iy " Lo AlLWAY FSTEM f | Eade | Aad Ge A : DRAKE'S DRUM. | ANINVALUAGLE TREE. (| XS. EE lair ur) . a } Fo er ---- gy paca i 3 -- : y fe Still Hangs at Buckland Abbey Supplies Almost All of the Necesslh Treatment They Undergo Before They : : -~ Awaiting the Great Armada ties of Life, OF GREAT FIGHTERS TO THEIR Ate Packed 'for: Market, i Hal FSH Will Drake's drum be beaten now A traveler was journeying through MEN IN BATTLE. The big nomad tribes, the Kash- ol g fac 0 g i 7 A for the third time? In the great hall those countries lying under a burn- . | zal and Arabs, bring immense flocks % : few miles from Plymouth--the ances- shade is rare, and the habitations of The Fray x the Shifaz market. The Russian deal- don Lita RB e------ tral home of the family of Sir Francis man are found only at considerable | Fray--""The Guard Dies But pay large sums in advance to ob- | The International Limited--No 1. Daily $ ! BOUND : ; London, March 9-1 dmiralty nam ! fourteen steamers which | of a pattern not known these three with fatigue, the exhausted traveler who often deliver as matiy as.40,000 Le. Shsston ase Pa pn bloe fully attached. : of the great English sea fighter, his With tall, straight stems, surmounted | critical moments, to address thair | (hese lamb skins are ready. to be | Ar. London ........ ca" Ti8E pam. "i Gi there 1s no mention of any steam-. companion throughout his whole ad- by a bunch of great leaves, some men In words that inspired them with | Packed in bales they undergo a very ar BUffalo: «o.oo . p.m, 2 at { am the i alg at Beit ih 1 nun eek. s on his flagship when he scattered the down gracefully, and presenting 8 {aged them to face frightful odds with Preserve them. All leave Persia in a ena. bered 9 vessels; the sailings dur Ihe list of vessels pusuceessfully ¢t- | Spanish Armada; it went with him beautiful and elegant appearance, !a confidence born of their enthusiasm | Salted state, the final tahning being The i Limited --No. 14 Daily D WORDS | ASTHAKHAN SKINS. rss at Buckland Abbey in Devonshire, a ing sun, where the freshness of Phrases That Inspired Soldiers For | of sheep each spring and autumn to Draké-- there hangs an ancient drum distances from each other. Sinking! If Never Surrenders." tain everything from the chieltains, announces the following resuls of the 3 trans an ubmarines have © un | hyndred years. It is the famons drum beheld a but, surrounded by trees Great fighters have been able, at (0 50,000 skins at ope time: Before | Ar. Hamilton .. p.m, om January 21st to March 3rd org being torpedoed for the Past | wenturous career. It beat the signals standing upright, others hanging | fresh 'spirit for the fray, and encour. | Careful and lengthy preparation to | Ar. Chicago .. am ving the same period 4,115 tacked includled the Sout Steru rail- | on the first British ship toat went Nothing else near this cabin spoke of | that carries all before it and almost | done in Europe. : BASTBOUN. Lv. Kingston «.vuoss A "British merchant ve pedowd, way steamer Lydia, which narrowly round the world, and it sounded the cultivation. | wins th |, The preliminary cleaning of the | 3 filteen lives lost, 29." escaped being 'hit © by a torpedo | taps when, after his death at sea in Encouraged by 'this sight, the, Our sire before it & begun. | of Kanmbskin or astrakhan is dome in| Ar Ottawa .......... Out of a total of I, lips ar while voyaging from Jersey to South- | the West Indies, his body was com- | traveler made a last struggle, reach (p. old world, is filled with striking A TuDning water to get rid of impuri- ar None : . 42 lea: ing Great. ampton. The torpedo missed the mitted to the waters of the Atlantic ©@ the hut, and was kindly received instapges. Who can recall v-ithout a ties on the fleshy side of the skins, ' Ar, Portland ... 3 Britain from the period fr Pebru: | stewmer by about forfy feet when: it | Ocean. under the hospitable roof. | thrill Parragut's commnad to "Go Which dre scraped with long, blunt | Ar. Springfield 2 ary 15th, when the Cen in blockade | passed astern. When Drake lay dying, so runs the First his host offered him a slght-| op adn when warned of the presence ©dged knives. Then follows the salt- ar Potton 4" 5: was declared, to March 3rd, enly This is the first news. of the at- tradjtion, he commanded his brother, |1¥ aeid drink, which quenched his | .