Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Mar 1915, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, TUESDAY, MARCH?2, 1915. : PAGE THREE -- r------------ -- pt ---- -- Acid Stomachs Are CH ANGES M ADE: Bn co re po THE SPORT REVIEW | Snow flurries; generally fair and colder. Wednesday fair and quite cold. Dangerous T's department. n nd calle d SE ---- A The city engineers department has been reorganized by the City Coun- | Napanee a BCR Ps NT cil, At the last meeting of council, Xhe sofiuery and his staff were ask. €¢d 10 sead In thelr resignations so March 2.-(h J > the Board of Works could carry cut h d a hurry-up ich of ok fics Cras 4 scheme of re-organization the re- the cfiiet thet an esc 'aped lunatic was signations to become effective on Feb. 405 .g iis way toward Napanee ona 27th, The resignations were sent f icht train The chief Yrried to CR A Commun Sguaa- Advice bs them mbugs, to which Ala, Hugh SENIOR EASTERN RN GROUP OF THI | d neutralized and its formation prevent. C------ €l in its recommendations. Sat | ed, and the best thing for this purpose : : t was peinted on* to (he works The Melville (Saskatchewan) Nor- ts bi Ch gf Disurated magnesia | CLERK ~~ RE-APPOINTED AND onaieman that the orly change in the therns successiuliy defended ihe a 3 ple ants ating STENOGRAPHER ADDED, whole report was to give Mr. Petli 120 cup defeating Prince' Albert in } grew $500 instead of $600 Thi, the second game of the home and Ron als: oi J Tha Wt a . a Fa ' . I eed the skin with a § that R..J. McClelland be engaged Fires of ~ Napanes's 35tve Souths good ( old ( ream and of $1, 500. He al a full con. To ng oo. Dundas izest, on aveid: Roughness and J trol of the office staff, and be respon- unday afternoon, aid munaged 1a A : ya | $fhio for their Work. go through a large plate glass win- Chapping. dow in the grocery store of J. Pais- That Thomas Timms be engaged , Mr. IE nwright had the misfortune to as foreman of streets at a salary of i081 and dislocate his shoulder. on if $900 per annnm. Monday evemng. 's Under the present arrangements, The ladies' hockey team from Des es if | the report, stated, the engineer will "foto came to Napanee on Monday THE SATISFACTORY S } | be required to look after the work ¢'°Pig to play a picked team * from {and the board therefore took to the game. Toward the close of the game! { engimesr to revise a better system of Miss P. Coutie was unfortunately (BRE office management, and of handling Struck in the mouth, and her lip was ALWAYS ak transactions, than is at present in Severely cut, necessitating the assist: » | vogue, the receiving and checking of | ance of Br. Campbell, who was close Diatinkuloed Sealing es objected, but Ald. Nickle explain: O.H.A., IS PROPOSED. : "Aeld" stomachk are dangerous be th Pe ¢d that humbugs were sweet things, a | AAAMNsNNsasssnssss Anes na da, SE rriiates. and infames. the in £ rersonnel o the ity end there was nothing really offen: With Kingston, Brockville, Smith's! §i De ~ yd nh 1 ------ ; from whic h a lop « Services of H, 8, pick Dispersed With wever, did not pacify Ald. Graham, lote series 6 (0 5, and winuing the | gi which rdinart ' dig ~--A More Mcdern System To De who retired from the cove cham. provincial championship in the ound i That A. Pettigrew be engaged as 1 t df e 5 levy doing damage to the extent of We have most good Terk at a salary of $609 per annum. about £70. 3 STORE, OPEN SUNDAYS I} | which an engineer is suposed to do, oPance. The game was called at viz.,, the taking of levels, drawing > 3 and almost immediately , Napanee LE [2 upplies has been lax, and the board by. The both teams were entertained H ) looked for an improvement in this | to a lunch at M. Cambridge's restau- 1 | The eiigineer should have a stock rant, and to a dance in the town hall, Yn, "oak howing the stock of machinery, aiter the game. The teams were : ate ining of iindering and p e pt Ta i ele be ng called by that name ; Falls and Ottawa As Members -- | action of the sfom » 4 Eng Neer 's Staff. A irabam, however, intimate Golf Is Dead In England. N ; | I he ewest ® ( tr may t te y ! n 1 10 to 13 CRN vy D6 en n puny a ro a' f Se uy 1 ais QV ve the