Recruits Wanted AND GO TO FRONT IF NEEDED SAID PROF. LAW. Addressing Farewell Meeting Of YX. M.C.A., To Memebrs of 21st Bat- talion In Sydenham Street Church --Declared Men Were Fighting Battle For Christ. "I envy you your privilege of go- ing to the front," said Prof. Robert Law, of Knox College, Toronto, ad- dressing the members of the 21st Bat talion, at the farewell service held SERVICE IN ST. LUKE'S In Memory; Of the Late Dr. Marshall J. Brown. A memorial service for the late Dr. Marshall J. Brown, who died last | § Sunday night, were held in § St. Luke's Anglican Church on Sun- day evenin, Canon R. S. Forneri, an intimate friends of the deceased offi- ciating. As his text the rector chose Philippians 1: 21, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." In opening his discourse the Canon said: 1 dedicate this service to our departed and devoied member, Dr. Marshall Jacob Brown. His loss is Ji not only felt by the church but it § !is a personal loss as well to those ~ Carnival Week for them in Sydenham street Metho- dist church Sunday afternoon by the Y.M.CA,, als ! "But do you know," added Prof Law, "if it was absolutely necessary | I believe that I could shoulder a rifie and do a little bit with the rest of} you, in spite of the fact that I am! now well up in years. At any rate 1 have two sons going with you to the | front. $5.11 "You have been thrust into the midst of a great crisis," added the speaker," And you need God more! than you ever needed Him before. You are taking your life in your! { hands, and at the same time a great responsibility. You need courage. Are you fit for it? ~~ Will you think] about this great question? t "We are fighting on God's side. God is with us. This is a tremendous | thing to say, but it is right. This| {#8 a war between right and wrong, between Christ and anti-Christ. | We are on the right side. You will be engaged in a fight for what is} right. You will be engaged in a holy | war. You will be fighting for Jesus Christ. This. fight is not only for to-day, but for future generations, to | deeide whether German militarism and brutality will dominate this world of ours for generations. This is the question at issue. And it is} for this cause you will be fighting. 1} envy you this privilege of. fighting} for such a cause. 4 "The work you are engaged in will ; { require the spirit of sacrifice. And who knew him. Not only by a few ybut by many, which was shown by the lengthy cortege that followed his remains to Cataraqui cemetery | §i oa Tuesday morning last. Canon Forneri said that the de- | Ji ceased had been an eminent county | ji physician, and at many times had |} exposed himself to dangers How- {i ever as the late Brown had shei- | Hi tered the chur" nd always taken ji its teachings wherever he went! likewise God had taken care of him to live peacefully unto a good old | ji age. The deceased's connection with J St. Luke's Church dated back almod: | I to its foundation. Appropriate hymns were, sung this service and included, "Peace, } Perfect: Peace," "Now the Labour-| er's Task Is O'er.," and "On the Re-| Ji surrection Morning." Mrs. H. A.J Betts saffg a solo, "Jesus Saviour| Pilot Me." { Third Contingent Overseas' Service Pay and Subsistence Froni Date of Enlistment Is Bargain Week at Abernethy's gti mn $1.98 1 eather " valu $3.75; ! ~~ Sale of Women's Fine Boots clearing at $2.95. Patents; Tans, Gun Metals, the $4.95 Only 3 pairs Men's Invictus $7.50 Tan Boots of this lot are regular $4.50 values: sizes 2 1-2 to 5. The Gun Tan Bluchers; sizes 8 1-2, 9,9 1-2, The greatest value that's made. $1.95 Metals are mostly sizes 2 1-2 to 4 1-2; regular $3.00. This is the last week you have a chance of such rare values. dian of the law was sent forth. The! Only about 10 pairs young Men's Il 99c Only a Small Lot of Child- A ® | that is the spirit we all need. You Certain-teed FETT Patent 'Button and Blucher; sizes | 's Odd Si man however, and when the latter at- | . ' are ready at any time, to give of your | tempted to elimb the ladder he was] ren S 1Z€eS Ask your denler for prod. R fi g 412, 5,6, 8; regular $4.50 and $5. Clearing, $1.95 | shaken off and the ladder pulled in-| Hf ee ' And If necessary your lite, on the ai. | Side. The boys defied the pecter. ll Tn Brown Kid, Black Kid, and Patent Lace and Button Boots; Regular $1.