THE DAILY ¥ BRITISH wate, BUTTONS IMPORTANT. Ton INCORPORATED Varieties Being Used For Trimming | Of All Sorts. TONIGHT "is 85 Buttons have an important part to at a" play in trimming. There are acorn- But not in evening again until Friday | shaped buttons that are cleverly might. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, used op some of the new suits. They _ J pr ivERS FrEws 3 REELS are madé of bone, in the true shape MAY IRWIN "MRS BLACK of an acorn "cup and saucer." Then ® BACK" Pald-up Capital Reserved Fuoads little things with four big eyes or Feature Vaudeville Sets holes for thread that look quite as And other Phato Plays. if they had been released from th:! New Programme Monday and Thursday factory when they were made before Prices Mat, 10c, any seat. their finishing eoat of enamel o-| Evening, 10c; reserved Gc extra. there are buttons of nickle, flat Duncan Coulson, Hon. C. 8. Hyman, Gooderham, Lt.-Col President, J, Henderson, ah am Sto J F. 8S. Melghen, J. L. BANKERS: New York- National Bank of ommerce, Chk - Firat National Ba Yr pa ~London City nk 'Midland Bank, Limited. YOUR BANKING SERVICE All who have Banking business, of whatever nature, to transact will find the modern Banking Service offered. by the Bank of Toronto most satisfactory, resources, up-to-date eguipment, and eéx- ng exper'ence, ample ' tones ore en and domestic connections endble the Bank of Toronto to provide adequate facilities for all Banking transactions, . Market Square Kingston GEORGE B. MCKAY - Manager MacDonald, Lt.-Col, E. A. Englehart, Wm. i. Gear. some other glazing had been applied. iim There are rhinestone buttons for ev- ening frocks, wo, and there are the | sda ath little rhinestone nail heads to 'use ' buttonlike manner. The rhine- stones in the buttons are grouped if KrLAW & ERLANGER, PRASEA the larger ones, and in the smaller iv : gy a Ar ones are set in some pearly, encir'- The Reigning Success of England and Jing substance America. The Masterpiece of Dramatic Art of | the Generation. : Milestones By Arhdl Bennet & Bdward Knob. | lafich 'With thé Entife English Cast | From the Royalty Are Tigh London. | { The Only Company Présenting This Pldy, Prices 25¢ 50¢ 75¢ $1, $1.50 Seats on Sale Tuesday. Oceasionally a fool man marties Woh because she that he has--and he to forget. it a has more sence is never allowed RATE rr t rng KINGSTON MILITARY CARNIV AL. | ". GRAND FANCY DRESS CARNIVAL * Covered Rink, Thursday, feb. 5 - BEB AE RHA A Man With a Message To the Farmer ! Special Re awarded fof mobt| Prof. Day says that Beech ér Machett, of Peterboro, iricreased | i the production of his land by underdraining by $26.66 per acre. | handsome ladies' and gentlemen's Write Prof. Day for Bulletin 174, and come to the KINGSTON | costumes, as well as most humorous CK YARD for your tile, costume. ym y Admission to All, 25¢c. A. NEAL, Kingston Brick Yard, Phone 1396 EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA) 9 Lets For Sale win oe ray at the rink and head. ed by a band. The costumers will march up Clergy street, to Princess We have nine lots on'Johnson St. that for $2000. These lots have a frontage of Phis is less than $7.00 per f oot frontage. street, down Princess to Market J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Square. Fireworks will be suppli- JOHN DRIVER, Representative. QUEEN'S ATHLETIC