IIIA ER ERR me coc - -- -------- -------- ------, mm tsa GRAND MILITARY GYMKANA MONDAY, FEB. 22 Ki 2 CE , 'THURSDAY, FEB. 25TH Afternoon and Evening Consecration and Presentation mn ston nt st vole { Parade. Curling, : of Colours to 21st Batt, Canadian Expeditionary g y . ¥ : : Ee Boat Races. Hockey and Winter x I . Grand Military Parade, Fireworks and Mii- : : : itary Tattoo Militar. Sports, ds and Music Galore TUESDAY, FEB. 23RD ' Four Big Trooping of the Colours by 21st Battalion. Military | | ys of: yinking-15 events open to all Soldiers on active | Ice Sports 'and: Musical Carousal, - |§- Single Fare on all Oiays, good coming four days. ETON on ) ae y : service. Patriotic Conce ockey, Curling, e | Curling, H ] ey, Ra Pat- | : Ces, a 2000 of Canada's best trained seldiers f rseas ser- WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24TH 1nd parade A jer Grand Military Parade. Military Gymicana 15 events riotic Concerts, etc. | Vise on : open to all soldiers on active service. Patriotic Con. ¢~ |} + Come and give the boys from Eastern Canada a good LABIA send-off certs, Hockey, etc. Ié Boat Races. ee. ta A -------------------------------- en hm =P eX -- For Accommodations, Etc, - ANS a Nts : as gs 3 . 5 > TE ---- + gm -- "¢, | BR. H, Davis and J. E. Goodman that ' 4 Ee J l was tried none too successfully last CONSTIPATION COLDS. HEADACHES ' TORONTO'S MAYOR SICK A g w ' a hots : autumn, will be set on the stage » ae wv . I lays, ! layers P ay es again in New York, two weeks hence, : y At the Action of Donald Mclntf¥e's ZUTO0 TABLETS Ri: This time Holbrook Blinn and Martha REGULATE YOUR BOWELS | 10 CENTS Railway Board. . * | Hedman, as well as Tully Marshall, . Toronto, Feb. 19.--~When D, M. Me- } Marion Denier, ping the' title | 1s one of the most active of the Eng- | Will grace the cast. -- Intyze, K.C., Ringstan, was appoint- Says they are Harmless role in "PEE" in Texas, was robbed | lish actors in makin enlistment -- Furred tongue, Ba i x comirman of the Ontario Railway | Mrs. (Dr.) Shurtleff, of Coaticook, says of $600 worth of jewelry by two |speeches from the AA He is said| In View of the fact that Billy Sun- gestion, Saflow Skin 3 0 lady Shing at 3 horrible: ind maui. Board, Mayor, = then controller, | "Zutoo Tablets must have cured 500 of highwaymen in San Antonio. Hon- | to have moved more than 1,000 men | 'day Is said te be hurting the theatri- | Headaches come from a torpid liver [surely straighten you out b - | Uhurch, urged that "Toronta would | ™ headaches, for I have taken 1000 tab- estly, she Was. to join the army cal business in Philadelphia, it may and constipated bowels which y o Wil oor | come into. its own." "Anything we | 1613. After trying every remedy within ' : be interesting to know that, accord ne filled withimsq tl-cent box will keep your| h% Ilo its own.' h ;, | reach, I discarded them all four years -- -- ; "| Your, Stomach to become filled with [head clear, stomach sweet. liver and | ¥o7° Wel get now," he used to say, ago for ZUTQO, which I h Mrs. Leslie Carter made her wan-| Mile, Anna Paviows, with her own | Ing to the manager of the company, | undigested food, which sours and [bowels regular and make you feel and he hoped with the kind of hope ka ioe 4 bd ave taken deville debut at one of Mr. Keith's | company of dancers and orchestra | CYril Maude in "Grumpy," played to |ferments like garbage in & seril] barzicheertul and bully for monthd which, when deferred, = maketh the 1 find the § blets a harmless and effici New York theatres on Feb. 15th in| has begun a four weeks' engagément | $4,694.60 on the day over there, last|{rel. PHat's the first step to unto "Pont forget your children---- thelr | 1 sick. His heart is sick as ga or 108 ot Kicyte a rnujess and efficient an act from "Zaza." in New York, using as a featuve| Saturday. misery--in jon, foul gases, ba ¢ insides need. a good, gentle, |*®*It of disappointments, and his a a S 0f heacache, - : --- Glazounofi's most famous = work, -- breatit; Yellow fi, severe colds, ev-)dbansing' tob, obeagionally. "| pest move is now for the recomstruc. | 25 CENTS per box--at all dealers, Charles Frohman has engaged Eu-| "Raymonda," a ballot whieh has nev-| Some time ago Sir Herbert Tree 8 RA ; pon of the Ontario Railway and | "scram anne gefie O'Brien as Ann Mitrdock's lead- | er been presented outside of Rus- | acquired a very powerful French : ! ur oa Municipal Board, because it passed ing