Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Mar 1915, p. 7

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ff ---------------------- Safety for Your Valuables and' Papers Wiiy not avoid all risk of loss of your Titles, Insurances, Bonds, and other lmportant documents, and of Jewellery, and oth- er valuables, by depositing them in a BANK OF TORONTO SAF- ETY DEPOSIT BOX? . They will be safe from fire, burglary or other loss, and can be readily referred to at any' time. Your inspection of them is invited. THE SANK or TORONTC Paid-up Capital $3,000,000 Reserve Funds . $6,400,000 Market Square Kingston \ GEORGE B. ice Manage r ; Get The Bricklayers Busy ! get them of the pastor, conducted the INCIDENTS 'OF THE in LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's. 'Phone 564. More coughs and colds cured at Gibson's Red' Cross Drug Store every day. Un Tuesday morning a meeting of the County Froperty committee wil be held. Cunningham, piano King street. Leave orders Auoley's book store. Mare. Cupping, Elginburg, was re- moved tp ,the General Hospital in James Reid's ambulance on Sunday afternoon. Plumbing, tinsmithing and heating. Prompt attention: W. C. Bennett, 191 Princess street. "Phone 1033. Prof. M. B. Baker, of Queens, was elected a councillor of the Ca- nadian Mining Iastitute, which held its annual convention in Toronts last week. TNCONFORATID 21 Me- tuner, at On Wednesday, March 24th a de« putation from the county will wait on the ministers of Public Works and Kducation, Toronto to appeal for increased grants. Prof. J. Dall, owing to the illness con munion service for a number of "the soldiers frem the 21st Battalion, fFainous Bt. > Aadiew's Chureh on ning There aie a number of foundations ready, to work at these. Brick is tie aceepted building 1 material and weshave thes sm all, sand-stoc k, wire-cut or the f Milton pressed brick. We are doipg business as usual at the Kingston Brick Yard, A. NEAL, Phone 139% Sunday A MILITARY WEDDING. Lance Corpl. Trapitt and Miss Dor othy Thomas Married. The boarding house 'of Mrs. F. J. Smith, 1863 Bagot street, was the scene of a protty military wedding on Saturday evening, when Miss Dorothy Thomas, daughter of Mr. Solid Brick House, facing Victoria Park, with all modern improve- and Mrs. Albert Thomas, Croyden, ments, cheap at the price we ask $4,200 Fngland, was united in marriage to Solid Brick, Hot Air Purfiace Electric fight and Gas, Stone Founda- | lLance-C orporal Arthur Trapitt, i tion, in good location, a sacrifice. Price $3,100 [tawa, of the 21st Battalion. J. EK CARROLL AGENCY ceremony was performed by Ray ry |L. Campbell. Assisting the happy JOHN DRIVER, Representative. Phone 68. | |couple were Mrs. 8. G. Thomas, as | bridesmaid, and Sergeant McDonald, FOR SALE 56 BROCK ST. 4 MICHELIN TIRES Made with all types of beads for all types of Rims, but ONE QUALITY ONLY, THE BEST. We have now received our' new stock of tires, in all sizes. PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited Phone 454. 210-214 Wellington Street. {attached to the 21st Battalion, The bride was daintily dressed in net over white silk, and also word a | veil which was caught up by a {wreath of orange blossoms. She | carried a handeome bouquet of lilies- jot- the-valley and bridal roses. To her the bridegroom gave a gold pen- | dant set with pearls, | ald was neatly dressed in a gown of Dresden silk, erepe-de-chene and carried a bouquet of lilies-of-the- | valley and carnations. The bride- groom presented her with a beauti- ful necklace of pearls. As the bride and party outered]| the drawing-room the march was played by Mrs. H. Cordes. The ceremony was followed by al wedding repast which was tastily served at a table fedtly decorated Notice - Take Your Choice To Farmers! From among our stock of | genuine ebony hair brushes, which usually sell at from $1.80 10 $200 each. 8 } 00 Your choice at ... Come in and see them. HOMG'S DRUG SORE Opposite ¥. M. 0. A Kingston % .