A YEAR B82 KO 42 - The Daily KINGSTON ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1915 ~ German STEAMER WAS TORPEDOED IN THE STRAITS OF DOVER! A Norwegian Tank Vessel Was Sunk by Ger- mans---The Crew Took to Boats | and Landed Safely. All Travel Across the English Channel Has Been Suspended by the British Admiralty Which Does Not | Propose to Risk Lives of Passengers in Death Zone. | | | + ¥ London, Feb, 19.--The Norwegian tapk steamer Bel-| ridge, from New Orleans to Amsterdam, was torpedoed bv (German submarine in the straits of Dover this morn- | ing without notice. The erew took to the boats and land- | ed on the British coast. According to later advices, there | is no doubt that the French steamer Dinorah was tor-| pedoed and not mine-sunk. The Belridge did not sink after being torpedoed, but was towed to a British port after being abandoned by the crew except the captain and volunteers. 7 Channel Travel Suspended. | | Y | Washington, Feb. 19.--The state department was ad- vised to-day. that all travel between England and the eon- tinent has been suspended by the British admiralty until further notice. The order was taken to mean that Brit- ain regards Germany's death zone around, the British Isles seriously, and does not propose to risk the lives of any passengers in that area. At the same time, the state department receiv 7 notice that the German military authorities are requir "ing every individual man, weman or child to have an indi- vidual passport in entering Germany. FRENCH STEAMER 2 action would enhance the risks of ships without such escorts. A semi-offieial Berlin announcement | is made to the effect that it proba bly wil be some days, possibly ten or fifteen, before news is received in Ger- many of the actual beginning of A i rations in British waters. Or Struck 'a Mine---She Was | "5" Sri ouer Norden, 1 1 i according to the Exchange Telegraph . Safely Towed to | company's Copenhagen correspondent, « has struck a German mine in the Bal | Dieppe. All her erew perished. 'Submarines Torpedoed No franchise was booked for a leng dis- 'the statement of some conservative | a A BELGIAN PRINCESS IN LONDON, Princess Clementine standing between her husband Prince Victor Napoleon and Sir Edward Pointer at the opening of the Belgian section of the War Reiief Exhibition in London. msn sn nr year, and. sccording. meas- | tending to disturb the | policy," the integrity of China or the spheres of influence of other powers, Japan will gradually seek to extend tic Sea and foundered. ---------- A fleet of freight steamers left Den- | mark for England with provisions aboard and it was to keep track of these, it id believed, that German air- ships, one of which was destroyed by London, Feb. 19.---A Paris despatch , says a German submarine torpedoed the French steamer Dinorah, from Ha- vee to Dunkirk, sixteen miles' off Di- eppe: The Dinorah, however, was not sunk, but 'was 'kept afloat by- her pumps, until towed into Dieppe. It ie possible that the Dinorah struck a mine. fire Wodpesday sad snothor of whieh was reported wrecked yesterday on the Danish coast, have heen so ac- tive. x : Demotistrations in favor of Italy's WOMAN 'SUFFRAGE. ! ' War Session of Legislature May Not VIEW OF JAPAN Touch It. { Toronto, Ont., Feb. 19.---Whether i or. not the cause of woman suffrage | ly t . tit! will find advocates on the iloor of the | i Tt : She Er d Ontario house this year is as yet un- $ 3 -. IS e to decided. Chi It is possible that the suppression | Enter i na. of all legislation except that vitally 3 ---- necessary will be urged by the gov-| érnmeént, and that members on both | . sides of the chamber will acquiesce. | Ordinarily, however, woman's | hg v POLICY" EXISTING. members it was likely to gain some | -- evidence of government approval. | Anxiety in Great Britai Request " a I. may Thy in the our Se] Made in Commons For Information again?" was asked by J. W. Johnson, | --United States Seeks:to Learn Belleville, conservative "Well, 1 Truth of Situation. am nursing it, until I see whether ni : the war «will stop bilic of this kind," Tokio, Keb. 19.---If was learned he replied. { here yesterday that Japan recently Mr. Johinson's bill provides for the explained the tendr of her deingnds granting of municipal franchise to] upon China to certain friendly pow- married women, giving them the full} 87%, including the United States. rights and privileges enjoyed by spin- | The impression is held in some sters and widows, "The oppesition have two ures, sponsored respectively by B. C. Elliott, of West Middlesex, and William McDonald, of West Bruce. The first is materially the same as Mr. Johnson's, but the latter pares to extend the parliamentary franchise to all women municipally qualified. to vote, «This is. algo the position of Allan | Studholme, the labor member, but is so radical in nature that little hope of its progress is Leld out. her influence in China. British Whig rwegian and French | | hi Steamers But The Crews and The Vessels Wer REPLY TO EDWARDS, | The Minister of Justice Read Warden i Creighton's Denial. In parliament on Thursday the minister of justice replied to certain | statements nade during last week's | debate by Dr. Edwards, of Frontenac, | avent, present conditions in the peni- | tentiary Dr. Edwards bad said { that the treatihent