Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Feb 1915, p. 6

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-- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, NowDa¥ SENT 10 THE CENTRAL -------- - -- advent at the war offiog was a direct result of a newspaper campaign. Ar a4 matter of fact, Kitchener's appoint- ment to the war office was decided ipon by the prime minister, Mr. As- SIX MONTHS FOR SOLDIER IM. | quith, before a single line had ap PLICATED IN THEFT. i peared in any newspaper advoeatin: 24 T'ormer. Secretary, Of War Was the his appointmient, and the particulars Harty King Arraigned Before Nap- | tne following: | Victiin Of Newspaper Calumuy-- ny 3 the Situation Is that it ge ance Magistrate On Saturday Af-| "The Baglish army has dissipated ' A . x y spgges ] : or ps Never Uttered a Word Of Protest. ed Kitchener's appointment SiEgen ternoon--He Is An Ex:Member of | Many of the prejudices of the tacti- Correspondence . . | clans against mercenaries. In the London, Feb Asquith British Xrmy, BritishiIsles there are plenty of pro- of hitherto unwritten history which fessions bringing in good money. If will doubts receive due plac e a man Fotantarily joins the army in- in the archives of the war, and wil ftead of becoming a clerk, agent, certainly have to be taken into con- games-proféssional, or jobber, then sideration by the future biographer he has done so because he likes it: it of the notable British worthy, Lord is pleasure in his work that raises a! Haldane, present lord chancellor apd man's achievements above the aver-| former secretary of stale for wat age, On German soil England is! philosopher, jurist and much-caivm still grimly hated, but the German! mated pergon warrior spirit, just in its apprecia- Soon after the outbreak of the war tion, has over and over. again prais- it will be remembered, Lord Haldane ed the courage, stamina, and shooting was the onject of certain attacks skill of the English. ' : full particul Pp which went so far as to suggest thet "The beggars are artists. Show 3 | LE Aad dada the admiration he had always ox- them two fingers above the edge of phn pressed for German literature and the trench, and they hit the mark. JISLT: { i : A German Journalist's Tribute To! The British Soldier. The Die Zukunft, a political re- view edited and published in Berlin by Herr Maximilian Harden, prints Sr ---------- A ---------- ---- WHO SUGG STED THE APPOINT MENT OF KITCHENER. 20 TO 40 PER CENT OFF REGULAR PRICES OUR FEBRUARY DISCOUNT SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT. Lv. Kingston . Toronto .... . Hamilton .. , adon .... . Buffalo . .. Iletroit Chicago Here Is a place ¥ Harry King, aged twenty-four years, who recruited with the 47th Regiment fcr overseas duty, came before Magis trate' Rankin, at' Napanee," Saturday aliernoon, and was sentenced to six months in Central prison, op a charge of having been implicated with John Dillon, another member of the third contingent, who on Saturday morning was sentenced fo one year in the Cen- tral for stealing a coat, vest and pair of trousers, the property of Arthur Day, a boarder at the Paisley house, in "Napanee. King and Dillon were rounded - up ¢atly Saturday morning as the result ot the work, of Chief Graham and Constable Barrett. King was found in 2 box ear. He had taken offi his niilitary overcoat and was evidently (ndeavering to Leat his way to To- ronto., & When King appeared before the ma- gistrate he pleaded guilty to the charge, and asked tat the judge he lenient with hin, stating that he knew the clothes' Dillon had were stolen, Mr. Asquith Agreed. The lord chancellor has been de- rided by his enemies and traducers in the press as having *' a German mind," It was possibly thanks to bis knowledge of Germany and the German character that, when . the war begun he realized, possibly there quickly than any other man in Eng- land, how thoroughly Germany must have prepared for if and how vast and complicated was the task before the allies. Mr. Asquith was at the beginning of last- August discharg- ing the duties of war minister as the #equél to the Curragh incident. With the tremendous extra pressure en tailed by the preparations for the great struggle, the prime minister called upon Lord Haldane to assist him at the war office. "That was on Sunday, August 2nd. The follow- ing day Lord Haldane arrived at the war office in obedience to his super- lor's call; but took immediate: oeens- ion to direct the prime minister's at- v tention to the fact that neither one and that, he asked him" to retum civilian nor even twe could be pro-, them, bit he sould not copsent to perly qualified to do the work a on ate hgnd, but that a soldier