Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Feb 1915, p. 2

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ERP Ape 3 A dei Boe, from MEKAY, FURS" i Testo nim Gut Prices On Furs John McKay 140-157 Brock ariied. St. Furniture, iy Rugs, Cu urtains to wee. wise buyers Parlor 'Cabinets, mahogany and gold fish 350 and $55, reduced to ¥°0. Big savi Parlor Suits, Parlor Suits, ¥75, aa to $63. Parlor Suits, $30, reduced to ¥23. Fifty styles to select from and cov ered to amit. your own taste. Axminstors, Velvets. Several hun- ards, redoced from $1.75 to $1.20 for this sale. Some great bhar- i dan specials at prices that wilt LAL Juced. : Welk tin : Repair or! promptly wd done. "Phone 90. Yours, T. F. . "HARRISON | "For = Sak E ror Te ny Grat- onaiss, Columbia and Vietor records, Odeon and Jumbo records, Bdison 3 minute records, Rlue Amberal re- cords. [Bs an' Contingent $i of her Srionds surprised Wormwith, Karl street, A number Miss Mildred jolly dance. Those present Miss 'Flora 'Abernethy, Miss Hazel | Abernethy, Miss Harriet Chapman, Miss Dorothy Roney, Miss Emily Wil son, Miss Kathleep Simmons, Misa Jetty Graney, Miss Maude (hal mers, Misa Jessie Slater, Miss Fdna Aiken, Miss Bessie Chown, Miss Mar- ian Booth, Miss Beatrice Driver, and Messrs. Arthur Howson, W H. Wheatly, A. Kennedy, V. Williams, Gay Brown, Charlie Temnant, Neil Stewart, Harold Hill, George Driver, F. Dyer, F Martyn, Armand Whitehead, Lionel Dunsmore, J. Gilhooly, Edward Kelly, Jack Fitzsimmons, Stonehouse, Norman Grace and Wil liam Page. - » - Mrs. Frederick Charles Austin, (for- merly Miss Anne Cotter), held her first reception since her marriage on and yellow tulips were prettily arran- ged in the reception room and din- ing room The bride, who wore a gown "of putty-eolored crepe de chene, with corsage bouquet of roses and violets, was assisted 5 receiving by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Norton, Ayer's Clif. Mrs. "Walter Eo: and Mrs. Edward Darling présided at the tea table and were assisted hy Mrs. Barrett, St. Lambert, Miss Fortescue, and the = Misses Beatrice and Marguerite Austin. «0» = Mrs. W. H. Craig, Gore streel, was hostess at am informal bridge on Friday altermoon in honor of Mrs. Archibald Christmas, Montreal. The drawing room and tea table were bright with many yellow daffodils. Bridge was played at three tables, the guests including Mrs. H. W. Nel- les, Mrs. James Righey, Mrs. Stai- ford Kirkpatrick, Mre. R. D. Suth- erland, Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Mrs. Hansord Hora, Mrs. E. H. Pense, Mrs. Herhert Woed, (Vancouver), Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Florence Cunningham and Miss Jessie Smith. - - » * Miss Veta Minnes will entertain the dancing elub at "Hillcroft" this ev- ening, when the guests will include : Miss Gwendoline Folger, Miss + Doris Folger, Miss Lucy Waddell, Miss Gwendoline Waddell, Miss Margaret. Fraser, Miss Isobel Fraser, Miss Mary Stewart, Miss Alma Aiken, Miss Mar- jorie Minnes, Miss Margaret Cun- ningham, and Cadets Penmhale, Ross, Reed, Hadrill, Peck, Brown, Elliott, McCall, Morris, Warren; Godson, Ste- wart, Fry, sudThackeray. Mr. and Mrs. James Collins, Bagot street, entertained at an emjoyable progressive party on Monday 'even- ikg. Cards were played at six tables, the prizes being won by Mrs. F. Pur- dy and Captain C. Sauve, and the ¢onsolation prize by Miss A. Smyth and Thomas Kane. . Dr, and Mrs. J. J. Robertson, Tweed. were lost 'and hostess at a charming house party on Thursday evening. * » Harry Minnes, at present with the Engineers, in Ottawa, spent a short time in town this week with his pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Minnes, Kensington Place. Mrs. John Sherman, Universit: nue, has ret home month's visit in Tamworth. Mrs. Kenpedy C., Mellwraith returned to Toronto, _ after het sister, Miss Saunders, Earl street. John Nigolle 'and Miss Laura Nicolls have ived in San Francisco the Paani Exposition, and are staging