THR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1915. MM ioucchold Bare Locks, yore 4% mis on TORCH « GRIN oN SS PERFORMANCE. *M.. AND 7.30 P.M. : : Happenings in 'the City and Vicinity Fouture Vaudeville Acts. \ ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Famous Players Plims, 5 Reels, Ing § i | *'OUun S Readers of the Whig. Mary Pickford in "Throat gargle." Gibson's. "OC DERELLA." Mr. and Mrs. David Murray are vis 'nd other Phote Plays. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES LOST. FOR SALE. in the Bank vu oronte ave been found by many to be a grad iting in Montreal. New Programme Henny and Thursday Ba TE ve ox wo TOOK A THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS, Cosi . Trey a a . « re X > t , , % S wgnveniance us "i be opened Lin he ames of h "i an E en. Silinny Hops, Mont ine oes et be extra, Pirst Ingervian 15.8 Wart. th con mi intaite Ni ym Hitle. Ones, 208: three times, $0¢} band and wite. and e epos r hdraw money n- rea " Vi . a Grant 5 evening, kindly re- one wee pan An Wile y ont tHide: & your George A. Mackie, algary, a form- bs a word. Minimum charge for . } . urn Same to 184 Harrie street -------------------------------------- ¢r hingstonian, is visiting in thé e by. ? oe: ST811 tae month, 82. - IESE FEATHERS, APPLY TO MRS, I Goldman. 337 Diviglon St INCORPORATED William Swaine, plano tuner. Orders : | " - FOUND. = ceived at Meluey 8. . Phone 64. - a on MAHOGANY SECTIONAL ROOK-CASE, St. Patrick's Day cards, ete HELP WANTED. wis ® snap, 41 Purk's. « Phone 7006, ro atrick's 3 3, as XN DRESSING Book Store. Open nights. Matjuee at 230. Breuning MI%, LADIES SCARF 1 nE i "he LN VT OF 5 WORDS OR LESS room at Charity Dance Owner WORMWITH FIANG, ALMOST NEW He Merrick, post office inspector, EIT RE a 4 ;b AN Ab UT ad, césts 5c lor ome telephone A Prize reasonable "and terms easy, is. conlined to his home owing to Diveetion of Unpt. Prideans, nignt, or Sc for "hres. lw sn . " " Write to Box 1342 Whig office. i In the 3 Aet May, A LY - ? ; ~pring tonic. Gio to Gibson's. TWO DINING ROOM GIRLS. APE, TO LET 14 NROWS MARK, 4 YEARS OLD, Al i ! Rritish American tole and, good for farm or elty Capital and Reserve Funds, $11,400,000 ' . K. Hemming underwent an . S ' y ae : - ] Bt . STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ETC, ingston Matiress Company, ition at the General Hospital for Iriah Pletures, Songs and Music he COAT AND VEST MAKERS, PL clean and dry. MeCann, $3 Brock bre $ tons 118. to 4 Livingstone amd Hro, 1 n Street. Market Square . Kingston tune tween mets. ~ re mniigham, piano toner, 21 Matfer Zoe, Wie, Mle Onllaren 13e. HWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, Me- $4,000, RRIUK, Jansson ST, L| King street. Leave orders at Mo.» Yvenlng: 5 s Alb, T30,. 3100, . WORK THE Cann's Real Estate Agency, 82 frame, Bills street. Chokes i , : : A TAILORENS, TEADY ; an : GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager . Auley's Book Store, Senin now on ie rwi ros Sain; houses ta rant Apply i - year re nt Avpis Warwick Bre Brock St. - a a eh tahay NIPOOT ih J ii 's 'rincess siree dn-- emia cs ne a iy 2 te, | Evulsien, ; ie. $ilbaoh 8. : gr LOTFIC = C LARE 7. CH an a hone T43 rs « A. Covert and little dau AN EXPERIENCED NU us % ' bers. Apply te Cunningham -- -------- ghter, 8 are in the city vis- COMING! axed person preferred. Apply to Mudie, 79 Clarence St. 1 rRIGHT w ari sow © ven. TENTS ee 7 iting Mrs, James Gowdy " iy {3 Gore Kireet Pu ron at Tacks. Wn 3 TRE BRICK HOUSE, NO. 35 INVISION ST, : yihing must be sold by July Several post eards have fheen re- THE LERK FOR GRGCERY containing eight -rooms (mo y 