= -- a Safety for Your Valu ables and Papers Why not avoid all Bonds, and other impor ér valuables, by depo ETY- DEPOSIT BOX? They 1 I can be readily is invited The {BANK or TORONTC Paid-up Capital £5,000,000 Reserve Funds . . 86,400,000 Market Square ition G } risk of loss of your Titles, Insurances, dacu 3, ond of Jewellery, and oth- a BANK OF TORONTO SAF- and Your inspection of them burglary or ether loss, referre any time. - po J : INC ORPORATED w § EORGE B. McKAY - Hotagor J Get The Bricklayers Busy !" . There aie a ber of foundations ready, to work at these. k and we have them all, sand-stock, Milton pressed brick. We are doing business as usual at the Brie wire-cut or the Kingston Brick Yard, A. NEAL, Phone 1396 FOR SALE Solid Brick House, facing Victoria Park, with all ments, cheap at the price we ask ... Solid Brick, Hot Air Furhace Electric tion, in good location, a sacrifice. Price J. K CARROLL AGENCY JOHN DRIVER, Representative. modern improve Tight and Gas, 56 BROOK ST. k is tre accepted building material famous Stone Founda- .. $3,100 Phone 68. 4 7% DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1915. INCIDENTS OF (THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AN AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. "Buy Foot Powder," at Gibson's. Wiliam Swaine, piano tuner. Urders received at Neduleys. "Phone 564. $1 Emulsion, 30c., at Gibson's We rent" piands as low as $1 per month C. W. Lindsay Co., Ltd. H. Stevenson, Barrie street, is afined to his home with a severe cold The will cf the late A was audited before Judge Wednesday morning. Plumb sing, tinsmithing and heating. Prompt attention. W. CO. Bennett, 191 Princess street. 'Phone 1033. "Almond Cream," at Gibson's, Miss Godirey, of George mills & Co's millinery department, returned from Toromto to-day, after attending the openings. "Do you need a tomic ?"' go to Gib- son's. Ww. Dunlop, St. Lambert, Qué., left at noon, Wednesday, for his home after nttending the funeral of the late ! . James Gowdey. eh Huyier's' at Gibson's: Cunningham, piano tuner, street. leave orders .at- e MeMahon Lavell on 21 King Me get them ny, s book store. "Witch Hazel Cream." at Gibson's. A Lenten service will be held in St George's Cathedral this evening at eight o'clock. - Rev. Mi. 'lowle will be the preacher. "Do you need a tonic?" son's, Captain [.. Malcolm M. Kavannagh, with Engineers in Ottawa, city on Tuesday. "Witch Hazel Cream," I'he Joeal undertakers have fied of an \increase in the pice of coffins, caskets and other requisities pertaining ta the burial of the dead Fmalgion, 25¢. pottles, at Gibson's. Miss' Edna Richardson, daughte of Sheriff Richardson, Ottawa, wh has been visiting with Mrs. W.- T | Burrowes, Division street, returned to her home on Tuesday. "Fresh Huyier's" at Gibson's. John Gaskin, Toronto, who has | go to Gib- and the were Queen's in the at Gibson's. been no AUTOMOBILE OWNERS, ATTENTION! YOUR TIRES REPAIRED NOW Don't wait until you need them. Steam and Blectric Vulcanizing. "Agents for Oadillac Oars. PORRITT GARAGE CO, Limited ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. 'PHONE 454. GET \ been in the city for the past few day: to attend the funeral of his uncle, the lata James Gowdey, returned hom { on Tuesday night. "I'mulsion Cough Cure," son's. 'the choir of Queen Street Church {gave an entertginment in the West | brook Methodist Church on Tuesday (evening. The Ladies' Aid of th | Westbrook church served refreshm nt | to the visitors. "Buy Foot Powder," at Gibson's. J. V. Bradshaw and H. G. Sar gent, of the staff of Sargent's drug store, have received first prize in @ at Gib- competition conducted by a Walker- ville firm on the best method of sell- ing goods. "Fresh Huyier's"" at Gibson's. TO-NIGHT", Sapper | Ri BoUS Every Afternoon nd Evening 3 SHOWS DAILY--3 it 3.36 pan, 7 pam, 9 pam, Feature Vaudeville Acts. Fumous Players Films, 4 Reels, Edward Abeles, in "The Million." And other Photo Plays. New Vrogramme Monday and Yhursday "vives Mat. 10e, any seat. Evening, 10¢: reserved 5¢ extra Parisian ladies" Tailo:ing WW. D. Rich; dmg High Class Suits made to order Golden Lig Block, ock, Opposite GRAN AN f COMING! . \ THE GRAND Day when EVERY WOMAN HGG-0 BARN roOwWbLER, Eodorsed by © Mra. Floreuce B. Wade, BA. The FEminemt Dietitian. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. J hn Quinn Barriefield, wishes to extend sincere thanks th all those » sh-Kind to her duging he Sad "Lerefvement i Ser g Tow ss and mpirithal "offerings COVERED RINK Intermediate Monshi ip Hockey tntereotl ule Cham Fiawl Gande. TORONTO vs. QUEEN': WEDNESDAY, Mar. 3. Game ¢ beginning 8.15 pm fon 26e Rese a Jd seats 256 Admis extra. cove RED RINK. Grad Hadey Match Frontenad Friday, 'Ma Reserved seats ir tickets early important game Ses. . Queen's Ses. rch 5th pm Admis. extra don't and nigs this THE NEW VICEROY, Lord Wimborne One of the Richest of Great Britain's Peers. The* world, and Ireland in particu- | lar, dearly oves a sportsman, and | that is one reason why, when Lord Wimborne takes up his residence at the Viceregal Lodge im Dublin, as Viceroy of the Emerald Isle, in sue- PAGE SEVEN nm ------. THE Se PIES FORUM |, CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES LOST. | TIE PIN, STAR SHAPED, SET WITH pearls, and one diamond, on Prin- cess IMvision Finder please veturn to Whig office and receive reward. First lngertion, le a word. Each con 1 insertion thereafter, half. cent & word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 2%e; three insertiond S50: six, 51; one month, $2. or ON SATURDAY Wellington, Finder Hatel. \ GOLD EARRING night on Princess, King Brock streets please return to Whitney TO LET FRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, Once 26c., three times, 0c. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE clean and dry. McCann, Street. DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES. Cann's Real Estate Agency, Brock OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. ers. Apply to Cunningham & Mudie, 78 Clarence 8t, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms: your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen - St. Phone 528b, HOUSE CONTAINING SEVEN ROOMS, all modern improvements, gas electric light, etd fine garden. No 22 Johnson street Rent moder Inquire néxt door HELP WANTED. AN ADV? OF 35 WORDS OR LESS under this head. costs 2c for one night, 'or §0c for three. GRDERLY. APPLY Hospital GENERAL 3 oo ETT) WAFTRESS, George Hotel EXPERIENCED Apply to Prin AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100° monthly corresponding for newspapers; ne eanv it Send for Jelticulars. J Press Syndi- cate, 3.96% Lockport. N 13 TEACHER WANTED. FOR T™E KINGSTON PUBIAC Schools, a Kindergarten director or a Kindergarten primary teacher, duties to begin at Easter. 8 3 $400 10 $600. with $50 increase Apply to Secretary Board of Educas tion. POSITION WANTED. STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, GOOD AT blacksmithing or carpentéring, de- sires position. Would accept any kind of remunerative job. Good references. Apply in first Instance to Box 1187, care Whig office BRICK HOU SE ¢ CONT AINING T ROOMS, Land or vouking and loe ation near April 1. Ap- Het in: Queen's HOUSE. MODERN corner Qubbec and A nf Dun ark, not EIGHT ROOMED PTO WANTED GENRKRAL GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Prices and workman- ship guaranteed to please, Press- ing arm repairing done on the shortest notice, Thomas Galloway 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Garage HOU SK, 0 maw STREET, bea lo we Te NO. titukl with CORNER oms cuit SOMNEON SRE EY, jv Ang, TF BUSINESS NOTICES rmaT BRIGHT DE SIRABL » Tot SE, 57 Brock ¥ > a 10 tention " 10SEPH BUSE, 4 CHESTNUT ST. HAS Me- FOR SALE. TUESE EFFECTIVE any ¢ little. Once, 25¢; three times, 00s one week, $1.00. i -------------------------------------- JEESE FEATHERS, APPLY TO MaRS, Goldman, 387 Div'sion St MAHOGANY SECTIONAL BOOK-CANE, a shap, at Turk's. Phone 705 WORMWITH PIANO, ALMOST NEW, Pride reasonable and terms easy. Write to Box 1242, Whig office UPRIGHT WALL SHOWCASE, TENTS awnings, fishisg