at the Hotel Stewart. Miss Anna Macpherson is coming wp from Dliaws Sn Monday to visit alter a hs Miss Marjorie Lo Mrs. keene Nommiing returned from Tetanta on Thursday. Christmas apd Miss No Christmas, Montreal, are the guests of Mrs, Henry Wilkinson, Bagot street. - - Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes camo up from Ottawa to-day and is stay- ing at the Frontenac. '| _ Charles McKay and Stewart Ab-| ----jderson 1 JLlemens, es mos Mrs. Ay F oughton. King street and Mrs. James Macisod. Al- frog street Astusned from New Yors hy Mrs. Jankin \ 'Smith and her Mite ian Co oR, : polite , Johuson streei, das. ot ! yi he fhe soe ot st s gl. an Thursday evening, and held a very | Were : | Thursday afternoon, at her apart- ments in' the King George, Oldfield avenue, Montreal. Killarney roses ave- idly en ? distinguish 1 i 8 res i her Es oeds THE DAILY BRITISH wHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1915. [the guest of Miss Macdonmell, Ysa. enham street, left for Montreal op Friday, | Mrs. Dennls is in town from To- :ronto to be with her husband, who it attached to the 21st Battalion. and {1s en pensioh a Mrs. Tierpey's, King slreet. Iiliott and her Master Robert F., home in Madispn, Wis a two months' visit with the is Elliott, Division street. | (Continued on page 10) |. Mrs. E.'S, young left for their , on Tuesday, CITIZENS ARE ASKED To Offer Accommodation To Visit- ors For Carnival Week. hiogstonians are vested to in thate names, aia and Td ut onte to the Information Bureau, located in College Book Store, Al ready a large pumber of reservations bave heen made by officers and men of the '21st' Batfalion for relatives ji who will visit here for several days the coming week. Relatives of nearly every member of the battalion will take advantage of the low rates to visit them before leaving overseas, and Kingston must grovide accommodation for them. . Ministers are urged to bring this before their congregations on Sunday {so that all relatives can be taken care of. | One of the largest crowds in the his. tory of. the" city will be here next week and 'the hotels will be able to | take care of but a smaf portion of i them. There, is no charge whatever, at this bureau. Citizens are also requested ito place cards in windows where j roms or hoard may be secured Address, Informacion Bureau, Col lege Book Store. CHILDREN WERE NEGLECTED. Four "Kiddies" Taken From Home By luspector Wyllie On Friday afternoon, W. H. Wyi. "lie, inspector for the Children's Aid Society, accompanied by Constable Thomas Mullinger, paid a visit to a home in the city, and took possessi- on of four children aged respective: Iy 11, 6, 4 years and one eighteen months. ° As it is charged that the parents have been negligent in thei care of the children. A charge will be lodged against them, and they will be arraigned before Magistrass Farrell. Three of the children were taken to the Orphans Home and the other to the Infants' Home. LOW FARES. To The California Expositions Via Chicago and North Western Ry, Four splendid daily trains from the new passenger terminal, Chicago, to San' Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Choice of scienic and direct routes. Double track. 'Automatic elec- tric safety signals all the way. Let us plan your trip and furnish folders and full particulars. B. H. Bennett, general agent, Younge street, Toronto, Ont. THE LONELY CHILD. Emma A. Lente in the Mother's Maga- 1 live with' auntie on the farm; she's nice as she can be; She says she means to do as well as oe knows how by me; She bids me think if I've beén good, she bids me say my prayers. Aud then she takes the light away and leaves me here upstairs; She does not tuck the cavers in, or pat mé on the head-- The way my mother used to do before that she was dead! 46 And auntie says she never dreamed of bringing up a child; She hasn't any of her own, and chil- dren drive her wild; 1 try to be as still as still, and help her do the chores. And when, I