man. ; sia. drama, to the English version of 4 ) ; sv 4 a by-law similar to the one which -- -- which he gave the title of '"The! Pi Tan gl 5 has been on the civic statues since New. York this week say "Thel The recent agreement between | Right to Kill." Until now Sir Her- | i > 2; White Feather," the War play by Klaw & Erlanger and the Messrs. | bert found no favorable opportunity er -- Lechmere Worrall andi). E. Harold | Shubert will result in the changing | for presenting this play in London. a ; yi n ! An A Fast Tefry, whith is runnifg in London! of the Shubert Theatre in Roehester| The time Was arrived, however, he y o Ppropriato 0d pa a8 "The Man Who Stayed Home." from a first-class house to a. vaude-| thinks, and before Baster this 0 CE) 1 ANY DHRU re De baam-Standate: It is }) ; ok -- villle and motion-picture thearte, un«} drama. willbe produced in London. foes | 3 OXES * Fiince Christendom ag. Forfa ae Lawrence D'Orsay is giving "The| der the management of Marcus Lew. -- eb \ H = reason for engaging in '= riod 'of Rented Earl" in New York this week, -- For Granville Barker's coming a" FUR br fasting. of a a or To at Maxime Elliott's Theatre. Holbrook Blinn, convinced at|New York production of a "Midsum- Ye io ainsad Mpton ap a on Sart ; -- length that his "Grand Guignei"| mer Night's Dream," Lillah Me- bg " i et stems Tare archers ng hi 2% - » = : Fred Terry and Julia Neilson aref venture in New York is futile, is go-| Carthy will appear as Helena in the knew the pea Spots that formerly pret the traditions of the neighbor-| lans on earth thas ever before. io minion 0. doing a new costume romance in Lon-| Ing Into the Variety Theatre with|Dplay and Isabel Jeane as Titania ihe ramets Rome, posseases) IC!, the traditions Iyhouse is to | this country wlont the ney. phcrer don entitled "Miss Willful." of re Ade's "Nettie." a comie item (queen of the fairies. In the cast; ® 80 example of a Roman theatre, be identified 0 | ba wane, tic. hat fucrease PHONE 820. = of Mr. Blinn's last bill of short plays, | 8lso are O. P. Heggie as Quince, a a hayve, ter solders Basted ee 2 ; "Yet the two Tr earth "Hamlet" was recent rformed' Their Other Names, - Ernest Cossart as Bottom, Ian Mac- r.. Cunningly , with an entire ey De in a --- laren as Demetrius, Horace Braham Sitsen to have the afternoon sun PILOT STUCK TO POST. Which ot all Sveat nations must em- college school in New York. Mme. Alla Nazimova in "War|as Oberon. Wright Kramer as Phil-| peh! a he lrity ot De specs. og a Christin, or ant al el. " --- Brides," has ostrate, onel Bra at Snout, » sea : Virginia Brooks, daughfer of Jo- bg Wig en ail Joona at Arnold Lucy as Starveling, Erie, about 13,000. And it has accommeo- Canal Though Wounded . Germany, are behaving towards each The Glow of Perfect Health séph Brooks, the producer is to|cluditie Bernhardt's appearance | Blind as Theseus, Walter Creighton dnitea 29.900 in comparatively recent] Cairo, Feb. 19.--A stirring little an likes Bosate af he jungle, and miy yet be yours | appear in "The Constant Lover." there. The theatre was sold out at'as Lysander, and Cecil Cameron as ry OT an enormous crowd gath- Story of quiet hergism displayed i re 8 on esmen are talk- - -- every performance and hundreds of | Puck. ored there in 1705 to Witness the) during the battle Against the .Tus- the abrisa ; 2 var a sivendy N¢ Aer how weakened A new play, "The Man Who Come | people have been turned away. The -- Sucytion by burning of a woman' Xigh invaders the other day has been ie loodiest in history; it threatens your condition by sick- Back." has been written by Jules| anti-war play has proved already to| London lately saw an all-star per.| "10 had poisoned her husband--a,; le me here. The hero of the hetoms. the most brutal, the most ness, overwork, mental strain Eckert Goodman for Robert Hilliard. | be one of the sensational successes of | formance of "The School for Sean. | ¥OMan who, probably stirted the ne ent is a pilot named Carew, Anse us and the most generally' or 'ther causes, if there -- the present theatrical season. dal" for the benefit of the Actor's |!ragedy of "Tess" in her author's © Was on board the warship Hard- | devilish war since the Dark Ages. 1! isno nic disease, the Elsie Janis is going to London for -- Fund in which every eminent player | Pr3in.