¢ torpedoes in the bay. Or Grant's ig, which is doné in large tanks or Ror. full particulars apply J. P Bo. seven were torpedoed by hostile sub. tempt to wink the Lydig, and is the who was a captain of one of the ships | thirst and refreshed him." When the | im response, "We propose to fight earthen vessels capable of holding | LEY. Raho abd "Steamship Agent, ; marines. . nL ccond attack on » unarmed pas- {a the British fleet, to take his drum [Stranger had' rested himself awhile, |" =, along these lines if it takes all* 300 to 500 skins each. The skins re. | °or. Johnson &nd Ontario Sis. : The admiralty statement gives the senger-ca steamers back to England, and hang it in hig the Indian invited him to partake of |. ~WUTE THERE : main in pickle some ten to fourteen | : a. TTT TT TTT evo hall 3t Buckland Abbey. 'Whenever | 8: TeDast, and served different dishes | Each of Nelson's victories was pre- days and are then taken out one by NADIAN PAacCciric ul « t 1,3 riving at and m, k y EE ARE A GAN - rn ern tai on a brown platter, shining brightly | le. where th O.P.R. WELFARE AGENI. REQUEST INQUIRY danger threatened Britain let hi { jceded by its own particular motto. ORe and spread qn a table, where they | S ------ sound on that drom, and his spirit | 0d highly polished. The Indian of-| "Victory of Bond li Abbey" were | Are once more carefully examined and | Railway to Embark Upon Venture Want None But Citibens Employed Would enter info the British admiral eo thay 3 Wie JoMaitug a the | is words before th> battle of the | 8¢ for Benefit of Employes, Or Public Works, and a oouniryy foes 48 Be end of the repast, he brought a Nid he have uly one eye 48d have Vin: (he. sult 10 Hy Tor (were hones a Montreal, March 9.---8ir Thoma Albany, N.Y., March 9.~That an in si 3 | quantity of excellent comfits, and in- | * Tight to nd at times," said he i Im Servi | i Shaughne president of the C.P. vestigation be made to determine if brother did as -hé was commanded, vited the traveler to try an excellent | 3t Copefihagen, us he placed his glass | OF 80. hy <which time. they ale bone roved ce 06 © > ; i R Com os bas appotiriod: Lient | citizes LtOE oon Io fail on ang Re {lige Sonturied she Sui kind of brandy. to his blind eye when the signal for dry, but very dirty, for flour, salt and TORO MONTREAL | : 3 pany, 4 34 ' he Hirniay Of : .| recall was bois'ed on the admiral's Water have formed a paste, and the | Cot. Lace) R. Jolmuon, suparinten- | fen kor Jy Pll aks tia A¢HOn | ig now in the possession of a descen- a oe traveler, o3 Astunishment aK | uagpbip. "I really do not see the sig- | fine curls are all stuck fogether and OTTAWA hy of Lhe Angn op : 4 ri i, to | be i a " nul) a3 e i ed + tues dant of Drake's brother. ois eS an > an b a Eo 22k" he added, and sailed on to vie- full of lumps. To get rid of these the Via "Lake Ontario Shore Line" |! the Tos tion of Sueral elfare Su feme hr ves as ef as ant Twice, runs the legend, has the things 8 Same. hy [iory. "England expects every man | Skins are once more washed id run- Homeseekers' excursions 10 Went. | yin Scapatate In the devejop-| iiss ne. American citizens be. permit. | AFM been sounded--and not in vain; "I get the from my cocoanut 0 do his duty" was the signal flown Ding water. They are next thorough- | ern Canada each Tuesday, March to | Jo nt £ such organ zations as the become Ameticay itisens " perm once, in the generation after Drake's | (roos E am, the Ean «The | 1t Trafalgar, where the hero fell. ly rinsed, well shaken and placed A alase from F. CONWAY, C.