SPORT REVIEW 4 onte V) Northwest winds, fair and colder to-night aud on Friday. ------ . . Pure Marmalade BLADDER | relieved in i i I Crosse and Blackwell ! NO SUNDAY BASEBALL IN MOND REAL THIS YEAR, ¢ Ey a a alts a so Fi -------- March 11.~The work of retruiting in! gr i Chivers and Son's \ Stanley Cup Arrives Back In Ottawa 1% = 0" ed more hes start | In 7 1b. tins 4 841-3 Princess St. { D. COUPER Prompt Delivery. | --Seecley's Bay Hockey Team Went | od ior the 26th Battery, U.F.A., and Through Season Without a Defeat. is in « ge of Lieut. Cedric Gibson, 0.C. No. 8 Field Battery. At the Methodist parsonage on Sat- urday evening last, Rev, Melvin Thy- lor united in marriage Miss Margaret daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McPherson, Berryion, to Clarence Dorman, Sesley's Bay. Judge Reynolds, Brockville con ducted Division ('ourt here yesterday W. H. Clark, who for many years past hes occupied wm farm & few mils | west, of the town in leeds township, disposed of his farm stock" and $m- plements by public auction on the premises yesterday afternoon. } The second of the series of special evangelistic services, in charge of Rev. Melvin Tavlor, was held in the lecture room of Grace Church last evening, and drew' out quite a fair at- tendanco. Clifiord Sine conducted » short serviee of song. ! The local Salvation block is drawing out larger crowds nightly than in the old hale The W. J, Gibson Harness Co., Lim. ited, is still working nights on its pire of the Russian military oyuip- ment order. The firm' expects to have its part of the work ready in abot two weeks time. John Dorey, a resident of River stréet, had the misfortune to get one of his fingers jammed while working | on a press in one of the loeal 'fac- tories on Tuesday. The injury, how: ever, was not of a very serious ture. The Silk and Suiting Departments are Now Displaying The Newest and Smartest Silk and Suitings for Spring Emboding the Latest Fashions In Silk and Suiting Fabrics. Included are many novelties which cannot pos- sibly be procured elsewhere in town. PRICES WERE NEVER SO RE ASONANLE OR ASSORTMENTS SO : BROAD. ; Vo indramse in Price, ummmeiemesiniv: Noni Bare - Winnipeg Monarchs and Melville Il now battle for possession of the Allen Cup on Melville iee. §€ Phone 70. McPherson, Toronto Mail-Empire: The OQ H.A., William (Coast Sealed Oysters) . | rules seem to suit Westérn teams Ea i Aa A - ANNOUNCEMENT !! The spring seagon for lad- fes' tailoring has arrived. I - aor bettér prépared than ever before to give perfect satis. faction to my customers. Low. A . Small and compact as a Gil- est prices obtainable, | compact as a Gil lette--evervone a good pic. i ture taker, $6.00, Others i. WINSTIN. iy from $1.50 to 8:00.00, W do developing, printing 159 Wellington St. and enlargi ui 3 h ang ging, quicker PHONE 908 and lossy else. where, At Best's The Popular Drugstore. | Open Sundays. A SE The Seeley's Bay hockey team has . ---- wn the honor of going through the sea- ! son without a defeat. The two last matches were played with Phillips- ville 'and the result gave them the championship of the Leeds County League and possession of the Sena- tor Taylor Cup. The team Is comy- posed of R. Moore, goal, H. Smith, and D, Moore, defence; E. Chapman, rover; S. Moore, centre; L. E. Smith, and W. Warren, wings. -- = # hetter than their own. Melville de- monstrated this fact Monday night "3 . ' against Vices, as the Winnipeg Vices Soldier $8 did against Fastons when. they beat the latter by 16 to 1, Camera The N.H.A., race was one of the clogest in the history of the league. At no time during the season were AT BEST'S. the Ottawas more than one game i THE ENSIGNETTES ahead ofthe Wanderers, . The $2,500 purse gag is again working in the New York papers In connection with a visit of some of the pro. hockey teams to the St. Ni- sa cholas" Rink. The Montreal Wan- Army corps im we derers say that expenses and $5 a better, game for seven games was their COoRL share of the "$2,500 purse" last! i}! year. at than 