meal Ix followed with a iittle b Introduced Into the Engincér's De. 27 28d Rit the tra'l for heme. ¥O Brain | a kos p = His duties s ) : : : | makes at from 15 cents J the boots hal Sonaist 2 keeping S. Whaley, Kingston, visited Dr. 2 5, Iaking Te-| joonard's on Sunday. plans, specifications, etc At pres- "¢or.d, and kept the lead throughout ent it was found that a great portion "hat proved to be a a very exciting In tool, picks, shovels, etc., on hand, and Des ronto--E. Gordon, May Bartley, WORKMANSHIP : | thus be able at a moment to account| P. Coutie, M.". ~Haugh, Miss Vander: Ji rior th pt, 63 T i very forcibly that the council rieedn't the meat in Tollowed With a fils bi ley TomB Rr " In latest styles, to form foundations for the 0 75 cents. orts suc ar W s may . t {9 cents ports and such other work as may be Mrs. W. Exley, who' underwent a of his time is, by his own choice. gi- £8m¢, finally winning by a score of } same voort, i, ( lament and Contie stomact trouble f eopl ' > > Pran i 4 avana y % Momaen trouble Jrom ch le expect the Board of Works to re-or- Pra: KR w. Lavanalgy bas signed 4 cinal 'treatments are the works department, The 0€W Coutract for Laree years as head ed from any druggist, and should al partment. - * The NNHA,, scoring honors are ways he kept handy M h Wi d i= Rng ut Manuay meuv's Weng ol the stution to intercept a passing dint wee. ad Ens Re train; when it was fontned that the ation made by tae Board of man Lad Leen caught a few miles . i . assigned to him by the engineer. : Buy vouil cold That a lady be ep A steno. CPeration in the Kingston hospital, . ass Creams and Lotions for grapher and assistant at a salary of | Pro%vessing favorably, and is expect. ven to clerical work in the office, ¢ 10 3. For the winners, Lilly Hart- which can be done as efficially by a Man and E. Rockwell were the stars. eheaper man The success of an of- For Deseronto, Miss P. Coutie and ADJUSTMENT The board suggested that a separ- Napance--(', Nesbit, Lilly Hartman, LORRI f. (ate compartment he partitioned off | M. Machonacie, E. VanLuven, M. Hun STYLE . ++! | from the preient quarters, making a | ter, E. Rockwell and D. Reeve. -- ; ie uiaay leave the' oui - n t . ENGINEER RE-ENGAG D t had gone carefully nto the coach of the Dartmouth football dangerous as ever. > ard A i i niatt and wouldn't stand for any team Mean Rough Skin | Works: west of Kingston. | satisfac tory results $300 per annum. ed to Le home in a few days. fice depends on the executive head, Miss G. Cloment played a very good private ¢ fee for the engineer. ---------- n 5 : Ald. Graham, chairman of the : OTHERS JUST | : Board of Works, said that the pro Napoleon and Submarines. 4 V posed re-organization would save the Robert Fuiton was the most inter- Sys $800 a year. H. 8. Dick was re esting inventor of the early sub- lieved of duty. . He was paid $900 a marine: He constructed a boat ip year, aad had been doing most of the France, and managed to interest the | outeide engincering work. In fu French Government in it, He gave ture, Mr. McClelland would do this. ' griaf trips in the Seine, at Rouen, and { : 5 at Brest. Compressed air was used, 1 Nida Sbicctions Rai a. Wrigh 2nd Fulton remained at the depth of 33 | opposed cutting, the elerk's ln 35 fest 0p four hours, steering his 4 | down frcm- $800 to $600, and adding Subiasine Io Sy SIF A TCHION charg. a lady Stenographer at 300. Al ed with gun-powder and ow up a ght said at the city clerk's ste 5 nographier: wo cess old vessel lying in Brest Harbor. This srapLer & koulg So the WOCESSarY oreated a tremendous sensation, and Ald. Kent pointed out that the Marked a wonderful achievement. Board of Werks report on re-organi Falion took his submarine to the KEELEY Ir, M 0 0. 