--.C. Orser, Ming - NEWS GATHERED OVER NEAR WWW eee é PLEASANT VALLEY March 8.---Pleasant Valley hockey team journeyed to Hartington on Saturday and was met by a strong gregation of puch chasers from (hat village. Fhe game was exciting and resulted in a win for the visil- ing team, the score being 2 to lL. BAY VIEW. March 6.--A picked team compos- ed of Portsmouth and the Front Road played hockey with/ Bay View, in which Bay View won. After twenty minutes overtime, the score was 3 to It was a rough game, but Bay View deserves much credit for its playing. GLENDOWER. , March, 9.--The weather is fine, and all the snow has disappeared. Sandford Leeman is clearing space for pasture. Rev. Alfred Young held meetings in the Frierds' Church last Sunday morning apd evening. He vigited with friends before returning to Wellington. Hugh Cammell is visiting "at his sister's Mrs. James Wilson's. James Coulter is buying cattle. PETWORTH March 5.--Wood sawing is the or. der of the day. lester Card is do- ing 'great business with his gasoline outfit. School. was closed Tuesday and Wednesday on account of Dr. Robinson's trial, at Napanee. A number of people around here attend- ed. John Rush has been very ill, but is improving. SANGSTER. March 8.--W. Cade has a number of teams drawing lumber to the sid- ing. The young people are enjoying themselves .attepding the horse races on the ice. Miss L. McCarey, at T. Barrett's; P. O'Connor, Fish Creek, at James O'Connor's; Mrs. H. Bish- op, at N. Murphy's; J. Barrett and J. Murphy at W. Cade's; P. Coch- rane at M, J. Cochrane's. " I-- ARDOCK. March 8.---The recent Fain has left "the roads in a very bad condition. The patrons of the cheese factory spent a day last week getting out ice for the coming season. The Lenton services held by Rev. Mr. Pringle, 'u St. John's church are be- ing well attended. Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton have returned home after spending a vouple of weeks visiting relations around Tamworth and Harlbank. Mr. and ~ Mrs. Tapping spent last week in Kingston. . OAK FLATS. March 8.---Levi Irish and Damon Ball are sawing wood in this viei- nity. Miss Katie Jeffrey spent the week-end at, home. Miss Edna Genge and Miss Alma Walker at J. Jeffrey's, Miss Leona Bab- . cock and Miss Nellie Snider at A, Reynold's; Mr. and Mrs. A. Bush at 8. Cameron's; James Deyo, Harrow smith, and G. M. Deyo, Wallaceburg, at J. Genge's: Mr. and Mrs. A, Les- le at A. Reynold's: A Reynolds pur- chased a fine horse recently, . GLENVALE. March 9.--Russel Butterill has join- ed the second conti it for over seas service. A many are on the sick list, amiong them Mrs. H. ¢ : Hi Orser, Fenwick Cramer and Frederick Uampsall, Mrs. Robert Gibson and children visited friends in Kingston last week. Mrs. Edwin Clark and Children re s ing this week with relatives at South Lake. George Van r, Fair Ouks, N.Y., is visiting his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. uldey and family, Bath Road, visi at J. Van Order's on Sunday. i CROW LAKE. Mareh 8§.---There wis w good at- tendance at Church on Sunday morn- ing. Mr. 8. MacMann haa their baby bapt Bundayt B: ahon is able to be out again after a severe illness. Mrs, N "fil. Miss Déran spént\ Sunday among friends in Perth. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Rife spent Sunday at Mr. Jones. RK. Gray was through here assessing last week, T. Palmer and ---- A. Gray were here looking after some pulp-wood, Miss B. Tharrett has gone to Smith's Falls to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Good- fellow, were at S. Kennedy's last Hiurrls is}a-coupl ter, Mrs, W. Vanluven. Miss Nellie last week. ds a Medcof paid a short visit to her sis- was 'organized here during the pastS. W. Kelsey, Charleston, at George ter, Mrs. T. Trousdale, Hartington; Miss Lena Westbrooke is residing at A. Redmond's; Mr. Donell, Kepler, called on friends last week. The Holleford ladies are doing quite an amount of work, sewing and knitting for the soldiers, " KEELERVILLE. March 8.