COMMITTEE EXCURSION TO TORONTO | $380 FARE . $3.80 Friday, February 26th. Spedint train Jesivew city depot 1255 | noon. Tickets good to Potvin un all | trains except Nox. 14 and 16 Mon day night. we will sell 33 ft. each. | ed to those in Hne, and a grand ills minated paradé will be held. Every. | body, young and old, come and join in the rollicking Carnival fun. a ---------------------- Complete Grand Program KINGSTON MILITARY CARNIVAL 'Hockey & Matches Of Kingston's Military Camival 3 February 22nd fo 25th Inclusive; Notice of Removal KING CEORGE SHOGTING. SALLERY { | 41 Has removed from ntre i Street to 2 781 PRINCESS STREET: | Some along Sud gst sour hand Shoe shine ur con nm, 56. SIMPSON : BROTHERS, 7.50 » B. military contest Between mile skating 'Fice-18 rgd n to military men only). vo Belleville Jr. va, Frontesac JF. WEDNESDAY, . FEB. 24H «=KC.I vs, ALL-Stax City Notice ! Wade, B.A. fan will deliver a Mrs. the eminent 4 series of TUESDAY, FEB. 23RD lw f. { ii S45 pow, one Wilé skating ves MONDAY, FEB. 22ND.: 3 nd Ee Lectures To Women ow: a ap VS. Fioutenst Sr. Fhe Armouri tion by the Kingston Veterans mic Reserved setts, Pi of the King's Colors al . Jévery Sftepudo Regimental Colors fo the 2st Battalion, Ons= | 413 dian Expeditionary Force An clock in Whe 7.80 p.m. ~The ceremony of presenting 4 and consecrating the colors will |y ¥ Fi A. cor. Barrie and Prin 'Sts., orn commence at 7.30 sharp. ro ihe Are nt a cial programme. Admission riouries pniy. tLe copring Peek. Cogoe free free. g Like" One person only admitted per ticket "iHlot 'Cakes 20, at 84 | wo rink. Grder your seats and to make this Shr nents ofiely of the 9.30 p.m.~Troops will march from the Armouries along Montreab to Prine | carnival # big success. cess, down Princess to King and to the Market Square, where selection will be rendered by the sevebal bands, Display of | Parisian Ladies' Tailoring fireworks on the route of the mavch, : W. D. Rich, TUESDAY, FEB. 23RD. High Olass Suits its made to hich Bail order 1 on avg Ee ati, $ open to - Golden Lion Block, Opposite Post Office. E. F, As evems, military men in uniform. 8.15 pan.~Grand Patriotic Concert at the Grand Opera House. This | .. will be in charge of the officers of the 21st Battalion and | will he the best of the séasom, Orpumd floor, $e; box seats, | 0c. Other parts of the house, 23¢. Plan open to Military id Unifofin only up to Tonesday moon. Then open to general 7.30 p.m.~Double-header Hockey Match, Queen's skating rink. sion 28¢, reserved seats 0c extra. 8.45 pom.~1st, 14th Battalion vs 21st Battalion, 2nd, One mile skating race, open to military only. 0.00_pan Sve, ve Frontennes. ANNOUNCENENT I 'sid dorirat Season for la | OLATES AT 25¢c PER LB.| ies' tailoring has arrived. 1 "" you Raven's Jie hent you doe | am better prepared than ever 3 joy before to give perfect satis. | Kilo we - rent You are iat faction to my customers. Low- BeHevitle Plan open to military only up to Tuesday noon. est prices obtainable, as to general public, L. WINSTIN. ot SiN, . oy SATURDAY SPECIAL A dinis: | Then open | WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24TH. . 150 Wellington St. i PHONE 993 30 a.m.--~Grand military parade 21st» Battalion CO. E, F, 830 p.m--Military Gymkans at Cricket Bield See official programme for events. to all military in uniform. 