0 zation rcally Io, an increase : © Prone Government n ike year 1803, alle $100 a Year-in cos us e time Napoleon was con- OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN | gineers ofliber. air. Such: whe 2 templating an invasion' of Fngiand, 228 Princess Street. appointed by the City Council, but Moreover, Fulton personally laid the 8 doors above the Opera House, was added to the staff by the engi: Plans of his submarine before Napo- neer because the latter had too much leon, who, it is said, was attracted by work to do. them, but later ridiculed them as new Ald. Peicrs informed council tha: fangled impossibilities, just as he did City Engineer McClelland had toc the steamboat offered. to him at the * & mueh work to-do. He had to toi! Same time. late into the night. If he was to' What would Napoleon say could he do all, the outside engineering work, know the part the submarines was | Chief Clerk Pettigrew inetead of hay- destined to play in war? i ing less work to do, as suggested by | | the report, would have more to look Who Invented Khaki? 3 5 " after. . bo Ald. Litton favored the proposals' Br arp he (ettion, "Whe to have the city engineer out on the though we all know that the adop- | streets. Mr. Pettigrew, he held, tion of kMaki by the British army should not be cut down. Alds. Hughes and Gardiner, mov- | Jules pac to ne Seuth A Aree he ed in amendment that A. Pettigrew jv rin engaged at $800 a year and that ivan % Slereurss --- be oid mal & [the .clause regarding a lady steno-! Araphior be struck Sop. celebrity advocated somgthidg skis Ald. Wright moved in amendment | 10, Kaki as. the most Sery to the amendment that Mr. Pett TW. GQ. Herdman, the ay fron + grew's salary be $800 and that hat Mise! author of "Ancient Liv 1.7 : or ol nciel erpool," writ- M- Ball, of the city clerk's be ing in 1869, condemned the red uni- given $50 40 0 the typewriting Of forms of the British and the white the engineer's office, | uniforms of the Austrian armies as Alds. Couper and Gfilespie, Wo, tho worse possible colors, having re- | members of the Board of Works, fa-| gard to their visibility at long dis- | ¥ored forcing Mr. Pettigrew's salary tances. He added, "If armies went at $800 as before. action clothed grey-green i Ald. Nickle held that $600 was ene} og over, head 'or dn --t all, they ; ) {ough for a clerk in the city enginser's omg Bot: be_distinguished till ot ni : 1 | office, which more than anything Was! 4 » | in need of a stenographer. | Ald. O'Connor held that the port. ay esi a ¥ = - 3 . p ' ' tof the Board of Works was inh the . = S| + Dest-interests of the city: "and should The now president of ; | be adopted as presented. | Service Federation ich recent TE Eee -- AM Hughes changed hb te wmend held its ; . ment to read that the 8d of Mr.| R. 8, White, | Pettigrew be $800, initimat that | the he wonld support * r at 18300 a year. Ald Wright Witharew : smendment to the amendment. Ai he. Hurhes' amendment carried this division: oer pul od ouper, Hughes, Kent, Litton, Newman, Pe- | ters, Wright --10. i. Nays--Alds. Clugston, Graham; | Nickle, O'Connor, Richardson, White, | Worm with--T. (SH 7 vole en the clause for the ap- "1 poinitment v r-selary of $364 was capried-onthic sion: #8 Ew Yeas Mayor Sutherland and Alds re Candie: are Wan gihEhes. now: f. Smith, Quebec Pitre, Canadiens Roberts, Wanderers Broadbent, Ottawa . H. Hyland, Wanderers 3 Cleghorn, Wanderers OQ. Cleghorn, Wandereis Wileon, Torontos Ronan, Saamrocks Crawrord, Quebec J: Malone, QUODEC « vvivs On a rain-drenched, dangerous | track, D. Resta, an Italian driver, ¢n- gaged in his first American speed struggle, won the Grand Prix auto- mobile race at the Panama Pacific Exposition Saturday, in Car No. 9. His time was 7 hours, 7 minutes and 57 % 'seconds. Howard Wilcox, in No. 26, was second. Howard McNamara had the liga- ments of his shoulder torn in the game at Ottawa, and he will be out| for the balance of the season: Harry Cameron, of the Torontos,!| is out of the game for the season with water on the knee, as the result of the game with the Shamrocks last Wednesday. Walker, of the same team, also injured his knee in the same game, but played Saturday night. | Frederick Ayer, driving a team of fourteen foxhounds, finished first late yesterday in the 64-mile Solomon Derby for dog teams in Nome, Alaska. His time was 6 hours and 23 minutes. Percy Blatchford, driving the Down-| i ing-Blatchford team, was second in| 6 hours and 38 minutes. At last] ! reports Leonard Seppala was leading | "Scotty" Allan, driving the Alan- Darling team of Malamutes, tor yuiia| place. When the Kingston Frontenacs, went to Brockville for an exhibition match with the brews, champions of | the Southern Section of the Ottawa Valley League, they were aceompani- | ed by 'Jim' Sutherland, the father season's modes in gowns and suits, will be shown TO-MORROW. AMERICAN LADY ¥ SORSETS, ..