Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Mar 1915, p. 3

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'NEURALGIA- SETTLED IN HER LUNGS No Belief: From The Pain Until She Took * Fruit-a-tives " CAMPERLLVILLE, ONT., MAY sth. 1913. "I cannot speak too highly of *'Fruitd-tives", For over thirty years, I have suffered from chronic Neuralgia and Constipation, experiencing untold agony. The Neuralgia settled in my lungs and I took bottles of medicine without relief. Thedoctor told me I would not get better but * Fruit-a- tives" proved that the doctor was wrong by giving me quick, relief and finally and completely curing me. **1 would not have my present health o it ere uct for " Pruit-a-tives" and am glad of this opportunity of givin, you this letter about such a aplendi remedy as " Fruita-tives", Mrs. NATHAN DUNN. 50¢, @ box, 6 for $2. 5b, trial size, 25¢. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. A delicious appetiser and a true digestive. Made from fruits and rare spices. Prepared, matured and bottled in a perfectly equipped model factory As supplied by Warrant of Mode in En, by: t GLORGE MASON & Co, Lid. London. Repre: by: W.T. OTT Co. Inc . 32, Front St., Toronto. ini GERMANS NOW SEEK TO ESTABLISH DEFENSIVE BANE IN RUSSIAN TERRITORY. Constance Eddrupp, Toronte, is - the guest 'of. ber aunt, Mrs. 0. J. Shane man, Tanner street. Miss Agnes Johnston, Queen's, spent the. week-end in town with her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs, (George 1.. John- -------- ston, King: street west. The Russians Declare The Enemy's Auacks: Have Lost Force-- Right Flank Of the Foe Is In Danger Petrograd, March 8.---Reoecupa- tion by the Russians of Stanislau is regarded here as justifying their claim that the rapid advance of the Austro-German right flank in East Galicia was hazardous so long as their left flank in. Galicia was sue- cessfully held back by the Russian forces, The 'right Austro-German flank advanced impetuocusly appar- ently without regards to the inabili- ty of the left wing to co-operate in| the contemplated encircling move- ments, The right flank :in - conge- quence is now in danger of having the tables turned and being sur- rounded by Russian forces. The Russians now look for the re- tirement. of the Austrians from Czernowitz amd all of Bukowina where the Austrian position will be come untenable if the Russians are able to continue the successful move ment Initiated at Stanislau. Russian staff officers say since the failure of the Austro-Germans in the Stanislay region their attacks have weakened not only in that vi- cinity but in West Galicia, between the rivers Ondava. and San. Their attacks, here, in the opinion of the { Russian staff, are a device to draw the Russian troops westward from | Halliez*and the river Dniester. { Having abandoned the offensive] along the northern front, the Ger- mans. now, are seeking merely to fortify the Russian territory taken in the advance from East Prussia and| establish. a defensive line. This line roughly parallels the border, extend- ing from Simo to Serre, Augustowo along the Bobr river and on to Mlawa. The Russians apparently have been able, however, to interfere seri- | ously with the-plan by the advance of the tenth army, which the Ger- mans asserted was virtually destroy-| ed as a result of the German victory in East Prussia. The successes of the tenth army in the Lomaza district treaten to compel the withdrawal of the Germans from Grodno ok im- port maintenance of their eommuni- | cations between these two portions of the German forces in the north. | : WAR TIDINGS The French liner La Tour + aine, with fire well under con- ¢ trol, was signalled ome hundred $ miles from Liverpool, on Mon. # day, apd all safe, Public opinion in. Greece is ng for war and a de- expected shortly. 4 Ld claration Germans are exclusively in + control now of the defences of Constantinople, + - + + * + The French are again gaining 4 great. victories over the Ger $ mans in the Vosies and Alsace. # | Later casualties. lists. received & at Ottawa indicate the Princess & Pats and First Canadian Con. 4 tingent are again in action, + " of P F4M REE b bbe hb bb deb bbdbe PITH OF THE NEWS, PEPPERS PPPREI PRPS CORR REP Despatches From Near And Distant! Places. Vice-Admiral Sir John Jellicoe was promoted to Admiral. There are more than five hundred cases of measles in Hamilton. G. G. 8S. Lindsey, K.C., Toronto, was re-elected president of the Ca- nadian Mining Institute. The Dominion Alliance reaffirmed ! its intention to fight for the' total! suppression of the liquor traffic. Norway has plgced an embargo on copper. and brass' plates, bars, belts, spikes, nails, pipes and foundry plec: es. 3 Word bas hegn received of the! death of Sebring, Florida, of Mrs. Amanda Smith, the famous colored | evangelist. ; i Justice Middleton reserved judg ment on the text case of the Proyin- | ce to collect a tax from the life ia- surance companies. The Attorney-General of Ontario, warns the public.against agents dis- tributing a "lubricant," which is real {ly a dangerous explosive, } | George 'Honey Boy" Evans, best! (known minstrel of his time, died Friday afternoon in the Union Pro- { testant hospital in Baltimore. i Gananoque |" jovial badass" { ler of Berlin, Ont., died, suddenly of | h . | heart failure, He made a trip to March -8.