'Varsity<Il., who a2 champions of the intercollegiate section of the In- termediate O.B.A,, have notified the association that they will not partici- pate in the finals of the league owing to the early commencement of exams this year. Bulk Oysters, | Finnan Haddies Kippered Herings Dominion Fish bo. PHONE B20. nn na SMART SPRING HATS, ; In highly effective styles, featuring the newest shapes and trimmings--prices start at $2.50. DAINTY BLOUSES, In new Spring styles--made in White, Putty and Sand--"fashion quality." See our display from $1.50 to $4.50--it's more than a mere exhibition. Napanee March 10. The County Conncil is in session to-day dnd ameng other items discussed was a proposed grant to the Children's Ald Society. AXter a very heated debate, action was de- ferred until the next meeting in June: The monthly meeting of the Child- ren's' Ald Society was held in the town Hall Yesterday afternoon, at which the inspector reported several cases of ¢hild neglect, It was de- cided {0 take action on these fam#ies at once. The contractors for the work of altering the interior of the Robinson . . _ brn prin ron 3 Co's store have recommenced opera- E-- -- = - . tions, and are rushing the work with all speed, working night and day. A safe, yeliable regulating medicine. Bold in three de« gegen of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2, $3; No. 3, 85 per bor, Sold by all druggists, or sent apaid on reeipt of price, Free pruaphlet. Address: THE COOX MEDICINE CO, TORONTO, ONT. (rormery Windsor) ua The Stanley Cup is back in Oft- tawa again. It arrived from Tof- "onto and was turned over to William Foran, the trustee, who had reques- ted the Torontos, to sénd it along. It will repose for a time at least in Mr. Foran"s office | The Stanley Cup still bears many | marks of the battering it received! in the jaunts about the Dominion, though it was turned over to the jewellers and given considerable at- | tention a year or two ago when a | | new basge and ring were added. R. PROBABLE! BUILDER 1 Wwe want {| fo talk to ALWAYS ADVANTAGEOUS PRICES ON LINENS! 1914 prices prevail in face of drastic advances. When you buy at Steacy's you procure the world's most famous makes. We invite com- parison. LEAD A " WORKMANSHIP #4 SUNT Srey v "| We can mane it 'worth while---when you're ready your to én. are . simply taking this method to get acquainted. That we sure Expert Plamb- ers awd Steam Fitters, you can ensily learn by Investigation. DAVID HALL, 66 BROCK STREET, - HAR ees Double Track Route ye OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 228 Princess Street. 8 doors above the Opéra House. The International Limited --No 1. Daily WHESTBOUND | Lv. KINESLOD ..vusvrneeenss 12:20 L TOrONtO coviicgrrrnrnion 4:80 , HAmMON «oo viriinssisve sil pEYORTD Z EpEapas EASTBOUND . Kingston . ttawa , Montreal CHEW York Portland . . Springfield . Boston ... ' Ar Tilt ph teul ly J. ¥ or particulars apply J. P. LEY, Rallroad and Steamship cor, Johnson and Ontario Sts ee Spprerpey 22335335533 > LJ ® "ANADIAN PacirFic Improved Service OTTAWA Inter. Low faves to count ana It is quite possible that the Royals will not stage any Sunday games in Montreal next summer. President | Lichtenhein has been unable to make | satisfactory arrangements régarding playing grounds for the Sunday games and now plans to stage double- headers on Saturdays instead of playing Sunday games. There are only twelve Sundays games schedul- ed in Montreal and rain causes the postponement an average of four of the Sunday games. The rent for the grounds being high, President Lieh- | B | tenhein thinks it would therefore be | more profitable to play double-head- | ers on Saturdays instead of playing | the Sunday games. | Toronto' Street Marke: | i Toronto, March 8. | | +.$136 $ 140) Wheat, goose , .., 30 135] Oats. 067 [ Barley ; 0 85 090 Buckwheat . 0 12 19 26 00 21 001 18 00 | Straw, bundled . { iid | Doi, loose . . | Eggs, new-laid, doz- poaeny . 6-00 Butter, dairy 037 Chickens, dressed, Foals. 