How to Look Years Tt ed will LL J10 Inadter How Causes o. skin diem, smooth and you Less Than Your Ag tt rn Sai Miss' Hamilton Up-to-date Millinery. 370 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 1287. Sr ---- ASTHMA COUGH COUGH CAT. SPASMO) BRONCHITIS ir 3 iE Est.1879 A simple, safe and effective tepatment avoid- Tor 3s ing drugs. Used with sd years. he wir carrying the an S00thes the sore throat, 83d stops the cough, Assuringres fulnights Cresoleneis invalushls to mothers wih young children and a boon to tic vapor, inhaled" with every breath, makes breathing easy, MARCH 10, 1915. Told In : Twilight CE I'he Skating Club was held on Mon day evening this week apd the mw bers present were Me. and Mri Ar thur Black, Captain and -Mrs. W Steacy, Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Sweezy, Miss Mildrad Jones, Miss Phyllis Plummer, Mirs Agnis Johnston, Miss Mamie Anglin, 'Miss Susie Anglin, iss. . Marion lisse, Miss Eva Richardson, Miss Mabel ardson, Miss Lilias Sanderson, Mis nee Mclellagnd, Miss Bessie San derson, Misg Trixie Sanderson, Miss Isabel Fraser, 'Miss Marge Fraser, Capta Ringwood, Messrs. Godwin, Scott, M. Baker, G. Smith, Chown and MeGill. Mrs. C, Bennett, "Otterburn," entertained at Bridge on Monday af- | ternoon. The guests who played in- cluded Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes, Mre. Donald Hector Maclean, Mrs. Sills, Mra. Morgan Gray, Mrs. J. B. Cajruthers, Mrs, Halloway Wa ldell, Mrs, Keene Hemming, Mrs. C. &. S. Jowerbank, Mrs. William Steacy, Mrs, Maurice Plummer, Mrs. James Cap pon, Mrs. James Hamilton, and Mrs, Constantius, Mrg. Hiram Calvip, Mrs. Sanford Calvin and Mrs. Jeremy Tay- lor came in at the tea hour. 0. Mrs: Arthur Turner (formerly Kil lian' Slater, of Kingston) received for the first time since her marriage on Tuesday, March 9th, from four to six o'clack, at her home, 11 Melrose ave- nue, framilton. Her. mother, Mrs, Slater, Kingston, was with her. * » » Migs Marjorie Gamsby asked a few of Miss Ada Petrie"s friends to tea on | Saturday, including Miss Hazel Browne, Miss Freda Burns, Miss Eleanor Phelan, Miss Gwenneth Mer- rick, Miss Florence Stewart and Miss Lillian Mundell. r . . The 'last Curling Club tea season ie heing held at the rink this afternoon, the hostesses being Mrs, J. M. Campbell, Mrs. James Hamil Rich- | | steals on you unawares | langour, loss of weight, nervousness, | palpitations, this | | Bink Pills have saved thousands THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, T the guest of Mra. James Craig, Earl. CLOTHES AND HEALTH. dreet, for a few days this week, Miss Margaret Maclefinar, arrived on Monday to wisit "her grandinotser, Mrs. Henry Cunningham, Farl street, on her way home to Toronto from Montreal. Make Wearer Gloomy and Dis- contented. i "Whenever I feel run down I al-! ways buy a new hat," said a woman, | with a laugh, not long ago. "It is a! better remedy than doctors and drugs, and is usually less expensive." In the case of women who are con- tinvaily "in the blues," thisv habit might have drastic results, but there is no doubt that the clothes we wear have a very strong infivence over our spirits. Even a woman who does not care piuch for dress is conscious of a lit- tle inward glow of satisfaction in the knowiedge that she is well and suit- ably attired She holds herself bet- tey and with mere confidence under the stimulation of a preity gown or bat. "Clothes make the man" ¢o we are told, It is hardly realized how . .» a Miss Ardelle Elder, William street, has been the guest of Professor and Mrs. James Small ic Montreal Mrs. Harold Drinkwater, Orillia, iss n Ottawa, the guest of der parents,' Mr. -and Mry. Edward Low, Glad stone avenue. : Miss Ethel Minnes and Miss Lor raine Minpes returned to Montreal on Monday, 'after spending a few days Mr. and Mus.