Illness wages war with the "utmost ruthlessness." Defend Joueself with Bovril 7 MUST BE BOVRIL FY, Anges STOUT onvalescence y AC WHOLESOME LONDON, CANADA PURE--SOUND JOHN LABATI, LIMITED, James McParland, Agent, 339-341 King St. Fast, re tat sth A nit ---- Charm Ceylon Tea) BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED 30 To 60c Per Lb. AT ALL GROCERS "How Shall I Know | Have Kidney Trouble?" Do just as very doctor does when he pests that a patient has Kidney Trouble EXAMINE YOUR URINE. . In the morning, see if the urine is highly colored--either reddish or deep orange. (Natiiral urine is a light straw color). Notice if the odor is g or foul, If highly colored or offensive in adlor, yo Kidneys are certainly in need of attention--and AT ONCE. Get a box of GIN PILLS now, and take them regularly, 1f you have a Pain In The Back--if the hands afl feet swell if you suffer with Rheumatism, Sciatiea or Fumbago--if you have deposits of reddish matter like rick dust or mucis in the urine in the morning, you mad be sure that your Kidneys are not as strong as they should be, int need the help of GIN PILL LS 10 be well, Crookston, Ont., Dec. 4th. , 1 was a great n, § had free s were effective ine. 1 gota box and after w akin a th em fo ww a short time, the twinges became less frequent until they finally disappeared. Rheumatism is a te! rrible affliction and it is a_blessing to know of a remedy Jike Gin Pills thay will drive it out of the system and relieve the sufferings." JOSEPH STEVENSON. Don't put off this treatment. If your Kidneys show any of the signs given above, you need Gin Pills. To delay taking them is only inviting Bright's Disease, Stone in the Bladder, chronic Rheumatism or some other ters ible form of Kidney or Bladder Trouble. Gin Pills are soll at all de Slers--blc, a box, 6 for $2.50. Gin Pills are "Made in Canada". Sold in U.S. under the name 'GINO Pills. Treatment {ree if you write y National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto is KIDN EYS - 265 ati { TE XT OF CZAR'S "MESSAGE THE KAISER, * » TO ' ---- j The Official Text Is Now Made Pub. lic By the Russian Washington, Embassy at 'eb. 25.~The Russian efday. made public; the telegram sent by f Russia to Kaiser Germany, on July 29th, 'the formers proposed té that the Austro-Serbian precipitated the present + in Faropé might be submitfed to fl conference, If this pro- was made three days he "actually began, had heen is possible that the con- heen averted. began the German public through a chuye issued at Berlin with official , the text of various telegrams had been exchanged between the ,- the and the king of Eng- | in the efforts they appeared to during the closing days of to avoid the conflict. This bro- did not Song ain the text of the q rich (the Russian ezar Sh he for the sub \ustro-Nerbian dispute the fact that such a wi been sent was disclossd despatches of the holas « n which latter have war rnment made rint kuaser week® ago in news Petrograd he ambassador has now of the oflicial state the Petrograd gov- ial Messenger on whicn gave the text of note with the follow: Russian the text published hy iment in its oll | January 3st, suppressed ent ; rman received ment the comn government has pub- i} telegrams which the «od with Fmperer Wilhelu the = war. Among these tele grams, however, was not. published a ge from the czar, dated July 1914 (six days after the Austri an, note to Serbia), contaming(a pro- submit the -:Austro-Serbian | dispute to The Hague Tribunal. It, | therefore, appears that it was desited | in Germany' to pass over in silence | the attempt to avoid the approaching | collision which the czar "made three | davs before the declaration of war by { Germany. "In view the ministry of | foreign afl authorized to pub- | lish the telegram mentioned, of which | the following is the text: | ** "lhanks for vour telegram, which | is conciliatory and friendly, whereas the official message presented to-day i ambassador to my minister | before 1 28th, { posal to of 1 this f Ys is oy your | was conveyed in a very diflerent tone. {1 beg to explain this divergence. It { would be right to give over the Aus- tro-Serbian problem to The Hague conference. 1 trust in your sincerity { and friendship.' | FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE { First Woman Honored By Statue In | J.ondon, Londen, Feb, 26.--A ! Florence Nightingale was unveiled on Wednesday. It is the first in- stance tn whith a statue ot a wom- ar, acide from royalty, has been erected publicly in London. On ac- count of the war there were no core- monies fn connection with the un- veilng. The figure, which bears a lamp in the right hond, forms a part of the Crimean memorial group in Wa- terloo Place, the cost of which was nrovided for 'by small subscriptions, largely from nurses, soldiers «f# sailors, . ' tam 1,085,900, WAR PRISONERS statue 0? In Germany and Austria, Says Frank- furter Zeitung. Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany, Feb. 26, via London.