$1.35 to $ 5.00 $4.00 to $10.00 .$4.00 and $ 6.00 NEMO (reducing) These famous makes are regarded as equal to the custom-made corsets $20.00 and more T O-IMOoITOW We will make an announcement of great importance to every King- ston woman of the Kingston organization. He | threw out a suggestion that immedia- | tely found favor with the Brockville! officials, viz., that next season a sec-| tion composed of some Ottawa team, « Smith's Falls, Brockville and the Frontenacs form an eastern senior group of the O.H.A,, The plan, it is beiteved, would develop more in-| erest than the double schedule be-| tween. Brockville, Perth' and Smith's! Falls, which has been in effect the past two seasons. British golf is absolutely dead, ac- cording to Wilfrid Reid, one of Eng- land's foremost golfers, who arrived in this country in the steamship Bal- tic last night. Reid will assume the position as professional of thie Seav- ing Golf club, at Abtecon, N.J., and plans to compete in the open cham-! pionship at bBallusrol. "Hundreds of these devoted to golf in England have enlisted," said; Reid. "I heard nothing about Var- den, Taylor, Ray or Braid coming to} America this season, unless, of course the war should come to an end." Clark Griffith is going to have a big fight on his hands trying to keep Walter Johnsdn from the clutches of the federal league. "Fighting Jim" Gilmore, who has caused Ban John- son, Herrmann and Tener many sleepless nights, declares that Walter Johnson either will play with his "outiaw' organization or go back to his farm in Coffeyville. "If we can't hold Johnson we can't hold a single player we have under contract," Gilmore told the writer Saterday night in" Bulfalo: "1 deat re to discuss the case any further cugh until after Judge Landis ren- ders his decision in our anti-trust suit. | OUR FRESH GROUND OOF lo. "Rk fading | FEE AT ioc. CAN'T BE BEAT strength No. A 3 'Try a sample order snd be Ro eas $3; No. 88 per bor. | | convinced. i Sold by an drugsi Sipe | NOLAN'S GROCERY pamphlet. ! Princess St, THE COON MEDICINE CO. | | Phone 120] Prone Delivery | TORONTO, . (vermardy Wieder, i A Excellent Quality. - Shoulder Roasts Blade Roasts Rib Roasts : Round Steaks Sirloin Steaks Davies Co. Limited, Phone 597. Admirals of the Xonat, Rivérsides of Toronto senior O.H.A., team this seasen, fs now playing tor Hatleybury in the Temiskaming Sen- for League, op" which team Is also "Jerry" Coughlin, Peterborough. The Cobalt Nugget says that Denison was protested when be played for Hailey- bu ainst Cobalt." The Nugget oy i "The Sohal was officially preo- | tested by the home team at the first 'interval, this being duly announced by Referee Lynd from the ice. The cause of the was Denison wno turned oul t for and "Who it is oy did tet comply with | the residence rule." Fredefick Denison, the former Pe- "English SagatHye recalls he fa ait u bat | who was withthe there are peerage a number gentlemen who bold hereditary rank | as admirals or vice-admirals of the | coasts of different counties. Some of them, however, are well known for Thus Lord Lonsdale Big Discount Off Electric Fixtures Get your electric repairs done by us. Satisfaction guaranteed. - Halliday's 5 Electric Shop Phone 94 NOTICE Having decided to stay at 'my present place of busi- 'ness, all orders placed now for monuments to be erected (in the spring will have my best attention. J. E- MULLEN * Cor, Princess SS Clergy Stross. "Phones No 1417 1b, Glass, 51b Tins. (At all Grocers.) GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LIMITED. I "w Akrevare. What's wterence between fibre ad wondey. ware . , x "Fibreware is made from compressed firs, baked : I in one solid it camer worp er {all c pliers ears much locoe:, Tooks to carry. ~The Intter point you shoald consideration," ccncludes Mrs, Wise. CYC TVEW ECW CR GI

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