andsgreat Mag a8 organizer was required "Neither you ner I, nor both of ns," said Lord Haldane to Mr. As quith in effect, or probably in differ efit language, "can fill the bill. Kit chener is the man wanted' Mr. Asquith agreed with his col- league's suggestion. There was just one difficulty in the way. Lord Kit- chener, as the British agent in Egypt was in the employ of the foreign office, and this latter department fully realized the value of having him at the head of affairs in the Khediviate where trouble even then was foreseen, However, it was rea lized thal the need of his services was greater even at home than in| Cairo and the foreign office gave! way. So Lord Kitchener, who had | already on that Monday morning ler Ho ; i London for Dover on his way to Egy | ¥ . ee a NK . < { pt was recalled hy telegraph as he yy ; x Pian r pia : { { was aboul to board the channel stea- | NRL en "s pr : ib, mer. He returned, saw Mr. Asquith, | the following morning at 10 Down- ing street, and the next day, Wed- nesday, he was appointed secretary of state for war. Lord Haldane re- mained at the war office till he had, completed the particular task assign- ed him by the premier, when the lat- | ter requested his assistance there. its v EFTYY g gasses po 282 made to ameliorate the political re such things as bo splinters, arrows from: the sky, benzol, "Minenwerfer'" hardly appertain to the armoury of pious knights. Tommy has amazed us. We thought that something ri-| diculous was on its gray to us from| the other side of the water. Now | every one takes him seriously. Twice, | three timps wonnded, he fights on. | And when in a hand-to-hand strug- gle be has reached the end of his tether, he tears open his #unic and man of the with bared breast flings himself on | lations of Germany and Britaln un fitted him for the werk he was doing or Hl eountry, and even rendered hat work suspected, "Give us Kitchener want Haldane," was the cry Kitch ier was given to those who eried or him It looked as if "K. of K's": philogaphy, and the efforts he "had Dum-dum bullet Certainly. Stil, EE RES we don't (CANADIAN sERVIOE) | | SM from Halifax to Liverpool | ORDUNA {15,500 tons) . . Mar. 15th BADE ~o Cistt (TRENT (tee one i do srg oa Rr sal. Ticket St aL JEWELRY Sener Ageats, 50 King St. Kast, Tor. WATCHES CLOCKS cuT GLASS SILVERWARE an ex-service CANADIAN PAacCciric Im ed Service | TORO -MONTREAL + OTTAWA Via "Lake Ontario Shore Line" Low fares to Califoriida, account Panama-Pacific Internatiosial Ex. | position. Particulars from ¥. CONWAY, ©, P.A, City Aicket Office, corner Prin {1 fens and Wellington Streets. Phose nC es STR + 9 UE a J ENS 5 1197. may mean almost anything ~---- Good, Bad or Indifferent. But a cup of Special During Lent 'Holbrook's Herrings in To- mato Sauce . t ree HU 12¢ Tin / | These are the finest Norwegian Her. | apan Nnsis Ss : Lg (rings packed, and are sold regular 15¢ That Demands | R J RODGER, ENN ST. JWR |™ p & co. Be Accepted} [Reale R. B. Gage, WHERE THE CLOCK IS ON THE WALK. Moutreat LL 2 { Peking. "eb. 22,+The conference. be- | . : » i £54 ne 549 hi i tween EkiyHioki, the Japanese minis | fer, and Lu Cheng-Hsiang, the Chin- ese foreign minister, op Japanese deands upon * Chima ill te * resumed | to-day. Japan, it is suid, still } sists on the eptance | ne while (Hin ithe i will consent to the discussion of only $i twelve of them. | |. The Foglish and Chinese newspapers | | A scene from' Act 3 of "Mile stones" at the Grand Opera House on | Thursday, Feb. 25th. ! Are British army, Bes always showed him- self to be a good soldier, and was "well liked hy all his comrades. Dil | lon blamed his downfall on strong dyink. : { Has Austria Made Concessions. the glittering steel. Such fighting is worth the doing." Made No Protest, These, it can be stated on author | ity, are 'the exact facts of a matter which has been travesting from poli- ~teal and personal motives In a fash- | ion that has raised the gorge of most thinking Englishmen. Long af- 7 To Italy ter the first newspaper attacks on \ Lord Haldane had been forgoften hy | re the general public in the exeitewen: London, Feb. 22. Frankfurter of the early days of the war, x daily! Zeitung, in a léading article suggests paper which was eking out a perilous/ that Austria had made territorial existence on a diet of sensation open- | concessions to Italy to insure the lat- (ed a campaign of calumny distin-| ter's neutrality. guished chiefly by ignorance and fol- The article suggests the holding of ly . Throughout it all Lord Haldane. a conference by Germany, Austria who is a most sensitive nature, sat and Italy to discuss their differences. without a word of defense or protest. | Greater things