-- The Frank- furter Zeitung estimates that the prisoners of war. in. Germany and Austria now number 1,033,000. This number, it says, is divided as follows: Russians, 690,000; French, 237,000; Serbians, 50,0. Belgians, 37,000; British, 19,000. About 75 per cent. of the total is held by Germany. * *0 bother- : there's the EXPECTS TO WIN AS SAULT-AT-ARMS, MeGILL With Queen's and * y arsity In Toron- to--Billington, Formerly of Mec. Gill, To Enlist As a Private, Montres Comes Easi One of the strong ms that has ever repres 11 leave for To- ronto 1o-t te pete i n the box- ing, 1% champion- ships collegiate as- sault-at-d year MeGill won seve of thirteen in the interec meet which was held in Montreal, is Counting more points than gether The n points out glate ih local collegians only lost one wrestling event and won their share bf the boxing bouts. The team this year is thought by many to be the strongest that has ever repre- sented the college and it looks as if Lihe championship is going to stay with McGill another year. standing is: ~Goalss-- For Agst 67 60 115 78 58 71 61 to be played The NNH.A., Ciubs, w on, Lost Ottawa. . 6 Wanderers... 1 6 Quebee . 1d 9 Torontos. ". Shamrocks 6 Canadiens, , 6 Postponed game March 6th. urday shamrock at Wanderers, 19 ~~ 3 at Toron- Canadiens games: Quebec at Ottawa, tos, defaulted dinte Intercolloginte with, Uni 0.A.C, mien game the Johnson-Wil heavyweight cham- be considered de- Havana. The location of lard bout r the pionship may finitely settled now for John H. G with the International manage the season. to terms Rochester and will coming come the [eague Club, team for the anzel has owners ol "Rill" Sherring, of Hamilton, mer of the Olympic Marathon at ens in 1906, has enlisted in the Medical and will likely away with second contingent. win: Ath- Army Corps gO the havoe and The mild weather is playing with the O.H.A. semifinals, Varsity-Lindsay game is the only o that will likely be decided this week Regina, which won the Allan cup last year from the Wiunipeg Mon- § arches, only to lose it-this season to } Melville, is on a tour next week.» apd wishes to arrange, an ex- Libition game with one of the senior O.1L.A. teams at the Toronto Arena. going famous Mcfall cen- has volunteered his services in any capacity to the MeGill over- company, to go, with the 25th lattalion, undér the command of Captain Gregor Barclay, Billington was engaged in mining éngineering work at Coleman, Alberta, and will arrive to enlist as a private in the course of a day or two, Forie Billington, tre half, seas HEARS OF BRITAIN'S WORK, Russia Public Appraised of Great Task At Hand. Petrograd, = Feh. * 26.--The Novos Queen's and Tonento to- | Vremya has a leading article entitled, "The Army of England." Tor the ¢ first time the n publi¢ ts made aware of the tremendous efforts pat forth by England to turn out' a great continental army besides creating non- existing armies with all equipment. England, it says, has had to pro- vide lor colonial armies all over the world. Her arms and ammunition factories, originally based on the very small requirements of the forces 'ex- isting before the war, have heen ex tended so as not only to equip fully huge armies on a continental scale raiged by the splendid patriotism of in various directions for the needs of her allies, The Novoe Vremya congratulates the Pritish government on having decided promptly to undertake the gigantic task of equipping millions of men to fight Germanism. Tt further notes that ohe lead has been given by the Pritish avistocracy of the old school who have been among thefirst to fall for their country, exemplifying the priceless value to a 'fighting force of those lessons learned © primarily 'by Fa lishmen in the field 'of spopt. is article will have an admirable fie t upol ulgtion grun in Russia. It ne a been needs in any quarters in the Russian arm. jes, but among the civil population, aod especially: in the large cities of influence bas heen at work for a long time past which the ' Novoe Viemya's asticle, based upon French "official informa- tion, will Sivively gounterast, : special London, showing their ing to the ¢ her people, but alse to provide largely | Feb. university students in England are' triotism by re spond- {+ Lemon j of son of the more of Famous California Seedless Navel Oranges Fully Ripe and Delicious Now. you can have these famous seedless navel oranges at any first-class grocer's or fruit dealer's store. An abundant supply fresh from the trees has just arrived from California. ' Telephone your dealer now---order today. # Free-pecling, seedless, firm and tender -- healthful food for every day. oo Satara ' $ ruit Growers Use Sunkist Lemons Te b he TEAGAYO. ON ou. hist Li mous Sunk look 2 ced or , too. ist Lemons taste and i on the ta i tered w more hea i it ¢ d be this Note the added pon for Pr other Wm, R We girarantee his Silver, you pay to get it if not satisf Cook's Cotton; Root Compound. | } @ Thomas Copley Telephone 987 ard to 13 Fine street when " | OUR FRESH GROUND COPF-| FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BE AT. | Try a sample order and be | eonvineed., } + NOLAN'S GROCERY | | | A safe, yeliablé reguialing medicine. Sold 1v three des grees of stro ngth--No. 1, $1; Ko. 2.83; No. 3. 85 per bor, | 4 Sold by atl drugdisia, of aval = on 'meeipt & ice, Free - pamphlet. THE COOK MEDICINE co. { TORONTO, ONT. (vermests Wisdsar) { i nates A wn "all b of repa. rs and new work; also hard- | won foors of all Kinds All orders {will receive prompt atten'lon, Bhop $0 Queen Stieet Princess St. i Phone 720. Prompt Delivery TOWER WTOWOTETEwwS nerves are a-tingle, head fatigued, appetite gone, digestion poor == == remember THEN long l-a-s-t-i-n-g 'beneficial friends! + crsstah your breath, ig nets, at dizestion. idler dn Ca. 1. ve, Toronto Yani