Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Mar 1915, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1915. No Woman Need Have Straight, Lank Hair wr Told In Twilight ae Miss Hamilton Up-to-date Millinery PRIN 'STREET. Phone 1207, 370 This Skin Peeler All the i, in Society a growl endency among Hture @ ston to pay jon te eal { There is women of « 1 wa rn uth ficial « desired offensive skin ounge w i satiny soft patched-over and new Zé wax has hecome » among society folk. The mm nights like cold cream mornings. All drug one a {Mean Rough Skin ff # Feed the skin with a good Cold Cream and avoid Roughness and Chapping. We have most good ii makes at from 15 cents fit to 75 cents. Buy your cold Creams and Lotions for satisfactory results At Best's || if THE SATISFACTORY DRUG STORE. OPEN SUNDAYS Jenkins' New Spring: wiil- Ls - TE ILELSUL des ino Soft Hats at $250 March 4th, | of Commerce, { Brantford. | went to {Johnson street, have returned 1 Among those present at the Skating Club meet on Saturday Miss Marian Leslie, Miss son, Miss Mildrec Richardson, Mis Susie Anglin, ret, Miss Pater Jones, 'Miss Fv Mamie Ar , Miss Miss {iar tsabelld Waldron, Miss Isobel WM acaudiand (To ronto), Mis Anges Johnston, Miss Phyllis Plummer, Miss Heasie Sander son, Miss Wilahemind (Gordon, Miss Margot Fraser, Miss 1 belle Fraser, Miss Like Murray, Miss Jessie Smith, Miss Doris Kent, Miss Sibbald Ham: ton, and Messrs. J. Swift, Gordon smith, T. C, McGill, E. C. Gilder sleove, Manley Baker, Douglas Anglin, Prince, Douglas Chown, Robert Rich- drdsof, T. Rogers, Charles Eliott, H. . Roberts, Rbss Scott, Ringwoed and Godwin, > s » Miss Dessie Chown, "Edgehill," en tertained informally at the tea hour on Tuesday, in' honor of Miss Olive Saker, Ottawa, when her in- cluded Miss Flora Abernethy, Miss Mona Osporpe, Miss Maude Chalmers, Mise Hazel Abernethy, Miss' Beatrice driver, Miszs Mildred Wormwith, Miss Harriet Chown, Miss Frances Wright and Miss Marian Hooth - . » » A birthday party honor of Mrs Richard Ludlow 'was held her home, 61 Arch street, Tuesday even- ing. There were fifteen guests. The table was beautifully decorated with flowers. Mrs. Ludlow was the reci- plent of many beautif * ne -. . The tea at ing day was in charge of Mrs. R dron, Mrs. H. E. Richardson, Herbert Dawson and Mrs. C, J. wick. guests at 11 gifts, Rink tb- S. Wal- Mrs War- the Curl i . » Mrs, CG. Y nl gave her noon for a wing for the tian Agsociation, successful, Chown, on "Sunnyside, Tuesday after- tea in aid of the new Young Women's Chris- which was most home . . » . Miss Ada Petrie received with lernard Browne, "Kensington Place, on Tuesday alternoon, when many friends called to welcome Miss Petrie back to Kingston. Mrs. | vi . * * * . is entertainifig mn- formally at tea this afternoon mn farewell to Miss Hadpe 'Dawson, who leaves this week for England. x a Mrs. W. Steacy King street, will re- and her Stratford, Miss Macaulay, ceive on Friday afternoon, niece, Mrs. CU. C, "Abbott, will receive with her. eve on | of The Reading Club will meet Thursday afternoon at the home Miss Susie Anglin, Earl street. «a ea Mrs . street, Clark Wright, Brock receive on Thursday, and not again. ™ - ww ee George will C. Reading Club met this Alexander Macphail's, Rutherford, left' W. . Mulloy, Bagot street, Torontty, on Wednesday. Mrs. Thomas Slater, Barrie street, has returned from Toronto, where she spent the week-end with her daugh ter, Mrs. Arthur B. Turner. Captain Lindsay Malcolm is in town from Ottawa for a few days. « ov vs. = P. on Monday for Mrs, L. Mr. and Mrs. Re N. F. Maciarlane, from Toronto. AE and Mrs. R. J. Réid and Mrs. . d'Esterre, who were in Toronto for a week-end, have returned hone. Frederick Martin, Queen's, has re- turned from spendin the week-end at his home in Mitchell. Mrs. H. 1, J. Coleman; Frontenac street, has returned from Toronte, where she has been visiting her aunt | Sarees for the past few days, Miss Irene Hoag has returned from | [aronto. 