| the Safety First Movement. the Rall. | tracts were requests made to Gov. | 468th, When, the Dutch sought to water which 1 gave you on your ar-| Waterloo produced several famous | Woolly side down on the sun warmed. | P.A, City Licker Office, corner Brin. | i road Y.M.C.A. find Athlet ARO oraor Wh a he ey a Yates | Brest the control of the seas from the | rive) was drawn from the fruit be. | Jhrases. Strange to relate, Welling. | pebbles of the river bed. Before they || ieps And Welllagton Streets, Phone hos A tons AMDIESt the employees of he John FO' Virion Svrachse if British, and the doughty Admiral van fore it had become ripe, and some- '00's "Night or Blucher" found an have time to dry hard they are sprin- | : 3 C.P.R. ' hg h-aring on the proposed repeal of | ajopp Salled up the British Channel | timeg the nut contains three or four *che in the words of his great rival | kied all over with a thin coating of : At og NE he propose "4° 98 with a broom at his masthead, to sig- pounds of it. { #ben the issue of the fight was in fine barley flour. 3 Will Not Press Soldiers ; gw --e fray that he would sweep the English | This palatable nut is the fruit at foubt. "Oh, that Gruchy or night | At sunset they wre taken up and * ' igs, Bread Back to Five Cents from the ocean. At its sound the | 4g maturity; this milk, whieh yon | vere here." handed to the classers. Each skin Ye Tr ; Spirit of Drake entered into Admiral fing go pleasant, is drawn from the| At the close of the day the Ola |is stamped with its quality mark, | 8 Ne ork, March 3.--lhe price of | Blake, who triumphed over the cons same ripe fruit. This delicate cab- 3Juard sullenly determined to stand and then all are stacked in pairs, : will be bread went bac k to Se. a loal ves | quering Dutch. Again, when the gen- bage is made from the top leaves of | 'heir ground, formed themselves inte Weol against wool, and tied round ey ak en... for the colledtion lof taxes terday Fhe 'recent drop in the price jus of Napoleon threatened {he Very the tree, but we do not often indulge | 1 square apd awaited the approach of | the legs with red string, after which Es against property belonging to any of flour was given as the reason for "existence of the British Empire, the | in this hed the tree, when its top is! 'he enemy, while their comrades fled | they are ready for making up into B : of the soldiers or officer > z in rtstoring the price to its . former drum was sounded, and Drake's spirit | thus cut off. dies soon after: { n all directions from the field. In |bales.--Wide World Magazine. (CANADIAN SERVICE) hy "British Jegiment, : figure or tthe bis 3 animated the greatest of English sea | «%Phis wine, which pleases you so| 'eply to the summons to surrender, z Xo Sailings from Halifax to Liverpool x iN lary service, during the con For a month some of the big @ak- | fighters--Admiral Nelson. much, is also got from the cocoa. | heir leader, Gen. Cambronne, proud- Woman's Work. ORDUNA (15,500 tons) Mar. 2204 tinuance of the European conflict. cries had been charging 6¢ a loaf And now, when Britain is involved: We make an incisioniin the tender| y answered in the memotable words: After dinner {he other evening Mr. | Transylvania, 15,000 tons April 12th : Paria. a a S140 vo Lok The ingreaged SO Sw] made $he sub n the greatest war of her history, it flower stalks and a white liquor flows "The guard dies but it never sur- | nq Mrs. Brown started to speak of ORDUNA (15,500 an) bi "April 19th : ut Iouida o anges, per half ease," | juct of igjuicy.. by the state attor- I said that Drake s drum will again | forth, which we gather into vessels, | 'enders." their respective duties, and soon an Arpt Lecal Ticket Agent, or THE a. ney-peneya « e. be sounded--to raise up, if the legend a-d which is "nown as palm wine. Very practical was Cromwell's ad- far ument as to whether the husband ROBERT REFORD Ceo, LIMITED, -- - -------- be true, thé spirit of the old captain | Exposed to the sun it becomes sout| vice to his men when about te cross a | Bu wife had the hardest work to Sener) Agents, 50 Kiug St, Kast, Tor- for the third time. The old tradition and turns into vinegar. When we| river in the face of the enemy. Ac- | erform was fa full swing. First ; is the subject of a well-known poem | distill if we obtain this excellent | ;ording to his usual custom he -ha- {| Brown warbled and then wifey sang. | : by Prof.. Henry Newbolt. 