were at stake, he Fires At Seeley's Bay On Sunday at 11.30 a.m. fire wip- realized, than his ' personal feelings: | and when a liberal: newspaper, the | 44 out the home of Mrs. Robert bh Cap- /~ \ Daily Chronicle, took up the cudgels | Maxwell, two and one hali miles east me 47 on his behalf, it was DrACHCAY | of Seeley's Bay. Fwerything was ; | destroyed, nothing being left except against bis wishes. His friends, how- ever, maintained that it was to the! ho clothes svorn by the occupants. Fire also destroyed the barn MEANS JUST ONE THING--the most _delicious beverage | ever poured into a coffee cup. CHASE & SANBORN MONTREAL ¥ & Crosse and Blackwell Chivers and Son's In 7 Ib. tins 841-3 Princess St, D. COUPER Phone 76. Prompt Delivery. (Coast Sealed Oysters) | &re reprinting statements 'from The | Jiji Shimpo and other Japanese nows- papers: 10 the oflect that Cirina wit | §| CLEVELAND PORK SAUSAGE . derive no advant delayi her | - 2 Th P acceptance of ry dl it | HOME-MADE SAUSAGE 'ee LAMB, MUTTON AND until %bo forthcoming Japanese elec- | § . tion, it being asserted that both the | § , WESTERN BEEF, Japansse partis have similar polices | § PORK A SPECIALTY with regard to China.: | 4 : BL | {| STRICTLY FRESH EGGS. QUEEN'S MET DEFEAT. ~~ | ~-- -- nen is i | tn New York Saturday Night By 4! + goals To §, : Queen's lost to + the Si. Nil as | team in New York 4 interest of the country that his slan-| derers should be exposed and the ex- Mrank Maxwell at Seeley's Bay, posute was made with such telling! Sindey afternoon. j effect that Fleet street was not sur-| prised to learn that the paper which had led the attack had gene into the i hands of a receiver. and will go overseas with the Cana --------n GERMAN AR RAIDER : | dian troops. Mr. Carter goes with J+ VISITED ESSEX -QOAST | the aint imicalion om "air. Teson ---- § Bombs Dropped on Braintree and of on | 85¢ DOZ. R BROS. hk r i in aL Phone 1 «Q bother-- i ® Will Go Overseas, George Tryon and John, Carter, | two employees of the Montreal Trans- portation company, left on Saturday "FO, 18 HUTTON Market 8. by u seore of 4.10 I. J game has heen cancelled, and usless another game is arranged the team ' will urrive back in the city on Moun: day night. | : forced to face monuthental desires. ; ! % | | ony Saturday.might The Boston | i A limited capital iz, many times Colchester--A Britisher We should all be' just ax earelul . 2 mw giving advice as we are in taking in Pursuit. {its ; London, Feb. 22.--Another German | A semse of our weakness is often MA [air raid on the Essex coast was at- | by tantial evidence - af our atpength pol | (empted last evening, 'when a homb | The oe hotest way - anh b, i {was dropped on Colchester, forty | ¥aY ib the man, who | miles north-east of London and about { honesty. : Carnival Hockey Games Hotkey fans will havé 3 rare treat | during the carnival this week. To-| morrow, (Tuesday), evening at 7.50! o'clock the 14th Regiment wil! sénd a strong team against the 21s! Battalion, and 3 good game should | result. . At nige o'clock, the speedy up: 8 {COLUMBIA} {Recor ds { { vightwen miles slightly south of west | a 1 BREA machine chasing the | ol the port of Harwich. Two aeroplanes were seen over the city, one of which is believed to have been a British marauding German. : "The aeroplanes disappeared in the direction of the hast. The bowb fell in & garden noar Belleville teani will line Junior Frontenacs, son will likely referes both games. On Wednesday night, the speedy. KCl. team will line 4p at 7.30 o'clock against a picked "all pg City League seven. At 9 o'cloe © strong rockyille Interprovincial seplors will face Frontenac seniors, "Tim" Fergus-| ° ere ne. as telephone!' Why run down stairs when 3 of in what should prove to he & "thril- | ler." Brockville hs won ten | straight games this season, not hav: | ing met with a single defeat and will be up with a strong team. i At 845 o'clock on » kes an even ma full of pleasure.' the barracks and damaged several buildings, on i Another bomb was di in the evening a yeh. tor, inland, | When your child suffers from .a and' apparently the Germap raider [cold don't wait; give the lijtle stem: had been much mearer to London [8eh, liver apd bowels a gentle, thor- dhan this, for the G ough cleansing at once. chased at. a fast pad vish, listless sighted by civilians. SRL 8 The aeroplane, said to be man, also d "horrhs al Macks Tey, six awd & half miles west 1 of 1 Uplehester, and near mt st . the telephone bell rings? It is a prodigal waste of We venture to say Tittle td bowels satlier | Clomnand fey set. Soll ick. -------- \ cross, ts one far outweighs its cost. You can E ¥

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