really have to cry I slip away outdoors, Then wash my eyes out in the brook to take away the red. when mother wasn't dead! of how wé used to go and I thi the loveliést walks. An before I went to hed Wwe d the sweetest talks; It was so dear to cuddle in the holow of her arm. § I neves used to be afraid or think of y harm And, oh, | the songs she loyed to sing, the stories that she knew-- | I wonder it God needs the mothers more than children do? "Vaudeville gf the Grand At the vaudeville entertainments Then néver used to get that way | at the Grand Opera House last ev- ening, a large audience witnessed the thrilling drama, of were also Shjoyed. 1s | The same bill will» be presented to- 'The new programme for Monday will : be -the ed com i HE HALLS OF QUEEN'S THE ASSAU LT AT-ARMS ON SAT-| URDAY EVENING, Medicine '17 Held An "At Home" On Friday Evening -- Hockey Matches Played On Friday Affer-' noon. Arts' 15 strengthened its hold en second place in the arts hockey lea-! gue whenwit defeafed the 16 team! by a seore of 5 to 2 on Friday after-| noon; 5 On Tuesday from 5 to & o'clock the education puckehdsers easily de-| feated the divinfty squad by a score of 5 to 0, | On Priddy evening the semi-final wrestling bout in the 125 pound class between White and MeLenvon, re- sulted in 'a win for the latter, who sepured (wo straight falls. He meets Clark in the finals. At the annual meeting of the Y. W.C.A. the following executives were elected: Hon. President, Miss Gor-! don; president Miss Grace Wood; vice-president, Miss B. McLeod; re- cording secretary, Miss B. Farrel; corresponding-secretary Miss E. Me- Callum; treasurer, Miss K. McNabb. The final assault-at-arms which will be held on Saturday night in the gymnasium, promises to be a hum- mer, for the entries have been com-| ing in rapidly and the best material in the college will be seen on the mat. There has been much good new material secured this year and chances of a win at Toronto next) week are bright. The entries are: Boxing -- Appelby, MeLachlon, Craig, Inman, Dawson Robertson, Givens, Robt. McInnes. Wrestling-----Warner, Oxford Me- Lennon, Racnor, Dodds, Stewart, Waddell, Wilson, Matheson and Mac Kenzie. The at home 'of medicine held in the new arts building day evening from 5 to 10 o'clock. The. ladies of arts '17 were guests and a splendid program of music and | dances was arranged. TWO TRUTHS How We Should Stand at Peace, How We Will Stand at War, Herman Ridder in Staas Zeltung Qut of this war, however the con test of arms in Europe may go, we shall emerge a nation hated by all of the present belligerents. A fore gone conclusion Germany regarded our note to Great Britain as not forceful enough. Great Britain was neeved that we addressed her at all. We cannot 'serve two masters. Our only sure policy lies in service to one master--and that master is Ameri- can interests.' Whether Great Bri- tain or Germany likes or dislikes this policy matters very little to us as a nation. We have a right to assert ou ur privilages and no other power e Tight to deny them, here is: pot. me to be any drawing to the United Sfates inta the war. We are as a people, divid ed as to the merits of the claims eof the various conflicting interests. We are, on the other hand, a people uni- ted against foreigm intimidation or interference. The man in Germany or in Englad who thinks for a mo- ment- that the American people--- and I mean by this all the people of the United States--would not present a firm and united front to a foreiga foe is lamentably mistaken. Making Room For Spring Goods. Prevost, Brock street, is having a great clearing sale in all his depar:- men's, in clething made-to-order, readv-made clothing, and gents' fur- nishings, See the display of the above glods in his windew' all marked in plain figures. "Films develoned," at Gibson's. | Fig George Wenderson, Brandon, died suddenly on Monday last. a. 3 was the third daughter of Judge Jellétt, Picton. "Beef, Iron and Wine, 50¢." sens. There