REVIEW OF THE YEAR GIVEN BY RETIRING PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF TRADE. Depression By War Should have ' Suggested More Activity--Some of the Things the Board Did. Addressing the annual meeting of the Board of Trade on Tuesday ev- ening, the retiring president, Robert Meek, sald: At the end of a second year of of fice I beg to tender my report, The last year has been a quiet one, but it would have been busy enough for us all had we imbided the spirit which has animated the members of the Board of Trade elsewhere. The de- pression of the war appears to have suggested more, Instead of less, ac- tivity. In the neighboring city of Oswego there is what is called the "Trade Extension Committee," and the president of the board at a re- cent nieeting reported that its var- fous undertakings, in securing trade for the Oswego merchants, had been successful, . including Dollar Day, Christmas week, and the two trips by the merchants to the eastern and wes- tern parts of the county. = Moreover, thirty men pledged themselves to have in the treasury of the chamber by the 1st of April, $6,000, the amount necessary for the work of the Industrial Department for the next year. The membership committee learned of eighteen members resign- ing, and it immediately went to work and added fifty-four. Such is an indication of the spirit which can ani- mate a Board of Trade when its mem- bers are in real earnest. 1 read the other day that a Board of Trade in Windsor, with a member- Ship 6f three hundred, had decided that as far as possible every business man in the community should be id-| entified with it, and it appointed com- mittees whosé ambition was to add two hundred more to the member- ship. -In Owen Sound fresh spirit was in-| fused Into the board by a desire to make it one of the most active froces | The Joy of Good Health Is Now Experienced Nervousness, Dizzy Spells and Sleeplessness Are Now » Thing of This 1s a cheerful letter from Mra, Peacock, and it should bring joy to the heart of many a'ceader of this paper. Dizzy spells and sleeplessness are symptoms of exhausted nerves, and are the bug- bear of many wo- men, who do not know Just what treatment to use. You. can read Mrs. Peacock's let- ter and take eonur- age, for she bis A proven that r. Chase 8 Nerve MRS. PEACOCK. Food Is a complete cure for these troubles. So plengdd was she with the results obiained that she wants other women to know ahout this fodd cure, Mrs. Thomas Pescock, 23 Hiawatha in the whole community, in a busi-| Thefe was correspondence With vari-| ness sense, A citation of these facts gus persons upon industrial matlers, may have inspiration for the board phyut the committee was not in session here, from time to time as it should have been, and I attributeto this ¢trcum- stance the fact that the larger indus- Information has reached us from/| trial committee has become disorgan- various sources that the war has sug- ized. At guy rate, the industrial gested enterprises which were not committee of the City Council has previously thought of. It is diffi-| been acting, it seems, independently, cult to estimate just what the general' and I assume that it will be ona of effects are, but it is quite evident the duties of the incoming officers to that if the European conflict' lasts get into touch with the chajrman of much longer new avenues of trade the Civic committee and 'ascertain will be opened up and businesses es- whether the committees are not to tabliched about the continuance of give their joint plans a further and which there can be no doubt. fuller consideration. One need not go into particulars. A pity without The point to be kept steadily in view, suff as one hears of in another city in Kingston, as it has been kept in cannot do very effective work, and view elsewhere, is that business bo- cannot win out in competition for dies should prepare for the activity industrial favors. We read the of- which will become negessary later on. | fer of a certain Realty A---- Trade In Canada. an organization, and one that should be judiciously pany at a cost of $38,000, and the directed. It must be a gratification to know | of $56,000, arid handed them over, that Sir George E. Foster, iinister of | complete, to these companies at an Trade and Commerce, has intimate annual rental. = This is going fur- that "orders have been placed with ther than any municipality has gone Canadian manufacturers for the Can- | heretofore. According to this ar- adian, British, French, and Rusgian | rangement a local organization of ca- governments, and that these orders| pitalists provides the site and build- amount to, approximately, $14,000, ing and machinery for a specific pur- 060. In addition immense orders) pose, and the company is simply re- have been placed in Canada, Indirect-| quired to guarantee the use 6f the ly, through the outside of the governments, and for! nual rental. This is the latest de- a sum of money which cannot be es-| parture in industrial aids, and it isa timated here, very alluring one. Under the circumstances the In- dustrial Department of the Board of Potato Competition, Trade, should be particularly alert. The potato competition, suggested The City Council has appointed 'a|yy (his hoard, and under the-direc- new committee, but, apparently.