---On Saturday; March 6th, at 3.30 p.m., William Dixon, sr., passed peacefully to rest, The de- ceased was seventy-nine years of age, and lived his entire life in this vi- cinity. He was a good neighbor and was very much esteemed by all who knew him. In religion they deceased was a Me- thodist, and in politics a conserva- tive: He leaves a wile and four children : Robert, at Battersea; Wil- liam, at home; Mrs. Wesley Holder, at Washburn, and Mrs. George A. McFarlane, at Battersea. The fune- ral cortege on Monday was ome of the largest seen Mor some time. Ser- vice whs conducfed by Rev, Ww. Stewart. School has been closed 'for a week on account of the teacher heing ill. Mrs. James Boal's quilting bee | last Wednesday was well attended by the ladies of this place, and a pleasant time was spent. R. J..Stanley has been engaged to make cheese at Tay- for this coming season. Alfred Har- ris is operating his sawing machive here. Douglas pAnglin was in the city 'Saturday. '° Miss Lizzie Sleeth is visiting at-William Patterson's, Milburn; Mrs. Curran, of Sydenham, at J. E. Anglin's, HARTINGTON. March 8.--Mrs. Dowker, Mrs. Gos- lin and P. Botting are confined to their homes through illness, Pleasant Valley and llartington hockey teams played a friendly game on Saturday, resulting in a score of 2 to 1 in fa- vor of Pleasant Valley. Mrs, F ward Freeman is visiting her daugh- ter at Godirey. Misses Alice Giles and Meta Campsall, Sydenham High School, spent the week-end at Edley Campsall's. Mr. Aikens, St. Cath- arines, is visiting at Edward Whit ty's.. Mrs. Thomas Leonard is at Naps ee with her mother, who is ill. Miss Dot Campsall has returned from visiing Mrs. Barker at Ardem: Mr, Burleigh, Toronto, spent the week- end at J. E. Sigsworth's. Mr. and Miss Burleigh, Odessa, are at George Trousdale's. Mrs. Ross Freeman is visiting her mothér at Fermoy. Miss Marion €low spent the week-end nt her grandfather's. Mr. and Mrs. Bot ting; Harrowsmith, at John Morri son's. Mrs. Robert Gooderham is home after visiting at Verona and Oates Flats. A large number spent a pleasant evening last Tuesday at the Ladies' Aid tea given at Mrs. Louis Boyce's. Mrs, Harry Camp sall, visiting at Godfrey, has return home. Miss Margaret McMahon is visiting Miss Margaret Watson. Ar. thur Smith's two children are ill. PERTH ROAD . March 9. --Teams have been hauling stone for the past two weeks and making preparation for the new road which is to be built in the spring. In spite of the inclement \weather on Tussday evening, the moving picture show given in this place was well at- tegded. A number from 'this vicin~ ity have been attending the. revival meetings at Wilmer. H, Ackroyd's little son is ill as also is Minnie Rob- erts. Excitement ran high hefe on Fri- day morning, whén fire broke out in the Underwood house, 'owned by H. Guthern. The bucket brigade turn- ed out and soon got the blaze under control. Miss Lorna: Stoness is visiting friends in the Limestone City, Mrs. J. Raymond at William Ennis'; Mrs. Davison and children at William Wallace's; Mrs. Bert Sim- kins and Mrs. Walter McFadden at W. Ennis'; Rev. Mr. Shorten, Inver- ary, will preach here on Sunday. Prayer meeting will be held at Mr. Garbutt's next Friday evening. : Mr. McDonald has returned from Toron- to. He is Perth Road C.N.R. agent. Mrs, Welham, her nts, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. Miss Ruby Buck spent a few days at her home at Sydenham last week. Mr: and Mrs. Barton, Harris, spent eof -days--in--the --eity week. Miss Lilllan Guthrie spe Sunday at home. A. Ritchie is at his 'brother's. after a visit among friends. {very largely attended. ontreal, is visiting [Woke THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Asim COUNTIES A Red Cross week. An energetic committee have snanagement and the pros- pects are good for a great deal of work belng accomplished. TR Wright, London, Ont., who attended the Contractor's Convention in Ot- tawa, stopped off here for a few days, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor. Surveyers are In this vicinity work- ing on the proposed electric road from Ottawa to Lanark. 