1st. Lease expires. Frank W. ceived from. N. Greenwood, who is : store: mu ray me experience Possession May 1st, Apply .at & Cooke, 19 Clarence street. ow in Los Angeles, Cal. A Apply 135, Whig office Union street Wes \ LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND Phere was no meeting of the Skat- og ANT FOR STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN a number of first-class heaters at ing Club on Saturday evening, owing Day when "Ap ar, Mrs. M dry, slry rooms; your own lock and low prices; also a big ns a to the bad condition of the. ice. 8 Sutherland, 15 Da street key. Frost's City Storage. 299 niture. J. Thompson, 333 Prin --_-- Idd vey om pte EVERY WOMAN ; Queen St. Phone 526 Bt." Phone 1400, aid iain Cn Ji iA ' ve cream bricks. sthson 's. 2 r recuiirme Brie WH ( 1 a : : « GIRL FOR GEN- - LE - . Any one requarmmg Brick om Pile would do Plumbing, tinsmithing and heating. AN EXPE ney .n HAL in the THAT DESIRARLE RESIDENCE NO. WIRSL Some SeDATaLe in . Moy T= 4 : y 3 Rp | vive Prompt attention, W. UU. Bennett, win evening at 95 Frontenac street. 118 3 Bago ay rel a EE et Be volumes Applied Ele vit Age order now We have a quantity on hand for carly spi 191. street Phone 1033 EGG-0 BAKING POWDER panded, al er Se _ altbre revolver, Al o an. Aps i : ) i eet. ne . y D GENERAL SERVANT, PER- May 1st. Apply 1a D. A. Shaw sly 110 Viet re y . 1 . Mr. and Mrs. J. Jackson, Roches- Endorsed by C00 manent Pp { no washing: good = - renames - ) pn use and ean fill all orders promptly. ter, N.Y,, are in the city for the Mrs. Florence W. Wade, B.A. ; 3B street. AT a1 JOHNSON STREET, CORNER SALE OF BICYCLES -- SCOUT Wi funeral of the late R. J. Gowdy. The Eminent Dietitian, mt te of University Avenue, rooms suit. yeles Pastime Bleyeles : : $35 : " : ; \ NE ble fo Bt 1 keeping. A , i 34 ; pring tonic at Gibsons, : a TERyANT, on ov En y eniences. ne 337 HP $50; Hod Ww " * Kingston Brick Yard, A. NEAL, Phone 1396 , Rey, J. O Dunlop snd Mig, Tine; at : 80D Apply at 38 Divisior Johnson t speed gear, $6G Geo. Muller, 37 lop, and are spending a few days P | adies Tailo - street > ALE OF LOT 2 THE 5 King oan with Mrs. James Gowdy, Sydenham ansian 10g SALESMEN WANTED "FOR _AUTO- 2 ho A i p | ---- " street. : - cM. D. Rich, Manager. ALESUEN cinprosacd-Alr . Sprayers ston, commanly Kato the FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. "Spring tonic at Gibson's. High Class Suits made to and choise nursery stock Liberal arrell: ged p : Ite Grand Orange lodge of East terms. Cavers Bros, Galt OR EXCHANGE--BEAUTIFUL Brick house, 7 rooms, furnace, lights, gas for ¢ook- en Ontario opens in Ottawa on Wed: order IBD MEN. GOOD EYE. meu roo HOUSE. MODERN home with income, Colorado. Twens "wi acs . a 5 . . AHLE-B N. " ents, corner Quebec and y ac Orchatd. alfalfa, small ine. verandah, garage. Lot has a frontage of 66 feet) feta | ingston delegates wilt at- Golden Lion Block, Opposite Son Kage 'Fxperiante oaeeen ' "Also a few buns (ruit, poultry, 'modern bungsiows 2 : 3 A is Gout 5. rer 9 5 % ark, not ye ajoi i © Aw sell, coms- aod locatio rice 800. Pte. Fdward Hipson, of the 21st Post Office. 8 ely te axe. -Raliway. nted. J 7. Boyd, 108 lets desc ription. Mrs. Phoebe 0) ation, ¢ y Pson, a ratiBritish Wire, tts, Grand Junction, Col Overseas Battalion, and a son of =k -- pe, ] - Datta Srand Junction. Talo -. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. Josep Higson, of hin sity, ws A NEW CEREAL LIGENT PERSON MAY I HOUSE CONTAININGTR 3 56 Brock st J Driver Representative Phone 68 ously ill of pneumonia. an JaTELLY monthly corresponding PRIEK ho oe covpay I kOaMs . . ' y . "lee cream bricks." Gibson's. ! newspapers: he, Sanvaasing Hghting: RA a ' toh, hear " NAL Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McNeely and D J kson PN 3 ears: rent. moduraty, Po HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, NIRTHMARKS 3 . : cate, 3.96% Lockport. N.Y sion May Ist. Apply 72 Es family were in town on their way to r. ac $ erste op m-------- os relhoved. DITMARSAOY. ped * | Yarker, > here Mr. MaNenly has taken Ro Meal POSITION WANTED. HA AT mn) - ADL © House, scar; 30 years oX rience. br, Fie Over a large general store. man 257 Brock St, cor, Clergy St 0 er . Lake, , ""Fhroat gargle." Gibson's. STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, GOOD AT rooms, hot water heating, electric Throat and Skin Bpeciaiist, 268 , : . : 1 de~ Hght, lawn, ete. also brick house, Bagot St . Miss K. Blacklock, Glenburnie, who blacksmithing or carpentering, 107 Clergy 7 rooms and bath- Rl aS This ig net only a medicinal cereal sires position. Would accept any ? ergy . I rooms an ath was operated on for appendicitis at but ia tasty as Tells It is delicious as » kind of remunerative job. Good room. Apply 249 Brock St. : : i the General Hospital, on Thursday cereal or made in pan-eakes. references. Apply in first Instance . DANCING. A nice lot of Automobile Accessories. morning, is progressing nicely. y inl alse ss annus ens 10-Ot to Box 1167, care Whig of office. DENTAL : "Spring tonic at Gibson's. teguiar size . Eran vph a 28 ots. = MISS FLOSSIE HUDON, AUTHORIZED ; : 2 NKRA A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, D DS, RE. to tench br FB Naas Orders were issued on Saturday At Your Family Gracers. WANTED GE A, -- moved to 258 Princess Street. aon ¥. Frof Frank H Jorma ~ abolishing the United States econ- FENWICK, HENDRY a 00. LADY. Twa mous, { NFUR- tee appointed to standardize the NEW GOODS. FRESH TUBES. CUT PRICES. | salute at St. John, Que., and trans- rol a od, _--ue ROOMS, room and SPARKS ANY SPARKS: St Le modern dances, Dayton, Ohio, June : 3 4 . 1814. Fox- . Yan~ : . ferring - the one in Owen Sound to gE m------ bt ung re i a, after May is os Phone 346. Bt on Tret, Hesitation and Tags Tn 17 10 vo AP o 3 or A PORRITT GARAGE CO, Limited Kost W liam; bricks" Glbsow's SERMON ON ST. PATRICK. oe office DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST, DE. 7. B. Fhowe 320 . ribs 8. -- tn a nton," assistant, Tincess Dean Coleman gave a splendid ad- | po : , Abe ty i cs STORM SASHES REMOVED, EST Street Phone 735, Always at your service Phone 454. dean Davie Tivtigotons, the | Preacheq By -CaneniWicsiernii in St. TORN es HiVEN on old OF HEX CAPP- | meee. ARCHITECT , 2 ion" - b aul's Church. r work 'Rai ing of moving A a a os Hero of South Africa," at the Young ¢ whi aren . J eas. C Ww. Kellar, 10 Pat- Ist, corner = Princess and Bagot WM, NHWLANDS & SON, AROHI- Men's Club in Queen Street Methodist anon FitzGerald, in St. Paul's rick street, phone 125%. streefs. Entrance on Bagot Street. tects, . etc, Offices, 268 Bagot St i ---- - - Church on Sunday afternoon. Church on Sunday evening, gave an -- pa Phone 61 : -------- Lisut. Colin Gibson, an, TM.U. | excedingly interesting sermon on "St. CU STOMERS, I PAY Jan HIGHEST MEDICAL. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MIR . . graduate, shot 'in the lung, is in hosyi- | Patrick, * dealing with the noted sa'nt prices. for new and. SeepREs SRG ww --- chants' Rank Building, = corner Having purchased the right to manufacture and sell the iui at Hazebronck, = France, and in! from a new standpoint. furniture. AN inde of Surbiton im, a, COON, M.D.C.M.. (FORMERLY or tChants' Hank, Iuilding, - cores SEA TT Spr a Ll I Just the thing for your Equipment. yi : : \ Elgin). 