was no session of the police court on Saturday morning. "Mecca ointment," at Gibson's. FE -------- "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" at Gib- "17 was! on Fri-! j [eum x A 150 All} Jo nnyl $l. { k's #1 ool Bunt- Cantic S$ BY | 'Th { {ing oe for | Any school chitd on resenta- | HY JEAN NULOY | tion of this advt. and 10c. can | | i { me | Procure to-night or Monday | | { | | ONLY one of the 24-inch Union | 4 This is one of the best atric | | Just the thing for next week's | | Jacks, in soft wavy material. | otic numbers ever published | { Carnival. Size, 2 ft by 3 fr. (§ | | This is ap opportunity 'or all » and one that will run into the | {| Cannot be duplicated in the city |B J { school children to have a flag 4 | hundreds of thousands in sales, ! { for less than $1.50. Price them (p+ | for the coming week. ! | ¢ | in other stores and prove for i { Hear our pianist play it. ! yourself. i i We state gitively that no | x J | : J { dealer in_ Kingston can pur | Total proceeds to. go to the | i A very limited number of |p | 'chase these ign at less than | ! Members of the 2st Battalion. 4 these on hand. | 13c. each wholesale R§ a dns { 4 | {| The College { { The Colle; The College | Fjrne t{1he Lollege ; | Book Store { Book Storei{ Book Store 00 oO € | 4 i 2 es ose mesma ita a a ua en . oe yo . Imported o-Night |icold_ Drop in and see some of the late arriv- We have a shipuient ol ng i i k fish Gold ns and Brooo als that have been placed in stock this week. ish told Bat Pins isl Bouthes r- great reduction. The reduced prices are still on New Blouses, them, and, ? n Sows Saxe. New Suits, roaches and Necklets can be bought at half thew ular New Coats, worth . New Skirts, wo here are a few small Pla. tinu "lecen am t 20 New Laces, : ; Per hs ne a New Embroeideries, New Neckwear, S : h B New Silks, mut ros., New Wash Goods, D Good Jewellers . Optich New : 8 : Issuers of Marri ae Beautiful goods and reasonably priced. A TA uetines Made of good quality Coutille, with 4 hooks, 'one 'clasp and 4 hose supporters. Sizes 18 to 30; Regular .90c value: 60) 3 ----e PICTORIAL PATTERNS hill fi : Please particular people. Gour tier | " ie P P 78.80 Brock Bt, WSL Sa MY @ y Now, Newman & Shaw, I} fore the S) ine . The Always Busy Store. NEWS OF DISTRICT re>> BUILDERS' SUPPLIEN waa, Rus h Stet, Detached Brick. What .Is . Found. Tn . The . District B : Fohame ae, Semi-detached Exchanges . usiness a tere? CW Detached Brick. Merritt McFaul, "Wellingt roe! I-detmched. sold his farm on the a, Rin As Usual Muek i S1mil109, detached large tront- 3 to Oscar Benham, Gilead. Rey. Harold White last year sta- tioned on the Hallowell circuit, has left for the front to serve as stretch- "er bearer. Mrs. John Fleming. 1 = of pt William StoeBl,500, New Solid Brick, ueen St Detached Brick ¥ Sew Cement Block, Garrett St ew Solid Brick. full list ean . obtained at office Northpare, "has Knitted ten pairs of socks for the soldiers and is still knitting. Athens municipal council has pas- sed a by-law requiring a license of seventy-five dollars per year for the sale of cigarettes, cigarette paper or cigarette tobacco. { suddenly of heart failure in the C.P. William Braund, Brockwille died R. station at Smith's Falls on Thurs- day evening while waiting for the Otta express. Noxon, born in Hillier, near Eo a on 36th December, e315 anand away on Feb. 11th in eighty-third year. He was a of the late James Noxon. on 15th February, John Minaker to Miss Apnie Maud Huff. NE -- Minaker is ls the youngest son of South Bay, ; SORE dag ; Our oil heated incubators ana are the only machines stamped by the Underwriters' Insur. ance Coys. of Caunds to be abso. see me. Houses to Rent, and col- fected. Fire Insurance, EW. pas EavATE puoken, PRI ne 150. cor" Saharan for w A man rite, Fo t of your wash- ! La ind . will answer the call and give you just what you want, just when you want ft, and al a price that

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