3 . » - .Miss Margeret Maclennan, Toronto, | will come to town this week from | Montreal, to spend" some time With | her igrandmother, Mrs. Henry Cun- ningham, Ear! street. Major and Mrs. Donald Hector. Me. Lean were in Brockvilla to attend the | Culvin-Reynolds "wedding on Monday. have experienced very busy street, Comprise Some. SMe Wo FNickle; Fark turned to town from Qttawa on Tues MOTHER RESTORED T0 HER FAL {spending a few days | week-end returned from Toronto, | street, Canadian Bank | | tand reproductions regimental crests, and either the day, after spending there with Mr. Nickle. W. Kent Macuee and K. Flavelle were the guests of Mrs. Sam Hughes "THE BOARD OF TRADE | v THI! ANNU AL'MEFTING HELD ON in Lindsay for the week-end. Mrs. Ernest Cunningham and Master TUESDAY EVENING, Paul are expected in town on Friday from Red Deer; Sask., to visit Mrs. R. (L Carter, West street. liss Helen Campbell, Emily street, spent the week-end in Toronto, I'he Pishop of ningston is spending a few days in Toronto this week. Miss Hilda Jordan, Barrie street, spent the week-end in Toronto 'with Ur, and Mrs. Dennis Jordan. a. R. Meek Was Re-Elecied President-- Good Werk Was Done By the Board During the Year. The angual meeting of the Board of Trade was held in the board rooms Tuesday with-a large number pre- The reports of the ' business done during the 'past year were good. Nome of the committees had not been active as those in other places in this district, but umeh good work had been accomplished, RB. A. Melelland reported meeting of the Associated Trade that was held in February The resolution for the enlargement of the Hydro-Fleetric Commission .was passed by the Apo ciated Bourds. The report of the year's work of the hoard which 'was read by the president, R. Meek, was' very com plete, and RK. J. Carson moved 'a vote of appreciation for the work done by the president, and a resolu- tion to have the report put in book let form was carried. R. A. McClelland, in eommenting on the report "of the president, said that the street railway company was get on sen Mrs. Reuben Post, University ave nue, has returned from : Toronto, where she has been visiting her mo thér, Mrs. Macleod. Mrs. Charles C. Abbott will return to Stratford on Saturday after spend- ing, a short time: with hér , sunt, Miss Macaulay, King street. Mrs. E. F. Dawson and Miss Madge Dawson, Brock street, expect to leave town on Thursday and sail next Sa- turday for England to visit relatives. Mrs. Travers Hora and little dau- ghter arrived from 'Vaneouver, B.C., on Saturday, and are the. guests of Miss Mary Hora, King street, Miss Alice Macnee and Misses Nora and Cecil Macnee have returned from Toronto, where they spent the week- end. as on the Boards of Toronto in { 8 To-Morrow As Their Opening Day of i The Formal Presentation Mrs. Miles. Miller, Napanee, Monday in town with friends. Mrs. Henry Wade returned to-day from Brockville, where she has heen the guest of Miss Curry. Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Barrie street and Mrs. W. J. Reuton, University {ins Avenue, returned from Toronto on hy Monday. . Miss Ethel Minnés and Miss Lor- raine Minnes are expected from Montreal to-morrow to visit Mr. and Mrs. James Minnes, Bagot street. Mrs. W. A. Sawyer and daughter, Miss Marion, 183 Upgiversity Avenue returned home fron® Montreal Tues- day spent tingpower--from-- the city at less than Tr = v cokt, and indirectly the other pur- chasers of electricity in the city had to make up this deficit instead of it being equally divided. Ihe water consumers were i in asim position, any balané®' being used the city instead of a reduction being made in the cost