Gut Prices On Furs John McKay 140-157 Brock St, Kingston, March! SPRING HOUSE CLEANING AND HOUSE FURNISHING IS NEAR. We can help you: In taking stock we found 40 ends of covers 3-4 to 8 yards long which we now offer at one half usual price~--you ean have choice of colors. Prices now run fro 1 BO¢. to 82.850 yard. A big chance to get your old furniture done over at low price. We bought up a_large stock of ends of furnitire stock from a Cana- dian factory at clear out prices ---- here's a samplo--5 large full size Oak Dressers, British Mirror, reg- ular $27.00 for only $20--dozens of othér bargains. Rugs, all colors patterns, sizes Linoleum, all widths in block and floral patterns. Curtains, some entirely new Ideas fn Canadian and foreign makes, Buy during March, while stocks are large and before the rush and have them delivered when you need. "hone 90. Yours T. F. HARRISON ------ AUTO LIVERY | Bibby's Garage AL Auto Mechanics nts, Dodge Bros. Phones: 201,° Garage 917, Residence. * For Sale Gramophones, Phonographs, Grat- onolas, Columbia and Vietor records, Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2 ailusts Yeoords, Hive Ambersl ve cords, . : . . ? 118 Brock St. even with E. [EPUT--BATTERY THE R. €. BH. A. IS MAKING GOOD PROGRESS, h( Bars Out of Bounds--21st Battalion Continues Field Work--Only Eleven Of the R. CC. H. A. Left in England. One of the first orders issued hy Capt, W. E. Steacy, batter 1 mander of 'the R.C.H.A., reads saloons in the city of Kingston and vicinity ars placed out-oi-bounds for troops until 6 p.m. daily. + Jaquor shops are out-of-bounds at all times.' "Al Four guns for the depot battery of the RC. H.A. are expected én the near future. The carriages are now being made, in Ottawa. The N.C.0.'s for the depot battery will be chosen as socn as suitable men can be picked out. Every man ha# an equal chance for a position Lieut. Chevrie and (M.S. Slater arrived in the city from Winnipeg on Wednesday after an armament in- speetion {rip through the west is giving _in- structions daily in the ROCHA I an. in structor, their progress should be ra 5 ) Brown to the recruits I nder QMS. Inst SO cay o pid. The gunners and drivers for the de pot battery. were given their first in struction on Wednesday morning J. Clarke, Earl street, has a letter from Cr. George Man which mself, and nine the R.C.H.A land I'he Saubisbury.. re says that Major Eaton, other are all are left in Fpg Lark Hill, near of who at are Major Spittel, who accompanied the remains of the late Col. (F. Strange to Canada, is conducting) a class in .the A.S.C., in Quebec, dd will take aver a detachment as instructors. Several Kingstonians are taking the class It the detachment will leave Quebec about Saturday Halifax. in likely for The 21st Battalion bas orders to continue the 'lield work of Monday As before the dinners will be served from the field kitchens. - i Pte. V. T. J. Atkins, 14th Regi- ment, has been taken on the strength of the 2Ist Battalian. A large order of military text book ust arrived, including, Ring's Rezu- lations and Orders, Field Service Poe. ket Book 1'14, Royal Army Medical Corps Training, Animal Management, and other military text books now an sale. College Book Store. No coffictal notice has yet been re- ceived authorizing the acceptance of a stationary hospital from Queen's University. § W. A. Lyons has been gagétied po Heutenant in No. 3 Conipany, A. S. C. Sergt. G. Williamson, of the 14th Regiment, has been appointed care- taker of the armouries, succeeding the late W. Jackson. The depot battery of the R. C. H. A. will be known as "C" battery. It 'has long been planned to have three R. C. H. A. batteries instead of two, but the accommodation in Kingston was inadequate for three batteries, At the end of the war, one of the three will likely be stationed at some point lin the west, possibly Calgary. | di With Engineers In England. | "Mrs. W. Ferris, 261 Colborné street, | received a letter on Wednesday from 'her son, Herald, who is im England. {He signed up at Toronto with the | Canadian Engineers. -- There are 13,- 000 in camp, he says, and they have a fine barracks. ing George < was expected there on the date of writ: ing, Feb. 19th. The camp is fifteen miles north of