tackle, ete Ryv- eryvthing must be sold by July ist. Frank W. Cooke, 4% Leaving city Clarence St A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES ANL & number of first-class heaters at low prices; also a big stock of far- niture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess ft. Phone 1800. A LARGE NUMBER OF RICYCLES also Dunlop tires, at $2.00. orders promptly attended carpet cleaning and laying Muller, 373 King St. $1050 FRAME HOUSE, CHERRY »F, A snap for a quick buyer $1900 BRICK VENEER HOUSE, ON Patrick St. § rooms FOUR HOUSES ON YORK ST. fits 2000, GEO, A. BATE. to $2 HOUSES TO RENT, man, real estate and insarance. &7 Clarence St., Kingston. George kingston i Skipper OR EXCHANGE. 3 NOH RANGE DEAL TIED L alorada, Twen- 1 Wifaifa, small lern bungalow, Tus Coma Phoebe FOR SALE SALE on ty-Ave acres, Or fruit poultry adjoining town Lt wel plete ption Mrs Pv 1d Junetion, Cede m Y descr sts, Oral PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, w ARTS, BINTHVARKS snd all growths and skin blemish es removed pe rmanently, witheng scar: 30 years experiance. Dr. Eil- DENTAL opened vp a quarry on Stephen St Cut, building and rough stone are supplied promptly and reasonable prices i mer J. Lake. Eye Ea Nose Throat and Skin Bpaciailst, 254 Ragnt St = A. KE. KNAPP, RA, LDS TO SMARTEN moved to 358 Princess Street. Repairing and cleaning. Gentlemen's own ma- terial made: fir and siyle right Prices moderate. A trial solicited Address 20%: Alfred street (on the car track), Frank Owles, Tajlor | NOW THE TIME up Pressing. IS SPARKS AND SPARKS, 'ington St. (over Phone 346. DR, C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. T. B Renton, assistant. 133 Street. Phone 7% S. BH. SIMPSON, L.DS, D, ist. corner Princess Tl Bagot streets. Entrance on Bamot Street FINANCIAL xoay AND INVEST. inecarporatad 1 363 Carnovsky"s) MEDICAL. A. COON, M.D.C.M,, (FORMERLY OF Elgin). Surgery, 93 Wellington St. Phone 846 STUART M. POLSON, M.A, M.D.0.M,, 'FRONTEN AC former house surgeon Manhattan ment Sool resident, hs D DS, RE. 158 WEL- Princess DENT. DANCING. MISS FLOSSIE HUDON, AUTHORIZED t= teach by Prof, Frank H. Norman, chairman Standardization Commits tee appointed to standardize tha modern dances, Dayton, Ohio. June 1914. Fox Trot. Hesitatiqn and Can- ter Waltzes and One-Step, ete. Phone 120. CATERING WH CATER TO PARTIES, RALIA, Wedding breakfasts, banquets, ete, also rent dishes, table linens and aijverare. Reid and Tlambhrook, .%P. Rela, 30 TTnlon Strat WO Hambrook 174 Street, OM Henry R. Smith oney issued on city farw . Bropertien, municipal Tan Stintsy tures; Mortgages pur deposits received and interest al lowed. 8B. eGill Manager, §° Clarence i JAVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOB Hye, ear, hoas ana th °% hospital, New York, Mice, 13 3 elnngton, SIn."2 Re office. fice hours, 2-4 pm, 18 p.m. Phone Alfred Phones #43 or 303. SEEEFELIE EI PEPEEIIESL LIPO &* 3 TELEGRAPHY. & Civil Setviee, "Shorthand, Tye. | Prevost, Brock street, has received | cession to the Marquess of Aberdeen, | all- his spring 'and. simmer goods | he will be received with the heartiest | for his order clothing department, | of welcomes. also in ready-made clothing and gent's It will be recalled how last year furnishing department they are all 7 Lord Wimborne, who is one of the well assorted with new goods for | keenest of sportsmen and soldiers-- by TR Fresh Fish RESH IN TO- DAY: Take Your Choice ARCHITECT From among our stock of genuine ebony hair brushes, which usually sell at from Halibut Salmon White Fish Salt Herrings Fillets $1.50 to $2.00 each. Your choice at . $1. 00 Come in and see them. Finnan Haddie. HOAG'S DRUG STORE Order day before require Opposite Y. M., C. Kingston 0% os 0» + on. Anderson Bros. Thone 458, THE PHERAPION 1h Boer, avo, Aina ox Y Gta THER No. DR ey ons + WR BUILDERS !! ..Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Baves Time RASY 10 TIOR Ens NEO woRD 'Tv - T TRADE Ma THERAPION © | SovTY, aTaup o¢ Whe TO ALL GENVING acKETS d IN FINAL OF C CENTRAL ONTARK spring and summer, The Shriners of the city and dis | triet, accompanied by an entertaine from Toronto, paid 'a visit to Minder lodge, A. F. and A. M. on Tuesda; evening and a delightful entertain ment was given. KINGSTON VICTORIOUS CURLING LEAGUE, Defeated Broekville con' Tuesda; Night By 34 to 27--The Junio: Taukard Tie To Be Played in Nap . anee, The final game in the senior serigs of the Central Ontario Curling Leagu: | was played at the local rink on (Tues- {day night, between Brockville ano HRingston, and resulted in a 8 Yietoty for Kingston--of -34 shots to 27 This | lis the first time since this Nenguie was formed as at present, that Kingstor § He and his two brothers, Major Guest, M. P. for Pembroke, and Capt. Guest, M. P. for Dorset, served in the South African War, Lord Wimborne win- ning the Queen's Medal and three clasps -- organized the polo team which wrested from the United States | the much-coveted International Cup. His lordship's interesi in polo, however, is mot that of a mere or- ganizer or looker-on; for he is not only a patron of the sport, and alway: ready with purse and ponies, but he is a player with a passion for the game--a hard, skillful rider, and "a broth of a boy" to beat. There are other reasons, however, why Irish people will extend the most cordial greetings to Lord Wimborne. ~grandson of Lady Charlotte Guest, who, among her services to the study of Celtie literature, edited and pub- the collection of ancient Welsh and Irish legends and romances call- ed "Mabinegio 5 Wimborne, VI Ireland takes up the high i held from "| has won the senior 'honors. The rinks and 'scores were : Irockville. Kingston. --P. WALSH, ~ Dr. Jackson's MENT IANA ans sae At Y a FENWICK, HENDRY & 09. Having purohased the right to manufacture and sell 'the I= hi "PATENTED Ll E or. fn Kingston Shaye i we are i Presentation | To Soldiers All persons wishing to. see these vaults, call at the office of A NEW CEREAL | {5 Farle, i iW. Going, skip--16 J, A. McRae, an E . Gilder ddeove, . 8. Brown, ntgome: B. Chrysler J. F. Macoomald, | skip--11 Total Soo year for Mgsion were Prof Macdonald, T. M. Asselstin Ren and E. C. asiertietve. game, en of rider ht ry 4 In the Junior series, Belleville anc 'Kingston are tied, 'having lost on: Arrangements are nov off this tie, the rockville for th. Jumior tankard. G. Hanson and 1 | N. F. Macfarland have been chose: | skips for the play-off, which wil take place in Napanee Thursday e Kingston Club has won the 2 D. Bibby, oH. Warwick, W. R. Sills, A . P. Reid, | skip--13 i | G. Rogers, Ira Maclean Pooaor thi LJ Fd e, MP es yoni | junior honors seven years in succes to 1) It and place aig Spd. A wrist watch of su-~- 1 perfor time - keeping | NS at a very reasonable price. qualities. ~Radium- "dial ac hands especially adapt- ji ed for night ok Gimmnteed moisture | Hh a i 1876 till 1880 by his maternal grand- father, the seventh Duke of Marlbor- ough. Lord Wimborne's mother was the eldest of the six beautiful and gifted of the duke, and very soon after her marriage to Sir Ivor Guest, in 1868, became recognized as one i of the most brilliant political host- | esses of the day. In fact, it was the | number of distinguished people to be | met at Wimborne House, one of the | finest mansions in London, which led | one prominent statesman to describe | one occasion Lord | Wimberne has confessed at he owes Much 'of the success of h career to "a -moble mother," and one of the finest tributes that a wife was ever Bete Farrell, "They will not forget that he is a |' Fire Ingurante. Som mpany, Available assets $61,18 addition t which the De Bagholders security the unll city propa"~ty, insured at lowes! possible rates. Before renewlin old or giving new business ge rates Strange & Agents. TPRone 226 WM. NEWLANDS '& SON, tects, eto. Offices, Phone 61, POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, chants' nk Building, Brock and Wellington Drop a ecard. ARCHI. 