- James Minnes; Bagot street. Mrs. George ' Joyaer, Barrie street, went to Toronto today. Mrs. Harold ¢. Brown and little daughter are visit & in Toronto. Mrs. Joseph Greenwood and' ker nicce, Miss May Greenwood, have re turned from Waterlso, Ont., after go pleascnt visit with her daughter, Mrs, Eugene Reitzel. ROBBING WOMEN OF THEIR REALTH Anaemia Unless Checked Passes lato Hopeiess Decline. Anaemia is like a Spectre that ) and drives all happiness out of existence. It is a thief 'that robs you of your life and energy, Thousands of "women in this country are the victims of anaemia . (that is, bloodlessness), which spares neither . rich nor poor, young or old. 1 robs woman of her. health, her vitality, her beautv-- of everything that gives a woman , her charm. The chief symptoms of this trouble include a distaste for food, prostrating headaches, extreme making or marring of a woman. Shabby clothes that have 'seen much wear and tear and 'much atten- tion yrom the needle and the brush are very comfortable to wear once in a while. When it becomes neces- sary to don them day after day, with no hope of their renewal, they slowly and insidiously begin to tell on the spirits of their wearer, They give a feeling of shabbiness, and the con- fidence and right to a place in world is partly lost. This is espe- cially detrimental to the business wo- man, for she is taken very much ot her own value in the world of con merce Paragraph Points On Fads and Fash. ions. The Chicon blouse is smart for af- ternoon wear. Black and white are certain to re- turn to favor. x A"revival of the "gate top," hand bag is promised. Your suit skirt should have ful- ness this season. The new, quaint, made of soft silks, Organdle will be a great favorite in cotton materials, Boudoir caps have made of wide ribbon. Simplicity is the keynote of the new shirtwaist styles. The half-high neck is in gredl fa- full skirts are pale cheeks, lips and gums, heart ¥ dizziness and & constant feeling of wretchedness. The only way to effect a cure js to inerease the blood su Ply--to make it | pure, rich and red. ' Dr. Willett of large. bows Worn, Shabby Garments Sometimes 3 ' the a Fine to-day and on Thursday; not much change in temperature. inion i . . -- A ------ Attractive Showing of Dress Fabrics dresses are here. The 'most popular weaves in as- sortments so extensive that no desirable item: has Cotton much they are "respomsible for the been omitted. - ~ Printed Voiles - Floral Muslin Embroidered Crepes Marquisettes Repps Be sure to see the new Crinkle Cotton Crepes We are featuring in window display to-day at 15¢, per yard. PAGE THREx® SE-- Epingle Clot! Printed Crepes Gopher Cloth Pongees, etc. | young girls and women from ihe esr- [ly fate that threhtened t through ahaemia's ravages, for these pills enrich the b,ood, stimulate the cir culation, 'nourish the nerves, and re- (store the energy and perfect health that make women attractive. If , You are a victim of bloodlessness in any way, ¢lo not let it run into a hope- less decline, but begin the ° use of Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pills to-day. The | following bit of evidence proves \le worth of this medicine. ' Mrs. Mau. her {rice Sime, Liverpool, N.S., says: Jobn, | "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been w {a blessing to me. About two years ago I was so badly run down that {1 had 'to give up all work and go on Monday, after spending the past lio bed. My husband and parents weok with her daughter, Miss Dogo. | were much worried about me as they thy Carter, at "The Avonmore." { thought was going into _consum- i mw i | otion. The doctor who was attend: has {ing me changed his medicine vor for new blouses. Some of the new face powder box- es have sifter tops. Still colored quills are used on morn-hats of straw. Stockings embroidered dots are the present rage. The high Spanish type of comb 4s still in the lead. Some of the latest princess slips are made with high waists. «White corduroy will be used a great deal for sports'icoats.