* ss ers... Twenty guests sat dows and, afterwards toasted the newly weds. ® Rev. G. I. Campbell proposed a toast to the bride and 21st Battalion, which to by the groomsman Prices still advance for fowl, chickens and turkeys. We have or- ders ge large varieties this week and are pre- pared'to pay the high- est eash prices, living or dressed . Anderson Bros. was responded and others. spent in dancing, which lasted until a little before midnight. Mr, and Mrs. Trapitt will take up residence at 163 Bagot street. until the 21st leaves for overseas. CANADIANS DOING WELL. J -------- Excel at Front in Rapid and Aceur- ate Shooting. Ottawa, March 8.~That (Canada has or reasons to be proud of the Ca- uadian troops who have alread tented tho Bring Time 1s vo od of despatches which have reached Ot. tawa from various sourées in ¥ng- tand and France. In addition x | these despatebes, it is uhderstsicd that. the Government is being informed from day to. , day Ye dnl communications as to the pro d Bel She no and ium, "inc the rn troops." 'th york uf munications arc ¢hid to Ee Bear out the unoffieidl mess; which have come across the ' Ocean 4 with reference to the Spudact of the Sanadians in action. The Canadians | on ip thiompel vey as be expert mw rapid and accurate" rifle shooting, and in this 'respect Said to be the equal bf Say; troops | BUILDERS! ! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Baves Time P. WALSH, Barrack Street. pt &h ram GOVT Sraue arrive " he 1 AEN OUR FRESH -- COR FEE AT 40¢. sample order and od Try B- convineed, } y hn i ahs pondent wanting anyt ory line, Estimates given om all kinds ood has 1 nnd néw work: Alda 5 : i " Eide 2 Having putsbasd the right i ri | Pr ) Cy hes in on To it in {as groomsman, the latter also being! The brides-| wedding | with' red, white and blue and flow-| the soldiers of the The remainder of the night was, - ye DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1915. GRAND I | TO-NIGHT" ree € NT vous rend Boning AND E 2.360 P.M. AND 730 re re RE VALU DEVILLE 3 Famous Players Flims, 5 Edward Abekes in "READY MONEY." And otlier Photo Plays. Prizes: Mat. ide, neat. rant, ihe; ved S¢ extra, Manager. High Class Suits made to Golden Lion rig ey ¥en EVERY WOMAN EGG-0 BARING POWDER, Ea Mry. Florence wads ni The Emineng Dietitian, LOANS WANTED. $4000 AND 32,5080 ON RIESE MORT. gage at eight pér cent. for three or. five years on first class improv- ed Jam lands in AMberta. Good security. THOMAS MILLS, Mar. &thy 1915 TH v A NEW CEREAL Dr. Jackson's | Roman Meal but is yo ey well. | it is cereal or made In pan-eakes. { rial Bise LL... ionnarnne,neiens 10 Oty | Roguine SI98 i. ..viceyintnises 35 ote | At Your Family FENWICK, HENDRY & CO, (MureiBntove. THE WHIG'S HS Ju MBLE. | | { | | { | | { | | KINGSTON, 3 Clarence St. A General Review af of Country District and Local News. The fifth Earl of Cadogan died in | { London. Lanark éounty veted $1,000 to the Zist Battalion fund. "Bt. works like magic." « Gibson's Knuuion for coughs syd colds; 2%, | bottle. § John Webster, M.P., Eratkville, | Jo t Saturday in Kingston wit h his For the. pany the past ten days a ong | anst wind has prevailed. ~The | | weather has been fine. i "Do uot safer with a cough or | t { i cold," Go to Gibson's Red Cross | Drug Store at once, It pays to. go there Mrs. A.1. Ross and Mrs. A. -M. | Rankin were invited to luncheon at | Fovernment House, Toronto, on Fri- | day last. | Mrs. R. Bamforth, Port Perry, sang | very sweetly in contralto voice im | Cueen Strest Methodist Church on | Sunday morning. i "It makes delicate children strong and healthy.' Gibson's Emulsion, | He. bottles Ie. The St. Lawrence River lee Com- { pany, at Cape Vincent, N.Y. Cawan WH00, tons this yaar, of which | ny went to the New York Central | Ira D. Stratton, Stonewhll, was clectad president of the school trus | * department of the Mauitobs Ed: tio) Association. He formerly | lived in Kingston. i "Hundreds of customers" |Giihaon's Emulsion for sche h size bottles, cent size 2c. The American liner Philadelphia' who departure for New York has been delaved for seversl days by the | #nal passdrs' steik e. will sail from Liverpdol. ou} Rn 86 Arundel avenue. Toronto. is iving at her home in a eritical adidas, the result of brutally beaten, it is alleged. har vom Boaset, who roomed at ise | and ] Fifty of CVs. rday on ocenrred in the drying