1 be poem: prandy which you have tasted. This | 'angued his troops in a speech. He | «x wie argued the good lady, : Th WwW i "Pl i F it makes the great sea fighter, dying in |same juice has also furnished me! mdea with, "Put your trust in God "has to cook, wash dishes, clothe the Fi e ar 18 aymg avoriie his berth, exclaim: 'with the sugar which I needed for! nd keer your powder dry." Kids, scrub. the floors, "sweep the x : of 5 in a iia cOREW war oF lai dus reserving the nut. Finally, all these| "yo jie the 1 bh" hb - | - ih many of us here in Canada foresaw the war or laid plans Take my drum to England, hang et | qishes and utensils which we are us. a of the a et {rause, make the beds, build the fred, 1 with it in view, Therefore, if it has helped our business we are by the shore, | ing on the table are made from the | sroverbial philosophy. The words | carry up coal, nail slats on the back i simply fortunate----if it has hurt us we are unfortunate, but not Strike et when your powder's rua- | shells of the cocoanuts. b were originally used by William of Temee, dis Tall?" rcastically inter- fi . biame ny more tl f that th f I : Ir aa ow; ht D "Zhis.is uot all: .. My hous, even, | range during the Dutch war of in- umd rw i y | c ! ¥ more than fair, then, that those of us who have pro- @ Dons sight Devon, I'll quit the | owe to these invaluable trees. nce, when he was asked if he "No." wa " i fited should take some thought for thoge who have rot? port o' heaven Their wood has enabled me to build lepende ie that . van asked 3 he { "No," was the prompt rejoinder of Restful isles of Summer Loveliness : Farmers are getting more for their crops,--some manunfactur- An' drum them up the Channel as | my cabin, their léaves dfied and In-| vas ruined. "I shail mever see the | Mrs: Brown. Ia addyion > thie 3 Henmuding, fastest, most ers are selling more goods than they ever sold in times of peace; we drummed them long ago. terwoven make the roof, and these! ..in of my country," replied the [Suties yy wie 23 3 Fo hi or I is mer landing pas b some business and professional men are making more money than i erp fini {same leaves, made into a parasol,| since stoutly. "I shall die in the | iy JAR TOR Making a lop n- alls from New York every usual, ; Tobacco In War. protect me from the sun when I walk | age qiteh." | self. Wektenday, 11 ua on On the other hand, thousands of workmen have had their The value of » out. These: clothes which I wear are| prederick the Great was the author | p n ac B ! 3 Delightful 25-da ined to the hours shortened and their pay cut down, because the wave of service is now NE asian Lactive woven with the fiber thread got from | \¢ certain characteristic sayings, but | Gen. Joffre's New Chauffeur. i Antilice: For tokitn apply to ecogomy has lessened the demand for the ~oods they make. - the military aushorities that to-day the leaYes. : These sieves were ready lone more so than that which he ut- 1'Intransigeant of Paris days that CAN Tir, MONTH _-- The fortunate ones have it in thelr power to even up the scale one sees the British Government do- | Ppde In the part of the tree from | .ieq gt the battle of Kolin, when his |Gen. Joffre recently selected a new i or any tleket agent. raped. This finished, they are spread out an AORN: or ------------------ Calgary, Alta Mare : gary has notified the mi i thorities that no proceedir to spend their money for goods "Made .in Canada." This will ing what it had never done before-- | which the leaves spring, and these roops were wavering under a fierce jose. reservist Waey Edmond | £0 increase the demand for Canadian products as to keep practically | supplying tobacco to the troops. [aa EE Pipi a ite, 'Dogs,' be jeered, "would ye Th ipt ron Nioxt, wie, o Mia every Canadian factory working full time, and so give to all that Only within comparatively recent | tissue, make sails tor our ships. The ie forever: A launt whose harsh {Hits forth er - a B Jillot abe | ir pa RT § prosperity now enjoyed