-- Boston Post. Sufferers from Asthma. ton, Mrs. DD. M. Fraser and Miss Eth- us ts le F descriptive booktet x el Waldron. SOLD ay DRUGKISTE . - » - YAPO . C| ILENE C0, Leeming Mile 5 NEW SPRING COATS AND SUITS. A comprehenisve and complete variety of the snappiest and newest models ever shown in Kingston. H. H. Horsey, Ottawa, entertained at luncheon in honor of John Cooper Powys, New York. The other guests were Hon. Sydhey Fisher, Dr. Adam Shortt, Senator Bostock and Andrew Hayden in polka back . ss eo CALL AND SEE THEM, IT'S WORTH THE WHILE. Miss Hazel Jrowrle, "Kensington Place," entertained informally at tea early in the week in'hodor of guest, Miss Ada Petrie, St. N.B. ------ ! Not Expensive. | It is not necessarily a very expen- | sive business to possess nice clothes A good tailored costume, though ! dearer at the start, is an economy, for it wears and keeps its cut to the! end. 'By merely renewing collar and | several | cuffs occasionally, and. varyiag the! tum: | times, but jt did me no good en I | blouse with 'which it fs work, the cos- began to feel very much "discouraged | tume always remains fresh, and gives myseli. One day a friend advised | its ery the air of being well DAVIES' FISH Spe Dials to- wre. to try Dr. Williams™ Pink Pills | dressed. It is not always the most | Harold land I decided to do so. In a few | expensive and elabBrate toilet that + wl { weeks I felt much better aud ¥ con- | makes for this much desired effect. ! v Itinued. taking the pills for = It is a vexed question whether : y tof months until I was Again in per- | beauty or clothes improve a woman SEA HERRINGS, | {fect health. I believe that if | ad + most. Beauty is a very valuable $f - 15 | or 19C. | WHITE FISH, . {not 'taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills | | asset in life to a woman, but seen 11c Lb. Try Cairn's Pure Scotch Jams and Marmalades 11b. Glass. 5 1b Pins. (At all Grocers.) GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LIMITED. Having decided to stay at my present place of busi- (ness, all orders placed now | for monuments tobe erected Hn the sprigg will have my ' best attention, LE MULLEN ace. Mrs. Cotton rvéturged to Almonte .. AT BEST'S. THE ENSIGNETTES. ,. Small and compaét as a Gil- Hi been the guest of hanor at a # letie--everyone a gohd pic- BR | ber of teas this week. ture. taker, $6.00, Others Jf | Bare : from $1.50 to $:00,00, | The Teading. Club will meet We do developing, printing Wl | morrow at the home of Mrs. and enlarging, better, quicker Davis, Stuart street if and at less cost than else- where, | Mrs. J. F. Maedonald, 175 Stuart | street, will receive Friday, March : | 12th. and not again. At Best' dois est's. I'he Popular Drugstore. Open Sundays. Mrs. J. F. Patch, Montreal, {would not haw Vivi (in an unsuitable setting it loses fi Miss Hilda Jordan, Barrie street, tai have Suwvived. srl 1 4hall much of its charm, and will often be | entertained informally at the tea | they have done for. me." !eclipeed by the less attractive looks § hour this afternoon. | You can get theso pills from gny.|0f a woman who chooses her cloth- et "eis dealer in medicine or hy mail at 500. | ¢# well and knows how to wear i] Mrs. Harold C. Brown, 97 Division la hox or six boxes for 29.50 from | them. It is generally understood if | street, will not receive on Friday. The Br ae Medi ine Co., | from a certain type of novel and play >on : | Brockville Ont w * | that beauty shines anywhere, under = iid any conditions. Certainly; nothing {can actually take away the contour of the face, the faultlessness of the | complexion or the beauty of the fig- ure, but all these may be overlooked | "im some cures. The Ggeres way he. | hidden behind an ugly drekg, the Miss Ada Petrie, who is the guest | of Miss Hazel Browne, will later visit | -- | Mrs. Vere Hooper, Princess street. | aay Miss Florence Fornmeri, Alfred street, a ' . - complexion may be ruined by the | went to Montreal on Saturday to | visit Mrs. Frederick Austin. Thea poeod color scheme, and the contour of the | ah 3. a jg the rs » face lost under an unsuitable hat. 1 Miss "MacXehury, Montreal, is visit: { ing her sister, Mrs. Lawrence Lockett, Sydenham street. Trinity Methodist Church last night SE ee i | 2 4 | amounted to $216. Odd Hat Trimmings. 