to the con- samers. This latter point was brought out phy J. G. Eliott. The matter | wav refprred to the Power committee for report. The election of President, R. Meek; Francis King; W. Cooke; officers rosnited® : first vice-president, second vice-president, treasurer, B. Me. | € Kay: council, J. G. Elliott, R. J. | Mot lolland, J. M. Campbell, BR. J. Carson, J. Donnelly, 1.. W. Gil} T. F. finrrison, §. E. Hor «+», W. T. Minnes, for a few days. H. OC. Nickle and H. W. Richardsan. Miss' Lassie Nickle has returmed ¥ from Toronto after Spending the with her grandfather, Mr. McAdam, Mrs. Cotton, Almonte, is visiting her Saughter, Miss Dorothy Cotton, George - - * Bt Mrs. Rex-Scott in Ottawa. Captain John Donnelly is in town Captain and are | Gananoque 3 + This display will be more than a mere exhibition of new modes--it will be an occasion-- ; there will be hats at the most moderate ma prices ever presented in Kingston. at '"Fhe Avonmore." Captain E. C. Southéy, 21st Bat-! talion, is in Montreal, and Mri. Southey is spending 2 few days in Bowmanville. Rex Calvin was in -towp Ottawa for the week-end. Mrs. Joseph Hiscock and M'ss Grace HiScock, William street, have where they March 3.-~James Reid. an aged and highly respected resident of this town, passed away on Monday even- ing at the family residence, street, - after an illness of several | weeks. Deceased for many years | has conducted a blacksmith shop on Charles street, adjoining his residence, where his striet attention to busi- | from We cordially invite your inspection on Thurs- Charles | § I oe day and following days. spent a few days. ness made him many friends. Besides Douglas Anglin came up from his widow he leaves + one som, . Wil- liam, ofgthis town, and two daugh- ters, Mrs. George Walker, Syracuse, N.Y., and Mrs. Price, Brockville. The funeral will be held on Thursday af. ternoon and will be under the aus- pices of Leeds Lgiige, No. 201, AF. & AM. About fifteen members of Harmony i Lodge, Ne. 15, Taughters of Rebe- I kah, visited the sisters of the King- {ston Lodge, 'and were entertained at | 'a banquet and dance. The Board of Rdueatian has' sue. | ceaded in filling the vacancy on the staff of the Stone street school, oe- cagioned qy Miss Nellie Wright's de- parture to Albany, N.Y. Miss Ken- nedy, Toronto, took charge yestenlay morning. James RE.' Wetherell, Toronto, in- soector of high schools, is inspecting | the staff and equipment of Fans no- que school. E. I. Hurd, Brock street; has gone to Kingston to spend the week with | his son, F. H. Hurd, Stephen street. Miss Clara rennan is spending some kita with friends in Montreal. Mrs. H. Hurd, King street, spending the oe two weeks with friends in To- ronto, Hamilton a Mitchell, ve- tutned home last evening, Portland for the week-end. Miss Ethel Rhodes, Boston, the guest of Mrs. A. P. Union street. is Lothrop, ~ . - Mrs. Rannie, Seymour, home after visiting with Mrs. (ld den, Brock street. Mes. Charles 1. ivingston, has returned from Toronto. Mrs. J. F. Patch, Montreal, will! receive with Mrs. James Stewart, Bagot street, on Kriday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Harrower, Baltimore, Md., is visiting her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. T. H. Cook, Earl street. Mrs. I. B. Mills, 96 Bagot street, will receive on Friday and not again this season. Mrs. Henry Merrick, William street, will veceive on Thursday alternaon, ond not again this season. has returned Barrie Cheaper Beef Excellent Quality ' Shoulder Roasts Blade Roasts Rib Roasts . | Round Steaks .... .19¢ | Sirloin Steaks .....22 | Stewing Beef and Hamburg Steak, 2 Tbs. for 25¢ LHsseeesItIstt state ss WAR BULLETINS, Germans are giving way in & various points in front of + French and British advance. Again the Russians have seared an extensive vietary In "4 the