only by the fortunate favorites. times; however, has this necessity cocrse bair which covers the nut is| "3% W28 justified omly bY 213 sues | tains ie on ote eager t vo : How To Preven § * Acid Stomachs ------ / | been officially recognized. Welling- "» » - | ton condemned the practice of smok- Ssed for salking Ships. A 1 "On, for an hour of Dundee," has; (ness to gratify oral to or A | Ing as being "a species of intoxica- the water. Cables, ropes and twine with a change of name, been heard ness for Speed 5 he | tion occasioned by the fumes of to- all . oof the mi nm many a battlefield since first it [unnecessary r A sone par- aceon." | are mad same. aterial. was used by Gordon of Glembucket, |ticularly hairs-breath escape Gen. | : | OMclal efforts to ai "the | Finally the delicate ofl with which| _,. "1 joeobites were hard pressed Joffre, without reproaching Boillot, ree the | many of these dishes were seasomed,| TV 0 Lott quietly announced his intention of | AND FOOD FERMENTATION 3 ag 2 Whar: 4 : : ' . : use of tobacco were completely nega- | gnd which burns in my lamp, is ob- i ; # A familiat phrase of war is Cen, [making a change, not owing to the | : | i Ie CHIME WA oo be rt. tained by pressing the freshly gath-| 5 uquiet's exclamation when he wit: |danger, but because Boillot's daring | By a: Stomach Specialist ' | : : resulted la oficors and men taking | "¥rom ihe sawdtiatof the branches | 268864 the charge of the Light Bri- |e, 0% UR ANAC J A | Av,» woogie who bss spent many 5 {to the panacea adopted by their [§ have made this ink and from the | sade at Balaclava: "It In maghifiant; dred-mile rushes along the battle- | Stomach troubles, I have been forced py rench an ur! allies t ¢ » : i Oo people 4 . French and Turkish allies, and by its | jeaves this parchment, which former-| ut it is not war," 4 saying that wi front, {ta the conclusion that - most peopl . ® aid their discomforts were so allevl- | ly was exclusively used for public ae Jmgtisted with that bril- | iio complain of stomach trouble Ros ated that ever since the practice of t , v | healthy and normal. The real trouble smoking on active erie has Been documents 3n4_2e0ardy of Jmyortam British Strategy. that which causes all ihe pain, and countenanced by those in command. | The Mystery of Galspagos. Describing the capture of 4 line of | Bf Augravitod by. fosd fermestaiis In consequence tobacco has played Clearibg For Action. | Galapagos Islands, the suspected |lrenches in the north, a tish nown- | Hyperacidity irritates the deli- * --Of | Saotarle and beneficial part in the |) graphic description of what clear. | Jerman naval base to which Great Somulishioned Ser Writes home 'of | BO eh as Ri eames min whieh yr wars of. the past century--in fact, |, tr 00 on a Dreadnought real. | Britain invited 'the attention of the |Ad, unusual piece of strategy: : ' 2 ult the Nn 1 iaid_the great naturalist, 'we seem raid on the enemy's trenches, only 20 | Jui step necessary $s 10 newtraiis, % % Fis p "The evening before t hud bos {jamds, the Alem th abnormally, caus- po py aerloo fo South Africa. eans is furnished by a létter from | United States, is one of the most. in- 4 tre | both | soldiers'. (ack 'of <o . added, as it | than they began ciearing for action. yards away, found its project com- |the acid and step (hé fermentation iy A AE RE TR i 4 3 bloated Jesling. Thus ; . y gag £- » i: pid Shahar h ih | | missariat, whereas on the German things overboard so as to lessen the ately after eating, from one to acid and fermentation riere a --- 1 earance of. |0Y a brililant idea; every man pulled | two teaspoontuls of bisurated magnes. On Sale | side - the authorities did. all they | danger of fire," he says. "Two pianos | nysteries -- the first app e k tn " | bot Probably its solacing and inspiring lé island worlds of the Paeci- |8 heavy fall of snow," he said, "and | with ana retard ih acess of diges h her. | 'xplicable island worlds | © opr of dig qualities were never so strongly i aslechet Fad at Toki ic... For as. a separate world Darwin |the bright Molisbt showed up