Salisbury Plains. "Puy Foot Powder," at Gibson's. lhe secret of the quality in "Sal- ada' packets is in the immensity . of the sil The mare people why buy "Balada" the smaller becomes the necessary profit per pound, and com- | "sible to give you -for- your -- money. With the bulk tea hant {he toss pe tation is to make a greater profit at | your expense by supplying an mlerior | tea, : ! When a man®Sarts out to get anybody he is never! | satisfied (mless he comes. out | | ahead. i A man in trouble always appreei- ! ated a friend---until he gets out. i "Almond Cream," At Tioson's. Beware of the ' fas if he was proud of it. {of tie rylag ban. oo Wve H er *"at Gibson's." i + "how the greater value itis pos gnd Mes. chelor who acts' FIRE AT IDA HILL. Occupied By. J. P. Downey Was Destroyed. disast. ous occurred Ida near Sunbury, on Tuesday night, vhick J all his re, ete 18 a sured in he British-American rance com- pany for %500. Mr. Downey's two' children were ill with pneumonia . at the time and had to be removed to the home of a neighbor. he house s a large sized briek residence, and is owned by Gedrge D. Caddy, Toronto. Ihe North ern for %1.- 201), as to A Hill fire at house Fire Mr the fire was insured in the Insurance - company Downey has no idea onginated. Vaudeville At The Grand, 4 A packedshouse w ville entertainments last evening Miss singing 'was 1 the comedy ithessed the vaude at the Grand Dorothy South's admired, while and the dancing and Elsworth he beautiful Million and the viewed with will be lpr greatly work El ; suCcpss and singing of scoded | a photo-play, "The other photo-plays v interest. The same sented - to-night On Thursday an entirely gramme will be produced. Permane, "wizard gf the . a great musical act; al Stone 'and Manning, in a ginging and dancing obi. The feature picture will be Mar, Pickford in "Such a Little Queen." The twagreel Mutual drama will he "The Revenhes Offi Deputy," and a Keystone comedy, "All on Acconnt of a Jug." There will be three shows daily, at 2.30, 7.30 and 9 the balance of the week SEVERE NEURALGIA Cured Through the Use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. . Fhere an excellent Pr. Williams" Pink the most severe sciatica group nerves. re bill new pro- it inetud concertina,' als Reinke f o'tlock, {or is reason wh Pills have cured of neuralgia, and other complaints in the known of the _ This group also includes St, Vitus dance, partial paralysis and the common state of extreme nervousness and excitability. Fach of these com- plaints exists because there is "some thing the mattér with the nervous system. li the nerves have tone and are strong and healthy you will not: have any of these complaints the reason why Dr. Willians' ink Pills eure nervous disorders is, that they restore weak, run-down nerves to their -proper state of tone. 'they act both directly upon the = bicod supply and the nerves. The - Maghest medical authorities have noted that nervous troubles generally attack peo- ple who are bloodless and thas the nerves are toned when the blood is renewed. Jt is thus seem that Dr. Williams" Pink Pills cure nervous dis- orders by curing the cause of the trouble. he following is an instance. Miss 'Annie Jonés, London, Ont. says : "bor over a year I was an intense sufferer from neuralgia/ wa cn located in my face and head. The pain at $imes was so mtense that I could scarcely keep from screaming, and nothing 1 was doing for the trouble secied to help me. As time went on my whole nervous syswven was affected. At last when 1 felt that my case was almost hopeless 1 was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The result of this treatment was that | am now enjoying such comfort as I had not known for years and only those .© who have suffered from neuralgic pains can realize what a blessing the Pills have been to » me. * 1f you are suffering from any blood or mervous disorder in to cure yourself to-day with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Which yoo can gét from any medicine dealer or by mail at H0c. a box or six boxes for $2.50, from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., cases as disorders | Brockville, Ont. ---------------------- The Late James Doyle. The funeral of the late James Doyie took place . on ' Wednesday at 9.30 o'clock, from his residence, 445 John. | a street, to St. Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn . requiem mass was sung. He is survived by his wife, three sons, Thomas, Vincent and Cléary, and ome daughter, Mrs. H. | Hamilton, all of 'this city; alse. three brothers, William and' Joseph, this city, and Thomas, Pittsburg; and two sisters, Mrs. McConville, this city, MelCart} : Lectures On The. Tel The telescope and its wonderful abil- ity mo discern far distant heavenly bodies was the subject of a highly appreciated address delivered by Prof. W. Buchanan to St. George's A.Y. P.A. members on Tuesday evening in their ball. A vote of thanks was tendered to Prof. Buchanan by Rev. rozier Ma (lee 'and seconded by Rev. Sydenham | Lindsay. t 3 OTCCITAS 0 Se. 'The Frontenac hockey team is hav- ing a practice on the covered rink » eight o'clock on Wed- ing to get into shape for the game for the city championship jEainat Queen's on Friday night. H nis game should be very fast as THE DAILY BRITISH -Nyraeuser NY 5 'both teams are anxious for the hon-| 0 PROF. MAYOR'S LECTUSE ON rr RUSSIA AND HER THE WAR Before' the Kingston Historical So. ciety on Tuesday Evening, In Aid Of the Red Cross Fund. A lurge audience listened with much interest on Tuesday evening to the lecture given before the Kingston Historical Society, by James Mavor, professor of political economy in To- ronto University, on 'Russia and her part in the present War." Added in- terest was given to the subject by Prof. Mavor"s extensive travels Ruseia and his knowledge of many of the prominent men who are play- ing a part there at the present time. The war, he said, was really an eastern question The first point to which he called atiention was the annexation by Austria of Bosnia and Hertzegovina This was done by Austria, with the help of Germany, just at a time when Russia was still weak as the result of her, war with Japan. As the two provinces were inhabited by Slavs; and as théy had long been looked on by tl Servia as part of them D cia, the great Slav power, felt prestige impaired, and from that mo- mont set te work to recrganize her army and navy, not with any desire for aggression, buf with the resolve that if she were again affronted, she would not back dewn Why was Cermany Russia? Thefe was no Slav peril to Germany in the' sen in which there was a yellow peril for us The Russian migrated, but he did not emigrate Hig migration was east- ward, into the vast spaces of Siberia, and before the war there was more emigration from Germany into Rus- ia than vice versa. To show that she was facing eastward rather than westward! Russia had in. 1912 con cluded an agreement with China for the economic development of Mon golia The real desire of German) was te gain control of Turkey, in or der to play a great part in the East jut this would have blocked the way of Russia to the Bosporus, and the possession of Constantinople has for long 'been the ambition of Russia. In this connection, Urof. Mavor said that about fifteen years when he was in Russia there little enthusiasm for Constantinople other than among the court and wilitar) party. It was felt thet ever. since Byzanvine days that city had stood for a sterile absolutism, and that its possession would have subtle in fluence in checking the movement for roform. But at present times had chanped. Greece had shown that she was not hig enough to control it. Russia wanted not so much Con stan'inople as free export for grain and other products from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, and the speaker hoped for the driving of the Turk from Constantinople, and the possession of that city by a confederation of Bal- PART IN so hostile to 3 ago was ina > NESDAY, MARCH 3, 1915. ) = Johnny Canuck's the Boy BY JEAN MULEOY The best Canadian War Song yet issued. One that has a punch and swing to it. It will rival TIPPERARY. Come in and hear it it played. otal proceeds of first thousand copies to the 21st Battalion, C. EF. 2 To-Night The Rosary B Florence M. Barclay, 50c. : ! § { { 3 § | 3 ; } { § J in: stock in Eastern tario. | | . Music All the latest Music Popular Operatic Standard Sacred Teaching We carry the lapgest On THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE 169-162 Princess Street. Phone 919. FIRST GLIMPSES [imported OF:SPRING SUITS and COATS {Gold AF k Sy her kan allies, with free passage through | the straits assured to Russia. Another mosd interesting point was made by the IO, The' prohibition -of vodka was the 'result of a long campaign in of temperance by the court As such it had beem viewed suspicion by the masses andl not 'made much headway. Now, of the war favar party. wit hac however, at the outbreak the people had endured it as a war measure. But personally he had little faith in these reforms imposed from above.. In this connection the speaker contradicted the usual belief that Russia was a specially drunken country. Inthe north of -the eown- try, especially among the non-Rus- sian races, there was much drunken- ness, but among the people of Rus sian race it did mot seem to 'him move prevalent than in Canada. A much greater uvil was gormandizing in food, but this it was diffieul to prohibit by kame: ei At the conclusion of the Tebtwre, W collection was taken up; on' behalf of the Red Cross Fumd. From . this $19.40 was realized, making a total of more than $100 contributed by this means to the Red Cross during the winter. The society is to be heartily congratulated on a mokt successful conclusion to a most suc- cessful course of Jecluges. "Fresh Huyler's" at Gibson's. : ; rh Kingston's Famous Fur Store. J EE YOU NEED FURS long asgs kind of [3 1] | | | | As i this | save a lot of |) on any wrticle in our big stock. : Heres w-fow things fresh from our for factory and pric. Ak away down: the city, and. it cturer in answer to a ! Call and see the nobbiest ran shown in Kingston. PRICES TO PLEASE. NEWMAN & SHAW "or The Always Busy Store. 'S AID WORK. Ninety-Seven Children Were Involved During February. The monthly report of the work of the Children's: Aid Society, read at the menting held on, + Hoos; shows that Wyllie had made forty-two investiga tions. Twenty-eight complaints were - -- Ninety-seven | invglved during the month. 14 prc ad ven 0 | School; nineteen were brought to the shelter, five were made wards of the C.A.S., and sixteen were returned to their parents. The inspector made | fifteen visits out of the city. He ad- | dressed three meetings during the | week, + The matter of having « consulting | physician ' to examine the wards of | the society was deferred. - RR TERR CI u Death Of Former Kingstonian. Her many friends Sorry to learn of the death of Mire.' in Phe -inte uf 3 | stonian and 'widely known and high Mary Traynor, which occarred Chicago on. Friday las. Mrs. ynor 'was a former Kin {ly esteemed. The funeral was held } from fier Tate residence, 7,110 PHI mote gireet, to St. Agatha's Church, ou Sunday last, thence to Calvary } ery. > ! | Broke Glass The Board after In Macdonald School, of Education authorit vandals, who "about $10 worth of MN mald school, including of plate glass in the front the {third -a iF. This is recently upon fhe schools of is time the culprits were caught. over A A Toepoctor W. -wiee "Ware One ¢Rild | ere will be Made in Canada | To your special order or Cabinets, Wardrobes, Cedar Chests. had - carved VUVVYYII TIVITY. Goods We have a shipment ol Eng fish Gold Bar Pins and Brooches | which were delivered to us at a great reduction. { The reduced prices are still on them, and, in some cases, Brooches and Necklets ean be half their regular ow { | bought at | worth. There are a fow small Pla | tinum Pieces among them at 20 ! per cent. discount. | | * { Smith Bros. oy Opticians { Issuers of Marriage Licenses | Jewellers ge ever hourdier ~~ Furrier 75-80 Brock St. Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop & card to 13 Pine stréet when wanting anvthing done-in the carpens ery line. Estimates given wm all kinds of repairs and new work; also bhard- wood Poors of all kinds All orders will reveive prompt atften'lon. Buop 40 Queen Btieet ' REAL ESTATE Insurance, Etc "Only best and safest || companies represented. er - W. h. Godwin & Son. eo te ad mp, t | Our off heated incubators and {brooders are the only /stamped by the Underwriters' Tpsur. {ance Coys. of Canada to be abso {lately Gre-proof. Spring is coming. {going to buy? We carry EVERY. 4