been negleoted and Is thin, ded, dry, scraggy or too ors De 25. cent, bottle of Knowl- ton's Danderine at any drug store or toilet oy ior an apply a little as ten minutes after you w ar ig re Th Bart atearaent yon ! ever made. We incerely believe, resdiem ot) everyt) i you hair and lots of ft-- its | Htehing scalp and' hair---you must nse derine. Magistrate Sorry He Could Not Have, Michael | ~ 1! food ships is felt. oa aft, on. 'Toatrane begat beautiful : MILITANT SUFFRAGETTE the war Mrs. Pankhurst has laid asi For some tame she has been in Paris wise aiding In relief work. BRITAIN READY iri For the Threatened Action by a TO PREVENT: INTERFERENCw WITH LINERS OR FOODSHIPS. Germany Saul to Have 100 Submar. * ines «= Béts Made in London That Not a Vessel Would Be Sunk on Thursday. London, Feb. 18.-- Der' ing" dawned cold, wet 'and : gloon throughout the British Isles." Aa driving rain swept over the variou. harbors and checked vutside dock labor, but there was no halting o. sailings 'anywhere. © British - imper- turbability was utterly unaffected by the inauguration of the German submarine blockade: ~ Fhe most wu- preme confidence in the navy to pre vent any 'interference with-lines ot Priviite, advjces from Berlin from really dependable sonrces declar: that Germany bas not tess than 100 AEE TA TOR 0 Ang COUNTRY INSTEAD OF FIGHTING IT At the left is shown Mrs. Pank hurst, the British militant suffragette in Paris talking with one of the women street car conductors. Since submarines avai lable' for service in the war scene' to-day. Jver - sinee last Augysf the public and' private yards Nave been: working. day and night adding to thé submarine flo- tilla. "These vessels are dxpected olf the irish coast and: ab the entrance to the el. va She Typical Indication of 'the lighi- heartednesy of "the average 'Britis club man was the betting In clulis last nights wherd many. wagers were laid at'three to one that not a single merchantman would be sunk before midnight: to-night.' There has heen absolutely no interruption to the channel service or the general coas<t- wise shipping: Up till noon to-day, London time, no sinking of ships had been wepori- 'ed. The liner Adriatic and: oibher ships from the I'ni*ed States reach. ed pory safely this: morning, The Noose 1s Around Gormany's Nec Y London, Feb. 18.~Tha. Daily News detention cam -oneT of" WAT "© RE ea-- A. de her animosity for the government, working in the hospitals and other A A AIA A 8 FOR PUBLIC GOOD, Leaves Fortune for Cancer Research work. New York, Feb. 18.--~Emil C. Bon- dy, who died February 7th, leaving a large estate, bequeathed more than $200,000 for . public and charitable purposes. His will was filed to-day for prohate The trustees of Columbia University are lofi 100,000, ihe income to ha used primarily for cancer research work and the publication oi the re- salts of such resea¥ches. Should the progress of seience. make the pos: session of further researches 'in regard to cancer at wmny time unhecessary, the will provides the income may he used .hy the trusteés as they may de- termine fit {in prosstution of * other researches in medicing and surgery. TO ESTABLISH BIG CREDIT, Fund May Be Created for Britain at New York. New York, Feb. :18~-Wall street ig looking for the. taking of steps 'Soon Tor the establishment hére of a $100,000,000 credit for Great Brit- ain. It is not.expected that any formal (steps in, of esta a credif here out #f which England can pay for goods bought in this mar- ket will be taken éxeept at 'the re- quest of « Gréat' Britain, 'but it was made 'clear td-didyithat bankers were locking for such a a request. : K ow RR ARS Vito FROM ¢ GERMANS. Remove' Al Botton Sent to French Pristwers. : § Paris, Feb. 1¥~--An. oficial, notice, just. jesued, wien€ the: public, that in sending clothing 10. French . prisoners in Germany all, buttons, especially hrasy omnes, must be out off. Orders have heen issued that here after all soldiers of France shall ®ve ceive bali: a litve of wine each day. This order. 'follows. the announce: ment that there js. double the quan tity of wine ow. hand that was he lieved in { jstorage.. pe ------ RUSSIAN. PRISONERS BRANDED Germans Said To ve Using Red Hot Irons On Them. - Paris, Fab. 18.--A Petrograd de spatch to the Jdourmal says: ° "It is reported that the Russian general. stall . has "received .informa- tion that the Germans are branding Russian prisoners with red hot irons to prevent . wheletale escapes from The 'words, ¥Pris- Ave said 16 Be] stamped "wpon "the forehand: of each captite. $ Give. esters. To Detectives. Fara Feb. 18-~Unusual interest a, BE Yor re , on Hi man sent of, te va EEA + Saleof Ladies' Evening Shoes Kids; Patents, Suedes, Satins, all reduced SaleTof Women's Boudoir Slip In Haare, Cerise Tange and Blue, also red, regular $1.00 This weak $1.98 Special Sale of Women's Fine Boots This is a special small lot of some regu- lar $3.00 nd 4 $350 values. Clearing Abernethy's Shoe Store Clearing Of Furs Now Going On Our entire. stock 'being sacrificed 'at prices that can: not be equalled. | Woh v = : Amey by YOUNG COUPLE WENT BROKE. eis Ded 2s fog Gungh. With | SOCIETY ARTE SEN (ote Tips) "Tt 1s an shay matter fo rid the skin "hair or day Next to Opers. House, -Pliane 640,