prisoners recéived | there was worse than hanging. Mr 3 Doherty said that since the investi. | gation into conditions at Kingston he | had appointed Warden Creighton, a capable, official, and he read a state- { ment from the latter covering the | ground traversed by Dr. Edwards. | The warden denied that all conversa- | tion between prisoners was prohibit | ed; stated that the stone pile, instead | \of being the common lot of conviets, was the last resort when no other work could be found for them; as- serted that no taunting or goading of prisoners was permitted, and that | na prisoners had been fosed since he had assumed office. Mr. Doherty said that the warden also denied that | convicts seriously ill were refused at- | tention Dr. Edwards--Does the minister | know that last July two conviets died in the penitentiary within twenty- four hours of each 'other without { attendance ? Mr. Doherty--No. Dr. Edwérds--It was published in the papers at the time. | The minister observed that there . were many things published in the | papers. | Reverting to the warden's ! report, He read his statement that tubbing had for a long time been a thing of the past. He then took up Dr. Edwards' sfatements as to treat- ment of the insane in the peniten- tiary. The minister said that, be- lieving it was not desirable to treat | the insane in prisons, he had made | arrangements with the governments ; of most 'of the provinces to have | them care for their own lunitics in provincial institutions. Ontario had consented to this, and he hoped in a with Quebec. Will Not Abolish Death Penalty. Ottawa, Feb. 19.--~Canada will not abolish the death not vet. The minister jected "the bill of Robert Bickerdike to do away with capital punishment, but Mr. Bickerdike, as a patting shot, expressed the conviction that the min- ister would one day bring in such a bill himself. BARON WIMBORN SWORN IN. oucceeds Lord Aberdeen as Lord ' Lieutenant of Ireland. Dublin, Feb. 19.--Baron Wimborne quarters in Tokio that, without in-| Was on Thursday sworn in as lord | from Japanese and French warships "open door | lieutenant of Ireland at a meeting of | and some fighting has taken place { the Privy Council held in Dublin Cas- { tle, The ceremonial which is custom- | ary on this occasion was fully ob- | served. Baron Wimborne succeeds few days to complete arrangements | ih deast | of justice re- LAST EDITION General French Pays Tribute to th Sple ndid Work Being Done by the British Armies, Including Canadian Contingent. At Cartain. Paints tha Garmws Oscupied Som: of the . British Tranchas Bat Wer2 Drivaa Out by Counter | . Attacks---The British Airmen Have Cov- ered Themselves With Glory. London, Feb. 19.--That fighting along the entire front held by the British armies, including the Cangdian contingent in France, is very severe, was stated in anoth- er report from General French made public to-day. It reviewed the operations up to yesterday, and paid high tribute to the gallantry of his troops, who are under |constant fire. Once more the British commander-in- !ehief praised the work of the British airmen, who have {covered themselves with glory at all went into the field. : '"The enemy has displayed considerable . activity," the report says. "At certain points the Germans sue- ceeded in occupying some of our trenches, but our men drove them out by a series of détermined counter- attacks. The gallantry of our troops was especially marked when it is realized that the entire ground over which the operations took place was waterlogged." ~ ---- | "To Let Relief Ships Alone, London, Feb. 19.--Reliet ships chartered the commission for Belgian relief are to be permitted to Hindus Revolt Is Checked At Singapore Tokio, Japan, Feb. 19.--A revolt { has broken out among the Hindu soldiers at Singapore, one of the Strait settlements belonging to Great ritain, according to newspaper des- apni " | Patches received here yesterday Amaral fi. Victoria from the Malay archipelego. . me erent i Marines were landed at Singapor.| THE DAILY BRITISH WHIQ Is on Sale at the Following City Stores: Bucknell's News Depot ..208 King B Clarke, J W. & Co. «... 3563 Princess English channel without molestation from German submarines, under as- surances from both the British and the German admiralties. : DAILY MEMORANDUM. Band at the Palace rink to-night. Bee top of page hand corner, tor retail eS 4 night q . rink to-night. { between the mutineers and the men from the war vessels. The Hindu { mutineers numbered 800, but later i half of this number iz teported io times since they . follow their usual route across thy pre- | Rha foods it : : . | Lord Aberdeen, who has She feels, it is being argued in position of lord lieutenant Tokio, that her position entitles her : % to a predominating role in the de- Past ming years, | velopment of the Chinese republic. held the lor the {have surrendered and the revolt is | sald to be subsiding. | $460040400000000000 00000004 College Book Btore .,.. 163 Princess Coulter's Grocery ...... 309 Princess Cullen's Grocery, Cor. Prin. & Alfred Frontenac Hotel ........ Ontario Bt Gibson's Drug Store ..Market Square Anxious Over Act of Ally. London, Feb. 1% --The anxiety felt | { here concerning the demands Japan | made upon China in the course of | STRIVES T0 Keep CAPITAL IN BANKS intervention on the side of the" allies took place in Rome, but the polics were prepared and the affair passed off without serious trouble. War Tidings. The German advance from 'Fast BRINGS $100,000,000 SUIT. Mthe negotiations which almost imme ; diately followed the occupation by Oil | Japan of the German concession of | Kiao-Chow, was exemplified in a re- Government © Seeks Valuable Prussia upon the towns of Kovno and Grodno appears ed to cut the railroad communications: to Warsaw, the capital of Russian Foland, rather an to ax ort to "fortified positiohs in that tecritory. Emperor Nicholas of Russia has given 1,000,000 rubles ($500,000) to the charitable sovieties of Warsaw, Russian Po The bp used wn request for war vessels convoy Dutch merchant ships the marine areas preseribed | preference because, of gallant and dis- by Germany on the ground that such! tinguished services. vernment of the Netherlands | their forces in the Feld. Germany wmtends carrying on her threatened blockade by combined Zep- pelin and submatine action. = Great airship activity continues in the The ( n people are more terri- fied by the possibility of being stare- ed out by Kagland than by the though of final disaster overtaking Field Marshal Sir John French re- 2,900 men of all ranks for S BUYING FOOD RUSSIANS VIA SWEDEN = industry: is under the Sweden. "The attention of the officials has been ealled to wnus-| 'which have been made for some time past, | ces El : belief that quantities of foodstulls are reaching Germany from Russia through Finland a Lands Held by Corporations. Los Angeles, Feb. 19.--The South- ern Pacific railroad company, the As-| sociated Oil company, the Union Oil} pay of Calif fendants, with thirty-six other cor- government to recover lands in Kern county, valued at more than $100,- 000,000. This is the seventh suit instituted oil! to recover in i AON ta were made de} | guest made in. parliament yesterday | after text of these demands. Answering his questioner, Foreign Secretary Grey said: am not a present in a pos n to communicate porations and individuals, in a suiti 0 the house information on this sub- filed here to-day by the United States | ject, which has been given me confi- { dentially by the Japanese goverts | nent" Fo China Furnishes Text, Washington, Feb. 19. China bar aclivered to Great Britain, France, Russia and the United States a mem- in the latter part of January. differ materially from the el They mands communicated to the powers by the Japanese government on Feb- ruary Sth. : Kai Fu Shah, the Chinese minister here, delivered the memorandum to the United States, giving the first official information here as to the de- 'mands Sisiaal) y made by Japan on xempt | China. | the two versions and memorandum of the de- | qwiry. 10 clear up ac- curately what is the present basis of nel tion. - noon for the publication of the | orandum of demands made by Japan | even de- {iral classes in Brant county have British Shareholders Forbldden to Participate in New Bond Issue. London, Feb. 19.--One of 'the firs! | effects of the treasury regulations i promulgated with the intention of ome wi be Telt in the field of American rail- roads. The committee of the London Stock Exchange has issued a notice saying that the treasury refuses to allow British shareholders: in the New York Central Railroad to par- ticipate in the subscription of thy new bond issue of $100,000,000 nor will it allow dealings in these bonds !on the London Exchange. i Studenis in short wi started a Junior Farmers' Improve ment Association to increase the in- terest of young mean in firm life. MAPANEE ! Gibson's, Lowe's Grocery ......... Portsmouth _ McAuley"s Book Btore ....98 Princess MeGall's Cigar Store, Cor. Prin. & King Mcleod rs Grocery ....51 Union St W, Medley's Drug Store, 250° Un'versity Paal's Cigar Store ....... 76 Princess Prouses Drug Store ....312 Valleau's Grocery ...... 308 Montrell MARRIED. SUDDARD--BAWDEN--At St. mas church, Newark, Del, A Coot Tote, 1915, by the Rev. W. G. Haupt, Florence Muriel, second daughte TALE wa ry Wi-aen ---r--- ort "tar Roger Wenham. widest son Within ié Next Two Weeks, Says | _ {lelrosio'yl o: Suddard, Newark, Gabriel D'Annunzgio, DD g Parls, Feb. 19.--In an interesting . interview Gabriel I Adan ---- JARI In Kingston, on February + that within the next couple of weeks oh 8, william Jarvis, aged ltaly wil have drawn her sword for | FWSSiAL from ble late residence, the liberation of her people in a'eloek. tang Trentino, Dalamatia and elsewhere. lends and V'danunzio himself is about to RIRKWOOD on Kin pen a campaign in 'favor of armed 18th, 1915, Aldrich Kirkwood. inte ion in a sequence of chants | Funeral (private) on Saturday at 2.00 entitled _ "Foretokens and Orisons." | -- By trom the. of ix The first will appear next week. NABH. - rin : Florence "For children," sweet enstor p *e MYSTERIOUS AEROPLANE. Torqnto, Feb, 19.--A bulletin Just received from Buffalo says that a mysterious aeroplane two thousand feet in the air passed over Buffalo this morn. ing, apparently headed for To- ronta. CPP PPP PPE H EPP eeen -- to stiend. ton, on Feb. oil nd Mrs. C. C t 30 p.m, ROBERT J. REID 2, tath- s § months. : Fugeral at the fami "ibert St. Saturday, Fen Both, Tor : Saved | 'GALLANTRY OF BRITISH UNDER CONSTANT FIRE 8 uaintances are respects 19th, 191 5 Ot pth of . Nash, aged 3 4