room. One other man' wan fatally .injuged. [FOR §, s, | A TO LEY STORAGE FOR FURNITUR ro, clean and dry. McCann, § ock Street. BEDROOM AND SITTING central locality. ©, Whig office DOUBLE ROOM WITH Apply at Mrs. Briden, 178 street ROOM IN Apply Box A. B re WANTED. AD OF 25 WORDS OR LESS daa this head. costs 26c for one night, or 0c for three GENERAL SERVANT, NO WASHING, Apply to "Mrs Retchum, Gan- anogue. is ae SWOFFICES IN CLARENCE AUTO. bers. Apply to Cunn Sprayers Mudie, 8 79 Clarence St Liberal STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, © dry, #lry roams; your own loc key. Frost's iy Storage, 299 Queen St. Phone 528b. BRICK HOUSE CONTAINING 7 ROOMS, Band C gas for cooking and lighting: good location, near Queen's: remt moderate. Apply 72 Earl street LARGE AN VICKS, STORES, | Me Estate Agency, 52 iS, Rear Brock-St, Ww ANTED FOR ompiressed- Air and choice nursery stock. terms. Cavers Brox, Galt PT, CHAM. gham & WAN, and ABLE-RODIED MEN, GOR BYE. sight, fer firemen and brakemen. hiv wages, Experience -unpeces: sary. Surely Site, age. Railway, care British Wh 3 INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for mewspapers; no Sanvassing. Send for particulars. ng yond! cate. Lockport. N. AN EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE. MODERN improvements, corner Quebec and Division streets. iso & few dun- gulows at Eastview Park, not yet rented Apply J Ww Boyd, 106 Pine, Kingston. TEACHER WANTED. NO. §, 080. DI'TIES TOG commence -at Easter. Salary $325, Female. Protestant preferred. Ap- ply to 'Archie Campbell, Becretary- Treasurér, Clarendon $ta., 341 JOHNSON STREET, CORNER of University Avenue, rooms suit- able for light housekeeping. All modern conveniences, Apply 937 Iéhnson street AT Ont. POSITION WANTED. STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, GOOD AT blacksmithing or carpentering, de. sires position. Would accept any kind of, rethunerative job. Good references. Apply In first instance to Box 1167, care Whig office. WANTED GENWRAL THAT BRIGHT DESIRABLE 257 Brock St, cor. Clergy St, 10 rooms, Wot water heacing, electric Hght, lawn, ete; also brick house, 107 Qlergy St, 7 rooms and bath- room Apply 249 Broek St DE NTAL A, E. KNAPP, BA, L.D.S, D DS, RE. moved to 258 Princess Street. HOUSE, WANTED TWO OR THREE FURN. ished rooms for light .housekeep- ing, close to Artillery Park. Box 53, British Whig. A MEDI. SIEh HOUSE, IN GOOD rate rent Apply | loca Wy: Wi hig office, stating rent, | locality, ete. and when available. GaN TO BRING THEM | cloth i have it made up into ups ate suits. Prices and workman. | he ¥ guaranteed to please. Press- ing. and Tepairing dope _on the! Shortest Jolie. Soman Galloway 81 Bree Stree near » SPARKS AND SPARKS, lington St. (over Phone 346. PR. C. C, NASH, DENTIST; Renton, assistant. 138 Street. Phone 735. | § HB. SIMPSON, LDS. DD, DENT? fet. corner Princess a Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot Street FINA 'ANCIAL FRONTEAAC LOAN a YD ment jo ty; negrpory | resident, Colonel Henry R. Smit ! oney issu on city snd far | properties, municipal and count debentures; morigages purch deposits received and terest lowed. C. McG nager, larence street. JVYERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Insurance a mpa ny. Available | assets §$61,187,2 n addition to] which the Sollcrhoiders have for security* the unlimited Habliity of ey IR lg 10 insured 4 or giving new business ing | rates from Strange & Strange Agents. Phone 325. ° BUSINESS CHANCES |avowm ANT pie a iar 158 WwW b BUSINESS NOTICES, WARD, PAINTER AND PAPE | hanger.132 Victoria St. phone 1527, All orders will receive prompt af. | tention. JOSEPH BUSE, 4 CHESTNUT ST. IAS | ned up a quarry on Stephen St | x t, Dullding and rough stone are su plied promptly and reasonable prices al n H, FOR MOVING, PACKING OR UNPACK- ing pianos, also furniture and | heavy or Nght teant work promptf done, apply to Robert ahenry, 48 Albert street. Phone 1385, NOW IS ae, nn TO SMARTEN | ww Repairing = ana e ntlemen's own ma- fetta Mhdde; fit" and style right. Prices moderate. A trial solleited. Are 208 Alfred street (on the car track), Frank Owles, Taller. NE aan a vodiir UPHOLSTERING. Ww, J