- 25 and $1.35, and a few $1.50 values; sizes, 4 to 712 Clearing, 99¢c. . pets made by us~they bear our name. 1-ply guara=tee] 5 years 2-;ly gucractaed 10 years { and while one stayed at the door of Yar, oi NIE HOWE Of U0) soldiers! the tower making excuses to him, the! Hl all ] 2 : 8c salé of Shoe Polish, tan or black paste and combinations; regular 10c. 3-ply guararteed 15 years General Roofing Manufacturing Company her two boys slipped down a rope | {i need, and no doubt have. What is| I 8 a soldier? * Some regard a soldier|oD the opposite side of the tower. | World's larsest manufhoturers of Rooflug and Building Papers BewVorkCly Butea Clicage Fi as'a buteher--a man whose business | The third party then "beat it" from | CR St.Louis Cioclsnetl Kamae City Mincapels San Franchoo Seth Losdin Hamburg Apply Major Dawson, 14th Orderly Room Artillery Park Cor. Bagot and Barrack Sts. POLICEMEN ARE DEFIED By Boys In Martello Tower In the J Harbor. iH A ely chase was made by one of | Ji Kingston's policemen on Sunday af-| ji ternoon after some boys who were Hi making merry-in the martello tpwer | ji opposite the city buildings. Three J of these offenders had climbed in| side by making use of a-ladder and |i began to throw out various articles. | ji The police were notified and a guar- | §i . rzdl test of roofing quality is on the roof. it is to kill. A soldier is a man who | parleying with the policeman and al- | ji | 1s ready to go the whole way along|80 Went down the ops: After all} the path of sacrifice. He takes his | three were at a safe distance down | life in his hand, and is ready to lay the ice in the harbor," they sitouted | %it down for his country and his God, | to the policeman to take off his boots {Phat is the true soldier, and 1 am and chase them. The "bobby did | | sure that you are all soldiers of that| 50: but he could not overtake the | kind." | culprits, who escaped. i | Prof. Law also spoke of the hard ---- #hips the soldiers would have to en-| Another Susseccful Graduate. - |'dure and referred to the many sacri-| The Montreal Mail says: Lieut] | ices they were making in leaving ail| Oliver Wheeler, mentioned for brav-| | that was near and dear to them at| ery, is a nephew of W. T. and James! | home. He appealed to them to have 'Hacouin, of the experimental far A courage, and strength, and conelud-| Ottawa, and received his early educa- | ed his remarks with the werds, 'Ac | tion there before he entered the Roy.{ thy faith, so shall thy strength be." |al Military college. After graduat- "All the seats in the main auditor-| Ing, he received a commission with | jum were reserved for the members! the Indian Sappers, and has been at| Mrpbalt Roofing CA grades aad prices) KS! OWA 7 ALE --- STOUT --- LAGER® PURE -- PALATABLE -- NUTRITIOUS --- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE ano SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE We have just received from England a consign- ment of the celebrated BUCKLEY HATS and they are ready for your inspection. = CAMPBELL BROS. De bd bk A UR BIG CLEARING FURNITURE SALE . BEDDING COMFORT FIRST OUR. FRESH GROUND OOF. FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. Try a sample order and be vinced. NOLAN'S GROCERY P LOCAL OPTION --Residents in the loéal option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. - Write to , JOHN LABATT, Lonares, Lowoon, CANADA RCT RAR V/ AA NO BLOCKADE ! ; ICE CREAM BRIC --~ RY OR IN BULK of the battalion, and the gallery was the front with his reglnent since the | . 3 > left open to the public, and it was beginning of hostilities. Mr. Wheeler | BUS IN E S S cellent showing on the march to and| well-known scientist and mountain-| By Government Test, Best in Kingston. from the church, and the parade was| eer, now president of the Canadian | citizens, : ! 