4 "A horse attached to a buggy, left An odd sort of trimniing is used y street, yastcrday, On one of thte spring hats. The hat! | : | Ve : Mr, and Mrs. James Hendry, hing Street, have returned from Monjreal where they spent thi: past' week. i { 'eisie ow i Mrs. Basil Morphy, Toronto, is vis- i to Ottawa on Monday. | Mr. and Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson | and- their visitors went to Ottawa on frighteped and dns : ate tha gue anion up gs lax he Crown of satin. It is banded about, 00000 the swing bridge, and, esoaping ooh With a double strand of tiny .irides- by a couple of icet the many holes in | cont shells--of the sort that ave ry ie. It was gotien off safely, np who makes a tourist's vigit . iting Mrs. Douglas Hammond, King | without any damage being done. California takes BO hay ale - street, ; There has been a large amount - of | Onished with two gnds hanging How to Curl vin In Bh gE =| . Announcement on fective degoraticn, somewhat. | mn WA ord' 4 - me = -- ir Toronto Tuesday. (YOIY SiGe) Fran ds11 Tq EE pas 5 Mr RTE se Er Bofte" hea 3 Damp days have no ftefror for the has returned from Toront w " 3 n -- Se-Was the- guest of MeL, he . rpaultry; "Gass of eggs; or about SUBEE of The "big i: : pon = that h been used heretofore. N HO THOT TOT t Ja EE A Eo x method of keepin, Mi A ; A | : A { Three of the i Lh Ottawa. 1SS da alns, ! \ i WELLSHOD (iI 7 her hair in cucl Yonchers Fost | A WELL-SHOD Gin. The t iy more lasting than where! tl / 4 Rev. Henry Gracey, of Ward School staff are ' he West [If you in Helen's voom should peer the hot waving Iron. is used, and yet in that Brant of Tro" Jag Peirlie, | I'st=Mics F. Hall, Miw N. Perks and | - You'd see there row on row * | Broek street. : M. Fraser. Tu i s Edith Cochrane, who = was ithe hair is quite manageable, regard- 1 Of lace shoes and ton shoes | Miss : usiness as Mie. W. FS Niekle's | Captain Lindsay Malcolm returned GH ill i tard Ee a) I down | is made of straw and satin, the] gaan t A { » the hair bas the appearance of being more naturally wavy and eurly, pred the application is really bemeficial to] © 4 - I. fa Th weather the hair re beau He curly and less of how ii is done up. Besides' Usual" sears to be! Shoes for ruin, $s for snow--- motto i é ro Enough for many a year. thee To Dana es as thé custome re Eucuel i shoes and low. i. "Ta dry esther tha 7 fthan any month since ithe b in ra y | Hy Tor B SENT Tonger period. Most | of the war. - i : Grey tops, tops of fawn, any druggist can sapply the liquid The members of the oversbas con. £ a rigk brocads Fs Hh Tew eanies Rn Sanits ; i 3 : inces, A jforam . They ara mak. | Craveweite and suede; : I an i "® wiean saotismint i Pee "al company drill. If you should count frem dark 10} drawing this down the. ful eh of : : Tuckey returned hom dawn, Tm afraid sora rising 1s gelghetnl today, after visiting frisnds in Osha You'd mies some, I'm afraid. and; there 15 no - wai since Christmas, - ' 7 <0 Lie vo WSL GRR stickiness, gremsiness, AG : 8 $s showing b Kies bright | any nie Aeom pan f rans RE SE EERE 52 Aled St Phone 877) \ 1 Phonan thé cout sua don : & $hone & . fe ea a : . - : hea ' § a Mid ac amy t er a rn ba ianr es irrriranas + ; It tre reacts ste rarrntnriniiry area nada vas ens re Ee ain . : FATHER OSE PWR She raat hea isan Nt gE NRA Reh aes naan Pu St 4 . Su 2 2 at