258 Bagot St have MER- carner streets. Strange BUSINESS CHANCES {ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN UPHOLSTERING. W, J, GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- pairing and carpet work, and! mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot reet. START i canvassing; boss Send for fron bopitlet: telly how Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. OLD TIME SINGING MEETING | Given By Cooke's Choir in Orange! Hall, Portsmouth. { The choir of Cooke's Presbyterian | Church, gave a good interpretation of an "Old Time Si eoting" in the Orange Hall at Poranouh Tues- day ht, before a lavgefaudience, | Thi programme was made up ; of old Sire -chorusess--hy--the-whole--ehorr | There were solos, duets, quariettos and quintottes as well. "Miss Bolioita | | Herrick recited. "The Inventor's Wife," Aunt Jerushia, the honorary chaperone, evoked much amusentent by het: speechifying, to say nothing = of ther gay costume. The real hit ofthe. 9 ; = evening was Deacon Pillshury, who SERVICEM kept the audience convulsed with Huuightee Arom the beginning to the end of the long programme of twen- BIG GERMAN GUN ty-two numbers. At the close the ladies of = the | orismavth Presbyterian Church pro- British Naval Experts Say a Range # retreshments for the eutertain- OF 28 Miles Impossi A goodly as realized. The he 1a blo | costomes. were wud some of {an guns that are 16 bomsbard tiie ther: were seventy-five years old. English coast fron® Calais and other The Late William Sands. | French places does not seem to have up set the paval mind much, and ¢ the "A sad death occurred on Tuesday attitude is a preity logical one. night at ihe Hotel Diew, when Wil- GQups ind gunnery have been the Cam Sands, To Ek Thomas: navy's: pet subjsct-22 fur } 'Sands. 52 Hrent, awuy long tine past, cad Ji fatters ite (after a --_-- oe of pneumonia. (sell. that what it does not know | The deceased was born in Kingston about heavy guns is not forty-four years ago, a«2 always had knowing. When, therefore, it hears resided here. fa religion he was a Of a4 ¥6.8-dnch gam that will fre a | Methodist and a meniber of. Broek 2.508-pound projectile tweniy-cigit |Street Church.' The survivors are Miles i simply smiles. 'he decensed's father, four sisters and, Vircpesing the subject with a nav. hiree brothers: dirs. Coaries Akey,; (&l goiimery man he dealt with the NiY.: Mrs. Henry {subject thus! "The Germans know * everything about our guns that js wor. h knowing. their extreme range, {every foot-ton of muzzle energy | { S------ rE at home. The funeral will ibe held on Friday afternoon - x30 its to the fractional part of a foot fo! unlimited Mabllity of a mall order usineay at mei no The stories" of the monster Ger. worth they possuss, and their muzzle veloc. & writing, Bookkeeping, Ranking 4 and Gewersl Improvement. & nud Night Closses. i$ Him end or Queen Street. 4 Rates moderate. Phone 440. 2 Metealfe, LEGAL. B., CUUNNINGHAM, and solicitor. Law office, ence St, Kingston. BARRIST! 70 Clgr- 'The F urnace. '16in. Hard Wood Blocks y $1. JAM IS ONLY A MYTH. | 75 Per Cart Loa S SWIFT & INSURANCE Real Estate Investments J. 0. HUTTON Hore "MARBLE HALL Pure Ice Cream In Bulk or Bricks. Packed and delivered to ony part of i the olty., . | | GEORGE MASOUD, 288 Princess Street. (their own naval guns are mot so. "tug pools oe That no the main res: 'sons why they are sticking in har- | second, and they also know that If Germany has a sun able 1s hivrl a bor instead of coming out -to fight projectile twenty-eight mile: bos -- Ee Cus Our naval guns sre the product mavy would be guysned gs 11 $52 'man who wae gives a chance in ©f a long course of development: jt Taat Germany may have a 16.5-fneh court on a day by Magis- | took years to develop the S0-ealibre gun firing a projectile of 2,500 in m 12-inch and the modern 13. 5-inch pounds no ore doubts, but if it ean. g im -- only possible from the experi- barl it ten miles # ai Is choot the ence gained in that - development, extreme range. B50, at least. says par Just as the 15-inch developed from the navy and it should know seme- the 13.5:inch. thing about the subject" my. a "Well. you kmow tiat Mr. Chur chill said of the 13-inch: 'iis