2.30 pan. ~Grand Carnival Parade of floats. Starting at market Square farade Will PrUISea st Rig est io Burris. up Bare wl a 7 thends fo Ma € Square Where gin and presentation of prise will be awarded. Entries may placed with R J. Reid, chairman of committee, up to Tuesday noon, 8.00 p.m.=At Grant Hall {Queen's )y University by Queén's Choral of fifty trained finest musical i in Canada. At the | quest of hundreds who Were sgl Bono ranged Bisse nll dnd patriotic purposes. Plan open to military only, Tueadas, 9.00 a. m. Plan open to general Oné of the | K. CL vs. All Star Team. I Btiacinting rate, open tp Shen 1p local harkey Players nly, | Frontenacs THURSDAY, FEB. 25TH 2.00 p.m.--Grand Garrison Parade Battalion C. E. F. 8.00 p.m.--Patrioti¢ No. §--Wormwitl Piano, figured walnut 718 § 3p ; Segular yrios whem sew 25 N Webs 'Pisno, latest deg mie few 'months, 3k g90d 36 When Sew EE Bt Pos Som: rant Mal 448 Gee ititury 'ohe. day Tn advance of the. general | sl RE. som pon i rhe lions SALE OF CHOICE (HOC. MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 115. F 3+ EEE CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES LOST FOR SALE. PIN, SIX PENCE, 'IN- fHESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COS itizls eiween Division St little, Once, :; three times, &0 and Cook's church, Thursday n ght one week, $1.00. Return tot181 Division Si. IRESE FEATHERS. APPLY TO MR: Rer-- LGC KET AND CHAIN WITH | Galdman, 8387 Division St May" engraved an it, on Thursday - night hetween Clergy and Pring A FOOL OR BILL) RD <5 ABLE, Bo "mi Cess Sts Finder please return 10 all equipments, or $3 », a this office and receive reward Turk's, Phone 795. FORD, FIVE PASSENGER at TOMO site, in excellent ords ear 1918 1 Angrove's Garage, kbs rend First insertion, 1c a word. Each coun | wecwtive Indertion Theredficr, hal. cent 8 word. Minbmum charge for ove tuserfion, 35c; three insertions | Soe: six, $1; one month, $2. ENGLISH "WwW. 8." HELP WANTED. ovT oe hoi WORDS OR LESS AN A this ey casts 6c for one night, or on "Aree. EXPERIENCED PASTRY COOK. ™ APPLY to Hand adoiph rroléL ee eee A WAITRESS AND HOUSEMAIR, REF erences required. Apply, 212 Ki ng St. A WOMAN DISHWASHER, chamber maid. Apply, Hotel TO LET Y ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, Oncaea 26c,, three times, 0c. STORAGE ron FERNITURE, KTC, Glenn | and dry. McCann, 8 Brock ree AN "ov SEHOL D GOODS TO BE SOLD. AS No. 2, nsdowne | St, by privat sale. Sate commencibg Feb 2lat and continuing till goods are sold. AIREDALE PUPPY, FIV} months old, by Champion Rockies Qorang ex Pure Maid. $15. A H Ross, 21¢ "Witham 8t, Kingston ALSO A Wo nEDROONS ANT Ava SITTING room urn L ply to Frontenac Staart. St ee imate ena eeeee Ont. e a] FAN a | pW EL LINGS, OFFICES, STORES, Me- 4 GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. REF- 'ann's Real Estate Agency, 82 b Are. APPLY 8 en- A NE MILCH (AYERSHIRE) COW e181 University avenue. » Brock St. § Years old, first-class milker. ang _--- 1 will be 80ld reasonable.' Apply, L GENERAL SERVANT, MUST BE Goon | PFFICES "IN CLARENCE SY. CHAM. § Therfault, 14 Copcession By cook, Immediately; références re- Mudie, Aprly ta" Cunninghem & K Ivgston quired. Mrs. McCann, 26 Welling- | 4 t. UPRIGHT WALL SHOWCASE, TE wn St. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN, 1G nings, fishing tackle, gre. alry rooms. | Jour Swi lock and erything must E sold hy ey. ost"s ty Morage, 299 AV] . Frank W Sven 3 Phone: 520b Leaving city Eran Clarence St I WMRIOK HOUSE CONTAINING T ROOMS, B and C, gas fof cooking and lighting: good location, near Queen's; rent moderate. April 1. Ap gl St HOUSEKEEPER OR CAPA for a smal family ~~. ences required. Apply to Bol Whig Office, LE MAD Cooke, 3 Refer- | WFICE DESK, SIX FEET LONG ©» In. high in frontand 561-2 in high st back. Three draw ers,and ong top shelf. Slightly used Apply British Whig office. {POR THIS TWO BRIGHT smart salesladies of experience. Must be well recommended. Apply at once to Collége Book Store, i bh DENTAL \ MEN TO APPOINT AGENTS: A. KE KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, RE. TY Ean $15.60 weekly? will Day more moved to 258 Princess Street later. Blaek- Diamond = Stove Pol | ish Co., Toronto, Ont. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 1580 WEL. 1 Hington St. (over Carnoveky's) | { Phone 346. | AN INTELLIGENT PERSON. | arn $100 monthly aprreaponding DR. ©. for newspapers; ak Re Send for fT Press ond cate, 3,969 Lockport. N.¥. WEEN, A FARGE VARIRTY OF RANGES A & number of first-clags heaters af low prices; also a big stock of fur. niture. J, Thompson, 333 Princess ®t. Phone 1600. { LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES also Dunlop tires, at $2.00. Al « orders promptly sttended to for EH CATR cleaning and laying. George Muly 3 King St ------ $1050 FRAME HOUSE, CHERRY ST, VENEER HOU sR, Brooms rotR HOUSES ON YORK ST, dodond RENT. GRO. A. BATH man, real estate and insurance, 7 Clarence St. Kingston CO, NASH, DENTIST: DR. T. HN énton, assistant 132 Princess Street Phone 738, Sf, SIMPSON, LOS. DDS, DENT. fst, corner Princess and Rago! ftreetd Entrance on Ragat Ktrest | ADLEBODIED MEN, GUOD EYRSIGNT. for firemen. and hrakeMen; ood | wages: experience Fn ry Jomotioh i eer = QO iF RR sary. Feiner oa tare | } rt hig FOUR OR FIVE GOOD Nie HT, WoL dressed boys, to seh) io O Jal ra rogra nme of the Miltary Carni- al. ust have satisfactory refer- neces "or be guaranteed hy respon- Hs parties God money to be made By the right boys. Apply at once in time for to-night's pre- sentation of colors Apbly, College Book Store. BUSINESS CHANCES S1000 ANYONE ANYWHRHE CAN SPAT a mall order business ar home; ne | canvassing: be vour own boss Send for free hooklet: tells how Haar Arknart Vy - ? age ISA FOUR ROOM FRAME COT { tege. modern, on Albert St AD Room ARITK VENEER dwelling on Collingwood St. . | S3NOD--RO LID nrc K; STONE FOUN. dation, modern 9 room dwelling, qa Johnson St ™M- A ARCHITECT | WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI. tects, etc. Offices, 3568 Bagot St Phone #1 io in Armouries. FRAME DWERLLING, rovements, " 7 JBoous, | POWER & SON, ARCWITROTS, MER- futrealy Street , Chants' Ban * Building, Foss Brock and Wellington streets Drar a caved POSITION WANTED. | STEADY, | RELIABLE MAN, GOOD A kamithing or rar ering, do CH 1 any position. ! to Box Tier, care Whig o Arg A 7 ROOM | HOUSE TO-LET IN A © tral Joestion; possesgion, lst TWO LOTS ON EARL ST, 44 and one 33 x 140. For Particulars apply to A. F. Bond, 36 Frontenag , St. Phone 743. UPHOISTERING. /. J. GAVINE, PPHQLSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet. work, and mattress renovatin "Drop a card | FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. SF full dg Sag, b reet. i SALE