<London Chronicle. Inge, ste of the vessels engaged on| The motives which inspired the tonic offect & season in the music halls, but will] "The history of the theatre," kdys|of the British stage, who could be ot ead) Saal i ping to repel the Otto- | war are motives of materialism; upon a. AN YY okt resume her motion picture work| William H. Crane, "has been and |Stowed into the cast, shared. Sir | Gabrielle Rejane is the first of . one point Germany and Greac|. a. Tig meng an 1 ) ; The ship came under the heaviest ritain agree. al on when she returns." ever will be, the history of actors, | George Alexander, Mr. Bourchier | the managers of the boulevard thea- a °.heay B. : x : me: x - jand not of managers." He cites Gar- {and Mr H. B. Irving, for example, hes in Paris to ré-apen her house. ng Caren bi ry Youd. Lent ought to. be obiserved th's In the future everybody enterinz| rick's Gloster, Edwin Booths Ham- | divided the men-sefvants. Sir Her- | She is reviving there Gaston Leroux not, however, leave his post i Fear 3auever before; we don't meun a theatre in New York on a com-|let. Irving's Shylock, Thee's Mal-| bert Tree acted Teazle, Miss Violet | and ob Camille's play called 'Al thougy suffering terribly. "Being mo bre ht plimentury ticket will pay 10 cents| volio, Mansfield's Brummel, War- | Vanbrugh his Lady, and Henry Ainley Sage, which she: first staged in a chair and prop me up," he sail | ce, hy ) to the Actor's Fund. field's Music Master--Hhe might have |and Fred Terry the two Surfaces. Snuary, » 1913. Tt was inspired by |, one of the crew. "I will seé yon | i 2 Eten added Jefferson's Rip and a few ofh- --- oEadir episode, although it has | (pono 0" he ©! gullant pilot is mow Out of more than 100 productions, | ers. These, Mr. Crane says, made) When "Alice in Wonderland" ends | 00thing at all to. do with it, 1 is in the Hospital, where it was found the Drama League of New York city, [ stage history. The men mentioned | its Tun &t the Savor Theatre, H. B, 3 yatriogie play dealing with the love necessary to aniputate his leg. Hap- has found less than 10 per cent] had no managers in the conventional | Irving will produce there u now play, | Of an Alsation youth for a Uerman yily he, is making. good progress and worthy of commendation, sense to-day. the author of which is Horace Vac-|BIfl. Tn it Rejahe acts the boy's his recovery is assured. be ee --- hell. Mr. Irving will be very wel-| Mother, an. alderly Alsacienne: of A German stock company in Mil-| Frank Craven, author and leading | come at the head of his own company the Unlorsiving type, who, nursing - " : Savoy. rev a "Wie Man Millioner Wird,"!to have spent three. years in the pall . phome and goes to live in Paris. She. and now Los Angeles is to #ee it in| preparation of his comedy, which, The Congressiopal Library wt] 8oes back to visit her son, who hasjy i ds "How t¢ Become a Mil-|is his first full length play, although | Washington has nearly completed a| Married, quarrels with her German lonaire." «a im | he has previously written a number |catalogie of all the plays copy-| daughter-in-law, and sees her won Bid -- ' of sketches and one-act plays. After |righted in the United States from killed by a German mob for crying William A. Brady is planning two | his success in the character of Jimny 1870 through 1914. There are some| Vive la France!" ' new productions. 'The Waite Feath- Gilley in "Bought and Paid he Lig Satries nail, and tie, Sout: Sve Hankin Back ain J 4 of or. Wiliams' ing ar ch is bel ayed in London | Craven received a ftering er ers ee ue note that a ¥. in van 3 3 oF . wwe ; " whe i an "The Man Whe Biared at Home."| to go into vaudeville. His letter] average of one piece in fifty has! doville, is thas described ysis not a Jjteuse~iy " g "hor | Largest and best stock to select from, sae "The Rented Earl," a farce com- fof refusal contained but one line: | actually been represented on the] ii the Dramatic Mirror: * 4 Painin saving from 18 1 25%, Wf 3 - Sad, Sr ; "My soul is yet to be nibbled away | stage. one. i in the Sarat Moye that your Pid a = ped by vaudeville." - : Talking of 4a -- t5 dit cama tha : iP R for this reason Your nares Aihelis Harvey who. plaved "The -- Jalk teflalhuunts in camp hhereonality Lear. rally Bad blood is | Wy" last winter,! ' "The Trap." the milodrama by! where British soldiers] Ing the Hne of art for Bad. , wn th - - a wists " ahy i touchdown. She is Excitement of . . ws ) knocking a home-ran in- with Hysteria on Krupp ; ing a 42-centi | She is--Bva H 1 Tea Tables, Tos Curates, Card Tatites #3 3M educa, a a