9 E. W. Skipner, chairman of the re- : C.A., presided at the service, and Vaudeville At the Grand. : ~ . y members of the Y.M.CA., Male The new programme for Monday | | ter the opening hymn, "Soldiers of May Irwin, in her greatest comedy | bbb dd Christ Arise," prayer was offered by | success, "Mrs. Black is Back," in| of the 21st Battalion. Two very will also be presented a Keystone | Eva and Harold Angrove. The pro-| the Mutual two reel drama, "Jim- | m include, Calls Me." and "'O Jesus I Have Pro- | "Revolving Collins," in a novelty mised," the service concluding with | gkating act, and Keeney and Mack presided at the organ. | Nutland.- The above will be given at | | Monday's matinee and evening en-| An evidence of how many. people nesday afternons only, ps on Tues-| are suffering from colds was given at | day and Wednesday evenings, there Sunday afternoon, during the service ? | r---------- which was conducted for the sol- - The Coming of "Milestones". | While Prof. Robert Law was | «Milestones," a play from England, Delivered to all parts of the City well filled. The men made an ex-| is the only son of A. ©. Wheeler, the i witnessed by a very large number of | Alpine club, and a member of an old | 2 ! Ottawa family who is now living at| Sydney, Vancouver Island. { ligious work committee of the Y.M.| prem tap rorsmtn i Next Opera House. Phone 640 chorus occupied the choir seats. Af-| will be the distinguished cohedian | a = ay Capt, the Rev. W. E. Kidd, chaplain| four parts of motion pictures. There | fine solos were rendered by William | comedy éntitled, "Hello Mabel," ana gramme included the hymns, "Jesus my," The vandeville will the national anthem. R. R. F, Harvey | in comedy singing and exponents of Great Deal Of Coughing | tertainments and Tuesday and Wed- | Sydenham street Methodist church | will be patriotic concerts, diers. THE BRITISH WHIG KINGSTON, ONT. CHURCH PRINTING speaking, there was continual cough-| which found much favor in New York ing, and at times it was impossible to | when transplanted from British 'soil, hear the speaker. At one point in|is to be the altraction at the Grand his address, Prof. Law asked the au- House, on Thursday, February dience to refrain from coughing if it| 25th. So much was it liked in 'the were at all possible. | American metropolis that it ran out N -- _ | the season at the Liberty Theatre and our chances i$ has been Sysally will i i far between. | Boston Chicago. "Milestones" m-- { really a new species of the genus play. | No penetrating analysis is required to ! reduce it to its comporent parts, | three separate and distinct one-act | plays. Each act is a row esSay | in the dramatic form, done with re markable smoothness and naturalness, Ladies' Musical Club. | In eonvocation hall on Saturday af- ternoon, a fine programme was ren- dered under the auspices of the : Club. The Big Discount Off Electric Fixtures Get your electric repairs done by us. Satisfaction J guaranteed # ht ) » a, Hi GAVE HIM A SIGNET RING Post Office Stall Remeémbergd Ser- | geant William le i Transport' Sergeant William Me- | Cullaglr of the 21et Battalion mem-| bers going overseas service, was call- | €éd to the post office on Saturday night, where he was employed as a elerk for eight years, and th rae was given a most pleasant surprise. "| When te arrived howound he men- |('KEEFE PATENTED bers of the staff gathered together, Hh and there they presented him witl, a GRAVE VAULT fine: signet ring, bearing his initials, | : g asa parting token. he gift was ac- | In Kingston and San, ail ats | com an . read Ly Prepared hand, Dauied by rues. 7 place them In" the | GFONNT at A. very reasonable All wishing to see these ¥- | . Halliday's Electric Shop Hiving purchased the right Ee : TR © 177 Wellington St. © Storage Dry storage of any description right in the : HOT Ep th Wt pat sear ie thirty automo H hin AOE | biles an dtrucks, machinery. and heavy hardware. a NX | Very low rental until the ist of April. a a