Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Mar 1915, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH"21915. The British Whig | 82ND YEAR. = Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMITED. President «.Managing Director | Leman A. Guild .. and Bec.-Treas. Telephones: Business Office Editorial Rooms Job OM SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) One year, delivered city One year, If paid in Bdvance .... gre year, by mail to rural offices $2 me oar to United States 3 ix and three months pro rata. (S8emi-Weekly Edition) One year, by mall, cash ie year, if not pald in advance ne year, to United States ¥ X and three months pro rata. Attached is one of the printing offices in Canada. TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE H. E. Smallpeice 32 Church St. U. 8. REPRESENTATIVES 50 0 1.50 1 best New York Office ........ 226 Fifth Ave. Frank R. Northrup, Manager Chicago Tribune Bldg. x rank R. Northrup, Manager AN UNFORSEEN CONTINGENCY. The Dacia episode, the purchase of this German steamer by Americans, her change of register and flag, and engagement to carry a load of cotton to Rotterdam, for German use, ex- cites the derision of the international critics. The position of Britain was made quite clear by a lengthened cor- respondence that has been summarized and printed in this paper. A ship belonging to a belligerent, and for a time interned in an American port for safety, can not be sold during the continuance of the war, The purchasers of the Dacia were advised to the contrary, and, without the license of the (United States gov- ernment, and any encouragement from ity they were prepared for a test case, The ship sailed with the expectation that she would fall into the hands of the British, and a French cruiser cap- tured her at sea, and guj her into Brest, a French port, where she and her cargo will 'be disposed of by a prize cour. The Vierman-American 1.00 job -- RAISING THE REVENUE. The Council this year has undertak- en to do two things, (1) cur down expenses and (2) increase the revenue. The first act in one direction is a sav- ing, for the present, of $300 or $400 in the salaries of the engineers office. The intention may be to go through {the City Hall, to examine into the | 8 rvice rendered by each civic official, | and, by resignationa and retirements { and changes, being about an economi cal service in every department. { The fire department is under super: | vision, and report has it that a cou- { ple' of men must go. The police de- | partment is mot under the direction | of the Council, and not oon to its |@hstation, and yet the, ec missioners | | are expected to hear the slogan, "Re- | duce, Reduce," and to act according- ly, The Utilities commissioners con- | trol their expenditures, and may 'see | wherein" they can retrench. will be some saving when the Camp- { bell current is applied, but the Com- | mission has no idea that it can, while There { them, is a German reservist who was the pay of the German govern- ment. He bad undertaken a dan- gerous commission. It was to go to England, locate certain: British bat- tleships, ang communicate informa- tion with regard to them to thé Ger- man admiralty. He was to essey the feat that had been entrusted to Leody, suf- in the "ierman naval officer, who fered capital punishment. The attaches of Von Bernstorfi had Stegler ready for his desperate task, and he was seeking the passport of an American citizen "when his wife forked him to expose the plot. She was 10 be paid $150 a month for life if failed. The change against the Germar naval attache is denied, but it is siguificent that he, and all the rest of the diplomatic corps, have been hurriedly ordered to Germany, and the whole proceeding | points significantly to their Stegler r 1X | 26 YEARS AGO i+ Breck & Booth have been. com- missioned to load the schooners Jes- {sie Breck and Neelon with ice for Toledo. The freight rates dre high. The fence around Victoria Park has been removed. It is no ornament to the park. The English government are send- ing seven graduates of_the Royal Military College at present in the Royal Engineers school, at Chatham, to the continent, with a professor, to visit the principle * battle fields of Europe, and to inspect the forti- fications of the:principle cities, guilt, | {They are a bad lot, and the United | States, for any reason amd om uny | account, §s well rid of them. | the plant is being built up, contribute | {to the general purpose of the Coun- | Oo the second gount--of raising | more revenue--a start has been made It is expected that] at least $2,000 will be collected from | in the licenses. | the theatres, the movies, the pool | rooms, cigarette gellers, and the butchers. | There i® a justification for taxing the t the luxuries and the amusements of | people, but meat does not come with- in this cabmen, carters, tobacco and | category and it, as well as | EDITORIAL NOTES. The leader of the Quebec _opposi- | tion wants the local legislature. abol- | ished and replaced with a legislative union. What + is the -- matter him ? | election, issued the order that sex} with The local license board, before an | the, | | liquor dealers were not to assess the | | license holders for election expenses. | | Must it go on that account ? { Chat's. Falls, al Ottawa, is still the milk, should -have een sparegl the | looked forward to, as the source of | impost. The licenses were not raised also, and to | the extent of $200 each. | men are exempt from the taxman on | this occasion, and they can thank their stars that they are organized | has any desire to desert the Quebec | | and a power in municipal elections. | government and seek a seat in the | r. Hanna have his way on the Central License Com- mission ? This, if established, _will bowl out the local commissioners. Why Are they failures? (What is | the matter with them, anyway ? Will Hon. SCOLDING THE PREACHERS, For the judgment and good _sense | of J. W, Johnson, M.P\P., the Whig had the greatest regard. And it marvels at the petulent speech which he made at the opening of the local house. It was a repetition of the speeches he made during the ~ last provincial election, when, to mark his | displeasure of a sermon, preached by his pastor, on the closing of the bars, the issue wf the day, he rose during | service and Jeft the church. He tells {now that if it had not been for the réstraint of friends he would have {had it out with the preacher there As a result of the tem- The liquor | shipbuyers, and' with exalted ideas of {and then. their prowess in the world of jcom- | perance campaign "a number of citi- merce, finds/ themselves against a con- [zens in Belleville (had not been in a tingency that spells defeat. | church since the election." This seizvee, following the capture | "It was the preacher's duty," said of the Wilheminn, whose cargo will be | Mr. Johnson, "to save sinners," and forfeited to the British government, | instead of that his preaching had whatever may. happen to the craft, | driven them--that is the . sinners-- will put an end to the schemes of cer- jaway. Now is not that a frivolous tain Americans to profit by interna- | way to talk, at this late date, and tional difficulties. 'I'here will be no so long since the election ? It is the more purchases ol German ships for privilege of any member of the Io service during the war; and there will |gislature to support or oppose ' sny be no more shipping of cargoes for | public issue, upon its merits. The | cheap power 'in Eastern Ontario. The wonder is that the liqeior | only which' 'Brockville, is'. getting | in ith from Morrisburg is limited | quantity. | Sir Lomer Gouin denies that he Commons. But wherever he is he | will be the champion of Quebec's in- | teresta, + | The difficulty of collecting a staff tof men, once they scatter, being felt by the tocomotive Works. Many {of its best employees. are either off {to the war, or they are doing duty in the city.. / is reacher says that there g in the city who should fast as a rehgious duty. And there 'are thousands who must fast, as .a physical necessity, and because they cannot help themselves. The British army is described more like old Cromwell's than any that has takefi the field in recent years. "The men offer prayers before going Merent 'froi "thé prayers of the kais- er. The gas' department had a = sur. plus of only $78.02 last year, but there was a lot of money spent om capital account. The department should, in changing its records, keep 'into tho, t#fnches. And 'they 'are dif- | BERNSTORFF RECALLED? A Washington despatch says the ac- called to Germany to American relations with {but has refused to go. was taken recently Kaiser, ip Washington. Rise In The Price Of Food. { London Mail. | The prin {from the debate in the House of Commons on the price of food is that the rise in that price has been only about half what experts anticipated before the war. & { In the struggle with | when the British navy commanded | the sea, the price of wheat for the { year 1801 averaged 119s., and gctu- ally reached 126s. 6d. in 1812. The | British people are paying less than half as much to-day, though two of the main sources of supply--Aus-! | tralia and Russia have failed. In | every possible respect they are bet- | are now menaced with a real short- age of bread. Such hardship as the advance of prices may have caused in this coun- try has heen greatly alleviated by | the heavy expenditure from the war i votes, a large proportion of which | passes direct to the pockets of the | working class, ? ¥ ordinary expenditure and capital ex- penditure entirely separate. Hon. Frank Hugo, a Kingston man, | the New York secretary of state, will have to arrange for the .taking | of a census in New York state. He will have the naming of 6,000 per- | | } { NESTON EVENTS | (PF New Spring Attire! Our store is fairly aglow with spring newness YOUNG MEN'S , SUTTS AT $18.00 New Tartan plaids, new models, tailored by experts. Stouts, slims ~amnd regulars. NEW SHIRTS. See our new $1.00 Shirts; neat Black and Whites. The King Hats, thé Wolthausen, the great (Canadian Hat. Price o . YOUNG MEN'S SUTTS AT $12.50 Hair lines and Shep- herd plaids in fine qual- ity Canadian Tweeds. All-wool 'new soft roll models; plain or cuff models. ! 