2 v CAINTOWN. March 8--H. W. Powell was up on Tuesddy from Brockville. The anni versary services in the Methodist church last Sunday and Monday were Born, to iMr. and Mrs. E. J. Kuhnt, on March 2nd, a son, Mrs. Etta Hogeboom and sda, Harold, have gone to the former's home at Guelph, called thers on, ac- count of the illness of her mother. Miss Beatrice Dickey was home for Sunday from Atpens High School. Hanley Ferguson has returned to the west, after spending a short time at his old home here. Eli Hayes has moved this week to Grahamton to the Earl farm for this year. Mr. and Mrs. Homes Scott are going to leave this week for their new home in the west. ' Miss Alice Tennant is spending a week in Athens, the guest of her sister, Mrs. H: R. hnowlton. - Most of the farmers have taken a share in the electfic railway that is to pass through. here. ; MORTON. Margh 8.--There passed to rest on Friday, Marth 6th, a highly respect- ed residefit, in the person of Mrs. Albert Martin, after an ness, ex- tending over several years. For the last three months she had been con- fined to her bed. She bore her suff- ering without a murmur. Deceased Was born on a farm a couple of miles from the village, sixty-two years ago, and spent her whole life in this vi- d- {niecity, moving into the village with her husband, about a year and a half ago. "Her husband, two sons and two daughters are left to mourn. One sister also survives. The funeral was held on Sunday forenoon. Mrs. Robert Foley has gone to spend a few days with her son at Lyndhurst. Mrs. Burns Simpson, Jones Falls, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J Stewart. O. Jones, Chantry, spent Satorday with his mother, Mrs. R. Laming. A number from here at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Allen Earl at St. John's church, on Sunday last. NEWBORO. March 8.---Mrs. (Dr.) Gardiner: and son, Jack, returned to Kingston on Saturday, after visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tett. ward Fleming made a pleasure trip to Kingston on Saturday. Harry Leggett, Elgin, visited his son, R. O. Leggett, a few days last week. Elmer Bishop, bas moved into the Myers neighborhood. John McKenzie, will move to the Galligher house on Drummond street, in the near future M. Murphy has moved to his farm near Portland. Edward = Fleming has eréetéd § large ice house, from which he will supply the steamerr next summer, G. 8. Wrathall is buil- ding a cottage on his Island, in De- vil Lake. R. Grothier is papering and decorating for James Barker. The parents are friends of Robert Bawden are glad to know that he is on tefra-firma again. He went with the 22nd battalion -Artillery from 'Kingston, left Quebec on the steam- er Megantic, which landed in Queen- stown, Ireland, a few days ago. MOREWOOD. . March 8.--The Misses Smirle were week-end visitors at their home here. Miss Jennie Reveler: is visiti latives at Chesterville. A. W. Reveler visited week at Russell. Miss Helen Hag- i to hex Mrs. lA. on Thaesda, IE ort) ey eiaay 0) Utman retwrned home last Mrs: Robert Noxth ind little ; , Manion, are Mr. and Mrs. i si Ts ___ MURVALE iyo A of | King and W. Ritchie. is home | Typ = Society friends at | fering from mumps. Ed- ill "Mrs. N. Shaver and Miss / Ellisville. Mr. and Mrs. Reid's on Tuesday. JUNETOWN. March 8.--Mrs. Willfam Flood is quite ill at the home of her parents at Soperton, where she was called, owing to their severe illness. Sev- eral from here to-day attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Robert Hog- an, Ballycanoe, Mrs. Z. Purvis, Lyn, is this week renewing old acquain- tances here. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus- on are guests at J. A. Herbison's. Egbert Avery and Miss Orvilla Av- ery were in Brockville on Friday. Rev. W. A. Wilson," Ottawa, was guest at T. Franklin's from Saturday to Wednesday, officiating at the Cain- town anniversary services, George Greene and Miss Virlin were at Ath- ens on Thursday. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Doherty, Eseott, spent Monday and Tuesday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andress will" shortly move to the McNish farm.gear Lyn. Mrs. M. G. Herbison is the guest of her brother Edward Tennant, Ath- ens. J. T. Tennant, Mallorytown, visited friénds here to-day. Miss Beatrice Avery, Brockville, spent the week-end with her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baile spent Sunday at O. Baile's, Purvis street. Wil- | Jiam Flood spent the week-end at Mr. Earl's, Soperton. Mrs. Jaceb Warren and Arden Warren attended the 'Masonic supper at Mallorytown on Friday evening. Harold Fortune spent Sunday with friends in Lyn. Miss E. Price spent Sunday at W. R. White's, Caintown. Mrs. Horton, Morton, spent last week the guest of her sisters here, Mrs. B. and R. Fer- guson. Miss Orma Mulvaugh has left for Athens, where she will short- ly open her millinery business, [Lennox Addington MOSCOW, March 10.--The entertainment given by the young people in the in- terest of the Ladies' Aid was well rendered and was a credit to those who had it in hand. Miss Myrtle Me- Caul, Napanee, has been visiting her sister, who is principal of Moscow scheol. Miss Ethel Brown had the misfortune to fall on the ice while skating and gave her face a bad cut. Hervel Huffman, merchants Bank, Napanee, is at his father's home suf- FLORIDA March 6.--~Hanlon Carrol, confined to the Kingston General Hospital, is improving. . J. Huntér ig still quite . G. A. Bateman spent Friday at ilieone aft Hes. A-"Bathotich and chil , after spending a few. 3 joni Je. Babeock's Ads ee tand Mrs, J. Wallace, have ¥eturned to their home in the west. Mrs, J, E. Storms, Mrs. E. Lucas spent Fri- day calling on friends in this vicin- ity. Mr. Shea, Murvale, passed through here on Thursday buying calves. i EMERALD March 9.--Well, old Emerald 'is not dead yet, although the grippe has beef very bad. A few of the neigh- bors spent an enjoyable evening at Mrs. ¥. Henderson's. A damee ' was held in W. G. McGinnis' cottage on Friday last. Miss Ida Reid has re- turned to her home after ing a few weeks in Kingston. . Willard and R. Instant have completed fill- ing their ice houses. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Beggs have returned home. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Munro, a daughter. Prince Edward PICTON March Tne Hallowell school was closed last week, 'owing to the illness of the teacher. Mrs. R. Els- worth spent a while last week with 2 Mp ; Mr. and Mrs. Collier, South Bay, vis- Tine oe. aia a ara: 8 visi laughter, . 5 Hicks is fll. Nr. ye Fo a L. lier.. Mrs. J, STRENGTH = LE and Mrg. C. G. Fox were town visit ors on "Saturday. BLOOMFIELD. Marth 9.--~The W.M.S. of the Meth- odist church gave a concert in the town hall on Thursddy evening last in behalf of the Red Cross fund. Vo- cal and instrumental music was giv- Box of Monkeys." Among those who assisted in the prograiame were Miss Dell Camphell, Miss Letha Steamburg, Mrs. R. Louiburrow, Mrs. (. Stan. ton, John Shannon and wife, H. Mc Dowell, Claxton Burr and Frederick Hubbs. 'lhe proceeds were $39. Ptes. Henry Parkins and E. Cunnell and Sergt. Thomas Gordon, with the Second Contingent at Kingston; were here visiting their families last week, Blake Pearsall gave a dance to his friends on Thursday evening fast in the house recently purchgsed ~ from Col. Lighthall. The Pifton orchesiry furnished music. , Refreshments were served to seventy-five guests. A good many are suffering from colds and grippe. Buston Baxter was at Toronto last week, and pur. chased five horses to put on' his farm. He is buying machinery and other ar- ticles. William Caley and wife and Harry Running and wife arrived back at their former homes last week, after a two years' sojotrn in Hamilton. They report business dull, and being out of employment, came back here to work on farms. Four head of cattle helonging to the Dominion Cunners have died re- cently from an unknown cause: They were sick only a short time.. Perry Barker gave a party to his friends on Friday evening. Mrs. John Brans- combe is at Brighton at her father's, John Jom®s, who is ill. Hastings STOCO. March 9.