| jon of the provincial representatives through a misunderstanding, this| i, this county, was regarded as a committee has not met with the In-| cag though the competitors were dustrial Committee of the Board of not as numerous as they were expect- Trade. Two years ago, when the| 4 {4 pe, Upon a tenth of an acre, new industrial organization was ef-| gyich was under his control, and to fected, and by an equal representa-| po worked as he saw fit, a boy be- tion of the City Council and Board of | ween 14 and 18 years of age had to Trade, it was . understood that the gi. 4 crop of potatoes under cer- chairman should be a member of the | in conditions, and one of them was City Couneil in order to have the|, exhibit a bushel of the product at greater facility for presenting to that| ipa ral fair. body the views of the committee on | It various subjects. | perhaps--that the parents did not Last year there was little doing. | encourage the boys, as they should =» | have done, to enter the public com- | petition which occupied the time of | the boys more than the circumstanc- es might seem to warrant. And yet large interest was taken in the re- bable that if repeated this year it will be of a more extensive character. An analysis of results in connection with this potato competition will lue of the crop was from $15 to $20, per tenth of an acre, the Past. usband Is conductor on the Wabash | the county people. Two members Railway, states :--*"I was quite rus down health, was very nervous, dié not gl well, and had frequent dizzy epells. flelieving this to be the result of an fkhausted nervous system 1 be- gan us Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and can say that this medicine did me a world of good. [It entirely freed me of the symptoths' stated above, built u my health generally, so that to-day feel that Tain quite well again." In a more facent letter Mrs. Peacock writes: "Dr, Chase's Nerve Food has done me a world of good, and 1 would be pleased to teil everybody so." In nearly every issue of this paper voir will find detters about Dr.-Chase's medicines, Tf this one does hot de- scribe yvonr ease watch for others oy write to us. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food f0c a box, 6 for 82.50, all dealers, os Kdmunson, Rates & Co., Limited, To paid for .the last competition, and it| is for ot to a second and a highter stage. Canadian Patriotic Fund. | As Kingston is a military centre, | It was expected to send a larger quo-| ta of representatives to the seat ¢ | war. Our citizens follow these. re-| presentative men with _solicitude,| satisfied that they will up-hold the) good name of the city everywhere, It| is hoped that most, if not all, of them | will retufn to their homes laden with | the glory they have achieved in de-| fence of their king and country. | In connection with the Patriotic street St. Thomas. Ont. and whore "As the Crow Flies." The crow is supposed tween two places in the most direct way. know§ what he is going to the point. Tie wise advertiser Fousewife--the real buyer for the family, also goes by the most Cirect road when he uses the. There is no other method so sure and immediate. Advertising schemes and novel ties have their little day, but the newspaper is the one unfailing standby of b newspapers tiser, . FERRE SRD RTO ees calious p nature intended. This condition is y become with aces and cannot breathe fund, Kingston did its duty. It took| an early and active interest in the fund, and, through the eo-opération | of the citizens, raised over $50,0v | This money is being judiciously ex- pended under the direction of the Re- ef fund at Ottawa, the administra-| tor of which is H. B. Ames, M.P. The lceal list of beneficiaries - has bern largely increased since the fund wos organized through the location her: of many of the wives and dependents | of those who have been joining the) Second and Third Contingents. The Belgian Fund. In August last an appeal wad made, through the Board of Trade here, to] the citizens for contributions to-| wards the ald of the destitute Bel- giums. The committee in Montreal, | and which is composed of some of | Canada's most representative men; Have 'been supplying the most defl- | nite information with regard to the needs of the Belgiums. Perhaps the most definite statement which has yet been issued comes from the special commission which was appointed by the Rockfeller Foundation, and the members of which made a personal examination of conditions in Belgium and reported upon them in detail. This commission has pointed out that of 000; 000 Temain, and of these 1,400,000 rontn 10 cover the distance be He § after, and gees straight seeking to interest the . THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY MARCH 3, 1915. company | A publicity campaign is suggested, which provides the plant for one com-! plant for another company at a