8 , 93 Wellington Si "en | satisiactory condition. He is very In dealing with this subject, | Drop 'a card and 1 will call. 8 isin). Surgery liington 'Sie | Drop a card. O'KEEFE PATENTED CEMENT Ls popular in the 13th Royal Regiment. | know that I shall Jos. over ground Shapira, 4 Princess utreet. "Jee cream bricks." Gibson's. ! scorched and hot with mamfold con- STUART M. POLSON, M.A, M.D.CM, | uy TO RENT WITH OPTION OF PUR. A oh un rigor Mat Hat an . GRAVE VAULT wai The Grand Trunk railway trains | troversies, said the speaker. nt. chase, from five hundred acres. to Eye, ar. nose bide! IAT, OATERING are having splendid patronage these Patrick is by some regarded as a fifteen hundred acres of pasture New York. Office, 132 Wellington, in Kingston and vicinity, we are : 1 days. The service is very expedi- | myth. Dr. Fetrié tells us that rom Ba ant orp taln ane nine FE Peet Sse. Fed hours, hada v4 od A ae ete prepared with a-good stock on hand, i tious 'and the company is obliging thy verious Listories there would seem, Frontenac county preferred. Ad- Pry also rent dishes; tale Il and to fill orders and place them in the and painstaking in its relations with = fo have been seven different Patricks. dress Box 93, Whig Office. fiverare | ge and" amhrdon ground at a very reasonable price. ; its patrons. Patrick was rather a title of honor NTLEMEN TO BRING THER BUSINESS NOTICES. Hambrook. 170 Alfred. Streets All persons wishing to see these -- t "Tinseed Cough Syrup." Gibson's, | than a personal name in the strict or cloth and have it made up Into up- Phones #43 or 303 vaults, call at the office of Lrivest, Broek street, ea received | Sense of names. But 1 do not think to-date suits. Prices and workman- H, WARD, PAINTER Ay PAPER ol" pring id samme ods or | (hat any wd, Wintel" oeine EB Sil MTR pio KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCTS, his order clothing Mepartment, also in will doubt that the tradition of a ing an 2 Sopa BE oa Galloway, tention. 177 Welli gion Seer. ready-made clothing and gents' furn. Whole nation embodied. in docaments 1 k street, near Bibdy's elln, n ishing department they are all well #8 old as the seventh century and re- i Qarsge. eo so { assorted with new goods for spring i \i JOSEPH RUSE, 4 CHESTNUT ST, HAS | producing itseli in the most perman- | OLD COINS WANTED. $50 PAID FOR opened up a quarry on Stephen St antl summer. ent of all resords. © The topography 185% half dollar, ho arrows: $5 for Cut, building and rough stone are - - "5. Syrup Figs, 15¢. Gibson's. uf the country must have had a solid 187% 8. Mint; $100 for 1894 Dime, 8 | supplied promptly and reasonable g a s . Mw aes foundati i h di Mint, Many valuable voins cireo- prices, a Ki ea S a i I. Fowler] Glenburnie, was in King. | foundation in fagt in that tra ition | Sopinite X. M. CA ginger ~~ > h § a . lating. Semd : now de. . Get our S . * a ston last week "and left for 'Toronto, | A8eTikes the national conversion. to Coin Clrevlar. May mean large (von MOVING PACKING OR UNPACK- '3 pring ime 18 where he will assist in getting the Rt. Patrick. What material have we profits to Jan Numismatic Bank. ! ng also furniture and & Ragen mm steamboat 'City . of Ottawn ready for | fcr our histerieal inquiries ? Wwe have Dept. 10, Ft. Worth, Tex. 3 heh in Lean wohe promps » ~ Kodak Time pe roceries navigation. He will resume his posi- | YVO acknoW legen works, "The Yon- | ANTED TO BUY, A CONVENIENT | Albert street. Phone 13 265, ? % } be . | tion as assistant engineer for the com- fession and "the Epistle of Coroti-| small ore in central Toemtion, | Co 5 THE TIE. To. SHMARTEN ag \ 291 ing, season. oe | ! » 8 ; Our. stock of Kodaks and You can get hae gr m ] inseed Cough Syrup, 15." Gia- "These two , works farm the 'hasis | * A HNETTER HOUSE, ABOUT ap J Tossing. Repairing and - FINANCIAL he he U e Gro- , stant - aru $4,500, with: all improvements leaning. lentlemen's own mas Cameras range in price from | the city at the Unique G son's. of all the historic evidences of waiNTED FOR RENM.