every | tion. The stomach Is Ssuaily heaithy Haaifosted 2a 28 the, Prantadetman a certain harbor with the band play- | 'agarded it, having iis own special abject 'with extraonlinary. clearness ; iq, bance' by these foreign olements ol 5 . m y d, " + [ia, which is doubtless the best and i : néw ebbings on the earth." Apart [bis shirt on over jacket and vest; thus | . A ub] f [eoud fo insure the troops being |JNeL EON0 OEE AA A OLA ke | (rom the giant tortolses and turtles they crept through the snow up to the | SoiY, Seal!" Sfioctive gatefia and food { plentifgliy supplied with the weed. BRA la ble Lo OF Au he old. Spanish buccaneers sent the |8dge of the German trenches without | nentralized and the fermentation stop. against the. white background. The | "acid and Wind fn all such cases - : ; ! 's wing-roo , f [ pod almost inst , Aad y om- : se throwing a chairer. | 'ame -of the Gilapagos archipelago" [being seen. dnd carried. the entire ei wil at once progeed a ar alom. . t Pills. or Earthoinkes, everything that can be thrown over is | "ound the world, ; igs Sire to ask yous rapist Tor ine piv y { When we read of terrible earth- | ine Wh have thrown over about LEE urated magresia, as I have found oth- "Rule, Britannia!" he that | 'reeping and crawling and flying i 1 « - a er ve |e sooner' had they got out to sea | Jeasts. "Both In space and time," 136th infantry which had planned a | and they comprise aver 30 or dont. of | quakes like that at Avezzand, we are | gs 060 worth of stuff.' Too Much to Expect. Creamed Potato Pie, {ee mastery, tacking in, its gooul- rapt to congratulate ourselves thal | ieee | He was a healthy-looking man fo | Cut enough cold boiled potatoes in- | ming from such cemvulson. says Tit. Not rQuundd, |» Sessing, unt We-gentiomen eyes {15 See, o HE nt gneasise Put jBits:. .In;1750, however, a pumbe | The fact that corporal punishment 1m susp. give you .ahy money," he [tity of butter in a saucepan with a | ly of suiart shacks were felt in London, 1s discouraged Jo public sehnols is "A stout, able-bodjed seasoning of salt and pepper. Cook | LADIES' GOWNS ; LL : en: . from bishops ex. this note to the lad's mother: k ov te LADIES' DRAWERS ~~ Hl orl woes ana' pamphieind. ihe "1 Tofret very mush to Dave fo tn stiving." 0 CC breakiast suptul of milk an Gg a RE CORSET (Ove a p , [form you that your son Harry > any work, sir. : ' ee LADIES' CORSET COVERS : Jeople to 4 an Almont Jueredinle extent, antr Ah He aiohedicnt, quar. "That is your own Jout_t'u Yo and simmer tor five pes; then Fu rni o * LADIES' PRINCESS SLIPS. quacks made small fortunes out of |relsome and disturbs the pupils who | ure y. lau . bu tur fbreaktast euptul of milk and stir till potatoes i , : well buttered. Mix a cupful ing to their lessons, He | lidn't throw yourself into your work {viously Bl ol hr re "on 1 5k Me Bo met BR) 1 Ser ES Tr Er aan Tie Ti "garthquake gowns" -- warm ar. ly recommend that you give him one." | "I wouldn't like to have done. Nor proth gfn a golden brown, Serve | ments for sitting out of doors at Harry's mother re-| would you, sir. i = v ir on : Wh lereupon 5 i . hot. sponded as follows: "Ob, 1 wouldn't, eh? Why not?" Whitewear up to $1.75 each, all going at world ite {hrough (hat summer Tn | Dear Mies Jonen--Lick bi your-| "Because | Wend grive-deger," thelr coaches in the parks, "passing Self. I ain't mad at him.--Yours tru- Duinad® Dramatic Tituition; Sway the nie with cards an Mrs. Smith." : ! AWAY the Ue With candy gud cane 113, Mrs. Smithy A story is told of the elder Dumas !sr come to anything," Mrs. Dove Fa 1 . - : Li whieh) strates = £ ,-1'tor Sister Sue is forty and . CE dramatic 3 mn. Dyeing Wae Horses, B ¥ a 2% | Parisian critic who sat Ever sinve the war broke out ex- riments have been madg by the 4 Arai YEHStRALS Autiend. that British ar. Office with a view to 2 J I "You.are te, my master," ob dyeing the coats of white horges, but ? tically: te. y a simple a8 it may seem io hs unint. = ds it : pets No," re) Dimas, "I'm not All the latest designs and : "Ex. Tables, $10, $12, $15 Ovals, $156, $250-and