022 { Ducklings, dressed ih 022 { Turkeys, ib. 027 | Geese, dressed, Ibi. 018 + Potatoes, bag . 065 00 Four-Leat Clovers. a place where the sun is like gold, And the cherry blooms burst SNOW, And down underneath is the loveliest nook, "Where the four-lfeaved clovers grow, One leaf is for hope, and one is for faith, {| And 'one i for leve; you know, | And God put another one in for luck. wher: they grow, must have faith, | You must have love and 'be strong, i and so : If you work, if you wait, you will find the place, Where the four-leaf clovers grow. } hi know with Capt. the Rev. W. E. Kidd, chap- lain of the 21st Overseas Battalion, Kingston, is visiting here and preach- ed in St. Mary Magdelene Church last STEACY'S night. Robert Frizzell is seriously ill at his residence on Thomas street, Frank Boyce is making extensive alterations to the interior home on John street, The police raided a disorderly house last warrant any arrest. Mrs. Charles Zoellner, Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. i Frizzeil. TIMES TALKS OF CRISIS, Plsadvantages From Loss Of Opportunity. London, March 11.--The says: of supposedly ¢ night, could not find enough evidence his but to Great | | ab Times, | in an editorial on the Greek crisis, DAVIES' FISH Specials SEA HERRINGS, 6 for 15c. 00 | 5 0! | to happen within a {of the Greek general staff, General | Dousmanis, who was suspended in | mittee of former premiers was sum- | ion Saturday morning iW 'while srrangers forced the Dar- ;danelles and strange {tae yurks fom the "Many events more important to Greece and the other Balkan states than changes of ministers are likely month, which will elapse before the Greek Cham- ber dissolves. The ministerial crf-! WHITE FISH, 11c Lb. FRESH HADDOCK, 8c Lb. The Wm. Davies' Co. - Limited, Phone 597. | sis in Greece i$ still, in some respects | obscure, but its main cause is well | known. "It is remarkable that the e¢hief January for an attack upon Premier | Venizelos, was restored to his fune-| tions on the very day that the com- moned by the king to consider the: Cabinet erisis. He attended this committee meeting last Friday. "The whole story of what took place at the meeting remains to be | dieclosed, but all Athens knows that | M. Venizelos | visited the. British legation, where the French and Russian mihisters | {were present. That night the cab- | U ; | inet resigmed. The obvious inference. $ eel is that King Constantine disap- | proved the policy for which the cab- | S i {inet had eacured the assent of the ' i Had Venizelos not carried! | | couneil. | the council with him he would hard | geop Falling. Heir and feeling reentatives of - the Entente powers! 7 0 had- rises Seat lo "*M. Venizelos is well informed {9 eflattaln OF encour- never failed {age aspirations on the part of once, and that i§ to dissolve it, thén| | Greece for the possession of Con- you destroy it entirely. To do this, io ut Dy i Jermeated with Just get about four syncs of plain, ness of ¢ mon liquid arvon from any ing the Greeks fo Bysantium Tend store this Is or could hardly consent fo stand idly ply it at night When retiring: use ed pl phouEh, 19 moisten fhe scalp and rib walls which de- | morning, most, 'if not all, of fended Greek nationality, Greek your dandruff will be gone, and three more or four more Ap; will com- ! ly dis ¢ on. -@1 v {iatter how much dandruff you may j= 8. g § to the | You will find afl iteliing and dig- , Justrous d soft, and look mud to remove dandruff at too sagacious and | "There is one stire way that has} s is all you will need), ap-| , ie we v " Try Cairn's Pure Scotch Jams and Marmalades 1 1b. Glass. 5 1b Tins. (At all Grocers.) ROBERTSON & SON, LIMITED. GEO. NOHCE Having decided to stay at | my present place of busi- 'ness, all orders placed now | for monuments to be erected {in the spring will have my | best attention. J. E. MULLEN ¢ or. Princess and Clergy St reets, Phone No. 1417. A GOOD RECORD. te deon « beaner year for the Mutest ite B rite 40 PetlcyNoIdess to she it it Is a purely mutual contpuny, being itn 5 is i eny' business "