cost! purchasing agents property and the payment of the an-| was felt--with some grounds] sult of the competition, and it is pro-| show that while the cost of working| !De earnings of the plant, the fixed | , the plot 'was about $7 or £8. the va-| The continu-| ance of the competition depénds upon | of the Board of Trade, B. W. Robert-| tal son and James Crawford, generously '& -account. carry the experiment | Of $14,357.62, and it is apparently a| cerged, was endorsed by the Board! of Frais and the board must be in. forested in the progréss of its work. The proposal of Mr. Campbell has been under consideration for some] time, and it has been practically ac- cepted under an' agreement whien must be an advantage to the ciiy The contract will require the Gana- noque Electric Light and Water sup- ply company to supply power to the limit of its capacity, and at 3-4 per kilo-watt hour. Any power in ex- cess of the city's requirements will be used by Mr. Campbell's mills at the foot of Brock and Gore streets, | and when the contract with Mr. r Ye. I: Campbell "expires he will have the Sale Women's Kid privilege of using his power for the, sizes 2 1-2 to 5; regular operation of the flouring mills and es «t : gus the elevator inm\connection with one §i "se $1.35 4 - Specials - $1.49 Special value Women's Kid Blu- chers Bluchers -- wo $1.35 been a serious one to the city for a long time, Incidentally, the annual reports of the Utilities are very 'interesting, There is, in connection with the el- ectric department a balance of $23.- 000, at the end of 1914; in connec- tion with the gas a balance of $78, 02; and in connection with the wa-! | ter plant a balance of $14,772.68. | of them. This power question has 98c. chers--=sizes 4 to 7 1-2. ing .. { Special lot Child's Box Kip Blu- | Clear- 08¢c { But these are called paper balanc- | | es. They do not, in other words, '}i | reflect what the actual financial po-|§ | sition of the various departments is. | J The Hydro-Electric Commission may make a reference of the power ques- tion, order an arrangement of ac- counts to suit them. The proposition | to collect accounts monthly will not! do. The local commissioners dis-| -~ | ---- Shoe | Repairing | | approved of that. The proposed re-| { duction of rates may mot invoive the | | | adoption of a new system of charges! | according to areas. That there will| be some reduction, however, in tar- iff goes without £aying. There may | follow some npéw tabulation of ac-| counts by Which it will be apparent | | at a glance what the anffual] charges | are for operating the plant, for ma- | nagement, for depreciation and res-' toration, and for new work. It will be difficult to argue against the demands of the city, that because it is behind the Utilities and lands them its credit and accommodation | Sensational ¢ IC 0 tti | it should have any surplus earnings, . ¢ after due ,allowance has been made] | for wear and tear and depreciation. | i in : Urs As the accounts are now it {s difficult, | | if not impossible, to separate the dif- | | ferent items, and aggregate charges { which should be grouped under cer-| | tag headings The Hydro-Eleetrie | | Commission may eventually install : . ; 5 i their system, and then, at the ics] Our prices are how | of the year, the statement will show | ower than ever. Are you going to take ad- rantage of the many bargains we are offer- ing? It may be a long time before you will again have another op- portunity of buying re- liable furs at such low prices. : charges, the new work undertaken, | the cost of it, and thé manner whichf new work is to be paid. | In/ the water works department | | there is a big =urplus; even after a | lot of money has been spent on capi- | 1 The receipts of the} year include the depreciation account | in| large part of this fund, if not all of| it, that has been put in the mains| and main renewals. | The city wants the surplus of this | department after due allowance has been made for depreciation. The | same argument applies to the gas | plant. { See our windows. Eid he fn atte Ge Shoe Repairing | .ABERNETHY'S dda ALALAAS a OR IN BULK © | Delivered-to all parts of the City By Government Test, Best in Kingston. SAKELL'S, EJ cousNs Vacuum Sweeper F uU R R I E R DEMONSTRATION THIS . WEEK AT OUR STORE. 221 Princess Street 'Repairing and Remodelling a Specialty Prices Moderate Every one is interested in the| city's progress. The paving and | lighting - have certaialy been great| improvetfients. - - The: disappearance | of the forest of poles and net work| of wires from the main streets has| also been generally approved. True, | these things have cost a great deal! of money, and the present financial | position of the eity suggests caution | said, were received by mail from Kil- and econo The total debt of blane and his manager, who are in! the city is gt present, $1,679,816.41, Cleveland. Both men agreed to} and he anfount called for this year, make 122 pounds ringside. Each on accouny. of principal, interest, and will receivee$5,500 or the privilege einking find, is $161,479.13. The! of 35 