Carpathians, "ee The crew of the trowler Sap- Phire; which struck a mine in eo North Sea on Tuesday, was landed at Hull on Wednesday. The vessell went 13 the bottom, Saberensrasiries March' 2-Under a bydaw passed this | year, the staset commissioner is ans | thorized to trim and cut out n | my present, "anmeceasiiey or dead' Trees ino oF © any street 'in town, also to plant | trees where anv are needed. This will make a decided improvement to the streets; as it is intended that the | [trees must he thirty feel apart, there | 8 with be quite s momber of | Bum- down oh some of the streets. ibers, regiments and addresses - re-!raady John street is 'beginning to {corded on their arms or chests, but [look like a woods, trees down and. {many of them earry with them a cut into eordwood: lengths. miniature picture gallery imprinted | on thelr skins as well. Some aret, Yesterdy a hy Lilling is {content with a small Union tha isi a on with a scroll for their mame, but| 8° work allowed jt to get be- | yond their control, and it fell across perhaps the most popular designs is! la house owaed by F. Rockwell; knock- that depicting a' bull dog, half en- a chimney completely off. veloped in the British colors .and the question, "Thought I was asleep Gone Grass and Burrell, who un- bers of the kilted regiments are he "ig mil are nou he open at havias. ale ie or ane a "toe | "Strike-sure" badge or the thistle ®r also installing an electric crack- } may 'be seen on the knee, just above | Tattooing the Tommies Thousands of 'the British soldiers and sailors are being tattoed for! identification and the tattooists' a HAIR TO WASH IT WITH SOAP .since the outbreak of the war. The. "Soap should be used very spar- | majority have their names, ngly, it at 'all, if you want to keep your hair looking its. best. Mosi scaps and prepared sham- poos contain too mueh alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use is just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil {which ig pure and grease less); it'sk cheaper and - better than soap or anything else you open - or. two 0 Leasioontuls will dlea oughly. Simply moisten the hair with 'water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses 'out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessve ofl. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the sealp soft, and the bair fine end silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to man ¥ age. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil af any pharmacy, and a few sunces will supply every svely member .the family for months. ong the Canadians the Maple Lt is 3 the most famed sign. For the most! - A part an Sficers only iattoed decora- bair and scalp thor-4. his regimental crest. Many OF ToaT Tamilion toon eay - officials contend allies' ight, so deny do HE and Sg dosn't "really ve vie gk 3 SE fl 7 OUR FRESH GROUND CQOF. FEE AT 40¢, CAN'T BE BEAT. Try a sample order snd be convinced, NOLAN'S GROC Cotton Root Compound, A 'e, reliable re, waiafe Sold iw Fiating dee [aes of srength--No. 1, 81; 2, $3; 3, $5 per bor, Sold By all druggiste oF sent on nceipt of pamphlet. Addiean:] Big Discount Electric Fixtur Get your electric repairs done by us. Satisfaction guaranteed. Halliday' 5 Electric Sha Phone 94, NOTICE Having decided to stay at place of busi- {ness, all orders placed now for monuments to be erected in the spring will have my best attention. {J. E. MULLEN Cor. Princess and Clergy St reets. 11b. b. Glass. 51b Tins, . (At all Grocers.) ~ GEO. ROBERTSON & SON. LIMITED. v sau is EE Child's ol kinda Men's trom , prettier Ais . 900 to Boys' sa Sh Chan drs aE ee aaa a ae Letts arta sands t rans tart inves ba RR BE a ER Rasvis inane niniar isis iieas cas 100 200 kinds of say rubbers a% right prices.

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