--Saturday's market was | Guelph. and Brampton on Thursday. | | fairly well attended by both buyers | .Redistribution. in British Colum- | and sellers, the prices in the main | bia gives forty-seven seats in the Le-| | being (very little different from those | gislature, gn increase of five/ The! of a week ago. The price of eggs | Opposition leader is to have a salary dropped a little, fresh ones selling | of $1,600 a session. from 25c. to 30c. a dozen. Butter | Miss Mary Ann Frodepk. Toron- | was 30c. to 32¢. Pork, lle. to 12.; to, has entered action st Hor potatoes, 9c. a bag. ~ 'iace Hennessey, Trenton, to recover! | The ice in Gananoque river ahove | { {the dams is beginning to clear away. | '®ddbddobbddbdddddbddd dobbs | * THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1915. EE ---- - * a Napanee Napanee, Mpreh 8.--The" strain, under which"those who were con- necfed with the now famous Tam-! worth tragedy. has been very great. | particularly with the relatives of the! actual participants, This was shown very clearly whem W. C. Yorke, a brother of the deceased girl, became hysterical and collapsed, after the! trial was over. My. York was car-| ried to a bed in the Paisley House. and a doctor was called to treat him. and he is now very much better. An epidemic of mumps has. brok- en out among the pupils of the high school. About fifteen pupils. and one of the teachers have been affect- ed so far. An automobile party from King- ston ran foul of the. local police, but luckily for them there was one of them who was capable of haadling the car.and they were allowed ta go with a caution. y i Owing to illness, Dr. Snow did not lecture at the Historical Hall last night, his place being taken by Dr, W. L. Milner, Toronto University, | whose subject. was "War and, Militar- | ism.) i Another old resident of Napanee has passed away in the person eof Mrs. William Embery, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. B. McKay, Toronto, on Thursday. | The remains were brought here on Saturday; and buried in the family plot in the River Side Cemetery. De- ceased was 62 years of age, and a daughter of the late Mr. Easton, at one time treasurer of Napanee. Cummings and Davis, blacksmiths, who recently sold their business to A. O. Line, has purchased the shop and business of H. Savage, opposite Trinity Church, and will continue to carry on the horseshoing and general blacksmith business . conducted by Mr. Savage, for 20 many years. A distressing accident octurred here Thursday evening when Mrs. Helen Lee, who keeps .a boarding house on Robert street, fell down the cellar stairs in her home, Assis. tance was quickly called and two men, who were passing, went in an carried the unfortunate woman up- stairs, A doctor was called in im- medis tely, but life was extinct. The funeral of the late Mrs. Hel. en Lee, took place Sunday -after- poon. Service was held in, Grace Methodist Church, of which the de- ceased was a member. The sermon was preached by Rev. C. E. Crags. Deceased was fifty-eight years of age. She is survived by one broth- er, Charles Embury, Kingston. The Belleville Ladies Hockey team | came down to Napanee to play the Napanee Ladies team, and defeated! the local girls by a score of 15 to 0. The police were called to Deseron- | to road yesterday to disperse some tramps who were making themsel-! ves obnoxious to the residents there. | The members of the Overseas de-| tachments and the Boy Scouts, mar- ched to the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning to listen to a mes- sage from Rev. Dp. Howard, who Cammmsan 5 --- ; {i Northerly winds, fine and moderately cold Tuesday. 1 bane. a Laan samnsanss Steacy's - To-morrow Especial Feature * » Ee The Formal Showing of ¢ Spring Millinery A wonderful variety for your choosing, of reproduced Paris and New York models, showing Turban, Tricorn, Mid-Victorian, Early Empire and novelty effects in Milan, Hemp and Swiss straws with trimmings such as Alsacien bows, Maria Guy's But- terfly bow, Madeline wing effects, fruit and flower effects, also other novelties. . Special Prices Prevail New York Veils introducing many novelty effects The "Stroller Suit" at $16.50 A real $18.50 value which to meet an insistent | demand for a suit priced between $15 and $18.50, | we have made fully tailored in man's serge and is satin lined. range of popular colors to choose from. to special measurements if required specialty of. The garment is beauti- | Good | Suits made | Try Cairn's Pure Scotch | Jams 'and Marralades Gardén and Flower, Rennies and Steele There are numerous stretches of open ®/ a . Cot { water between the T.L.LR. and GT.R. | %* IN THE SPRING. {bridges. This has the