per cent, of the reecipts. interest #lone is $75,808.01. = re An N.H.A., sawoff between Octdawa Associated Boards of Trade. {and Wanderers, will not be a tangi- This board was represented at the! ble thing till after the conclusion of annual meeting of the Associated Wednesday's fixtures. = This especi-| Boards of Trade by Mr. McLelland. | ally concerns Ottawa, who are called He .presented a resolution which, | upon to meet the greatly strengthen- | somewhat amended, was adopted by €d Quebec team. Whether Wander- the Associated Boards with regard to ers play the postponed game with the enlargement of the Hydro-Elec-| Shamrocks or not, Ottawa will have tric Commission. = Other delegates to beat Quebec to insure a tie, } were upable to keep their appoint-. Wednesday will also see clear title ments on behalf of this board. | given to Shamrocks or Canadiens for My sincere thanks are due to the last place, and it looks as though the | members who have rallied to my spp- | place would be wished on the French- | port at the monthly and special Wen, the team that tied for the cham- ineetings of the board, and who have! Pionship with Torontos last season. endeavored to make them a success. | Canadiens and.Shamrocks clash . in| I have been under special obligations | Toronto, Wanderers meet Toron-! to Mr. Macnee, your most capable tos in Montreal, and should have no | secretary, for the counsel and assist- | trouble winning from the displaced ance he kee ea cheerfully rendered: Champions. : at all times.-- President. | THE. SPORT REVIEW CAMPBELL BROS: Makers of Fine Furs. Kingston Township Hockey. | Senior Series. : Lost Tied Lae Heed Cataraqut are tery P upen-the contributions of the charitable world Lge a living from day to day, The u care is taken in the adminis- tration of the fund, the money oeing Yer fe Joivery and distribution among 'he tute people. e attitude 1 1 the Germans on the food question the ¢iperienced ~dver- §f } ? fr : i Eg il E Bag : impossible if + t| day night. Ald would do so |QUEEN'S_II: AND. "VARSITY 1 Elginburg. PLAY HERE TO-NIGHT | Cataraqui won the Rankin cup. | For the Intercollegiate Intermediate Junior Township Standing Hockey Championship -- Standing euburie: © : 0 Of the Kingston Township Hockey | gioinburg | 0 League Serfes, . Glenburnie won the Cor Officers of the Ottawa" Club say that President Lichtenhein will be forced to live up to his agreement and play the Shamrocks next Satur- At the league esting ; = e } § 1 tt cup. -- Queen's II, vs Varsity II. Queen's II and Varsity IT will play for 'the intermediate intercollegiate ehamplonship on the covered rink on use and a very close game I Queen's will likely line Toronto game. 38 i ------------------------ in Quiet Moments, Chalmers: The grand esentials of -- 1 . promised. There is & scandal brewing in the as in the Lower Ottawa Hockey Association, which for the past couple of years h comparative peace. Char- ges of professionalism have been en- : tered aud a spécial meeting is to be happiness are something to do, : ia Ottawa on Wednesday, at| something to love, and something to which efforts will be made to clear hope for. . [ Glenburnie : Ii fr number of Arst team players, | Carters & Teamsters =, The perfected Gol brush, full ball bear- Sweeper ing and nickel-plated. | furnace, gas, stable No house complete withou Wis ~ 'Adjustable and poultry houses, good house for a easy labor device. Ce VA | Price ........, 1 Brick house mnear Princess Stroet, nine rooms, improve. } Coin Vacuum Good frame house on Division Street, all improvements, Phone 147 for Personal Services The Leading Undertaker. BOP cov oiivisinn Demonstrated this week. ments, furnace, $3 400 ' JAMES REID gas and electricit HORACE F. NORMAN Real Estate and Insurance Office 177 Wellington Sv. hat - Girl Dead Beside: Lover, Keep your feet ary. "By the side of & young French cavalry officer, who had been hit in| a fight on the Aisne we found the body of a pretty girl" says Sergeant' Payne, whe--is-at-Bristol,-wounded "Both were dead, Their story-was§-- as sad as anything I have heard of in a war full of tragedies. When the | young man joined his regiment the girl left a convent school and at-| tached herself x the Red Cross. { "Hearing tha r sweetheart had! not returned from a charge in which | his regiment was engaged, she had gone out with the ambulance men to look for him. Going in advance shelfiad found him, and while attend- ing to his wounds was hit by a stray "They ~ were We carry all styles to fit the different shaped Shoes. '. Girls' Rubber Boots. Boys' Rubber Boots. | - Ladies' Rubber | "Boots." ro Men's Rubber Boots. Rubber ng und killed Wer: biiried side by side." On Sunday Inst the congregation of | Smith's Falls Methodist Church con-! tributed $2,015 at the anniversary event. i ! Orders have beed issued to ittmediately with the work of structing & wharf at Portland. wp the In Five Minutes! No Stomach Mis- ery, Heartburn, Gases or <> STOMACH UPSET 7 END INDIGESTION, ~~ SOURNESS---PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN | Brash, Pain in Stomach an Tntes-|