PAVING, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, and LEGAL, B. CUUNNINGHAM, and solicitor. Law ence St. or call 218 Bagot Street. ARRISTER | ce, 70 Clar. | . |b. A, COON, M.D.C.M,, (FORMERLY OF or Elgin). siorgery, 93 Wellington St. Phone $46. Kingston. CATERING ATER TO M.D.OM,, CALLS, SroaRT M. POLSON, M.A, former house surgeon Manhattan Lar Jone and throat hospital, WE _O. PA Wedding breakf: inagets, ete "foun £1) J York. Office, 133 Weill algo rent dl ta vores iam hook ellington, P. Reld, 30 1d Rofred Street. F. opposite post office. OMoe hours, Btreet 9-12 am, 2-4 Bambroak: *! p.m, 7-8 p.m. Phone to rig Was Brought Here to Serve Term At The "Pen." Frank Angus, alias Frank Smith, {was brought here frqm Woodstock to serve a term . of three years for theit. He was found guilly of into, a G.T.R, car and | Jortycom. #uits of under. | had been placed in a box Toudy for shipment. Angus, wag | arrested in Toronto while he was at- temnting to sell the hile Je Certifi- enter several convictions in Owen | Sound against Angus were read. 2 iy The Curlers. On Satueday evening, T rink defeated W, J.-A. by a score of 12 to 10. ' In So Sutin oaingtles on Mond: breaking stealing $1 EL Carnovsky's). | DR, T, B.' Pri AND INVEST. | SS Ae - NA al mattréss renovating. Drop a card | summing Beld at Montreal 1s as follows: FOR SALE. rHESE ADVTS, Cosy rie T Teen ¥ on three times, $00) one we ok. $1.00, JEESE FEATHERS, APPLY TO mus, Goldman, 387 Div'sion St BY HOOK-CASE, | hone 705. WORMWITH PIANO, ALMOST NEW, 'ride reasonable and terms easy. Ww ritesto Bax 1342, Whig office, CANARIES, NORWICH Crestbreds and Yorkahiror matched pairs -or single 17 Lakeview 'Avenue MAHOGANY S a snap, at in Apply Toronto me --_-------------------- LPRIC hicks WALL SHOW CASE, TENTS awnings fishing Eve yihing mist "be 1s Lease expires. \ 'ooke, 39 Clarence stréet A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND & number of first-class heaters at low prices; hizo a big Stackof fur- niture ompson, § rinceas ft. Phone 1600. \ LARGE NUMBER OF RICYCLES #iso0 Dunlop tires, at $2.00. AN orders promptly attended to for Sopot cleaning and laying. George ler, 373 King St. $1050 FRAME HOUSE, CHERRY ST. A snap fer 3: quick buye $1950 BRICK VENEER HousK, oN Patrick St, ¢ oms. moun HOUSES oN YORK sr. #1000 to HOUSES To RENT. GRO. A. BATE. man, real estate and insurance, $7 Clarence St, Kingston. SH00 FOR 4 ROOM PR mn lng on Ellis street, tion; $2,100 for erty on James yearly: $4.%00 room, modern streét. Houses Bond, 28 Ti8. HOWELL. fentral loca investment prop streel, re a $248 for sold. brick, 7 house on Al bert rent 3 street to Frontenac 5 hor w KOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. SALE OR EXOHAN GE--BEA UTI n home. with income, Colorado, Twen- ty-five acres. Orchard. alfalfa, small fruit, poultry, modern bungalow, adjoining town, must sel. oom. plate deseription Mrs Phoebe Putts, Grand Junction, Cole. PERSONAL. IR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blemish es removed permanently, withouy scar; 30. year ex perience. be ¥i- roa nd Skin tliat oe HA DANCING. MISS FLOSSIE HUDON, AU THORIZED $0 teach by Prof. Frank H. Norman, rman Standardization Commit tee appointed to standardize (he modern dances, Dayton, Ohio, June 1914, Fox-Trot, Hesitation and Can« ter Waltzes and One:Step, ete. Phone 120. ROME. ot St, POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Building, = cofner Brock and Wellington streets. Drop a card. TELEGRAPRY, Civil Service, Shorthan: and Grnevil and Night Classes. on arora? Day: Queen Street. Rates moderate. Phone 440, H. 1. Metealle, Bananas ss anes td tists The F urnace. 16in. Hard Wood Blocks 795 Per Cart Load Duawa, March 8A closé dnl nation of over a score Of reports received by the Department of Milic ta from hoards appointed by divi sional headquarters in varions paris of sxanfhon, to engufre in.o the 1% mined. In rife the reports j ous i ding that tha were defective Tn quality and rkmanship, and in the recom- shdatorn that new. fasues be made public expense. Not a singly exception to the finding can be found, board ty. up of one,

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