--An old and respected resi- dent of Stoco passed away last Sat- urday in tne person of Friar La- vecgue. His remains were placed in the vault at Sugar Island, awaiting interment.» To-day several teams crossed Stoco Lake, notwithstanding that some days ago the local newspapers pronounced it unsafe. i TWEED. Tweed, March 9.--Mrs. James Mar rin, Marmora, was the guest of her sister, Miss Annie days last week. Mrs. Charles Clarke appéars greatly improved since her return from Kingston General Hos- ital, where she underwent a success. ul operation. J. M. O'Brien, Erms- ville, paid us a business visit last week. Miss A. Hennan, Grafton, ar rived in town last week to take charge of Mr. Preston's millinery par- lors. , Bho will be assisted by Miss Grate right. "Stephen Kinlin is greatly improved in health; so much so that his daughters, sisters of the House of Province, Kingston, and his son, William, Ottawa University, who were summoned home, returned a few days ago to their respective du- ties. The A eal agent for the Ford car reports having sold ten cars dur ing the past six weeks. A. J. Fitz gerald has announced his intention to commence operations in his hub {ao tory on April Ist. The potato eva- Porating Plant here is tuming out about bags weekly, No doubt the b8ys al the scene of war relish their home potatoes, evaporated or otherwise. 7 : Lanark | FOLGER. March 9.--R. 8S. Dennison is here Lowe's little daughter, who has been very Ill, is improving. Mr. J. Simp- son has returned home from King- ston. J. Love, assessor is making his yearly rounds again. A number from hére attended the party at A. Deachman's. Flower, Monday even- ing. =H. Cameron visited J. Simp- gon's, on Sunday. Quite a few have been ill of grippe. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart and family ¢alled on friends at Canonto on Sunday. Mrs. G. Pen- fold is visiting at Flower. bs LAVANT STATION Lawrence, Canonto. Miss ¥. Ewart, teacher at Beattie's School, was the guest of Mies Hilda Jacob for the week-end. H. and E. Hogg, Galbraith, and J. Watt, Balderson, are visiting Mr. and, Mrs. William Thomas, "Hillview mo Pearl Horne left on Monday for Lan- ark to learn mil with Mrs. Cowen. Mrs. J. : frew, retu home C on en, also a two-act play, entitled, "Ag Rayburn, a fews from Napanee on business. William} 1 |___March 9.--Misses Mary Thomas. and Jessie Jackson and George Tho- Mothers are glad to see the children enjoy Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, because they know it is so good for them. Pure Cocoa is rich in food value and is so easily digested. 26 "Made in Canada." ; = LABATT'S STOUT & The very best for use in ill-health und convalescence Awarded Medal and Highest Points in Atnerica at World's Fair, 1893 PURE --SOUND--WHOLESOME JOHN LABATI, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA « Sh Lo = d. Agent, 339-341 K Distant Fields. A wealthy lady in Grand, Rapids, Mich., went to New York to purchase furniture, believing she wouid thus get better designs and fashions. When the furniture arrived, she found' that it had been manufactured in Grand Rapids, a few blocks from her home. " Distant fields look green, but if you will refer to our advertising columns, you will find that you Zn supply your wants right here, quite as well as y sending your money to mail order or other out-of-town houses. Give ple a chance first, anyway. ' || LA y your own towns pee- Backache Is A Sure Sign of Kidney Trouble. shooting paing *'almost double you up" '--orif you have 10 stop WQrk sometimes and lie down to ease your back --then your Kidneys certainly are affected and you need GIN PILLS. . : og Liniments and plasters won't cure the trouble--at best they give only temporary relief because their medication never reaches way into the Kidneys. But = = KIDNEYS go 1itht to the Kidueys. A few hours after taking the of Gin Pillsyyou see as well as feel, that Gin Pills have reached the Kidneys and have started iu on their work of healing and curing the distress. | "hase used : i ve Sia 7 Jd they LA EET EEE A, ot i 6 for $2.50. Gin in Canada", =2c38 Es