4 NEW NECKWEAR. New Flow Ends, Per- sian patterns, French Bengalines. Price 50c. New Hook-on Knots, SUTTS AT-$15.00 Blue Worsted and Cheviots. Pure wool fast indigo dye; hand tailored new and ¢orréct models. « tive German Ambassador has been re-! over This picture | 1 cipal fact which emerges | ter off than the German people; who | Men's Fine Shoes $4.00. | The We are offering Special Values in Men's 'Shoes. ; ; Best $4.00 Shoes in Canada. | Napoleon, | ul rg et meee rm ee ot er eereeettier mo. ee We Are Sole Agents In Kingston for the Celebrated Life Buoy Brand: 'Rubbers. All Shapes, : Wanted | |. Loan of about } $4,000 on 'Farm Property, - worth $15,000, and" as- sessed for 13,500 2. A purchaser for Farm of 200 | dcres, about four miles from King- ston. All Sizes, Germany in American bottoms, Capt. Boy-Ed, naval attache of the German ambassador to America, denies that he plotted agwinst Bri- tain though Stegler, the reservist, But he admits thal he bad a lot of correspondence' with the man, and cannot tell why, He is lying. There is not a doubt of iit. J ep A GREAY CIVIC FEAT. The mountain 'has +laboured and hrought forth" a mouse. The sum. total of the works" department's re- commendations, with regard to the ong 's office, is the removal of the young man who has been assist: ing the engineer, and whose services during the 'summer months have been absolutely indispensible. His place is to be taken by a girl, who may be able to {lo the stenography which. the depurisent requires, . bul who will he unable to do the other work that has fallen to the engi perform. © How much better it would - have been had the committee acted . on the suggestion of the Whig and sent a couple of men to other cities with instructions to compare sys- toms and see wherein Kingston was | temperance question will not be aban- |doned because a political party, for { politicaP reasons, does not like it. | The temperance party deserves cen- {sure occasionally. It is composed of some men who academically approve {of its proposals and politically con- {denn them. Had all of them voted {as they talked, had 'they for once {put polities aside and voted accord- {ing « to "conscience," the 'bar would | to-day have lost its menace, | Mr. Johnson says it is for the | preachers to save sinners, and when | they essay to use their powers of { persuasion to that end, and feel that drink habit, they are scolded by their parishioners. The preacher that would suit and please some 'men would have no mind nor opinion on concerned. Mr. Johnson's man would be a mere cypher in, the pulpit and out of it. not afford to have a German nest of work in a most way. A neutral country. that is absolutely. neutral, cannot tolerate a brood like CONSPIRACY IN. all the rest of sons for the job that, call for salar- | ies or stipends that rum all the way | from $500 to $2,500." The whole | outlay will be $465,000.. The man | who can lay out such a sum to the | satisfdttion of every ome will be wonder. T. J. LOCKHART, Bank of Montreal Bldg. 4 Ki On Real Estate and Insurance. AllF resh New Stock * ngston, Ont. Phone 1085 or 1020. the first obstacle to success is the | mier's dosk and say what he any thing where the politicians were || naval attache, military attache, and | { PUBLIC OPINION | ~ Will He Do It ? Toronto Star. There is nothing for it but that Hon. James Duff must thump It Surely Will. London Advertiser. ' of folk g i » FF & the | Gen. Brussilofi's army has captured 1,900 officers and 186,000 soldiors." ADMIRAL VON POHL, | , New commander of the German | battle fleet succeeding Admiral Von Inglenohl, who was removed recently. i 4 | Von Pohl-was the man who announced { the blockade of Britain. Armorea Motors Silenced Battery. Petrograd, March. 2.--An official statement, describes - Russian feats - in | the_recent fighting east of Pzeasnysz was impeding offensive," says the statement, tain- Gourdofi sent several : automobiles, under _ fire, in the . di- rection of a hostile battery, and at our "Cap- SE EE ri was ki at the his Jules had turned the battle . in our vor. . "Since the beginning of the war er fo "As a Berman battery to the south- | armoured | a distance of twenty yards they kill: Gourdoff Er REMEMBERED DOPGING. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO.| The Home of Good Shoes. | Marksman Uses Would Be Byrglar As Target. * | Kenosha, Wis., March 2.--Jocob | Gies, former proprietor of the Hotel | | Kenosha, is known as the best marks- | | man in this city. A man attempted | | to break into the Giles home the oth- | +er-night-and Gies opened the front window and fired. | | Gies peppered bullets about him, but took care not to hit him. Then the | intruder turned around. t |" "Never touched mie," he shouted 1and ran right into the arms of a po- | lice officer at the next corner. ! Frank Vagestee was the intruder. Has sent us one of the new 1915 models for the inspection of the Indian ! He declared he did not know where Kingston Warriors, and expected Braves of and vicinity. Heap much im- | he had gone during the night, but | heap new clutch. Comein and look over the Big Red Fiyer. | that he had a pretty good memory of | Oradia ovine frame, % coneda. font cintoh and hand cintoh. and avery. him. | a Get your order in , Sonic: Uo { hieyele that is called ¥ i= t « '

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