~--A LARGE terial made; fit and style right PRONTENAC LOAN AND INV $400 to $25.00, Leary and Meat. Market. The Watertown, N. Y., Times re- the __ saint. Lhe history of the house, with improvements, about Prices moderate. A trial solicited ment Boele'y: incorporated 186%; A full and complete line of |" "i * marks: Kingston has had another Confession is rather curions. The $2500 per manth. o Adirass 243 fred iran fon the president, Col Colonel Henry R. Smith. Films, Film Packs, Photogra- Fry our ( 'offee, dynamite scare. © All the nervous Hook of Armagh is one of the great | Aush Q SEVERAL AT 810 Ta wm. Gro. - em-- Tn Sn unjeipal and coun phic. Papers, and Photo Sup-| - shocks which Ontario has had recent- ig of the library in Trinity | : Sebentures; mortgages purchased: plies. 4, H.-PICKERING ly would indicate that the ferry from College, Dublin. ) It is a very tom-{ » . UPHOLSTERING. LEGAL. 4 Qebacits SS hh and oan . 3 peite volume. It ntains the onl - p We dévelope and print with 490 Princess St. Phone 530 Ringhion io Sage Vins: will be Bilis anol the ata | We 3 r. GAVINE, ar A.B. CUUNNINGHAM, BAWRIsTER __CIArence strest care and dispatch. TT" | the ice goes out. transmitted to us by the warly 'brish | id Sabet aa A A ay 'office, 10 Clar- | Jy la LONDON AND : { : > church. The manuseript fixes its ne {trees Se Roating. i -- gon Fire in Insurance hig ett ach i own date as it expressly tells us that | orn te . 3 Which 3 he I ols re ties % 4 i | the Gospel of St. Matthew was finish. [FURNITURE REPAIRING AND UP. | ! security the unlimited Hability g "ed on September lst, S07, AM. This)' 'holsiering of * all kinds. House ANYONE ANYWHERE C city brope=ty. insursd at lo » 3 and _anthiue furniture repairing a poss! rates. alietors rone IS to ieEditn hook is a fegular Ripationy. _ eon: | Pnclaity. alse Jone Rater, Dons old le ving ne Dusiness WULIUIY WV RIV RUILY {tains a charter from Bryan Born to a card ater, rates anes & trange, : the Church of Armagh, writes in by 39: Prifaens Street. = Agents. Phone 836. . Bathe by hig chaplain. It conta ""wiso the most ancient lile of St. Pat-© THE GRA Ki on Sie is To "the Edi-| <The, Conlamgon. sontains a, : ington, ~{To 'the Bdi-| € contains. none of | : tor): Will. you allow me a little! the ridieulous miracles which the | 3. Patrick's Day Will Be Worthit, BUILDERS ! : bl : ot space in in Jom valuable paper to wsk | later biographers delight to record. Honored. C 'ouncil why swe who live an | It is just an account as a missionary | The United Irish Societies -wili NH ® . UrpeErimoms" treo" should have 13 cf diet ngs might be como 1c calobPbte St St. Patrick's Day with a Have You Tried. 1 a Hach a Asx for ung the road | ? ang pose. Its Latinity is rude and arch Hons attraction at the Grand Opi | a Ve on it Use a i We havé to pay for the pleasure Canon VitsClerald then spol at 00, Sw Stomublis Lo | Eh a Tack, hd Bh Shido We Sambal ae thot land sin missions, snd © of _the children. Ne Saumot & ; v | Hh of 1 Lstopped its oward 'rush. The vietim had the large home of | his right leg badly broken, and aps | other smaller bone, besides having (his ankle. Sind tna eu; right eys badly braised i NE i Downers cond