OR EXCHANGE---REAUTIFUL , oi home with income, Colorado, Twen- PROFFSSIONALL res. Orchard. alfalfa, small poultry, modern bungalow, -- -- SPMRELLA CORSETIERRE | 7 Latest on of of remusieralive Job. inatanee i SIFUATION TACANT. is FOR SIXTY DAYS EASY WORK. f "White for rontract. Bradley-Garret- son, Brantford. Thi adjoining town. . must sell, coms plete description. Mrs Phoebe Potts, Grand Junetion, Colo, SERVICE-- models in corsets, corset waists, blouse extenders, children's i Kaists And Accestories, Anpaint- | - mients made to sully your convén- {TO BUY A ALL nig PLEASE fence Margaret Dunnett, 290 | | apply, Box C Wellington St. Phone 87% wom MAY 187, 2x AT aR, . : ms. D 5 " box 238 Whi Office. phy DANCING. A PEW GOOD DAIRY COWS FOR MISS FLOSSIE HUDON, AUTHORIZED | cash. Must be good value. Apply :~ teach by Prof. Frank Ii. Norman, | W. Abrams, Harrowsmith, BR. R chairman Standardization Commit. | No, 2, or -Bok, X.Y. i. hig office, | e appointed to standardize the - odern dances, Dayton, Ohlo, June | 1914, Fox-Trot, Hesitation and Can- ter Waltzes and One-Step, etc Phone 120. a BAa na ass > TELEGRAPHY, a Service, ly Types ting, Book ng, NBasking General Improvement. Day nd it Classes, icgsion Business College, Limited. a of Queen Stree Rates rate, 'Phone ao. 'noe Metealfe. Lu | autem pute mate RE. into up. | ae sufts. Pr is HAE le Pa $s SEAL EASE ALAA ALAA LALA TETTTVITEIIOVTIRNINTY LEGAY., B, CUUNNINGHAM, WARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 70 Clare ence St, Kingston x MUSIC. CATERING {we CATER 70 PARTIES, BAlAS | Wedding raha banquets, ete also rent dishes, table linens and sliverare. Reid and _Ilambroo) . Reld, 30 Union Street. F. 3 Hambrook, 176 Alfred Street Phones 843 or 308. near a BUSINESS NOTICES. fom AND PAPER | . egorla St.,'phone 1527 receive prompt at- | f PH RD; A a YER Vie All orders Ww tention. dosmrH S 1 CARSTNUT a wi VRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESE { oat building and ana stoné i ment Boel near tad 1301 niDpted Brampiiy, And reasonable | Ny a Cel aT kh - roperties, municipal and country ebentures; morigages interest al Man PROF, CHAS, R. HARRISON, TEACHS er of plano. Spe. dal attention to beginners. For terms and ar rangements for upline legwons, aps ply at 240 Montreal Street. FINANCIAL -- a 4 PERSONAL. wr ---- LADIES. HAIR WORK, SWITCHES, efe., made from, gombings Firdis class work, Mail nrdars prompt! attended to. Miss A. Babocook, 35 Brock 8t, Drop me for prices. i HA, NOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARK and all growths and skin blem es removed permanently, acdr; 30 years' ex nee, Dr oat and "in "pechaiint, 28 2 Uses For * Split Pea Coal . For the furnace in mild weathes; $5.00 per ton, ' Bofthe-stuigs with larger ool. | 3 Th MEDIOAT, § oii D. A; COON, M.D.C.W, Elgin). ia BOrY, _. hone 84 STUART 3 M. POLSON, M.A, MNINOCM, ¥ thouse Surgeon bobbins Be ol roat Doan ta tw Fork ote. Hi on At post ice. ome h 8-12 am, 2-4 7-8 p.m, deposits received ah lowed. MeGH Clarence street. 93 QRMERLY oF St. aVERPOO LONDON AND GLOBS | L, Fire Ingurange mpany. Avall ERA nifmited Hal secur ty the u ity: of ty Forti ne lowest | fates" fom ® st a card re renewin new business & Bt JAMES SWIFT oF NOTICE . Having' decided on at my present plaee ness, all orders Man now for monuments to be erected To the spring april] bave my attention. J. E.