appearance of | % --- {an early break up. 1% > 0 series - of special services wr- | { rAd for last month, but unavoid- | # 'Scarlet fever, & AN fresh 1915 seeds. Ji ably. postponed, will be started by | & Whooping gn. a raretios 0 | Rev. Melvin Taylor, in Grace Church, | . All varieties and guar- {on Tuesday cvening, and will com * Keep your house ventilated, anteed to grow. ; #' is taking a great ihterest in doings % | of the soldiers and of the Scout move- + ment. : 3 #1. The/services of St. Mary Magdelene #| Church were of unusual interest +! Sunday. There was a very good con- #| gregation at the morning service # when the following deacons were or- # dained priests by Bishop of Kings. « ton; Rev. L. 6G. 0. Welker, -~Ban- +! nockburn; Rev. R. C, Magee, curate Measles. Diphtheria. "11h Glass.) Sb Tana. © (At all Grocers.) GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LIMITED. : + clean. Mrs. Henry Nunn, Lansdowne, spent 4 See that your children wash | tinue for ui least two. |* Keep garbage pail and yard ' At Best's ithe past fow days in town, the guest of Mrs. Calvin Lutz, Charles street. | Miss Alice Sampson, spending the | past few weeks in Ottawa, guest of ~ returned + their hands before. they eat. Keep them away from chil. # dren with colds. | % IM they develop a wash, per | # sistent cough, or sore throat, A or 1 4 send for the doctor. The town council has ordered am in- | # ! vestigation of the charge of gamb- | ling made by Copimcillor i; | Dowsley, at last week's « W. H. Pennock, has : | against the local pool rooms. | of promise to marry. { Miss Rhoda Byers, Chatham, isthe | k nest of her aunt, Mrs. 'Byron Heads [in the Déminion are strikingly un- [fip. Miss Vera Berry, teacher at animous in describing the boots ls- | school : | Lansdowne Front, was in town vis- | fit for active sepvice. {iting her mother, Mrs. Thomas (i. | The governor-general | Berry, North street, on Saturday. | has commuted the sentence of death { Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Goffin' and dau | passed 'upon Boyd, Portage la Prair- ighter, Miss N. M. Griffin, TYakeside | ie. to life imprisgnment. The con- | House, Gananoque Lake, spent .Sa- | demned: man will spend the rest of {tuday in town. . Mrs. Geo 8, | hig life in Stony Mountain peniten | Cowan, Maple strest, ta Fisifing: hor | a AAvAOMIN, is made of the in Fe Wa MoC: ¥ | . Eo ¥rs. Ex 'We MoCren, | auguration of a tri-weekly steamship ; ) Xi X., was | Service between Canada and France, in iia Hale, Dish, be NY at the | Particularly for the conveyance of | bedside of his mother, Mrs. William | WAT Supplies ordered in Canada aud | Hole, "gr. who +i. quite sill 'at her the United States: for the British { be ar A atu bag Pine street. : the | _ General Antonip Seavier Corria i : tet]. Products. C ne Bareto has bepn proclaimed presi- 'dent of 5 Portugal," by a gress of Demo- erats, who have Lamebo, according to a despatch re- Madrid, winter with thelr the . A. B. Napanee The union of two great. political ht of | ory, and Lady pa itd Reports from officers at nine point | section No, 2, leeds. and | sued to the second contingent as un-) in session at! ohn road system in huria, ; Mr. and Mrs. AR. Bell, Napanee, Bell, Illinois, ! . of St. George's Cathedral, Kingston, and Rev. M. G. Lansbury, Parham. The following Clergy assisted in the service: Rev. C. E. 8S, Radcliffe, Des- eronto; Rev. R. W. Irwin, Selby; Rev. 8S. Lindsay, St. George's Cathed- ral, Kingston, and Rev. T. Coleman, Napanee. The ordination sermon was preached by Canon FitzGerald, his subject being "The Christian Min- istry," which. was dealt with in a very able and inspiring manner. At' the evening service, extra | chairs bad to be brought in. te accom- | modate the people who desired to! witness tHe ceremony. Rev. Thom. | in _council|as Coleman was inducted vicar of | | 8t, Mary Magdelene Church by the 'the bishop, who preached a sermon {from the words of St. Paul. "I have, | fonght a good. fight. 1 have fnish- | | ed my course, I have kept the faith." | i After the sermon, the candidates for | configmation gathered and the bishop | | performed the impressive ceremony! | of the laying on of hands, adm {ting into the membership of the | church, eleven persons. The choir, | | under the leadership of J. W. Ash. | services successful. F Ines EAL 00 to. the Central Prison yesterday ts ~Pitlon and "King, recent- year apd six ; . : f sh t i recs wee a id of the woltk | 1 | i + { | Excellent Shoulder uality. AY .:318¢ Stewing : Hamburg 'Steak, 2 bg. for .......... 20 The Wm. Davies Co. i ton, helped very much to make the | . i ively, for steali oo EE from A. paealing 8 | in the entering " o in NOTICE | Having decided to stay at {my present place of busi- |ness, all orders placed now | for monuments to be erected 'in the spring will have my | Best attention, ih E, MULLEN Phone No. 1417. Big Discount Off) 'Elect 1X _ Halliday's Electric Shop | Phone 94 Tr ee ey MA King &. Abbett lab me

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